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Forum Rules - 4/3/2004 12:25:56 PM   

Posts: 935
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The Bitch queen perverta thread has been pulled.

This is just a reminder to please respect the forum rules.
Please do not spam, troll, flame or post copyrighted images.


Mod One

< Message edited by ModeratorOne -- 4/3/2004 3:26:29 PM >
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[Deleted] - 4/3/2004 12:56:07 PM   
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RE: Ha ha, WHY am I NOT surprised??? - 4/3/2004 1:25:44 PM   

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I am the one who requested the string be pulled. I did so because you seemed incapable of following board guidelines, which do not allow for supremacy by the simple token that they say you should respect other's kinks.

BTW, I do agree the flaming was in defense, and told the moderator that. But do try to remember it is said that in order to control another you must first be able to control yourself. This post is just one more example that makes you appear less than you are claiming in the eyes of others.

One last thing. I don't fear you. Why should I? You are a loud mouth, vulgar woman who seems to think demeaning others make her appear more important. You claim intelligence. Try showing it by being civil and discussing things rather than using vulgarity for shock value as any teen does.



Don't take life too seriously, no one gets out alive anyway...

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[Deleted] - 4/3/2004 1:38:18 PM   
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RE: Ha ha, WHY am I NOT surprised??? - 4/3/2004 2:00:06 PM   

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::Laughing:: Boy, did I need this laugh. Work on your comprehension though Perverta. I already stated you are nothing to fear. You are not the only reason I requested the string to be pulled. But even with that, it is not *principle*. For the main part there moderators allow this board to be used openly. It is just when someone blatantly breaks so many in one string, I see no reason not to request its removal. If you wish to talk about schoolgirl antics though, please check the mirror. Your behavior is school yard at best.

However, since it was pulled I have noted you have quit posting copyrighted pictures, and even posted in some other strings (thus did what was suggested in the early thread and went looking rather than expecting everyone to come to you). So I guess they are wrong as you have proved you can teach an old *bitch* new tricks..



Don't take life too seriously, no one gets out alive anyway...

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[Deleted] - 4/3/2004 2:06:33 PM   
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[Deleted] - 4/3/2004 2:11:28 PM   
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RE: Ha ha, WHY am I NOT surprised??? - 4/3/2004 2:18:35 PM   

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There was NO trolling here, baby!

Precisely, only attempted trolling despite it's being prohibited.

You were wrong in your attempted trolling. All the vulgarity you can muster up will not change the fact that "you have embarrassed your own self" here.

"Tude & vulgarity" do not overcome ignorance, and you have "re-proven" that. To take it personally that you 'fucked up' is not a quality trait. To attack those who would point out your 'fuck up' is only another indicator that you are not what you profess.

Try recovering from your 'fuck up' with grace... NOT "Re-Cover"ing your 'fuck up' with slander, attitude and vulgarity... it only makes you look worse.

The shoe is on your foot Perverta... will it go in your mouth again? (that's your call)


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[Deleted] - 4/3/2004 2:28:13 PM   
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RE: Ha ha, WHY am I NOT surprised??? - 4/3/2004 2:33:51 PM   

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I not worried about how "I look," dunce. I could care less.

I agree, this is quite obvious.

You are quite boring as well as dense, next dumbass...


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RE: Ha ha, WHY am I NOT surprised??? - 4/3/2004 2:34:54 PM   

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You are correct Perverata, I cannot debate you. It is impossible to have a reasonable conversation much less a rational debate with someone who shows the lack of even basic reading comprehension. That also goes for someone, who when wrong, is incapable of admitting it. You came to this site, broke the rules and were corrected by the moderators, (and by others), and rather than prove you have some respect for yourself as a dominant and are willing to admit you may have made an error, you bluster and show you are nothing but a bully who is incapable of self control.

No where did I say, imply, or state in any manner the pictures where not of you. No where in the rules does it state that copyrighted pictures are acceptable *as long as they are of you*.

Work on your comprehension. When you have master the art of reading and understanding what is actually written and can come up with a topic that you can actually discuss (other something subjective such as how god like you are), feel free to start a string for it.

Oh yeah, and you can contact the moderator for your inability to follow site rules this time. After all, if you have any common sense you can see how bad you make yourself look with this self-inflated BS you are spouting, and I can fully understand why you are trying so hard to have this thread pulled also.



Don't take life too seriously, no one gets out alive anyway...

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[Deleted] - 4/3/2004 2:42:45 PM   
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[Deleted] - 4/3/2004 2:54:25 PM   
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[Deleted] - 4/3/2004 3:00:40 PM   
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RE: Forum Rules - 4/3/2004 3:09:19 PM   

Posts: 935
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This thread is done.

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RE: Ha ha, WHY am I NOT surprised??? - 4/3/2004 3:09:22 PM   

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Bravo Perverta! You have shown some comprehension after all. You have caught that when I write fast I sometimes accidentally hit the space bar and spell check will not catch it as both *no* and *where* are words. As far as the other, it was an error. I admit it. I am human and make mistakes. As my sons would say *my bad*.

What I did note though, is although you managed to find and point out grammar and typing errors, you did not seem to be able to touch any of the actual points.

There is an old saying that goes: When you can't dazzle them with your brilliance, baffle them with your bullshit.

The brilliance isn't dazzling, and I have enough of the bullshit Perverta. Show where I said you weren't in the pictures. Show where it says they allowed because they are your own. And really shock us. Show you are sure enough of yourself to admit your poor showing on this forum to date. Try to stick to fact and reality. Try to be an adult. Are you capable?



Don't take life too seriously, no one gets out alive anyway...

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