RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (Full Version)

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mnottertail -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (9/4/2012 3:51:23 PM)

Nobody else knows that though. We have seen myriad manipulated video and photographs.  There is no explanation that is consistent, nor of any scientific analysis and value to date.

dRGreen420 -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (9/4/2012 4:08:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

There is no explanation that is consistent, nor of any scientific analysis and value to date.

Exactly. That's the point, when you can quite easily do it yourself. If no one has bothered to investigate it then in other words they ignored this area of Tesla's work. Forgetting any other opinions, he was a scientist and noticed this effect. He was hardly an unknown scientist who hadn't accomplished anything useful, so it stands to reason that it should be investigated, and there should be an explanation for it. Why should it be up to people like me without a proper lab or funding to be the one to investigate this over 100 years later, if I need to go to such lengths to even find out for myself if it's real or not because videos can be faked? Where is the scientific data? Exactly!

Anyway I edited the last post a bit after you had replied.

Real0ne -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (9/5/2012 3:16:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail


ORIGINAL: dRGreen420

Well that's what it is nonetheless. Nothing is bending, the metal is dangling free.

If one was claiming that the metal was bending, then that person would be accused of talking nonsense. So I don't see how the same argument can be used to explain it away. It can clearly be seen that the metal isn't bending due to heat.



Not to mention if that was the case then the same effect would be observed with a bulb powered from mains, because the same heat would be produced. But the effect is not observed.


So "I don't believe" about sums it up. This is the/a point. I replicated it to find out the truth. "Not believing it" and arguing against it with no experimental background is irrelevant because it's the same as saying the earth is flat. It is what it is whether you believe it or not, reality is only for humans to catch up with, it has always been the way it will always be regardless of human beliefs at any particular point in their evolution.

If one is going to be pedantic to the idiotic level, one is even less likely to convince, since we are unsure of any factual evidence that the whatever that strip is is dangling, that it is not motivated out of frame, or that the other bulb is somehow different. So, we have nonsense explicating more nonsense.

There has been no demonstration and this 'dollard' is nonsense, since there is no meaning to that word.


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

Nobody else knows that though. We have seen myriad manipulated video and photographs.  There is no explanation that is consistent, nor of any scientific analysis and value to date.


what you claim to have seen and like now what you really saw are entirely different things. Fact is you do not know what is and is not manipulated since you have consistently incorrectly claimed things were manipulated, when they were not.

So there is the video that pic was pulled from and anyone can see that your claims are frivolous.

mnottertail -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (9/5/2012 3:19:53 PM)

That is not the video they were pulled from, your claims are not in any wise correct.  ever.

Real0ne -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (9/5/2012 3:25:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: dRGreen420

Eric Dollard is the guy's name. He is ex NAVY and RCA radio engineer and electrical engineer, he is the one who will tell you to throw the Meyl toys and Bedini and Bearden trash in the bin. He currently has no equipment but has been working on theory based on the work of earlier scientists such as Heaviside and Steinmetz, which I and two others have been testing and providing him with the experimental data. Hence the obstacle arrived at is an advanced transmission line problem. He's not working in secrecy behind closed doors.

The whole setup from the video is shown in a lot more detail in the actual video and the bulbs are identical, if you were to take the time to check the source. I expect Real0ne converted the video sections into gif knowing that no one will ever spend 55 mins of their time watching such a thing to learn something different. That's not to be pedantic, that's to illustrate the difference between an opinion over the front cover and an opinion over the whole story behind the cover.

I know there's no strings off camera pulling it because I replicated it to find out. I didn't attach any strings so I know 100% for certain there are no strings. Not to mention faking the whole thing, including the free swing convincingly, would be a lot more trouble than it's worth. The effects are easier observed for real than they are faked, and I certainly wouldn't bother wasting my time making fake crap to come here to try and convince you people that it's real. All effects you have seen here are real and are easily reproduced, it can be science or it can be magic depending on how you want to go about it. I understand your scepticism but at the same time in that case the only way you will ever find out is by doing it yourself, which you probably won't due to the scepticism, so you'll never know. Which then again doesn't really make any difference I suppose unless you're interested in that sort of thing.

yeh you can go to a local dump and pick up the parts for the cost of raw materials, under 20 bucks if they are thrifty. The rest is whats up in their head, they either know how or they dont.

