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Adult film producer convicted in obscenity trial. - 4/30/2012 3:59:51 AM   

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RE: Adult film producer convicted in obscenity trial. - 4/30/2012 5:25:11 AM   

Posts: 28072
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Oh, shit.

He was convicted for "obscenity". That's a VERY broad thing and is dependent on vague "community standards". The guy showed bestiality, which is itself illegal. Had he been convicted on those grounds, it would have been cool.

My impression is that the Bush administration used the bestiality and scat films to resurrect the obscenity laws, which AFAIK had not been invoked since Lenny Bruce.


"You women....

The small-breasted ones want larger breasts. The large-breasted ones want smaller ones. The straight-haired ones curl their hair, and the curly-haired ones straighten theirs...

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RE: Adult film producer convicted in obscenity trial. - 4/30/2012 7:49:59 AM   

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I'm not sure what the big deal is. If he was in the adult entertainment industry he should know it is a very complicated issue to try and clear every law having to do with it. Laws do vary state to state but they are set and others manage to abide by them(for the most part) Maybe this person should give uncle Larry a call and have him explain there are worse things that can happen to a person than getting a fine or doing some jail time.

And for anyone that doesn't know them or would like to.....

Fed & State Obscenity Statutes


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RE: Adult film producer convicted in obscenity trial. - 5/1/2012 3:21:16 AM   

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Of somewhat equal concern is the hope that this recent challenge will make headway. Just another residual of the horrible, horrible Bush years, Ashcroft/Gonzales et al.


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(in reply to MissImmortalPain)
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RE: Adult film producer convicted in obscenity trial. - 5/1/2012 4:55:14 PM   

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From: Northern New Jersey
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I found the fact that the Adult Film Industry doesn't even accept him to be a bit telling.

And I agree with you, there are a significant number of producers of pornography who manage to not find themselves the subject of criminal prosecution.  There must have been something this guy blatently ignored.

(in reply to MissImmortalPain)
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RE: Adult film producer convicted in obscenity trial. - 5/1/2012 7:23:12 PM   

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ORIGINAL: LafayetteLady

I found the fact that the Adult Film Industry doesn't even accept him to be a bit telling.

And I agree with you, there are a significant number of producers of pornography who manage to not find themselves the subject of criminal prosecution.  There must have been something this guy blatently ignored.

BESTIALITY... But I'm with DS, I wish they would have gotten him for that, as far as I know it's outlawed in almost every civilized country in the world. I have no sympathy for the guy, but truth to be told, I wish they wouldn't just give a glib "obscenity" as the cause, as from there, they can push it further (and yup, wasn't Santorum all for outlawing porn - I'm not a fan of it myself, but ffs, don't treat grown ups like kids)


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(in reply to LafayetteLady)
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RE: Adult film producer convicted in obscenity trial. - 5/2/2012 2:26:24 AM   

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Yeesh, Google can bring up more than just shopping and porn, lol.

Its not even illegal in roughly half of the USA much less most countries.


ORIGINAL: LadyConstanze


ORIGINAL: LafayetteLady

I found the fact that the Adult Film Industry doesn't even accept him to be a bit telling.

And I agree with you, there are a significant number of producers of pornography who manage to not find themselves the subject of criminal prosecution.  There must have been something this guy blatently ignored.

BESTIALITY... But I'm with DS, I wish they would have gotten him for that, as far as I know it's outlawed in almost every civilized country in the world. I have no sympathy for the guy, but truth to be told, I wish they wouldn't just give a glib "obscenity" as the cause, as from there, they can push it further (and yup, wasn't Santorum all for outlawing porn - I'm not a fan of it myself, but ffs, don't treat grown ups like kids)


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(in reply to LadyConstanze)
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RE: Adult film producer convicted in obscenity trial. - 5/2/2012 7:02:02 AM   

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I agree with you LL. A lot of people think the adult entertainment industry is a get in quick and make bank easy job that just anyone can isn't. And people should take very careful note of those that are shunned repeatedly. There is normally a very good reason for it being done.

*side note, this is not aimed at you LL*

Everyone really should stop just saying this is all Bush's fault. Uncle Larry caught a bullet back in the '70s. There have always been those that strongly oppose the show and there always will be.


It is always by way of pain that we arrive at pleasure.

We must all go through a right of passage,and it must be physical, it must be painful,and it must leave a mark.

