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RE: "White Hispanic" - 3/30/2012 6:08:56 AM   

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Black irish

(in reply to mnottertail)
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RE: "White Hispanic" - 3/30/2012 6:14:37 AM   

Posts: 60698
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Oh, I agree MM.  While Jackie Gleason was forwarded as black irish seriously, I do know that Obama was born in Kenya, which is not in Irish at all.



Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to Musicmystery)
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RE: "White Hispanic" - 3/30/2012 6:15:40 AM   

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Curious about the "Sluts Vote" avatars? See

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RE: "White Hispanic" - 3/30/2012 6:16:44 AM   

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ORIGINAL: mnottertail

Oh, I agree MM.  While Jackie Gleason was forwarded as black irish seriously, I do know that Obama was born in Kenya, which is not in Irish at all.


(in reply to mnottertail)
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RE: "White Hispanic" - 3/30/2012 6:20:23 AM   

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(in reply to Musicmystery)
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RE: "White Hispanic" - 3/30/2012 6:34:35 AM   

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Well, geeze, I guess I was right in the first place.  In fact, upon reflection, I guess I was wrong once in my life, and that's when I thought I was wrong; but I wasn't.


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to Musicmystery)
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RE: "White Hispanic" - 3/30/2012 6:45:19 AM   

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From: Dirty Jersey
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I think what Music was trying to say was if this is what worries/pisses someone off,they have very little to be worried or pissed-off about.

"Or was it just a stupid fucking yellow journalism stunt, to make sure a tragedy could be properly exploited in the standard "white racism against blacks" template the media applies to these kinds of events?"

Perfect example.....

Fake outrage from someone with race issues, falsely claiming someone else`s(the"media")racial bias , after reports using a racial description of people being reported on.

Cons are very sensitive about racial words and code-words and who uses them.After getting their guts kicked out of them over racial issues(and gender issues) and seemingly always coming out on bottom,the GOP have a chip on their collective shoulders.

One of the base,gut reactions of racially challenged angry(and small minded) people to accuse others of being so.Misery loves company,so after acknowledging and knowing deep down that the GOP and conservative America suffers from racial/prejudice problems,their only path is to try to imply that liberals and the MSM are ALSO racially challenged. .

But usually it`s an exercise in futility, like a drowning man reaching for the light as they sink.

Like when the righties started saying that the left was waging a "war on women".A crying child,screaming as her wrist gets slapped that her brother was also pulling the cat`s Brutally pathetic.

Everyone has heard the pointless rants from cons about not being able to use the n-word but how blacks are allowed to?The level of naivete and ignorance is to big to describe in words.Truly one of those concepts where if you don`t understand already,it can`t be explained.

Pretty much the only entities that have injected race into this story has been the extreme right and foxnoose victims and a couple republican presidential candidates..

Some how because Al Sharpton shows up,it`s open season to poison the news-stream with race,race-baiting and racial fear mongering.


"As for our common defense, we reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals"

President Obama

(in reply to TheHeretic)
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RE: "White Hispanic" - 3/30/2012 7:16:59 AM   

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From: Pittston, Pennsyltucky
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My eldest son's grandfather was a Cuban refugee. When The Beard took over, he got in a boat and made the hop to Puerto Rico. From there, he claimed to have been born in Puerto Rico and, eventually, came to the mainland (NYC). He had very dark skin.

He married a Puerto Rican girl and had many children. One of them being the mother of my eldest son. Now, I can't call it a preference but I have certainly had my share of relationships with ladies of color. This is how I would (and did) describe "Luz" (a shortened version of her actual name which means "light").

Many people forget or don't seem to know that the "slave trade" included Cuba and Puerto Rico as part of their route and their "market".

While my eldest, Jaime, looks a great deal like me as far as facial features go, he has very "olive" skin. He's been mistaken for Sicilian and even Afghani (In Puerto Rico as well as Cuba and in my family, there's "Indian Blood" so our eyes tend to be a little bit oriental-ish). I've never seen him that way. I've always seen him as "Jaime".

I can't speak to any possible "racial divide" in Cuba or Puerto Rico (where there are also people of darker skin color) but, I can speak, first-hand, to some of the situations I witnessed having been a "part" of the Latino community.

It's true. As human beings, we all have some kind of prejudice. It's also true that racism isn't only a disease of the white man. There were some people I knew who were Latino and racist but, just like as happens in the mainstream, the intelligent people find a way to accentuate their similarities instead of harping on their differences.