Real0ne -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (9/5/2012 3:59:14 PM)




ORIGINAL: dRGreen420

Fair enough, but the focus of this isn't really the light, that's just one effect or application.

Point being, if the spectral evolution is consistent with a blackbody heating up, that is substantially different from things like leakage ionization and the like. And even so, it's not news that a single wire is enough to transfer a charge, which will cause heating if there is repeated transfer of a charge in both directions. Such is the way of self capacitance. Nor is it news that nearfield EM has many interesting applications, such as in induction heating of nearby foils of metal or remote transfer of energy.

Showing the spectral balance will go a long way toward the necessary step of letting others get a handle on what you're claiming to be doing. If you additionally capture the evolution of the spectral balance, you can disambiguate a large number of effects, which is a part of what you need to do if you want to show that there is something else at work than the effects that spring most readily to mind. I'm assuming you're sufficiently familiar with electronics and optics to set up the gear to do these things, and thus pointing out that it may hurt your credibility to not show these aspects of your work.


Although I have been curious about the light spectrum, these things keep branching off from the main thing.

Hardly. It is one of the places where anything interesting will show up. It might also be a good idea to show the 3D magnetic and electric field evolution in the area, and at low frequencies it is quite possible to get a decent sampling from fluxgate magnetometers to circumvent the low resolution of Hall effect sensors, as well as using regular JFETs in a differential matrix for the electric fields. Such measurements are crucial to showing what's actually going on.


In this video for example there is the light, but also the way the bulb is powered to even produce the light to begin with.

Which is what you would disambiguate with spectral measurements and field maps.


The jar is completely isolated by normal standards and placed next to the bucket of soil which is energised by one terminal of the coil

Which is consistent with the excellent dielectric properties of a glass jar full of water and the presence of an alternating field.


So while it's all well and good if light is your thing, I want to know the same thing too and you will have what you requested

I'll be around.

As I tried to point out before, I'm not convinced, but I'd love to find something unexpected.

— Aswad.

there are several problems with what you said here. first you are looking for and trying to base your analysis on precisely what tesla went through great extremes to eliminate. That is like driving to the desert to look for a lake.

The light spectrum with an evacuated cavity should be full spectrum with a single wire carbon node bulb. Otherwise I would expect some influence of the gas and filament material to show up as well.

Secondly while a single conductor can in fact transfer a charge it cannot however light an incandescent bulb by simply being the material director of a charge. NEVER. EVER! never ever never!

That and when these bulbs are in operation they attract metals etc and repel the human body.

That is to say that you can feel a very strong force that seems to come from nowhere and everywhere at the same time that pushes on you. If you catch it just right it will feel like someone slugged you and there is nothing visible there. How do you propose to measure that with can only be sensed ob nonmetalic means with metalic equipment? Or do you intend to determine how it attrcts metal and simply assume its the opposite is true? LOL

The first thing you would need to do is convince me that your test by means of radiation testing demonstrates the characteristics or is even capable of it for what is happening in the nonradiation world. Especially since that is the part you can feel and metal wont cut it. Whats your plan there?

Wire as small as .003 or 3 thousanths thick can be used to as conductors to carry enough energy to light a 115 volt 100 watt bulb and no sensation of shock when touched.

You claim all this to be expected yet at the same time you have no answers.

First; You have a hot filament that attracts aluminum foil,

Second; People do not get a shock when in parallel with lit 220 volt bulb terminals,

Third; you seen single terminal lighting of a tungsten filament bulb.