(in reply to LafayetteLady)
Profile   Post #: 8
RE: Adult film producer convicted in obscenity trial. - 5/2/2012 11:00:32 AM   

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From: Northern New Jersey
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ORIGINAL: LadyConstanze


ORIGINAL: LafayetteLady

I found the fact that the Adult Film Industry doesn't even accept him to be a bit telling.

And I agree with you, there are a significant number of producers of pornography who manage to not find themselves the subject of criminal prosecution.  There must have been something this guy blatently ignored.

BESTIALITY... But I'm with DS, I wish they would have gotten him for that, as far as I know it's outlawed in almost every civilized country in the world. I have no sympathy for the guy, but truth to be told, I wish they wouldn't just give a glib "obscenity" as the cause, as from there, they can push it further (and yup, wasn't Santorum all for outlawing porn - I'm not a fan of it myself, but ffs, don't treat grown ups like kids)

If you look at the article, they mention the bestiality, but aren't specific about what the other "extreme activities" are, other than bestiality and others "depicting fetishes involving feces," so we really don't know what the jury was looking at which they determined "obscene."  I do know that other than "extreme fetishes," it doesn't mention BDSM was involved at all.

L.A. isn't exactly in the bible belt, and not likely full of a bunch of bible thumpers looking to abolish all pornography.  There is also the way the movies may have presented the various subject matter which could have caused the jury to determine the content as obscene.  We really just don't know.

I'm not against porn, and have certainly watched it during my life and enjoyed it, however, I do think we should not be letting people film anything, and some things are simply obscene.  There are people who like to watch snuff films which are definately considered "pornography."  It's impossible to be specific about what is obscene because it opens the door for anything to be ok.  Keeping it broad is a double edged sword, most definately, but think about it, is it really possible to list every single fetish and determine the obscenity of each.  Something is bound to be missed and when not covered by the law, but clearly obscene, there would be no way of stopping it.

Sorry, but I just don't share the belief that "anything" consenting adults do should all be "ok."

(in reply to LadyConstanze)
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RE: Adult film producer convicted in obscenity trial. - 5/2/2012 12:14:54 PM   

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Well, consulting adults doesn't include animals, and I read somewhere that the guy tried to justify it with "art and shock art" - which is a load of BS.

The whole problem I have with "obscenity laws" is that it opens the door to a can of worms, so what if a guy decides that all kinds of BDSM are obscene? From stopping the movies to really going after people engaging in it under the disguise of "obscenity laws" is a small step.

I honestly have no problem with whatever consenting adults do, I want to be able to do in my bedroom what I like without the possibility of being dragged to court because some prude might find a bit of BDSM extreme, of course there are things that make my stomach twist and I don't want to see, hear or smell them, but I'd be a hypocrite if I say I want a freedom for myself that I am not willing to grant others, simply because it offends my senses and taste, I'm pretty sure BDSM offends others, but if I don't want my sexuality regulated and governed, I have to extend the same tolerance to others, provided that they stay within the lines of "consent"


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(in reply to LafayetteLady)
Profile   Post #: 10
RE: Adult film producer convicted in obscenity trial. - 5/2/2012 9:59:45 PM   

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From: Northern New Jersey
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In the US (which I realize is NOT where you are located), our legal system simply isn't going to work for "some guy" deciding unilaterally that all porn is obscene.  That is the type of fear mongering that makes people post all these articles and worrying that they will be the subject of a witch hunt in the future for their sexual practices.

I stand by the fact that there are things that if people are too stupid to protect themselves from, someone needs to step in.  But then again, I believe that while our legal system isn't perfect, it does have a purpose and is an ever changing process for the good of all.  The inability to understand why the obscenity law needs to be open to interpretation rather than spot on specific is the mistake of thinking that it is all so simple when it isn't.

(in reply to LadyConstanze)
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RE: Adult film producer convicted in obscenity trial. - 5/2/2012 11:54:55 PM   

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We do not, and never did need, an obscenity law. Obscenity laws are some lingering vestige of the Puritans and their insane beliefs.
This site is (I presume actually) UK owned and certainly has residents of that country and the concept of personal autonomy is not clear. At least the level of censorship that happens here would make one think so.

