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opinions on marriage

1 Man and 1 Woman
  36% (23)
1 Man and 1 Woman but side dishes are good
  23% (15)
Poly is the way to go
  15% (10)
1 Man and 1 Woman and 1 lesser companion
  3% (2)
I'm never getting married
  19% (12)
The law says I cant be married cause I'm gay
  1% (1)

Total Votes : 63

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opinions on marriage - 10/30/2004 8:36:31 AM   

Posts: 230
Joined: 7/27/2004
From: Detroit
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I'll brobably catch hell for this and lots of flak mostly for trivializing marriage, but remember its my opinion and i have a right to it. I think Marriage is like a big all you can eat buffet. It o.k. to stop giggling now. At the buffet you see lots of dishes and different flavors to tempt and tantilize you, but theres always this one dish that you keep going back for? You go to this restaurant just for that dish and when you go you are a glutton eating as much as you can. I think most cheating and sneaking around is like someone on a diest sneaking a hostess twinkie. If you women ever wondered why guys look at porn so much, heres your answer straight out of the man manual. Porn give you an endless variety to choose from, it wont say no to you, and it can be as kinky as you want. So heres my question how do people on this board view marriage?



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RE: opinions on marriage - 10/30/2004 9:00:25 AM   

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I think most cheating and sneaking around is like someone on a diest sneaking a hostess twinkie.

LOL, maybe that's why i had an affair, i used to sneak twinkies all the time when dieting.

I think marriage should be between two people who are in love no matter what their orientation. Within the marriage i believe there is room for others on the side if both parties consent. (I know that wasn't my case, don't need to be reminded).



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(in reply to cheeba0228)
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RE: opinions on marriage - 10/30/2004 9:35:16 AM   

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From: Davis, Ca
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Lordy, not enough options.

How 'bout
"If it's between consenting adults, the law has no buisness dictating the arangment/gender/number"?


~in the begining it is always dark~

(in reply to proudsub)
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RE: opinions on marriage - 10/30/2004 11:03:51 AM   

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I would have to agree with the first 2 posts. (Prouds & Angelic's) So there are no answers for me to enter. As long as all are consenting, so forth and so on etc. I don't think it should be any one elses decision but theirs.

Take care,

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(in reply to cheeba0228)
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RE: opinions on marriage - 10/30/2004 11:14:34 AM   

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i believe very strongly in marriage and the commitment behind it. i also think that the government should allow gays to be married in order for them to receive the same benefits - tax wise and health insurance wise as straight couples. i see nothing wrong with a couple bringing someone in occasionally as long as both parties want it. i don't agree with cheating though.

lol so there weren't enough choices up there.



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(in reply to cheeba0228)
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RE: opinions on marriage - 10/30/2004 11:40:01 AM   

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I have to agree with the other's here there are not enough choices.

As far as my own personal opinion. My marriage will be incredibly committed and monogamous. Man and a woman.

However, that is what makes me happy and not necessarily what makes the rest of the world happy. So I also believe marriage is between two consenting adults. Whether both the same sex or not. They have the same committed bond.

To me, marriage must be monogamous, and if one doesn't want to accept that then I don't feel they should be married.

Just my views.

(in reply to cheeba0228)
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RE: opinions on marriage - 10/30/2004 12:00:09 PM   

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"If it's between consenting adults, the law has no buisness dictating the arangment/gender/number"?

Oh I like this clever clever girl!

Personally, I don't subscribe to marriage because it is such an exclusive little group.

Also, I have an issue with the "till death do us part" facet of the arrangement. I consider myself a woman of my word and I would never make that promise to someone because I know there is no way I can guarantee that.

- LA


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(in reply to perverseangelic)
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RE: opinions on marriage - 10/30/2004 12:37:53 PM   

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From: Davis, Ca
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ORIGINAL: sub4hire
To me, marriage must be monogamous, and if one doesn't want to accept that then I don't feel they should be married.

What if they want the legal protections marriage entails?

I know stable, polyamourous families. Within their triad, or quad they are monogamous, but they are -not- two people. However, they want the legal protection of "marriage" to extend to all their members.

I agree that marriage as a religious institution should be defined by whatever religion the participates ascribe to. However, I believe that unions under law should -not- be religious at all, and should not be given limiting definitions.

