Is it just me... (Full Version)

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Dustyn -> Is it just me... (5/31/2006 4:32:30 PM)

or is there just a lack of general activity on this section of the forums?

I mean, since switches are basically able to find most answers to their questions on either the Master or Submissive forums, exactly what use is the Switches forum, other than the occassional food fight/sploshing event?

Just kind of curious...

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Is it just me... (5/31/2006 6:49:35 PM)

Your first barrage of threads seemed to start out here, I think that would answer your question enough for you.

There is less activity here than on other boards, but it still serves a purpose.  I know I've been able to sort through and see things from a switch perspective here.

Lashra -> RE: Is it just me... (5/31/2006 6:53:08 PM)

I think its because switches have less issues or so it seems to me. We do what we want to do and don't care what others think (or we shouldnt). Labels don't mean that much to most and that seems to be the biggest amount of threads...people trying to figure out where they belong in the BDSM world. Am I a sub or am I slave? Am I a Dom or am I switch? which of 12 collars should I slap on some girl? etc etc.
Switches don't seem to have those problems, or as least as much.


FloridaISIS -> RE: Is it just me... (5/31/2006 7:46:34 PM)

Being fairly new to the forums,  I take comfort in knowing there are other switches on CM that want to share their ideas, and they feel comfortable enough to come to "their own" to ask for help when needed.
For the most part, only a switch can fully understand another switch. I think we need our own little section for sanity's sake. [;)] 

HarryVanWinkle -> RE: Is it just me... (5/31/2006 10:13:33 PM)

I think it reflects the general membership of collarme.  If you look at profiles without specifying orientation, you'll see that very few members list themselves as "switch."

BitaTruble -> RE: Is it just me... (5/31/2006 10:35:20 PM)



or is there just a lack of general activity on this section of the forums?

I mean, since switches are basically able to find most answers to their questions on either the Master or Submissive forums, exactly what use is the Switches forum, other than the occassional food fight/sploshing event?

Just kind of curious...

No one likes to ask us stuff because we're so confused.

tic [8D]


Dustyn -> RE: Is it just me... (6/1/2006 3:14:42 AM)


ORIGINAL: BitaTruble



or is there just a lack of general activity on this section of the forums?

I mean, since switches are basically able to find most answers to their questions on either the Master or Submissive forums, exactly what use is the Switches forum, other than the occassional food fight/sploshing event?

Just kind of curious...

No one likes to ask us stuff because we're so confused.

tic [8D]


*snickering softly* yeah, but we are adorably confused most of the time...

Dustyn -> RE: Is it just me... (6/1/2006 3:16:11 AM)



I think its because switches have less issues or so it seems to me. We do what we want to do and don't care what others think (or we shouldnt). Labels don't mean that much to most and that seems to be the biggest amount of threads...people trying to figure out where they belong in the BDSM world. Am I a sub or am I slave? Am I a Dom or am I switch? which of 12 collars should I slap on some girl? etc etc.
Switches don't seem to have those problems, or as least as much.


Maybe we are just more laid back than most people, with less of a stereotype to live up to?

Dustyn -> RE: Is it just me... (6/1/2006 3:19:28 AM)


ORIGINAL: LuckyAlbatross

Your first barrage of threads seemed to start out here, I think that would answer your question enough for you.

There is less activity here than on other boards, but it still serves a purpose.  I know I've been able to sort through and see things from a switch perspective here.

Still trying to figure out some answers to those original questions, but this was just more of a musing, I guess, LA.  Just rare to see very many posts on this thread that are new, as compared to any of the other forums.

sophia37 -> RE: Is it just me... (6/1/2006 6:21:24 AM)

No its true. This section IS quite. I would consider myself to most defintely be a switchable. But I come here for the fun and Im pretty well balanced, so my questions would be aimed at a different general section.

I mean the answers in this section would come off as hey, if you have a problem with topping, then try bottoming! Whats the big deal! lololol

Actually you can sneak that into any discussion, be it Doms subs etc. We swtiches are the ultimate subversives. lolol

Dustyn -> RE: Is it just me... (6/1/2006 6:50:07 AM)

Subversive? Naaahhhhh... I prefer the appelation of social anarchist...

WyrdRich -> RE: Is it just me... (6/1/2006 7:02:01 AM)

        People are usually going to post in the forum that seems most appropriate to the question (usually....).  If things get a bit slow in here, so what?  Do you see the kind of crap that gets thrown around in "ask a Mistress?"

        Also, since switches aren't "cool" we don't get nearly as many posers trying to prove that their chatroom experience means something.  I'd speculate that this forum has the highest percentage of actual people who do this stuff for real.

Dustyn -> RE: Is it just me... (6/1/2006 9:20:21 AM)

Uhmm, not being female, I really don't have much cause to go to the Mistress forum, so no, I don't really know what get's thrown around on there.  I do think you have something there about the percentage concept.  Does seem to be a bit less strife, chaos and generalized mayhem that goes on in threads on other boards.

Lashra -> RE: Is it just me... (6/1/2006 10:30:17 AM)

I think WyrdRich, like alot of us, probably frequent alot of the different forums just for information or comical value [:)] I read most of them except the Gorean and Poly sections as they have no interest for me. I look thru the Master section occasionally and even answer some questions as I feel a Mistress can also be viewed as a Master and in fact some require that they be titled Masters. To each thier own


WyrdRich -> RE: Is it just me... (6/1/2006 12:13:47 PM)

    Information, comedy, and even jumping right in with my heretical 2 cents worth.

Dustyn -> RE: Is it just me... (6/1/2006 4:52:33 PM)

Inflation has pumped it up to 3 cents now... *sigh*

dominmd -> RE: Is it just me... (6/1/2006 9:37:04 PM)

We march to the beat of our own drums........floggers, whips, canes, etc. And it is nice to come into a forum that for the most part has few topics that get people all hot and bothered. I have yet to see a flame war start in this section.

BitaTruble -> RE: Is it just me... (6/1/2006 9:53:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: dominmd

We march to the beat of our own drums........floggers, whips, canes, etc. And it is nice to come into a forum that for the most part has few topics that get people all hot and bothered. I have yet to see a flame war start in this section.

Two switches in a flame war.

"You're an ass."

"You suck!"

"No way. It's YOUR turn to suck!"

"I sucked last week! I'm going to beat your ass!"

::claps hands:: "WooHoo!"

You can't fight Mother Nature.


Dustyn -> RE: Is it just me... (6/1/2006 10:44:03 PM)

*laughing helplessly* Very nice, Bita...

champagnewishes -> RE: Is it just me... (6/2/2006 12:34:38 AM)

I come in here simply to escape...there's always a quiet corner to be found...and damn if you switches don't throw the best parties around!  [:D]

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