Do you know why the NAACP became so powerful? Lighter skinned black people who may have been a bit "racist" put away those feelings and marched and worked with darker skinned black people toward a common goal. I found the same to be true in the Latino community and it helped form some of my most crucial thinking.

Frequently, I bemoan the fact that we spend far too much time worrying about the things that divide us instead of trying to build a foundation of what unites us. I take Rich's point with his OP because this is exactly what the media has been trying to do; paint Zimmerman as a "white" racist.

We've gotten to the point in this country where white people are considered to be racist merely by having been born white. If I said: "I know this guy who's a racist that ...", most of you would assume I was speaking about a white guy. So, the media has been trying to "prove" that Zimmerman is a racist by identifying him as "white". They think it gives credence to their argument. They're wrong.

I have watched people on these very boards make assumptions about someone based upon the color of their skin; as long as their target is "white". You see, we've gotten to a point in our society where people can accuse a white person of being racist simply because they were born white and no one raises an eyebrow. It is racism in-and-of itself but it is commonly accepted even institutionalized. It's also as despicable and disgusting as any other form of racism.

Being bi-racial myself, I have never "officially" claimed to be anything but an American. Sure, there are certain forms and situations where racial data are needed for some kind of government study or affirmative action or whatever. I've never used that.

I wish we all could try to come to the conclusion that no matter from whence our families hail, we're Americans; first, last, and always. My Italian and Irish cousins have no idea that I even exist so it's doubtful that I'll ever live in Ireland or Italy so I am not an "Irish-American". I'm an American and I wish we all could be.

Peace and comfort,


< Message edited by DaddySatyr -- 3/30/2012 7:18:49 AM >


A Stone in My Shoe

Screen captures (and pissing on shadows) still RULE! Ya feel me?

"For that which I love, I will do horrible things"

(in reply to Owner59)
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RE: "White Hispanic" - 3/30/2012 7:54:45 AM   

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Thinking cynically:

You call yourself “White-Hispanic” so that you can claim that you are entitled to any aspects of Caucasian privilege ("White Privilege" *) that may exists in society AND you can also claim to be an oppressed minority who should receive special consideration due to your “minority” status. You shift back and forth from being a member of the “majority” to member of the “minority” as it suits you and whichever will bring you the most benefit.


White privilege may be defined as the "unearned advantages of being White in a racially stratified society...

...theories of white privilege suggest that whites view their social, cultural, and economic experiences as a norm that everyone should experience, rather than as an advantaged position that must be maintained at the expense of others...

In essence, theories of white privilege assert that discourses on racial inequality do not truly discuss differences between white and non-white social status, but only discuss the failure of non-white groups to achieve normal social status

[Since "Normal" is being "White", non-Whites are somehow at fault, and Whites are not in any way at fault, for non-Whites not achieving sufficient "Whiteness" to make them the equals of "Whites".]

< Message edited by Fightdirecto -- 3/30/2012 7:55:23 AM >


"I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.””
- Ellie Wiesel

(in reply to DaddySatyr)
Profile   Post #: 29
RE: "White Hispanic" - 3/30/2012 10:22:19 AM   

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The Spanish, are uh, Spanish, i.e., Romance speaking Europeans, and have always been considered White as far as I know (Visigoths), although probably not White enough for WASPS, and for the most part, suffer under the additional burden of being Catholic, a somewhat less acute and painfully neurotic sense of modesty, listening to different music, and eating a lot of spicy food.

But the Spanish, are 'White" as compared to the Inido's or native Americans, which is where the confusion sets in - the Spanish had like a dozen different categories depending on how much of the inevitable admixture between Spanish and Meso-American was present, Mestizo, probably being the most common, half and half, I think, although I'm not an expert on Spanish castes systems.

Currently, I believe Hispanic is the least controversial term, encompassing both the original Spanish (and Portuguese) settlers and the various ecculturated Meso-Americans who speak Spanish or Portuguese - Latin culture, in short, and it's safe to use around either as far as I know, and more broadly acceptable than "Mexican", especially around here where the Descendents of the Spanish colonists still refer to themselves as Spanish, and speak a form of Castillian so pure they they don't even speak it in Spain anymore.

