needing more opinions please (Full Version)

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ciari -> needing more opinions please (10/26/2004 2:57:11 AM)

I recently had a situation face me that I wish to relate,
to the kajirae on this list.Tis the way i saw Y/you at all fing it corretly done?
It was a Gorean event in my home. Uncollared kajirae were expected
to arrive no less than 30 minutes prior to the start of the party
help ready everything. The first arrived 50 minutes ahead...
obviously a kajira who wished to be pleasing, she took no chances
arriving late.

The second arrived only 20 minutes before the start of the party
minutes late), and all she said was "sorry I'm late," then she
busied herself with changing clothes and helping out.

The third kajira arrived just over 30 minutes late (a few minutes
after the party started). Once this kajira had changed clothes I
called her out to the smoking deck for a private conversation.
About 30 seconds before she arrived at the party I had already told
the Slavemaster that I wasn't sure I would let this girl remain at
the party if she showed. I questioned the girl as to why she was
late. I had no way of verifying her response as to her tardiness,
but what she did next was so Gorean that I would not make her leave.

So what was it that this girl did that so caught my attention, as
unexpected as it was?
Realizing that she was in trouble... and that her reaction and
response were being carefully judged... she fell to her knees and
began kissing my feet in an attempt to placate me. Did it work?
> a word, yes. Was she sincere or insincere? The fervent kisses
> placed upon my feet were all I needed to decide she should remain
> the party.
> Does that make me a "pushover?" Depends upon your perspective. If
> having a gorgeous creature in skimpy slave silks on her knees
> placing kisses on my feet to placate me makes me a pushover... I
> plead guilty in this instance.
> Other kajira... learn from this! All the clues you need are in the
> books. Read them.

cheeba0228 -> RE: needing more opinions please (10/26/2004 8:11:13 AM)

As for myself would I have let her stay??? Yes. Would she have been punished???? Severly. She would be a paga slave (yellow silk), or a state owned slave (grey silk) there for all Masters/Mistresses and first slaves use, and in this case abuse. As she is the last Kajira to arrive, she would serve as last in the so called pecking order. By her showing up late she did a diservice to all that attended not just to her Master/Mistress. That would be made clear and I would make sure that everyone at the party could, would, and should have a chance to partake in her punishment. Kissing my feet would be a good start but it would not have ended there.

sweetpleaser -> RE: needing more opinions please (10/26/2004 9:45:33 AM)

So, what would happen if she didn't show up at all? I assume this is all voluntary. What if she was unavoidably detained? Would she be kicked out of your group? Couldn't she just find another group to belong to? I realize that I am not a slave type so I don't see the seriousness of this. I especially do not see that she should be abused like Cheeba suggested, JMO.

Destinysskeins -> RE: needing more opinions please (10/26/2004 9:52:24 AM)


First, a bit of a preface to this post - i'm not Gorean so perhaps my opinion will not be applicable and/or desired.

That said...

With all due respect, i must disagree wholeheartedly with You in this matter. Granted, i wasn't present, don't have all the information pertinent, etc but it does sound as if this was not a sincere reaction on the slave's part. Personally, i would find the simple act of having been sent home thus preventing my interaction to the Masters whose attention i would have most likely have been courting to be proper punishment. In my opinion, if the slave had been sincerely apologetic a number of things would be likely to happen. Would i have been in her place - 1) i'd have a damned good reason for being late (2) i would have been extremely humble and apologetic for my tardiness and would have expressed that sincerely & profusely (3) i would have immediately sought out what assistance i might be able to provide (4) i would have offered to stay late and assist in clearing things out/cleaning after the event. *shrugs* to my mind doing these things would be a concrete and definable way to prove my worthiness to attend as opposed to performing an possibly empty show of apology.

Well wishes!

