RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (Full Version)

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Endivius -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/9/2012 8:11:56 PM)

The important thing I learned from this thread is that you should not read threads posted by shirtless guys in a storage closet. Unless ofcourse you enjoy excersizes in futility. I know we do have some masochists out there...[:D]

Delilya -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/9/2012 8:13:07 PM)

Thank you Lance.

Karmastic -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/9/2012 8:15:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: Endivius

The important thing I learned from this thread is that you should not read threads posted by shirtless guys in a storage closet. Unless ofcourse you enjoy excersizes in futility. I know we do have some masochists out there...[:D]

lmfao, nice observation on the pic. and i must have a little masochism in me, since i enjoyed this. way too much time on my hands.

Rule -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/9/2012 8:24:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: Master2811
So this is a free site so what? Can I put childpornography here without consequences? What a stupid answer.

Everybody is stupid, eh? Except you of course.

I have had it with you. I do not care to read your posts any more. They are not even entertaining.

There is a button somewhere here. Ah, there: Hide.

MissImmortalPain -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/9/2012 8:27:31 PM)

I thought he was in a basement.

girl91 -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/9/2012 8:42:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: pshornyguy

Like every other website, CM has a significant percentage of fakes and liars -- i.e. people who have no genuine interest in Master/slave or Dom/sub relationships OR who are attempting to manipulate people here into believing they are seriously interested in somebody when they are not.

Instead, these fakes and liars create a fictional persona intended to seduce men or women into believing that they are genuinely interested in becoming a slave or sub.

I would like to propose that we create a database to list all of the fakes/liars on CM so that anyone could consult the list to discover the screen names, email addresses, and other identifying info about them.

Is there anyone else interested in this proposal? I would suggest the following criteria for adding people to the list of fakes and liars:

1. promise to send pics but then never does so
2. promise to contact again (thru email or instant message) but never does so
3. dishonest or highly suspect profile details (such as phony age, weight, height, or other attributes OR discovering profiles on other websites that present materially different details about same person)
4. dishonest responses to questions or comments (such as giving different answers at different times)

Anyone have other suggestions?

So tired of people whining about CM. it's a free site that you as a adult choose to sign up for, if you don't like it here leave and make your own damm site. That way you can weed out all the dishonest, fakes, ect anyway you like.

sirsholly -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/9/2012 8:42:13 PM)


I would like to propose that we create a database to list all of the fakes/liars on CM so that anyone could consult the list to discover the screen names, email addresses, and other identifying info about them.

Why limit the list to liars and fakes? I propose a list of those members that should be approached with caution, for whatever reason.

You are HIV+ and heavily into watersports, thus putting your partner at risk for a transmission of the disease. Therefore, your name would appear on the list.

sirsholly -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/9/2012 8:50:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: pshornyguy

Is that site current? And updated regularly? More importantly, is it based solely upon the type of criteria which I have proposed,

ORIGINAL: amaidiamond

You mean like YOUR unwillingness to LISTEN to the fact that THERE IS ALREADY A COLLAR ME FAKES SITE

Sheeesh. You will not recognize the site unless it EXACTLY as you propose? What an ego!!

My suggestion...go to that site and inform them of your proposals.

kalikshama -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/9/2012 9:32:21 PM)



Enjoy your dinner, OP, but I do have to tell you.  Listing the names of the people who sent you email was pretty f*cked up.  However, since you did it, did you bother to notice that *none* of them were geographically close enough to actually engage in any activities with you?  Then you wonder why people are jerking your chain?

I certainly noticed this.

OP - I found the # 1 thing I could do to not waste time was to engage with local men only. A few emails, a few phone calls, coffee and then I would know how truthfully he'd portrayed himself.

My experience was that out-of-staters were fantasists.

Delilya -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/9/2012 9:37:42 PM)

According to the OP he has men everywhere, including local. Don't know why he is so bent over not getting some photos.

BeautyDebased -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/9/2012 10:06:10 PM)

Hang on a sec..did I miss something here or is the OP sick? because why would someone admit to being on HIV meds, unless there's some kind of prevention meds I don't know about?

BurntKitty -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/9/2012 10:43:07 PM)

I've had a long, weird day and spent the better part of the evening enjoying the Heat win game 7 and moving onto the NBA Finals. I log on and find this. Thank you one & all.
Damn, this has been a fun read (ok, I lied, I skimmed through most of it. So sue me, or put me on the liars list.)

Just to recap:

  • OP believes he has a wonderful "new" way to weed out fakes, liars, etc.
  • OP has been informed by many others (including a lovely mod) as to why it isn't feasible.
  • OP whines that he's misunderstood.
  • Another poster whose fakes list thread fizzled pops in when Opie flounces out for dinner.
  • Somewhere along the line the HIV positive/watersports/bare backing is mentioned.
  • The thread is brought back to the fakes' (don't call it a blacklisting) list.

    Did I get the gist of it? (Dons tri-corner tinfoil hat of snarkitude)

    When do we get to the tongueless, mute lesbian sister slaves? *taptaptap*
    I have 2 observations regarding the OP:


    And does the OP look remarkably like the late Tom Bosley?

    That is all. Carry on.

  • amaidiamond -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/9/2012 11:38:26 PM)


    FYI, the Gulag reference is offensive. Comparing yourself to a bunch of prisoners who were imprisoned, tortured and killed is just off base. You're free to leave any time you'd like.

    Yep he was deliberately trying to cause offence, it's a tactic he seems to use when he has no argument.

    I ignored it...

    Thaz -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/9/2012 11:47:41 PM)


    ORIGINAL: amaidiamond


    FYI, the Gulag reference is offensive. Comparing yourself to a bunch of prisoners who were imprisoned, tortured and killed is just off base. You're free to leave any time you'd like.

    Yep he was deliberately trying to cause offence, it's a tactic he seems to use when he has no argument.

    A variant of Godwin's law "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1"

    ModTwentyOne -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/10/2012 12:16:32 AM)

    And with that, folks, I think we're done here.

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