You don't want to call them "Mexicans", but Hispanic is acceptable, as is Latino, most of the time, although it's also used by more nationalistic Hispanics to describe themselves, and people are more likely to be testy about it in East LA for example.

i.e., if you see a lot of heavily tattooed gentlemen longing against Low riders, chances are good they are "Latino", but should not be insulted if you call them "Hispanic".

In any case, as I say, Hispanic broadly refers to Hispanic culture, music, food, cultural attitudes, etc., which are somewhat distinct from Anglo-Saxon, or WASP culture we typically think of when we say "White", which has been largely appropriated by neo-Puritan race baiting Protestant Anglo-Saxons, which probably might more accurately referred to as APS's, given that the melanin levels of ones epidermis has largely ceased to be of significant value in predicting any particular set of distinctive cultural values over the spectrum.

I am, for example, of French-Norwegian descent, neither of which are cultures particularly known for their modesty (naked schmaked), which aligns me more with Latinos (not that they go around naked, but they do have and express a healthy admiration for the human body, which I'm vastly more comfortable with than with self conscious pasties, which goes double for outright neurotically erotophobic neo-Puritans who I suspect are not entirely sane), and I've become addicted to spicy food - still not into Ranchero, although I've acquired a taste for Salsa, both for eating and for dancing.

Anyway, Zimmerman, if I had to categorize him from a distance, looks Latino, but has a German last name, so German Spanish, which does not, as far as I know, denote any particular cultural identity, but from his body language I would deduce more Latino of the hoodie variety himself.

Although, for all I know, he could be Cuban, Guatemalan, Brazilian, or even Samoan. Like many others, probably just mostly confused, and seems to be leaning towards the anti-African camp, which seems to encompass a certain percentage of European culture in the broadest sense, and which makes it no less pathetic and embarrassing insofar as it often masquerades as a "cultural value", but it is also conceivable his dislike of African-Americans might be a hoodie thing, as it often is, to the glee of White trash hoodies, otherwise known as Rednecks.

It's hard to tell 'em apart on that basis actually, although predictably, it does engender a certain degree of justifiable paranoia on the part of African Americans, whom almost nobody identifies with other than Rap fans and ghetto bootied babes of all cultures.


Walking nightmare...

(in reply to TheHeretic)
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RE: "White Hispanic" - 3/30/2012 10:28:17 AM   

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I'm a portugese dutch-german jew.
Born about Amsterdam.

(in reply to mnottertail)
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RE: "White Hispanic" - 3/30/2012 10:31:45 AM   

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I'm a portugese dutch-german jew.
Born about Amsterdam.

Dark, light, tall latte?

(in reply to MrBukani)
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RE: "White Hispanic" - 3/30/2012 11:19:37 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Musicmystery



I'm a portugese dutch-german jew.
Born about Amsterdam.

Dark, light, tall latte?

Just like my coffee, creamy and XL

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RE: "White Hispanic" - 3/30/2012 12:31:13 PM   

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ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr

My eldest son's grandfather was a Cuban refugee. When The Beard took over, he got in a boat and made the hop to Puerto Rico. From there, he claimed to have been born in Puerto Rico and, eventually, came to the mainland (NYC). He had very dark skin.

He married a Puerto Rican girl and had many children. One of them being the mother of my eldest son. Now, I can't call it a preference but I have certainly had my share of relationships with ladies of color. This is how I would (and did) describe "Luz" (a shortened version of her actual name which means "light").

Many people forget or don't seem to know that the "slave trade" included Cuba and Puerto Rico as part of their route and their "market".

While my eldest, Jaime, looks a great deal like me as far as facial features go, he has very "olive" skin. He's been mistaken for Sicilian and even Afghani (In Puerto Rico as well as Cuba and in my family, there's "Indian Blood" so our eyes tend to be a little bit oriental-ish). I've never seen him that way. I've always seen him as "Jaime".

I can't speak to any possible "racial divide" in Cuba or Puerto Rico (where there are also people of darker skin color) but, I can speak, first-hand, to some of the situations I witnessed having been a "part" of the Latino community.

It's true. As human beings, we all have some kind of prejudice. It's also true that racism isn't only a disease of the white man. There were some people I knew who were Latino and racist but, just like as happens in the mainstream, the intelligent people find a way to accentuate their similarities instead of harping on their differences.

Do you know why the NAACP became so powerful? Lighter skinned black people who may have been a bit "racist" put away those feelings and marched and worked with darker skinned black people toward a common goal. I found the same to be true in the Latino community and it helped form some of my most crucial thinking.