Fourth; Especially since it feels like someone PHYSICALLY slugged you and nothing is visibly there. Hence the tesla shield. You can fuck around with any neon sign or furnace transformer to feel that. LOL

you got lots of splainin ta do if this is what "you expected"

All of which tongue and cheek "modern" day science 100+ years after the fact have no explanation for.

You go on as if all these things are common place and they are not. I can crank up a single wire to 50 volts and it wont arc like a tesla coil at a mere few thousand volts. Why not?

You approach this like its all old hat when I assure you that you have no clue how this works and you are not capable of explaining it yet at the same time you are pretending this is what you expected. No its not.

Real0ne -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (9/5/2012 4:20:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

That is not the video they were pulled from, your claims are not in any wise correct.  ever.

Yeh actually it is.

here it is again

I really dont understand what you think you are gaining by proving yourself to be a liar for shit sake?

dRGreen420 -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (9/5/2012 6:37:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

That is not the video they were pulled from, your claims are not in any wise correct.  ever.

That is the video. The part in question begins at 22 minutes. The other one is my replication of it (with low power because the camera was useless).

playfulotter -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (9/5/2012 7:04:18 PM)

Wow! I had to look and see who started this I see it is old and so obsolete......the whole thing should be deleted!

The price goes up and up and then goes down and down and up and up again these days..why even ask....sheesh!

Real0ne -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (9/5/2012 8:10:34 PM)

yeh this is about an invention by a guy that was so brilliant that einstein didnt deserve to wash his feet. People like Green are building off of teslas original patents and downsizing and finding out that everything telsa ever designed works, precisely the way he said it would. His work was so good he did not have to veil it in bullshit like so many other did and do. He made an invention over 100 years that would give you lots of free energy and you could run your car and get that energy just by raising the antenna on your car. yes electric car. no polution and the energy goes back into its original state and is completely reusable for ever and ever. So really its about a 100 year old topic that your government on behalf of the criminal banking cabal aint gonna give to you so enjoy paying your energy bills. That and its a pretty involved topic, or lets say it certainly has the potential once people stop thinking in terms of destructive radiation.

Right now we are talking about how aluminum, copper and other nonmagnetic materials are sucked in just like a magnet sucks in a piece of iron, and the electricity does not give you a shock and can be used underwater again not shorting out or giving anyone a shock LOL

great stuff!

Paladin9 -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (9/6/2012 1:06:59 PM)

In CA ~25% of the price of a gallon of gas goes to the govt. ~35cents/gal federal tax, CA just doubled theirs to ~35cents/gal, plus a 2cent/gal UST tax and then sales tax. The govt makes more off a gallon of gas then the oil companies.

mnottertail -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (9/6/2012 1:50:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: dRGreen420


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

That is not the video they were pulled from, your claims are not in any wise correct.  ever.

That is the video. The part in question begins at 22 minutes. The other one is my replication of it (with low power because the camera was useless).

So, it is a remake of a remake.  Thank you.  Just trying to keep the informative aspect of this in play.

mnottertail -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (9/6/2012 1:55:20 PM)

You claim all this to be expected yet at the same time you have no answers.

And no one here has any answers to any of the questions asked that is advocating this.

Right now we are talking about how aluminum, copper and other nonmagnetic materials are sucked in just like a magnet sucks in a piece of iron, and the electricity does not give you a shock and can be used underwater again not shorting out or giving anyone a shock LOL

A lot of things are attracted by heat.  The just like is inept, there is no proof of a 'magnetism' of any sort.   Lots of electrical stufff can be used underwater without shorting or shocking.

Still talking big about the parlour tricks, no explanations, and no advancements to scale them up.  Nothing but parlour tricks.


Real0ne -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (9/7/2012 8:35:37 AM)

Just because yours and aswolds pockets are empty you think everyones pockets are empty. lol

Real0ne -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (9/7/2012 8:36:55 AM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail


ORIGINAL: dRGreen420


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

That is not the video they were pulled from, your claims are not in any wise correct.  ever.

That is the video. The part in question begins at 22 minutes. The other one is my replication of it (with low power because the camera was useless).

