RE: Doms that do not accept BBWs (Full Version)

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Kana -> RE: Doms that do not accept BBWs (3/7/2013 1:49:57 PM)

Not to start any shit or anything (hehehehe, believe that and I have a bridge to sell ya) ut I always find these kinda threads amusing.
People like different shit. Some people want skinny, others big, some humungous. Others prefer white, black, asian, short, tall, petite,, hell, maybe they only like cross dressing middle aged plump one armed Chilean fisherman.
Who the funk knows.
What I do think is that pretty much everyone who howls about why everyone should be accepted also would be quick as fuck to be creeped out if some 95 year old guy was macking on em.
We all have certain attractions. We also have things that totally turn us off. And nobody, as in nobody, is open to everyone and everything.
So, if someone likes some particular type/age/race/religion, that cool with me.
And if they don't have a particular affinity for, oooooooooooh crosseyed lepers, that's cool with me too.
But don't be expecting my ass to like everyone. And I sure as hell don't expect the same from others.

sexyred1 -> RE: Doms that do not accept BBWs (3/7/2013 2:51:57 PM)

I agree. We all have preferences and that will never end.

To be told you are shallow for wanting or NOT wanting something, is ridiculous.

If someone is not into my type, I chalk it off to them having bad taste and move one! [;)]

AthenaSurrenders -> RE: Doms that do not accept BBWs (3/7/2013 10:55:26 PM)



Not to start any shit or anything (hehehehe, believe that and I have a bridge to sell ya) ut I always find these kinda threads amusing.
People like different shit. Some people want skinny, others big, some humungous. Others prefer white, black, asian, short, tall, petite,, hell, maybe they only like cross dressing middle aged plump one armed Chilean fisherman.
Who the funk knows.
What I do think is that pretty much everyone who howls about why everyone should be accepted also would be quick as fuck to be creeped out if some 95 year old guy was macking on em.
We all have certain attractions. We also have things that totally turn us off. And nobody, as in nobody, is open to everyone and everything.
So, if someone likes some particular type/age/race/religion, that cool with me.
And if they don't have a particular affinity for, oooooooooooh crosseyed lepers, that's cool with me too.
But don't be expecting my ass to like everyone. And I sure as hell don't expect the same from others.

I agree with this.

If you refuse to give someone a job, or invite them to your street-party just because they are fat/black/gay/muslim/a one-armed Chilean, that makes you an ass. In your own intimate relationships, however, you can set any criteria you like. Sure, the more restrictions you place the more chance of you never finding a match, but that's an individual decision. If I want to set an arbitrary limit of 'no one who wears size 13 or above shoes', that's my call. My love life is not equal opportunities and I do not owe anyone a chance.

And why would you want to be with someone who didn't find you appealing?

Though I will say that personally I'm turned off by anyone who leads with a list of physical criteria. I think by putting it out there all over your profile says that the physical appearance is number 1 priority. There's a line between saving people time by letting them know they're not your type, and just coming across and shallow.

Charles6682 -> RE: Doms that do not accept BBWs (3/8/2013 12:36:50 AM)

I've always had a thing for dark skinned women but I know better than to just limit myself to anyone just because of something like that.I have preferences like anybody else but at the end of the day,personality is still the most important thing to me.That and a sense of humor.

xssve -> RE: Doms that do not accept BBWs (3/8/2013 1:03:02 AM)

If it reflects healthy appetites, I am inclined to equally broaden my esthetic values - if she's just a lazy slut, I don't want her breaking all my damn furniture.

LillyBoPeep -> RE: Doms that do not accept BBWs (3/8/2013 6:27:57 AM)

I like a lot of different things, which I mostly attribute to life drawing. =p No matter what model we had, when you stare at people for so many hours, learning all the bits and parts and quirks of them, there's something interesting to find in nearly everything, in some way. But that doesn't necessarily mean sexual attraction is one of those things. I am totally fine with people who aren't interested in me because of whatever; some people don't like brown chicks, some don't like short chicks, some don't like chubby ones, and that's all me (for now - the chub is going away, hooray!). Just like I don't like certain things, or prefer other things.

If you are hateful towards people because of those things, then you have issues. But we are all free to date whoever we like and avoid whoever we don't like. We just don't tend to feel too happy about it when someone we like doesn't like us. =p But that's the way it all works. Everyone has preferences and there isn't anything wrong with them (unless they're criminal =p). If someone doesn't accept a larger woman or a larger man, or a shorter woman, or a shorter man, or a taller woman or a taller man - no big deal. Find someone who does.