Frequently, I bemoan the fact that we spend far too much time worrying about the things that divide us instead of trying to build a foundation of what unites us. I take Rich's point with his OP because this is exactly what the media has been trying to do; paint Zimmerman as a "white" racist.

We've gotten to the point in this country where white people are considered to be racist merely by having been born white. If I said: "I know this guy who's a racist that ...", most of you would assume I was speaking about a white guy. So, the media has been trying to "prove" that Zimmerman is a racist by identifying him as "white". They think it gives credence to their argument. They're wrong.

I have watched people on these very boards make assumptions about someone based upon the color of their skin; as long as their target is "white". You see, we've gotten to a point in our society where people can accuse a white person of being racist simply because they were born white and no one raises an eyebrow. It is racism in-and-of itself but it is commonly accepted even institutionalized. It's also as despicable and disgusting as any other form of racism.

Being bi-racial myself, I have never "officially" claimed to be anything but an American. Sure, there are certain forms and situations where racial data are needed for some kind of government study or affirmative action or whatever. I've never used that.

I wish we all could try to come to the conclusion that no matter from whence our families hail, we're Americans; first, last, and always. My Italian and Irish cousins have no idea that I even exist so it's doubtful that I'll ever live in Ireland or Italy so I am not an "Irish-American". I'm an American and I wish we all could be.

Peace and comfort,


Are you really so fucking dominant that you can't talk about your ex without a load of bizarre and stretched descriptions?


I like to think he was eaten by rats, in the dark, during a fog. It's what he would have wanted...
(Simon R Green on the late James Herbert)

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RE: "White Hispanic" - 3/30/2012 12:33:05 PM   

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ORIGINAL: mnottertail


ORIGINAL: Moonhead

Not like somebody who's "black Irish", then...

The only two black irish that come to mind right off are Jackie Gleason and Barack O'Bama.

You're forgetting Phil Lynott.


I like to think he was eaten by rats, in the dark, during a fog. It's what he would have wanted...
(Simon R Green on the late James Herbert)

(in reply to mnottertail)
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RE: "White Hispanic" - 3/30/2012 5:30:56 PM   

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From: United States
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ORIGINAL: Moonhead

Not like somebody who's "black Irish", then...

Watch it Moon,I might take offence


If we want things to stay as they are,things will have to change...Tancredi from "the Leopard"

Forget Guns-----Ban the pools

Funny stuff....

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RE: "White Hispanic" - 3/30/2012 5:33:20 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Moonhead

You're forgetting Phil Lynott.

I thought he was a Scouser?


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RE: "White Hispanic" - 3/30/2012 6:10:50 PM   

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From: California, USA
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Well, so we have quite a history of the phrase, and still not much in the way of a willingness to admit why the New York Times, and the mainstream media that follow their lead, have decided to add it to descriptions of Zimmerman in this case.

It doesn't seem to be working, though. I doubt it will get picked up for the wires, but we've just had 7 local black kids arrested out of their classrooms, and charged with a hate crime, in the stomping of a middle-school hispanic kid. It seems they were yelling something about it being "payback for Trayvon," as they took turns kicking out his teeth, and leaving shoeprints on his face. I suspect this isn't the only place where things like that are happening.

(in reply to PeonForHer)
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RE: "White Hispanic" - 3/30/2012 6:58:11 PM   

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ORIGINAL: TheHeretic


Well, so we have quite a history of the phrase, and still not much in the way of a willingness to admit why the New York Times, and the mainstream media that follow their lead, have decided to add it to descriptions of Zimmerman in this case.

It doesn't seem to be working, though. I doubt it will get picked up for the wires, but we've just had 7 local black kids arrested out of their classrooms, and charged with a hate crime, in the stomping of a middle-school hispanic kid. It seems they were yelling something about it being "payback for Trayvon," as they took turns kicking out his teeth, and leaving shoeprints on his face. I suspect this isn't the only place where things like that are happening.

Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will be right there. They hate racism.


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RE: "White Hispanic" - 3/30/2012 7:07:29 PM   

Posts: 19100
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From: California, USA
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Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will be right there. They hate racism.


I saw a statistic today that 153 black youth are killed by violence, every week, in this country. I wonder how many of them might look even more like President Obama's son, if he had one?

(in reply to Kirata)
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