So, it is a remake of a remake.  Thank you.  Just trying to keep the informative aspect of this in play.

so you dont comprehend a word of what is being said here. its a segment from the original made in the 70's. YOu must enjoy pissing all over yourself.

you have been shown how incrediby well this works.

dRGreen420 -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (9/9/2012 8:08:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: Nikola Tesla

I have to say here that when I filed the application of September 2, 1897, for the transmission of energy in which this method was disclosed, it was already clear to me that I did not need to have terminals at such high elevation, but I never have, above my signature, announced anything that I did not prove first. That is the reason why no statement of mine was ever contradicted, and I do not think it will be, because whenever I publish something I go through it first by experiment, then from experiment I calculate, and when I have the theory and practice meet I announce the results.

Nikola Tesla On His Work With Alternating Currents And Their Application To Wireless Telegraphy, Telephony, And Transmission Of Power, page 110

dRGreen420 -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (9/18/2012 8:30:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: Nikola Tesla

The discovery of the conducting properties of the air, though unexpected, was only a natural result of experiments in a special field which I had carried on for some years before.  It was, I believe, during 1889 that certain possibilities offered by extremely rapid electrical oscillations determined me to design a number of special machines adapted for their investigation.  Owing to the peculiar requirements, the construction of these machines was very difficult, and consumed much time and effort; but my work on them was generously rewarded, for I reached by their means several novel and important results.  One of the earliest observations I made with these new machines was that electrical oscillations of an extremely high rate act in an extraordinary manner upon the human organism.  Thus, for instance, I demonstrated that powerful electrical discharges of several hundred thousand volts, which at that time were considered absolutely deadly, could be passed through the body without inconvenience or hurtful consequences.  These oscillations produced other specific physiological effects, which, upon my announcement, were eagerly taken up by skilled physicians and further investigated.  This new field has proved itself fruitful beyond expectation, and in the few years which have passed since, it has been developed to such an extent that it now forms a legitimate and important department of medical science.  Many results, thought impossible at that time, are now readily obtainable with these oscillations, and many experiments undreamed of then can now be readily performed by their means.  I still remember with pleasure how, nine years ago, I passed the discharge of a powerful induction-coil through my body to demonstrate before a scientific society the comparative harmlessness of very rapidly vibrating electric currents, and I can still recall the astonishment of my audience.  I would now undertake, with much less apprehension that I had in that experiment, to transmit through my body with such currents the entire electrical energy of the dynamos now working at Niagara—forty or fifty thousand horse-power.  I have produced electrical oscillations which were of such intensity that when circulating through my arms and chest they have melted wires which joined my hands, and still I felt no inconvenience.  I have energized with such oscillations a loop of heavy copper wire so powerfully that masses of metal, and even objects of an electrical resistance specifically greater than that of human tissue brought close to or placed within the loop, were heated to a high temperature and melted, often with the violence of an explosion, and yet into this very space in which this terribly-destructive turmoil was going on I have repeatedly thrust my head without feeling anything or experiencing injurious after-effects.

Another observation was that by means of such oscillations light could be produced in a novel and more economical manner, which promised to lead to an ideal system of electric illumination by vacuum-tubes, dispensing with the necessity of renewal of lamps or incandescent filaments, and possibly also with the use of wires in the interior of buildings.  The efficiency of this light increases in proportion to the rate of the oscillations, and its commercial success is, therefore, dependent on the economical production of electrical vibrations of transcending rates.  In this direction I have met with gratifying success of late, and the practical introduction of this new system of illumination is not far off.

Nikola Tesla - "The Problem of Increasing Human Energy"

Aneirin -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (9/19/2012 10:49:32 AM)

Don't think high gas prices until you see what the UK public has to pay and with it every other price rise along with it including food.

StrictnSaucy -> RE: So who is sick of high gas prices? (9/19/2012 3:33:28 PM)

Come visit Ireland. Its now costing us over €120 to fill our petrol tank! That lasts us maybe a week, depending on whats going on.

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