Smelly Feet (I know I know but bear with me LOL) (Full Version)

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amaidiamond -> Smelly Feet (I know I know but bear with me LOL) (5/24/2012 8:55:58 AM)

Hi there,

This is a weird post to be writing but I figure I would throw it out there.

Basically my Owner has, -really- smelly feet. Not just slightly bad after a long day, but really bad.. to the point that even after a bath within half an hour it starts again and builds.

So far things tried include:

New shoes
Lots of changes of cotton socks
Barefoot often
Regular washing of feet

I just want to know if theres anything else that could be tried short of going to the Dr with what would sound like a silly issue.

It might sound like a really small thing and in the scheme of things it is but also it is something we would both rather not live with. He has been working on the car today and after a few hours came in and took shoes off, and seriously the smell filled the room, and the hallway, even after washing feet it lingered.

His shoes are now outside (where they have to live) and I thought i would ask you lovely people for advice.

Yep i am prepared for smelly foot snark also :D

Soyokaze -> RE: Smelly Feet (I know I know but bear with me LOL) (5/24/2012 9:05:12 AM)

Myth busters seemed to indicate vodka worked pretty well. My first instinct would be to try stuff like hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol, or something specially made for curing chronic foot odor.

tazzygirl -> RE: Smelly Feet (I know I know but bear with me LOL) (5/24/2012 9:05:53 AM)

Clothes pins?


amaidiamond -> RE: Smelly Feet (I know I know but bear with me LOL) (5/24/2012 9:11:46 AM)

You guys are epic :D Most websites i found were generally shit, one said vinager which seems to just lead to stinky feet and vinager smell. Hydrogen peroxide and rubbing alcohol sound a plan...

LOL Tazzy you may laugh but I actually smeared menthol under my nose the other day so I couldnt smell it :D

ChatteParfaitt -> RE: Smelly Feet (I know I know but bear with me LOL) (5/24/2012 9:19:03 AM)

Feet that smelly merit a doctor's attention. There has to be a reason, and once you resolve that, the rest should be easy peasy.

amaidiamond -> RE: Smelly Feet (I know I know but bear with me LOL) (5/24/2012 9:27:31 AM)


ORIGINAL: ChatteParfaitt

Feet that smelly merit a doctor's attention. There has to be a reason, and once you resolve that, the rest should be easy peasy.

I am figuring it might be Dr's trip time, He says they have always been that way but I am sure it is excessive. Just wanted to present other suggestions first before trying to pursuade him to go to the Dr with what is almost a comedy situation..

poise -> RE: Smelly Feet (I know I know but bear with me LOL) (5/24/2012 9:40:54 AM)

How are his toenails looking? It's possible he has a fungul infection and not even know it.
I would definitely prefer the jello soak over the vinegar soak!
Also, it's suggested that zinc deficiency is a cause for foot odor, and that 50mg of zinc a day
for 2 weeks will take care of that. It's worth a try, and will also make mosquitos hate him. Double Win!

amaidiamond -> RE: Smelly Feet (I know I know but bear with me LOL) (5/24/2012 9:44:43 AM)

nails look fine, no curling, yellowing etc

no signs of athletes foot etc or flakey dried skin

The zinc is a good idea, i will look at grabbing some suppliments..

Thank you

littlewonder -> RE: Smelly Feet (I know I know but bear with me LOL) (5/24/2012 10:09:35 AM)

He should see a dr. Smelly feet could be a simple fungus infection but it could also be a sign of other more serious problems. If he's tried lotrimin and all the other things you listed, then it's time to talk to a dr.

yourdarkdesire -> RE: Smelly Feet (I know I know but bear with me LOL) (5/24/2012 10:32:19 AM)

There is a product that a lot of the big drum corps use. .... the main one is Fresh Balls, to reduced chafing and irritation. They also have Fresh Breasts, to help women deal with annoying underbreast sweating. The third product is, you guessed it, Fresh Feet. A lot of marchers swear by these products. For new Moms, there is a fourth product, Fresh baby's Bottom.

There is a video from a Jimmy Kimmel show, with Howie Mandel, promoting this product. Take a look, Give it a try. It is only $8 for a tube. Available at London Drugs.

ResidentSadist -> RE: Smelly Feet (I know I know but bear with me LOL) (5/24/2012 1:09:29 PM)

Smelly feet are usually from bacteria not fungus. Moisture and heat make a good environment for bacteria, ask anyone that lives in Florida. You gotta kill the bacteria that already exists on his feet and shoes, Then you have to prevent it from returning by keep his feet cool and dry.

Freezing the shoes in a good universal insta-cure to clean up their odor. Bag them first so they don't stink up the rest of your freezer.

Washing cloth and rubber shoes (tennis shoes) with bleach in the washing machine and drying them in the drier helps. The bleach and heat from drier help kill the bacteria.

-=curing feet=-
Anything that kills bacteria will help clear up the foot odor... including vodka.

Vodka. Myth Busters tested the use of Vodka in a foot bath to remove foot odors. They confirmed that vodka does work to eliminate foot odors.

