RE: Younger subs (Full Version)

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LookieNoNookie -> RE: Younger subs (5/14/2012 7:04:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: CougarRick

OK, this is maybe a bit braver than I'm ready for, but since this is just chat I figure this may be a safe place to ask. Does the idea of a large age gap appeal to dommes? Do women ranging from late 20's to early 40's find the idea of a guy who is very young (legal but barely) interesting? Older women have always been a fantasy of mine, dommes maybe a bit intimidating, but I am curious. Is this an appealing thing, or is it a turn off?

Well, as an older have me be younger than them....they'd have to be 137.

(I'm hoping they got fake titties).

cyclical -> RE: Younger subs (5/14/2012 7:26:57 PM)

Just thought I'd say a lot of things you say Rick resonate with me as well so you're not alone or weird. I have the love for the older women as well!

I actually got into a pretty good conversation with a woman on POF but nothing ever came out of it. It was still a good experience for me. I've been more focused on my kinky side lately though.

CougarRick -> RE: Younger subs (5/14/2012 7:36:53 PM)

Ahh, a kindred spirit. What is POF?

ORIGINAL: cyclical

Just thought I'd say a lot of things you say Rick resonate with me as well so you're not alone or weird. I have the love for the older women as well!

I actually got into a pretty good conversation with a woman on POF but nothing ever came out of it. It was still a good experience for me. I've been more focused on my kinky side lately though.

cyclical -> RE: Younger subs (5/14/2012 7:43:17 PM)

Plenty of Fish. Think its the worlds largest online dating site. I honestly don't think too many women there are searching for younger men, more like trying to get married, but you could give it a shot if you want.

OsideGirl -> RE: Younger subs (5/14/2012 8:09:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: misterraymond
but for a Master an ideal sub is mid 20s through to late 40s,

Gee, I guess I'm coming up on a divorce then.

CougarRick -> RE: Younger subs (5/14/2012 8:15:18 PM)

I think my interest will be in meeting a dominant women. I don't think I would feel comfortable with someone looking for an equal.


ORIGINAL: cyclical

Plenty of Fish. Think its the worlds largest online dating site. I honestly don't think too many women there are searching for younger men, more like trying to get married, but you could give it a shot if you want.

AAkasha -> RE: Younger subs (5/14/2012 8:29:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: CougarRick

Was there any kind of affection with those younger guys or was it just physical?

There was a lot of affection - remember, I ended up marrying one after all. I had to be able to at least relate to them enough to date them, so it wasn't just S&M and sex, it was doing things together, and included things like work functions. However, if they weren't mature enough to present well at work functions or came off too young, that was a problem.

The dynamic was different from most romantic relationships only because I was the one in charge - I made the money (they were typically in college), I usually dictated the dates/when we saw each other, I was the one with my own place/no roommates, I called the shots. The thing is that I still enjoyed doing a lot of "younger" things anyway - clubbing, travel and shopping, beaches, parties, whatever - so socially we always would have plenty to do. Socially I was more "present" in the social circles of younger guys, and then had a dual life where I was corporate chick during the day that they didn't know about until we started dating.


CougarRick -> RE: Younger subs (5/14/2012 8:35:01 PM)

That's kind of along the lines of what I would be looking for. I guess I want someone who will have affection for me, and would spend time with me, but is still in charge. I agree that making it all about sex would be dull, making it feel less real and more like a game. I'm not the type to just throw myself down and submit though. I think I would like to start trying to be an equal, and have her detect weakness in me, and manipulate me from there. Mental and emotional dominance would be a must.




ORIGINAL: CougarRick

Was there any kind of affection with those younger guys or was it just physical?

There was a lot of affection - remember, I ended up marrying one after all. I had to be able to at least relate to them enough to date them, so it wasn't just S&M and sex, it was doing things together, and included things like work functions. However, if they weren't mature enough to present well at work functions or came off too young, that was a problem.

The dynamic was different from most romantic relationships only because I was the one in charge - I made the money (they were typically in college), I usually dictated the dates/when we saw each other, I was the one with my own place/no roommates, I called the shots. The thing is that I still enjoyed doing a lot of "younger" things anyway - clubbing, travel and shopping, beaches, parties, whatever - so socially we always would have plenty to do. Socially I was more "present" in the social circles of younger guys, and then had a dual life where I was corporate chick during the day that they didn't know about until we started dating.


OsideGirl -> RE: Younger subs (5/15/2012 7:31:56 AM)


ORIGINAL: cyclical

Just thought I'd say a lot of things you say Rick resonate with me as well so you're not alone or weird. I have the love for the older women as well!