As I see, -legal- marriage is about economic and societal priviledges. To be married under law says nothing about emotional commitment to one another. A local paper just did a feature about the "sanctity of marriage" a local woman was able to get married to someone she'd met five minutes ago, without so much as a second glance. (She chose not to follow through as she'd...well...met him five minutes ago)


orig: LadyAngelika
Personally, I don't subscribe to marriage because it is such an exclusive little group.

that's the problem I have with the "gay marriage" thing. It's not challenging the insitution. It's just buying into it, saying "well, homosexual people should be allowed to marry but only in partners and ONLY for these reasons."

I'm frustrated that the governemnt seeks to define a legal family at all.

Then again, I'm a radical.


~in the begining it is always dark~

(in reply to sub4hire)
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RE: opinions on marriage - 10/30/2004 4:54:41 PM   

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From: Massachusetts
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For myself 1 man/1 woman would be the choice. As for my overall opinion, as long as the relationship centers on love, respect and trust ... it's nobody else's business except for the two who wish to marry. i've lived in Massachusetts for all but less than a year of my life. i stand in support of gay marriage. It's all good and legal here .... as it should be.

As far as having a 'side dish' ... it's fine as long as all are sharing consent & are mature enough and responsible enough to deal with any possible emotional issues etc. which can arise with such an arrangement. Is it ok for me? The question is almost inapplicable in that i've never been married. However, in that plans for marriage between myself and INSIDEYOURMIND are 'in the works', i can only say that right now 'side dishes' are not on O/our menu. i am one who believes in 'never saying never' and can't answer as to whether that may change or not one day in the future, and have no doubt that if it should ... it would certainly occur with mutual consent.

i've never dieted and so have never had to sneak a twinky. i've never cheated. i know that in either respect cheating would not be a productive solution. It's all good as long as it is consentual.


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(in reply to perverseangelic)
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RE: opinions on marriage - 10/31/2004 4:43:23 PM   

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Polyamourous family is what I am. Within My triad, We were monogamous in love however all of Us Owned slaves and had Lifestyle encounters with them and have lifetime contract and commitments with several, If I would of had the protection of a legal "marriage from both My Doms" to extend to all My members of Our Family We would of been much more secure and I would not of had to leave the Country or My Family to make the ends meet for All now that I am a Double Widow and the only Surviving Dominant of the Family. People were mating befor there was such a thing as religion or politics and for either to get involved with the lifes of people on such a personal leval I am completly against in any way shape or form. I have 26 in My Family that I am responcible for and I take care of thru thick and thin. Religion nor any Goverment helps Me in any way to tend to this and hence have no say so in how I do it or run it. Marriage is as sacred to Me as it is to any other being whom has had a Life long Love, and if Your as lucky as I was You might get to have Two at the same time. I beleive that Love knows no gender no race no creed no religion no politics no age and no disability and can be found by anyone at any time and any place and when they do should grasp hold of it and nurture it thru thick and thin regardless what socieity or religion or politics cries is correct as it is a proven fact that thru out civilization all of these things have changed but one thing and that is the Love We can feel for another or a few.JMO

(in reply to cynnacent1)
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RE: opinions on marriage - 10/31/2004 4:49:11 PM   

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wouldnt fit.



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RE: opinions on marriage - 11/2/2004 5:56:22 AM   

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I vote for two committed people and their pet turtle, Sparky.

I think marriage is between two committed people regardless of gender. Whatever mutual arrangements are made between those two are no one's business.

(in reply to cheeba0228)
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RE: opinions on marriage - 11/3/2004 8:40:00 AM   

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Marriage is a constitution between two people and sometimes in different culturesin different countries they have 2 or more "wives"...if the married couple is consensual about the whole thing and willing to polyfy I say that to say that one may need more than the other and vice versa it seems that sub4hire is getting too opinionated about comittment to the partner in marriage than the over all contrast. in fact it sounds like she needs a sound BIRCHING to make her see the light! When we ask for someone we would expect that everyone is adult enough to curb rivialry and listen to the Master or Owner.....obviously in any household there will be competition and such but not all the time has to deal with the sexual nature. Just because two people are married does not mean they have sex. In fact there are asexual arrangements meaning there is No sex between the parties that goes on so...we ask....ourselves why? there are a vast majority of reasons. so for one who has made a extreme declaration of sarcasam towards something she does not know about then training should be a must for to learn to be openminded in this lifestyle yeilds great rewards...MasterWarder

(in reply to sub4hire)
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RE: opinions on marriage - 11/3/2004 10:26:56 AM   

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then, from the way I read your post, it sounds to me like YOU are in need of more training to be more openminded of other peoples opinions -- you are not sub4hires master, so who are you to say her opinions are out of line or not warranted and that she needs a birching? Mayhap a good birching delivered to you will open your mind a little bit more.