Laws that regard consent is all that is needed. Rape mostly, as that could cover sex with a minor, corpse, animal, one with serious M.R., one in a coma etc. All the rest is just an effort by the religious right to control thought, expression and acts based on their cute little Ghosts and Devils routine.


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(in reply to LafayetteLady)
Profile   Post #: 12
RE: Adult film producer convicted in obscenity trial. - 5/3/2012 12:08:43 PM   

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From: Northern New Jersey
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ORIGINAL: VanessaChaland

We do not, and never did need, an obscenity law. Obscenity laws are some lingering vestige of the Puritans and their insane beliefs.
This site is (I presume actually) UK owned and certainly has residents of that country and the concept of personal autonomy is not clear. At least the level of censorship that happens here would make one think so.

Laws that regard consent is all that is needed. Rape mostly, as that could cover sex with a minor, corpse, animal, one with serious M.R., one in a coma etc. All the rest is just an effort by the religious right to control thought, expression and acts based on their cute little Ghosts and Devils routine.

Actually that is simply your opinion.

As to the laws to which this site must adhere, your presumption (unsurprisingly) is wrong.  This is a US owned and operated site.

(in reply to VanessaChaland)
Profile   Post #: 13
RE: Adult film producer convicted in obscenity trial. - 5/4/2012 1:47:15 AM   

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ORIGINAL: LafayetteLady

In the US (which I realize is NOT where you are located), our legal system simply isn't going to work for "some guy" deciding unilaterally that all porn is obscene.  That is the type of fear mongering that makes people post all these articles and worrying that they will be the subject of a witch hunt in the future for their sexual practices.

I stand by the fact that there are things that if people are too stupid to protect themselves from, someone needs to step in.  But then again, I believe that while our legal system isn't perfect, it does have a purpose and is an ever changing process for the good of all.  The inability to understand why the obscenity law needs to be open to interpretation rather than spot on specific is the mistake of thinking that it is all so simple when it isn't.

Unless they moved Los Angeles to the UK (which would possibly create a problem since it seems to be almost as big as the UK), I am very much located in the US, and it's exactly what you don't understand about how the laws are applied. You take ONE example, and they usually use a very unlovable person, i.e. a pedophile, to enforce a new kind of law, pretty universal practise really. So on the basis of this example, people will not protest if new laws are passed, if you doubt me, think about all the privacy that everybody lost with the "war on terrorism"...

If there are people too stupid to protect themselves, that falls then under not able to give consent. Apparently you do not understand how the obscenity law can be applied to everybody once you have it established, if it is vague enough (as in this case it is - I mean why not nail him for bestiality - why cite obscenity?) you open a whole can of worms, and the trend in the US seems to be going back to puritan rules and laws, in any other country some of the laws some states pass or Rush calling a woman a slut who thinks the pill for medical reasons should be covered by insurance - unthinkable!


There are 10 kinds of people who understand binary
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(in reply to LafayetteLady)
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RE: Adult film producer convicted in obscenity trial. - 5/4/2012 4:16:12 PM   

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Of course its "my" opinion, who elses could it be?
In the absence of any offer of proof from you otherswise, I will assume you are just attempting to vent hot air. Keep trying.


ORIGINAL: LafayetteLady


ORIGINAL: VanessaChaland

We do not, and never did need, an obscenity law. Obscenity laws are some lingering vestige of the Puritans and their insane beliefs.
This site is (I presume actually) UK owned and certainly has residents of that country and the concept of personal autonomy is not clear. At least the level of censorship that happens here would make one think so.

Laws that regard consent is all that is needed. Rape mostly, as that could cover sex with a minor, corpse, animal, one with serious M.R., one in a coma etc. All the rest is just an effort by the religious right to control thought, expression and acts based on their cute little Ghosts and Devils routine.

Actually that is simply your opinion.

As to the laws to which this site must adhere, your presumption (unsurprisingly) is wrong.  This is a US owned and operated site.


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(in reply to LafayetteLady)
Profile   Post #: 15
RE: Adult film producer convicted in obscenity trial. - 5/9/2012 7:32:49 AM   

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ORIGINAL: VanessaChaland

Of somewhat equal concern is the hope that this recent challenge will make headway. Just another residual of the horrible, horrible Bush years, Ashcroft/Gonzales et al.

I don't see anything wrong with age verification, that's hardly an infringement on free speech, or a "considerable burden" it's something any employer has to do, porn producers are no different.


Walking nightmare...