BeachMystress -> RE: needing more opinions please (10/26/2004 10:33:49 AM)

ok, I'm not Gor or Dom, but, what this girl did was manipulate you. She played you like women have played men for centuries. You get them thinking with their ego and penis and you can do whatever you want. She broke the rule. She didn't have a good excuse. She should have been sent home. The lesson you delivered was that your will can be flouted if they pander to you afterwards. You gave this lesson not only to her, but the other two as well.

cariad -> RE: needing more opinions please (10/26/2004 10:47:32 AM)

please forgive this slave for what she is about to a slave who has had Gor training, this slave would most certainly explain her reason for being late, then do what it took to make amends, including getting into the apology position knowing that this slave would more than likely be punished for her tardiness..

if Master asks for something to be done in a timely fashion and she is late getting it done she apologizes, while W/we are separated by 3000 miles for the time being, the one time this slave didn't get done what she was told to do on time, and for that she kneeled before Him and said, "this slave begs forgiveness Master for not getting it done on time, and knows she will be punished. she knows that a good slave takes her punishment with dignity and courage, does not beg to get out of punishment and most certainly does not beg for punishment to end because to be punished by You is to be given the gift of learning and growing as Your slave."

when it came down to it, this slave did take her punishment wiht dignity and courage, even though it hurt to have Him paddle her bottom, she has learned that time is of the essence, therefore when He asks it to be done by a certain time she tries to get it done and if she can not she then asks for her time to be extended.

again this slave apologizes if she was out of line. Master and this slave are not Gorean but this slave does serve using the Gorean methods, and is proud to be a slave to her Master.

ciari -> RE: needing more opinions please (10/26/2004 9:03:18 PM)

this girl thanks all reponses.....i appreciate every persons opinion,free,owned,collared.Gor,non Gor,....... i ,as all, will always learn along our travels,*smiles*

Suleiman -> RE: needing more opinions please (10/26/2004 11:40:11 PM)

I've never understood the appeal of the Gor novels and thus know nothing about Gor as a lifestyle choice, but yeah, I gotta agree with what has been said. That was a manipulative act of contrition. I've seen the same happen before, and more often than not, the sub is "testing limits" as the child psychologists might say. By forgiving her, by letting her get away with her transgression, you essentially weakened your authority. Now, I probably wouldn't go so far as Cheeba0228, but definately some sort of public display would be called for (and might very well be what she was hoping for).

Actually, being a "denial of priveledges" kind of guy, I think I might just set her to work in the kitchens or the coat room and not let her actually out to play (assuming I were the host of such an event)

cheeba0228 -> RE: needing more opinions please (10/29/2004 12:12:40 AM)

She could freely decide to leave in the case described she pretty clearly decided that she wanted to stay. And if she did then in true Gorean fashion she would have to attone for her tardiness. By Gor standards her actions were offensive to the guests and therefore it would be up to her to gain forgiveness from all the guests. And in all things there is a certain pecking order so to speak by being late she put herself at the bottom of that list. Not by anybody elses actions.

MistressDREAD -> RE: needing more opinions please (11/1/2004 5:33:57 PM)

Excuse Me Masters for this post in Your area:

for those here whom have stated actions on
Gorean matters I My self seen that they were
along the lines of the books and as Gorean would
of been much the same actions. Cheeba is not
out of line with the actions spoke of and they
could even be worse however were not. I dont
feel the slave was taking undue advantage of
the situation for in order to do that it would of
had to have begged not to be punished and
it did not and instead took what was given it
with dignity as slaves of GOR are taught. Those
whom are not of Gor here and made comment
simply need to be enlightened to the severity of
a S/M Alternate Lifestyle based off of writings of
a set book or books. Many came to BDSM in the
70s after reading the Story of O not understanding
what the story was about but taking enjoyment of
how the story made Them feel and act and react
and look where BDSM has come to today. Gor is
simalar in this Alternate Lifestyles choice but is a
bit extream to the norms of BDSM and usually NOT
accepted in the least by the more socially correct
bedroom D/s players of the other far end of Our
Lifestyle. Of course then there are those even within
Our Lifestyle of GOR whom are either far left or even
farther to the right............. JMO

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