Posts: 3
Joined: 9/1/2007 Status: offline
I have been an absolute novice when it comes to the issue of real time submission. Living in India, the BDSM scene here does not inspire many. Imagine my joy when I had the opportunity to serve a Caucasian Pro-Domme from the USA. She was visiting and living in India. Her name Mistress Mohini. Of course, I was nervous as hell. I was a virgin when it came to such interactions. So great was my excitement, and so unbridled my enthusiasm that i reached a whole one hour before the session was due to start. She did charge a hefty price for this interaction but I had deemed that i was in the closet for too long. All my dreams were about to come true and so it mattered little that I had to dip into my meager savings to finance this jaunt of mine. On reaching early, I had the gall to disturb Mistress Mohini while I waited in the hotel lobby. She was enraged by this act of mine and decided that it would cost me fifteen minutes of my session. She had me wait outside her room while i could hear her pace up and down the hotel room in her high heels. It was humiliating waiting outside her room but i did it dutifully. Finally she let me in, i felt over awed by her regal presence. Dressed in a corset, pale to a fault, and most beautiful. She greeted me respectfully and made me aware that I was staring at her like a hyena would on the African plains. Her professionalism was amazing. Her care for me even more. She also happened to be very humorous. By the end of the session I was pleased and also bruised and battered. The next day i fell ill by all the stress i had taken and the beating. I had a high fever although I really do not know if it had anything to do with the session with Mistress Mohini or the stress preceding it. All in all it was a positive experience through :-)