(in reply to VanessaChaland)
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RE: Adult film producer convicted in obscenity trial. - 5/13/2012 1:26:35 AM   

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Undue burden, placed by a government for the purposes of harassment based on their flawed notions that "porn" is bad for society, under any guise, is wrong. And thats what this is.




ORIGINAL: VanessaChaland

Of somewhat equal concern is the hope that this recent challenge will make headway. Just another residual of the horrible, horrible Bush years, Ashcroft/Gonzales et al.

I don't see anything wrong with age verification, that's hardly an infringement on free speech, or a "considerable burden" it's something any employer has to do, porn producers are no different.


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(in reply to xssve)
Profile   Post #: 17
RE: Adult film producer convicted in obscenity trial. - 5/13/2012 8:59:48 AM   

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From: a mean old Daddy, but I like you - Joni Mitchell
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I guess I'm gonna' have to sell all my sheep and erase all the poopy porn. I'll sure will miss those "two girls and one cup".

I think it's sad that in this supposedly civil world where even his judge has hucow and barnyard porn, he got convicted.


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I give good thread.

(in reply to VanessaChaland)
Profile   Post #: 18
RE: Adult film producer convicted in obscenity trial. - 5/26/2012 8:31:05 PM   

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Obscenity isn't so cut and dried which is why a federal obscenity law is problematic. What you think is cut and dried may not be so cut and dried, and what passes for 'community standards' in NYC prob won't pass muster down in the great hookworm belt. Even works most think of as literature have been banned as obscenity (take a look at the banned book lists going back in time, you would be surprised) and who is going to decide? Grandma Sadie in Tupelo, Mississippi? John Ashcroft, Bush's Attorney general, who when the threat of terrorism was looming, tasked people in the justice department to make sure that statues that had any kind of naughty bits were covered up, and was planning another massive commission trying to prove that porn was harmful and therefore should be banned but unfortunately/fortunately, got sidetracked by 9/11. When you reduce free speech to its lowest common denominator you are ripe for abuse and that is what goes on.

Remember the super bowl where *gasp* Janet Jackson's nipple was exposed for 10 seconds? CBS got fine some ridiculous amount, it was a record (I seem to recall a million dollars)..the Super Bowl is watched by 100 million people, and do you want to know how many complaints the FCC received? A little over 100 (not 100,000, 100), mostly from the bible belt.....

These are people who aren't all that far removed from Anthony Comstock (look him up sometime) , are we going to let discourse go down to their level?

Yeah, there are a lot of things that are to me obscene, I find shit play disgusting personally, there are forms of blood sports or roman showers that make me ill to think about....seems easy, right? But what about to mary lou dinkleheimer in nowhere, arkansas who thinks depicting two men living together is obscene? What is Purley Jenkins thinks that a video showing michaelangelo's David with its dongles flapping in the breeze is obscene?

Antonin Scalia, not exactly the most liberal of people, when they came out with the so called Computer Decency Act, that was supposed to protect children on the net, wrote the majority decision on the case and what he wrote was almost shockingly Brandeis-esque, he said basically the law was so broad, so ill written, that it could and would be abused to silence things that have nothing to do with children, that words like 'adult content' and 'obscenity' were so broad based it could stifle legitimate speech and expression far too easily and he was right, because the question again comes down to who decides? What "community" are we talking about? Does it depend on whether the judge is a card carrying member of an evangelical Church or Opus Dei Catholic like Rick Santorum or someone versed in the ideas of free speech?

This guy should have been prosecuted for putting out illegal images. Things like snuff films are illegal, even if simulated, and bestiality is like child porn in that it is non consensual, as would be a movie depicting non consensual S/M -abuse. This guy is probably a moron , I have no doubt, who figured he would go over the top and get a ton of publicity for what he was doing, but free speech is not defended in the middle, it is in the fringes. The founders of this country knew that, they said protecting speech most people agree with is easy, it is in the margins where the law and the will of the people for freedom is found. Someone (can't remember who) was talking about Howard Stern, the radio shock jock, and he said while he found him personally to be a childish, moronic boor seeking titulation in simply shocking people or being out there, he said personally he would give the guy the medal of freedom for pushing the limits and making it easier for others to express their views.