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(in reply to masterwarder)
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RE: opinions on marriage - 11/3/2004 2:11:59 PM   

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I know stable, polyamourous families. Within their triad, or quad they are monogamous, but they are -not- two people. However, they want the legal protection of "marriage" to extend to all their members.

I agree that marriage as a religious institution should be defined by whatever religion the participates ascribe to. However, I believe that unions under law should -not- be religious at all, and should not be given limiting definitions.

I would love to sit down and talk with some of the mormon families in Utah. Find out how it works for them. Etc. I have to say sadly the one sucessful Poly relationship I knew to be ended. They were together 3 years. Even had a child because the wife could not. Now the wife is out of the picture. I've just never seen a poly relationship last ever. I know the mormon relationships did work. How?
I stated my own beliefs. To me it is monogamous. Certainly the way the world views relationships anymore one does not have the need to be married anymore.
I personally don't see marriage as being religious at all. I see it as your own moral code of conduct.
I've never been married yet. We do plan on it in the very near future however it has taken me all of these years to feel I can make it work. I don't want to fail. We're going on 6 years together and still the date isn't set in stone. It's all up to ones preferences.

(in reply to perverseangelic)
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RE: opinions on marriage - 11/3/2004 5:34:08 PM   

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ahhh all tho this subject has veered a bit from the opinions of marraige I think that the subject of openmindedness and diversity are grand samples of humanity and how it places out towards each one of us as we go about making our choices with in our life as well as looking out
at others and making opinions of them based off of our views and beliefs.

Do we see the truth in diversity or only the differences?
As soon as we leave our little neighborhood and enter the world at large, we are bound to meet people that have different religious, political, and cultural beliefs. During those encounters, do we see the common threads that unite humanity, or do we just see the differences? If we seek the truth, wish to grow, want to gain knowledge and understanding, wish to know peace and experience happiness and love, we will be open-minded. We will be tolerant. Tolerant, not in the sense of putting up with the differences of others, but in the sense of welcoming the diverse ways humanity expresses itself. If you love flowers, don’t you love lilacs and lilies as well as roses? If we love people, shouldn’t we love Muslims and Jews as well as Christians, Iranians and Somalis as well as Italians, black, white, purple an healthy, disabled, young or old?

All ethical traditions teach tolerance. They express it as the Golden Rule. It is taught everywhere, proving there is truth in diversity, proving there is more to connect us than separate us. The truth is there, if only we look for it. Take a glance at how the Golden Rule is taught around the world . . .

African Traditional Religions: One going to take a pointed stick to pinch a baby bird should first try it on himself to feel how it hurts.

Bahai Faith: Blessed is he who preferreth his brother before himself.

Buddhism: Hurt not others with that which pains yourself.

Christianity: So whatever you wish that men would do to you, do so to them; for this is the law and the prophets.

Confucianism: Do not unto others that which you would not have them do unto you.

Hinduism: This is the sum of duty: do naught to others that which if done to thee would cause pain.

Islam: No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself.

Jainism: A man should wander about treating all creatures as he himself would be treated.

Judaism: What is hateful to you, do not to your fellow men. That is the entire law; the rest is commentary.

Sikhism: Precious like jewels are the minds of all. To hurt them is not at all good. If thou desirest thy Beloved then, hurt thou not anyone’s heart.

Taoism: Regard your neighbor’s gain as your own gain, and your neighbor’s loss as your own loss.

Zoroastrianism: That nature only is good when it shall not do unto another whatever is not good for its own self.

Are we practicing what we were taught? As we look at the hot spots around the world, whether it be Yugoslavia, the Middle, Near, or Far East, Africa or Ireland, or anyplace else, the answer is painfully clear. Intolerance is commonplace and the cost in human suffering is devastating. “No loss by flood and lightning,” said Helen Keller, “no destruction of cities and temples by the hostile forces of nature, has deprived man of so many noble lives and impulses as those which his intolerance and closedmindness has destroyed.”

Although it is religion that teaches us the Golden Rule, tragically, it is also religion that often is a cause of hatred and war.

Two key values of diversity are universalism; the view that it is the merit of an idea rather than our opinion of the person expressing the idea that counts, and organized skepticism; the studied practice of questioning everything. A community based upon openness to being always questioned is a community committed to struggle, to engagement in dealing with complex issues, for which there will be no one right answer, in all probability. Freedom is born in the moment when each of us first recognizes that the other is not himself, and decides to accept that fact. This goes for relationships as well and not just those of the mono type but also those of a poly time as well.