I'm going to give you a piece of advice: When you approach an "older woman", don't start with that. Because if the first thing you mention is my're gone. Not because I'm sensitive about it, but because you've now indicated that it's the most important thing to you. Women don't care to be your fetish item.

forcedsensuality -> RE: Younger subs (5/15/2012 12:43:57 PM)

i've been thinking about this a lot rick. It does remind me of myself.

Such a fantastic fantasy, rather than learning he has to make the first move, take the risk, watch for the cues, the young envirge can avoid the anxiety of face to face and body to body interaction with his sex-orientation peers (young ladies, old teenagers, coeds, dairy queens etc)..

Rick I wonder if you are attracted to any "coeds" (lets call them) your own age. I remember myself and most men at that age were just big hunks of muscle engorged with testosterone, which made almost any peer-ish young (non-perishable) coed we might have peered at eligible (or better, let's call any girl your own age who is single and is also even slightly attractive a peer-rear-able-coed (since you imagine touching her on her bottom would be pleasant, not sickening, so your testosterone has alerted you to her as one of the many possible breeding partners in your territory with (viable) rear-ability) )

Many young people have a fantasy about love or first sex, eg prince charming instead of easy to get on with local bike-riding bad-boy, Mrs Robinson provides stuff mum used to and also helps you with virginity, or the most beautiful girl in the class, who everyone has a crush on, making the odds pretty slim.. The common element here Rick, the fantasy is fairly likely to be unobtainable.. so you needn't worry about the more average-looking attractive enough girl in your class who you do get on with but it'd be awkward since she's a friend, you're both virgins, what will happen if it doesn't work out ? all sorts of minor reasons not to have sex with her even though you both fancy the idea .. but Rick, in the case of your friend, you will have to plan what to do .. no-fairy-godmother will do it for you,.. you have to attain adulthood by responding to the enviroment you live in, which then activates your brain to grow further in the direction of post-virgin sexual competence and confidence.

It's a rite of passage Rick .. not some live-out-your-fantasy role-played & stage managed bit of adventure tourism .. to gain competence and confidence you have to do the new thing .. and i'd suggest, "the normal thing"
Ok you can argue that role-play subbing is a sort of sex, ok, yes it is, but do you see that because this particular sort of sex lacks the usual bearing responsibility for getting it on on your part, the responsibility that you and the peer-rear-able-coed/ first-girlfriend/ high-school-sweetheart would normally share.

I remember i used to do elaborate alternatives to some standard rites of passage (eg i like alternative music, so i don't dance to that consumer dross stuff that you want to dance to (even though i really fancy you and would like to do some real dirty dancing with you, i so insecure i'll dance like a tool, so this really radical avant-garde approach i have to music which is meant to make me look like a really intelligent individual(more intelligent than the rest of you i imagine you all presume)).
Notice how i put on the front of being clever and exotic and different which i need to sell to my friend the girl .. i'm slightly better than her you see so i think i can safely skip this normal rite of passage where i'd normally have to dance and risk looking like a tool, especially in front of her .. she'll be impressed by me and really want to go out with me and i guess i might have gone out with her in a parallel universe .. She;d be quite happy to dance with me however i danced, she's insecure too, and it would be kind to reassure her that however she danced it'd be ok (but i can't tell her that because i've said i disapprove of that awful regular pop music .. i guess she feels a bit insecure that i snubbed her music taste too, but i prefer the exclusivity of the more cerebral alternative music scene .. she doesn't dress right for that scene anyway (a pity, whu should it matter ,.. but she'd not only wear the wrong clothes to my alternative friend's places, she;'d say the wrong things about stuff .. she's so easy to get on with and accepting and uncritical of me, .. but she' too uncritical

well anyway, you can see where that is going Rick.

i think it would be a shame for you and maybe a bit hard on some of your friends too, i don't know .. do you keep this kinky fantasy of an older woman micro-managing your virginity a secret ?

I'm assuming you have a regular peer group ,, i don't really know .. i suppose kink groups are more integrated into regular social networks these days are they ?

See Rick i got so fed up with my exclusive arty friends, my exclusive lawyer friends, but particularly my exclusive alt music friends (who'd get on with the arty people but refused to get on with the lawyer friends "on principal" and used this matter of principal to drink too much and behave badly around the lawyer friends, all with this "we're so much wilder and weirder than those straight lawyers" guff).

So do you see the analogy ? Twenty years ago i wasn't involved with any local kinksters, it wasn't so fashionable, more thought of as a bit dodgy, especially this "slavegirl" stuff .. I did mention my mild masochistic dreams to a couple of girlfriends .. it lost me one girlfriend who wanted me to spend more time thinking about ways to play with her clit, but the other girlfriend was worse, she drunkenly announced to a dinner party that "[I] wouldn't fuck [her]" because i was too busy trying to get her to spank my ass..
See there she goes, whatever anyone here might think, she just jealously resented the kink stuff because it had nothing to do with her .. and we had a pretty good sex life that did have little to do with any kinky stuff..