I know of more then a few in the 'alt community' who are planning on voting for Romney and the GOP in this election because they feel it will be better for their pocketbook and they are totally dismissive that Romney and the GOP posed no threat to them or anyone else , that all the posturing on gay marriage and abortion and birth control was 'meat to feed the base' so to speak. I wouldn't be so complacent, Romney is a Mormon, a serious one, and Mormonism is no less more tolerant then the evangelicals. When he was governor of Mass he had no choice, it would have been suicide to try and censor things or bring charges for porn and such, but on a national stage? We could see a redux of Bush and before him Reagan, which were not exactly times known for their progressive attitudes.

(in reply to LafayetteLady)
Profile   Post #: 19
RE: Adult film producer convicted in obscenity trial. - 5/27/2012 8:45:19 PM   

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ORIGINAL: njlauren

When you reduce free speech to its lowest common denominator you are ripe for abuse and that is what goes on.

While I'm not in favor of obscenity laws, and am a supporter of free speech, I would point out that its purpose lies in ensuring that ideas cannot be suppressed, and particularly not be suppressed by a government. Most porn shouldn't, in my opinion, be covered by that, else we run the risk of diluting the free speech concept itself and losing sight of its importance, much as Norwegian legal practices of equating sexual remorse to violent rape (if and only if it is the person experiencing sexual remorse is a woman and the partner is a man) has diminished the respect for the seriousness of the latter of those two, to the detriment of all.

Let's consider Ai no korida, for instance. It was clearly expressing ideas. It had content, served to explore a shift in legislation, tested social limits, dealt with an actual event (with artistic licence, of course), and challenged ideas held at the time. Deep Anal Abyss 3, by contrast, does not "speak" in that sense. It just is. Note that I've not had a look at the case in question here, so I'm obviously not in a position to comment on whether there were meritous aspects to the material the case concerned itself with. A recording is, in any case, seperate from the acts themselves (media makes a living out of, among other things, reporting illegal acts; with or without displaying those acts to the public).

Consent as a concept relegates the concept of obscenity to the realm of needless curtailment of personal liberty, in my opinion.

But I don't think we're doing free speech as a concept any favors by overextending it.

If you shout "dumb prick!" at someone, that's not expressing an idea so much as a sentiment. If you say "men are dumb!", on the other hand, you're expressing an idea. One I wouldn't agree with, but it's got content; it can be addressed, talked about, debated, considered and so forth. Not so much for the former. That's just a verbal equivalent of a monkey flinging poo. Same goes for a lot of examples I didn't use, such as the gender reversed form of the same phrases, the infamous N-word, references to orientation, and so forth.

Around where I live, blurring the line between "something that has been expressed" and "something that expresses something" has led to a lot of debate about how much (not "if") we should further constrict the already limited freedom of speech in an effort to prevent the growth of "unsocial" ideas, held to be dangerous. Anyone with half a clue what freedom of speech is about knows that debate is about how to pretend to have this freedom while abolishing it. A bit of mental scaffolding to avoid cognitive dissonance, no more and no less.. Keeping the issues seperate would have made it easier to defend this freedom against those that are willing to sacrifice it for lack of something unpopular of their own to say, all on the altar of theater (now playing, on all stages, is "Never Again 2"; the highly unpopular sequel to the widely acclaimed bestseller "Never Again").

Fortify the core concept so you don't lose it like we just did.

Freedom of art, perhaps?


Things like snuff films are illegal, even if simulated, and bestiality is like child porn in that it is non consensual, as would be a movie depicting non consensual S/M -abuse.

Ironically, the former even appears to include material produced independently by the actor(s) themselves, which seems a wee bit absurd. Reminds me of the Swedish police's vice squads raiding anime translators' workplaces when they found out that some of the inkblots in the comics weren't unambiguously of legal age. Or local laws where I live, outlawing any BDSM that could be seen as too rough by the standards of a community that for the most part doesn't engage in the heavier kinks. At least they're stopping the practice of trying to torture the female participants into "confessing" non-consent, bit by bit. I just a few days ago learned that they have done so on a routine basis since the 90's or so. Suddenly a lot of kink related cases here made a lot more sense. Love how all the details are coming out of the woodwork now that the methodology folks have to answer hard questions under oath.

from this guy's attourney →



"If God saw what any of us did that night, he didn't seem to mind.
From then on I knew: God doesn't make the world this way.
We do.
" -- Rorschack, Watchmen.

(in reply to njlauren)
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