LookieNoNookie -> RE: Doms that do not accept BBWs (3/8/2013 4:04:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: AngelinChainz

First off this is not a rant nor am I trying to be snide. I am serious about this question. I love all body types and respect everyone's choice in what they choose to look like and who they find attractive.
I have a serious question for Doms/Masters that will not accept BBW sub/slaves. If you met a lady that had everything you wanted in her attitude, disposition and willingness to submit would you be willing to help her transform her physical body into what you would find pleasing? I am talking about a safe weight loss program involving diet and exercise. Plus your control/Dominance over her as your property, not to mention her deep desire to please you, as a motivating factor. Even all the way to helping her get financing for weight loss surgery, which has become much safer and allows many options. Speaking for myself I know that with the drive of my Master/Owner behind me, as well as his support, pride, and even rewards for doing well would be a huge boost.
Now of course me personally, I WANT to lose the weight already first for health reasons and second because I am not happy with my body. I am absolutely NOT talking about forcing someone to do this because it would please you. A person absolutely has to WANT to change and have the desire within them to be successful. This is just something that popped into my mind and I would like to get your views on it. TY

Who gives a shit?

Some people like thin people. Some like fat people.

Some like those that dress in leather, others...lace.

Everyone has their thing.

Enjoy it.

Baroana -> RE: Doms that do not accept BBWs (3/8/2013 5:15:29 PM)



Not to start any shit or anything (hehehehe, believe that and I have a bridge to sell ya) ut I always find these kinda threads amusing.
People like different shit. Some people want skinny, others big, some humungous. Others prefer white, black, asian, short, tall, petite,, hell, maybe they only like cross dressing middle aged plump one armed Chilean fisherman.
Who the funk knows.
What I do think is that pretty much everyone who howls about why everyone should be accepted also would be quick as fuck to be creeped out if some 95 year old guy was macking on em.
We all have certain attractions. We also have things that totally turn us off. And nobody, as in nobody, is open to everyone and everything.
So, if someone likes some particular type/age/race/religion, that cool with me.
And if they don't have a particular affinity for, oooooooooooh crosseyed lepers, that's cool with me too.
But don't be expecting my ass to like everyone. And I sure as hell don't expect the same from others.

I agree at least in part. What I find distasteful is pre-judging people based on a single physical trait (or even a non physical trait). There is beauty everywhere. For one to make up their mind in advance that they cannot and will not find a _____ person beautiful is, in my opinion, bigoted and closed minded.

littlewonder -> RE: Doms that do not accept BBWs (3/8/2013 10:25:40 PM)

Sorry but yeah, I'm gonna prejudge a person who shows up to meet me in dirty, smelly clothing and hasn't taken a bath in years. If that means I'm closed minded and bigoted, I'm perfectly fine with that.

Yup, I prejudge people all the time. I seem to be doing just fine and I'm glad I do so.

FrostedFlake -> RE: Doms that do not accept BBWs (3/9/2013 12:27:13 AM)

Did I mention I'm back up to 150 pounds?

I don't ride my bike so much in the Winter, so I don't use as much fuel. If I don't watch it, I can really hurt myself. Got down to 140 before I noticed.

What? Off topic? Aw, Jeeze!

Thaz -> RE: Doms that do not accept BBWs (3/9/2013 12:32:22 AM)

Its the brain I go for. And that I WANT _dirty_

But a pretty face and a nice set of legs helps. Others go for one armed south american fisheries workers. Whatever works for them.

Bewailing that someone aint into you is as pointless here as it was in school. Go find someone with better taste or if you aint happy with you then change.

Says the man who needs to loose some of the X-mas pounds still. Getting there though ;-)

Esinn -> RE: Doms that do not accept BBWs (3/22/2013 7:03:59 AM)

Doms that do not accept BBWs are sick. Possibly suffering from a mental illness. I just dont get it. Possibly that was a more polite way to state that. More to play with, more to move, more to grab, more to move you - mmmm. It is a welcome reality. If not a reality than a fantasy. Who am I kidding. I am a freak! I look for people with similar interests, hobbies and passions before body type I guess that is a serious character flaw.

I am into body modification though from clothes, make up, piercings and weight. Though I do not think too much fluctuation too consistently with weight is healthy. But, a partner willing to change, cares about appearance yummie! I am kind of like this with music too. I am a music slut. Sometimes I think I am broken I like so many different types of music I think I am being untrue to myself.... some kind of cognitive dissonance.

VideoAdminChi -> RE: Doms that do not accept BBWs (3/22/2013 7:15:58 AM)


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