But there SHE goes treating the kink stuff as seperatist, elitist, that i'm behaving like that stuff is better than her, not complimentary.

As a male of testosterone peak age, you're meant to be rather polygamous in your eying up of potential mates .. so i guess you're meant to be open to various different sorts of people's ideas of sex .. how easily the kink stuff with an older woman coexists with your "vanilla" (whatever) friends' activities, that's key isn't it ? If you have to turn your back on sections of your network that you'd be happier to leave open/neutral, that'd be a shame.

But i think the bigger issue is "normative" virginity rite of passage, the "normal" response to your environment that in turn is meant to help bring on some of the final brain developments .. important competencies to do with many-to-one opposite sex interactions and widest-possible social network (cf: cliques and special interest crowds that prefer exclusivity and rejection of "straight" society and/or find their eccentric practises out of favour and shunned by "straight" society)

But` whatever else you do, do not restrict your masturbation fantasizing to limited fetishes and stuff you can't use with the majority of future "normal" sexual partners..

Imagine a man who falls in love with a woman and they hit it off on every level except the bedroom, where he tells her "you're very sexy, gorgeous, i wanna have sex with you, but i can't have sex unless you tell me what to do .. yeah,, i know,, yeah you ARE really sexy .. i just need you to do one thing .. just tell me that you'll punish me without mercy if you don;t come !" .... "no, oh no, you're punishing me already, .. yeah, i can do it now ,, huh, you're mad with me already . .?? you already know you're not going to get off .. . well, that's a shame, but it works for me !!"

forcedsensuality -> RE: Younger subs (5/15/2012 1:19:02 PM)

uh sorry,

the above screed reads pretty shabbily,.. should have proof read it !!
spelling mistakes .. principals ? principles !!

yes, a stream of consciousness effort
unfinished sentences
uneven sets of brackets

i'm not sure how well what i wrote might apply to your local bdsm scene and its tolerance of "straight"/vanilla society
or the current straight society where you live and its tolerance of kinksters

CougarRick -> RE: Younger subs (5/15/2012 10:29:42 PM)

Oddly, I get along very well with the girls in my school. Outwardly I seem very normal. My circle of "friends" are the popular crowd in high school, and girls my own age find me very attractive from what I gather. I'm just not interested. I feel a pull towards older women both physically and emotionally


ORIGINAL: forcedsensuality
Rick I wonder if you are attracted to any "coeds" (lets call them) your own age. I remember myself and most men at that age were just big hunks of muscle engorged with testosterone, which made almost any peer-ish young (non-perishable) coed we might have peered at eligible (or better, let's call any girl your own age who is single and is also even slightly attractive a peer-rear-able-coed (since you imagine touching her on her bottom would be pleasant, not sickening, so your testosterone has alerted you to her as one of the many possible breeding partners in your territory with (viable) rear-ability) )

Many young people have a fantasy about love or first sex, eg prince charming instead of easy to get on with local bike-riding bad-boy, Mrs Robinson provides stuff mum used to and also helps you with virginity, or the most beautiful girl in the class, who everyone has a crush on, making the odds pretty slim.. The common element here Rick, the fantasy is fairly likely to be unobtainable.. so you needn't worry about the more average-looking attractive enough girl in your class who you do get on with but it'd be awkward since she's a friend, you're both virgins, what will happen if it doesn't work out ? all sorts of minor reasons not to have sex with her even though you both fancy the idea .. but Rick, in the case of your friend, you will have to plan what to do .. no-fairy-godmother will do it for you,.. you have to attain adulthood by responding to the enviroment you live in, which then activates your brain to grow further in the direction of post-virgin sexual competence and confidence.

CougarRick -> RE: Younger subs (5/15/2012 10:35:06 PM)

I get that, and I appreciate your point, but to me the "right of passage" has importance. Girls aren't the only ones who have romantic notions about their first time. I don't want a cheap tumble with another high school girl, just so I can say I "got some". I want the first time to mean something, and having it with an older woamn who had some feelinsg for me would be my dream.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want to sem all touchy feely; I also find older ladies to be HOT!! (I even find the early stages of sag and such to be very attractive in a graceful diva kind of way), but there really is a bit more than that.


ORIGINAL: forcedsensuality
It's a rite of passage Rick .. not some live-out-your-fantasy role-played & stage managed bit of adventure tourism .. to gain competence and confidence you have to do the new thing .. and i'd suggest, "the normal thing"
Ok you can argue that role-play subbing is a sort of sex, ok, yes it is, but do you see that because this particular sort of sex lacks the usual bearing responsibility for getting it on on your part, the responsibility that you and the peer-rear-able-coed/ first-girlfriend/ high-school-sweetheart would normally share.