Bleach. Pour ¼ cup of common household bleach in a foot bath with warm water. Soak feet for ½ hour. Rinse and dry feet thoroughly.

Vinegar. Pour ½ cup white vinegar into a warm foot bath. Soak feet for ½ hour. Rinse and dry thoroughly.

Listerine. Saturate cotton ball with Listerine. Apply to your feet. Do not forget to get between the toes. Dry thoroughly.

Rubbing Alcohol. Apply to feet with clean cotton balls after a shower. Dry thoroughly.

-=odor prevention=-
Keeping the feet cool and dry will prevent the bacteria from returning.

* Soak feet in tea. The tannic acid in the tea helps to prevent the feet from sweating and causing odor. Once the problem is under control, soak feet once week for maintenance.

* Baby powder & foot powder, talk not corn starch.

* Alum powder - like baby powder, it absorbs moisture.

JstAnotherSub -> RE: Smelly Feet (I know I know but bear with me LOL) (5/24/2012 2:07:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: tazzygirl

Clothes pins?



stellauk -> RE: Smelly Feet (I know I know but bear with me LOL) (5/24/2012 2:46:42 PM)

Apart from going to see a doctor I would suggest looking at the diet. For example I've come across the notion that a diet high in dairy products can make some people susceptible to BO.

bemyslut -> RE: Smelly Feet (I know I know but bear with me LOL) (5/24/2012 6:14:04 PM)

get some antiperspirant/deodorant spray used for underarms and spray it on your feet--it will help reduce odors and sweating!

LadyConstanze -> RE: Smelly Feet (I know I know but bear with me LOL) (5/24/2012 6:30:09 PM)

Have you tried a cream against athlete's foot? It could be just that?

Duskypearls -> RE: Smelly Feet (I know I know but bear with me LOL) (5/24/2012 7:18:43 PM)

Internal imbalances/disorders may present with external smells, not uncommonly from the feet. Perhaps a foray into holistic medicine with a good naturopath, acupuncturist, and homeopath (homeopathic smelly feet remedies-Calcarea Carb, Sulfur, Silicea, Graphite, Pulsatilla, Rumex, Staphysagria, Mercurius sol., Mag. Phos., etc.) might aid you. Barring that, internal cleanses can be performed on one's own. Consider digestion/diet/medication/hormones, among other things. Does your breath and flatus smell bad as well?

kalikshama -> RE: Smelly Feet (I know I know but bear with me LOL) (5/28/2012 7:47:00 AM)


Apart from going to see a doctor I would suggest looking at the diet. For example I've come across the notion that a diet high in dairy products can make some people susceptible to BO.

OP- While there have been other excellent suggestions (please update us on the zinc especially), diet was where my mind went when I read the OP. I briefly dated a man who took lots of crap from GNC and his ejaculate tasted horrendous.

...For those patients who are willing to be more proactive, changes in lifestyle and diet can be very helpful in controlling foot odor. Diets high in refined carbohydrates will often serve as food for bacteria and fungus in the body, giving rise to discharge phenomenon. One such discharge is to expel these bacteria and fungus into the skin to slough off with dying skin cells. However, when they collect in the skin of the foot through perspiration and are enclosed in a shoe, the odor can become extreme. Correcting the diet by eliminating refined carbohydrates and balancing protein, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates can be very effective in reducing or eliminating foot odor. Additionally, reducing alcohol consumption and cessation of cigarette smoking will also go a long way to relieve the perspiration and therefore, the odor.

Another cause of excessive perspiration is adrenal stress. The hormones that alert the body to danger can become elevated in patients that are exposed to chronic stress. These patients will experience increased perspiration and hence, succumb to malodorous foot problems. Moderating stress can be accomplished in many ways. Developing a calming meditation practice, yoga, regular exercise, psychotherapy, massage therapy, diet and lifestyle adjustments and herbal and nutritional supplements are all helpful in reducing the stress reactions that ultimately can worsen the odor....

kalikshama -> RE: Smelly Feet (I know I know but bear with me LOL) (5/28/2012 7:51:47 AM)

Some interesting tips here. Break out the TENS!


...Avoid the use of nylon socks or plastic shoes - wear shoes that are made of leather, canvas, mesh or other materials that let the feet breathe.

Its is best not to wear the same pair of shoes two days in a row - they need time to dry out. Remove the innersoles from to help with the drying.

...Electric-current devices that pass a small electrical current through the skin can effectively diminish perspiration for several weeks.

niceguy88 -> RE: Smelly Feet (I know I know but bear with me LOL) (5/28/2012 9:34:02 AM)


...Electric-current devices that pass a small electrical current through the skin can effectively diminish perspiration for several weeks.
Wow, you are kidding me... I don't have a sweat issue (though I did once end up serving my tennis racket and the tennis ball, but I blame old grip!) but that is just an awesome fact I wonder why, maybe something like trauma to the sweat glands... I'm going over to wikipedia :D

Aynne88 -> RE: Smelly Feet (I know I know but bear with me LOL) (5/28/2012 6:14:28 PM)

Dairy and meat definitely cause gross body odor.

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