(in reply to sub4hire)
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RE: opinions on marriage - 11/3/2004 9:02:37 PM   

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you are not sub4hires master, so who are you to say her opinions are out of line or not warranted and that she needs a birching?

I actually replied earlier today to Perverse. Didn't even read the stuff beneath it. Had no clue this person seems to think he knows it all.
Warder, I will say to you the same thing I say to the rest of the clueless people out there. Last I checked you were not in my relationship. Myself and my Dom are. We don't have three. We actually plan on getting married summer of this coming year. So, I think I'd have to say we have talked about marriage and if we will be a two-some or a 25 some. Of course being clueless and judging others the way you do, you would not think first to ask anyone.
Actually I love finding people like you. It is too bad I don't meet enough of them in person. If you are ever in So Cal, please let me know. I'd love to meet you. You can come to one of our parties.

(in reply to Thanatosian)
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RE: opinions on marriage - 11/4/2004 12:17:55 AM   

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it seems that sub4hire is getting too opinionated about comittment to the partner in marriage than the over all contrast. in fact it sounds like she needs a sound BIRCHING to make her see the light!

Gloria responded to a question that asked each person to give *thier* opinon. Sorry you are a bit deluded if you think that this site does not give a submissive (as Gloria is in her own life) just as much right to their opinion as someone who puts the word *master* in their name. Perhaps you should do a bit more reading and get a bit more enlightened to the protocols of the board vs those you *want* them to be.


so for one who has made a extreme declaration of sarcasam towards something she does not know about then training should be a must for to learn to be openminded in this lifestyle yeilds great rewards...MasterWarder

I see nothing sarcastic in Gloria's comments. I happen to agree that marriage, by every definition I have ever learned or believed, is one of *one* man and *one* female. However, unlike Gloria I do know several long term successful poly relationships. By the same token, I know ones that *thougt* they were that, yet even after 5 or more years broke up because the *2nd* husband, or *2nd* wife decided they needed more.

I do hope you learn one simple thing though. There are is LOT of difference between having a different opinion and being close minded....

< Message edited by EStrict -- 11/4/2004 12:19:05 AM >



Don't take life too seriously, no one gets out alive anyway...

(in reply to masterwarder)
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RE: opinions on marriage - 11/4/2004 12:56:36 PM   

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I dont belive in marrage and i have my reasons why but gene simmons best explained it in a dvd i have where he says somthing along the lines of " the number on cause of divorce is marrage is divorce. statisticly almost all relashonships do not last and when its over it is usually the woman who is on the better side of the divorce. so it is good for a woman to marryas many times as possible and bring in lots of money but bad for the male because there is a good chance he will lose money." while money is kind of a cold hearted th9ing to think about when your in love it is also a very relistic thing to think about in the long run. that isnt to say i dont belive in relationships or love i have have doubts about marrage.


Is yelling "Godzilla" in a japenese airport like yelling "fire" in an american one?

"The devils are girls with vangoes missing ear you say what you want but filth is all that they hear."

(in reply to EStrict)
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RE: opinions on marriage - 11/4/2004 2:43:49 PM   

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I'm of two minds about this. Specifically, I do believe that marriage, per se, is basically just an archaic baby making liscense. This appears to be the current american consensus. However, there are a small few legal rights and priveledges that come with marriage, that I think should be applied to any monogamous couple. I'm not even going to head out into the conceptual minefield of polygamous marriage, which apparantly is so heinous the american people were willing to conquer nevada to stop it.

I do not believe that monogamy can be enforced, and in fact this has been proven time and again throughout history. I do not believe that any relationship will automatically succeed and last, nor do I believe that some archaiac religious ceremony with quasi-legal trappings will somehow render an unstable relationship stable. My parents divorced and remarried several times each. My wife was adopted by a pair of old maids who may or may not have been lesbian lovers (although when her mother's merchant marine husband became too abusive, her "auntie" threatened to cut his balls off if her ever came back). Marriage dosen't make for a stable household - stability does.

Marriage is a union of two families and houses, marriage is a public declaration of the intent to have children, marriage is a public announcement and celebration of the relationship you have with that perfect someone. Unfortunately, some people get really worked up about the latter one, if the perfect someone isn't perfect for them. I'm enough of an egalitarian idealist that, since the first two statements are pretty much hosed by modern society, I'd like to see the third made available to anyone crazy enough in love to want to settle down and wake up next to the same person for the rest of their life.

Then again, maybe that's just me.


Think of my verbosity as a sort of litmus test for our relationship. I write in a manner identical to how I speak and how I think. If you can not cope with what I have written here, it is probably for the best if we go our separate ways.

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