CougarRick -> RE: Younger subs (5/15/2012 10:40:32 PM)

I certainly don't advertise it. It does become an issue. I have had opportunities to have sex, and I have always found a way out of them without raising any eyebrows. Usually when I find myself in a room with a girl at a party, we fool around, and many are more than happy that I don't try to go all the way. As for the ones that actually do.....well, after doing funnels (jock party), and guzzling beer, I can usually pull the old "I'm way to fucked up" to have to actually follow through.

Most people just asume I have been getting some regularly. They don't ask and I don't tell. All the guys just asume that I'm like them.


ORIGINAL: forcedsensuality
i think it would be a shame for you and maybe a bit hard on some of your friends too, i don't know .. do you keep this kinky fantasy of an older woman micro-managing your virginity a secret ?

CougarRick -> RE: Younger subs (5/15/2012 10:46:54 PM)

I don't know if I want to have a wide range of experience. I wouldn't mind just having one person who simply knows what she wants and tells me. I am very confident around girls my age but the minute an older woman shows up, I find myself feeling that junior high awkwardness again and just want to do whatever she tells me to do to earn her approval and affection. I realize that sounds pretty fucked up, particularly since I have real relationship options with girls my own age, but I just feel that way around older women. I like that feeling of vulnerability.


ORIGINAL: forcedsensuality
But i think the bigger issue is "normative" virginity rite of passage, the "normal" response to your environment that in turn is meant to help bring on some of the final brain developments .. important competencies to do with many-to-one opposite sex interactions and widest-possible social network (cf: cliques and special interest crowds that prefer exclusivity and rejection of "straight" society and/or find their eccentric practises out of favour and shunned by "straight" society)

CougarRick -> RE: Younger subs (5/15/2012 10:52:35 PM)

It's way more than just a masturbation fantasy


ORIGINAL: forcedsensuality
But` whatever else you do, do not restrict your masturbation fantasizing to limited fetishes and stuff you can't use with the majority of future "normal" sexual partners..

CougarRick -> RE: Younger subs (5/15/2012 10:55:17 PM)

What are you apologising for? Look, you offered a lot of great insight and I appreciate it.


ORIGINAL: forcedsensuality

uh sorry,

the above screed reads pretty shabbily,.. should have proof read it !!
spelling mistakes .. principals ? principles !!

yes, a stream of consciousness effort
unfinished sentences
uneven sets of brackets

i'm not sure how well what i wrote might apply to your local bdsm scene and its tolerance of "straight"/vanilla society
or the current straight society where you live and its tolerance of kinksters

CougarRick -> RE: Younger subs (5/16/2012 11:29:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: SylvereApLeanan
Seriously though, the answer to any and every question that boils down to "Are there any people who are into X" is going to be Yes. Yes, there are women who like younger partners. I certainly am one. I can count the number of people to whom I've been attracted and who are my age or older on one hand. All of my best relationships have been with people who are at least 4 years my junior. My husband is 7 years younger than I am and I've been known to date people as much as 15 years younger.

No, women who like younger partners are not always into the "mommy domme" thing. Hard fucking limit for me. I already have 2 kids; I don't want a partner who is childish. I haven't looked at your profile because I don't care. I'm basing my view of you solely on your words in this thread. Maturity is important. You might wish to cultivate some. [/color][/size][/font]

OK, point taken on the maturity part. I stand suitably chastened.

I don't really have an interest in a "mommy dom" situation as I certainly think that get's a bit creepy. I do wish to meet someone in my area who is older and dominant however and not put off by someone who is visibly quite younger. I do expect that I would have to deomonstrate that I am capable of coexisting with people beyond my years and I expect there will be some friction there, but that is ultimately the type of relationship I will be looking for.

My hopes on this forum are to understand the culture better so when I take the plunge into actually meeting people in the dom/sub culture in my area I have a better idea what I'm getting into and a better overall view of the bigger picture

LadyHibiscus -> RE: Younger subs (5/16/2012 11:55:13 AM)

Okay, how about some kind of social group where there are a bunch of people of various ages? (such things exist? I remember book groups, various outdoor activity things...)

CougarRick -> RE: Younger subs (5/16/2012 1:31:43 PM)

I'm not sure I would meet a potential dom for a relationship at these events, but somebody on here mentioned that various BDSM groups have "munches", so I might be interested in finding out if there are any of those in my area. I do want to get to know people in the community, but I think it wold be more comfortable for me if my first time meeting such people was at a "vanilla" event where everyone was fully clothed, and dressed casual. I guess if I met people I felt comfortable with, I might proceed and start exploring events that are not so vanilla.

But thank, you; I appreciate the suggestion.


ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus

Okay, how about some kind of social group where there are a bunch of people of various ages? (such things exist? I remember book groups, various outdoor activity things...)

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