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An unexpected meeting - 8/14/2012 7:41:14 AM   

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She was late. The trip had been much longer than she expected, and she had only brought enough clothes for three days. Today was the first cool day, and the only dress she had was the green and white checked summer weight dress she had expected to wear to the luncheon. Worse yet, she had no clean panties. Well, nothing to do about it but wear the cleanest of the dirty ones. Why hadn’t she washed out one pair last night? A bit tipsy perhaps, and late getting in.

Then she remembered the ladies clothing shop she had seen on her way to the hotel the first day. Nothing too fancy, but she could buy a pair of panties, certainly. Right next door, she thought, or one or two doors down, she wasn’t sure. She decided rather quickly to leave the dirty panties off, and just walk the fifty or sixty feet to the store, and buy some new ones.

It was a very bright summer morning, and as she walked out of the hotel, she noticed how busy the street was. She looked down at herself and noticed that the sun went right through the dress, just as she had liked so much when she bought it. It wasn’t fear she felt, and it wasn’t embarrassment, either. It was a thrill. But, she wasn’t used to thrills in public, so she walked briskly in the direction she remembered. The shop was not next door, but three doors down.

There were three black men there; sitting on the steps of the building she had forgotten, talking amongst themselves. As she approached all three of them turned their heads, and looked at her. She averted her eyes as soon as she saw them looking, but that was even more transparent than the summer dress. It was a very long few seconds as she walked by the men, and just at the very moment she thought she was past them, she heard one of them speak. “Yo, White Sugar, can I ask you a question?”

The stammer took every shred of haughtiness out of her reply as she turned and tried to say in her best Southern Lady tone, “Ar. . . Are you speaking to me?”

“I sure am, White Sugar.” The largest of the three replied. “You too good to talk to the likes of me?”

The stammer came back with a vengeance, yet the body rush she felt was still not fear, it was that same thrill she had felt a moment before, but even stronger. “No, no, not at all, what did you want to ask?”

The man stood up, and she realized that he towered over her. He moved over, and spoke very softly, creating a sudden intimacy, saying “Raymond here says he thinks you ain’t wearin’ any panties. But I told him, I couldn’t see any hair on that pussy, so you must be.” As he spoke, he placed one hand on her arm, turning her toward his friends, and indicating Raymond with his other hand.

The conversation stopped cold, and the big black man leaned in even closer. White Sugar was unable to speak, or move, or even stop trembling. “Or do you shave that little thing?” he continued with a sudden intensity in his voice, and his grip on her arm.

The length of the pause was excruciating, and poor little White Sugar could not think of what to say, but shook her head. The man laughed heartily, and whispered in her ear, pulling her into his body, with one arm, and holding her tightly. He spoke again, from inches away.

“Come on, now, I saw you lookin’ too.” His free arm indicated the small alley between the porch, and the store. “Let’s go down there. Then you can show me yours, and I’ll show you mine.”

It was at that moment that a police officer pulled up in his car. He spoke loudly, “Lady, is that man bothering you?” Then he addressed the man who was still holding her with his arm around here like a boyfriend might. “Leon, you better not be messin’ with her.”

“Tell him, Shug. Tell the man we was jus’ talkin.”

Shug never took her eyes off Leon's face. She felt him almost holding her up. Suddenly she spoke. The elicited collusion came easily to her lips, and with it, the wavering emotions hit fully. “No, officer, he isn’t bothering me. We were just talking. Everything is all right.”

“I have to go, now, Leon.” She said. Why was she smiling at this stranger?

“I’ll be here.” Leon replied. He gave her a knowing smile. "You be sure to wear that same outfit, next time, Shug.” He unexpectedly leaned over very quickly and kissed her on the cheek. As he did he very quietly said, “and maybe when you come back, I’ll start callin’ you White Meat."

It was at the luncheon, later that she realized she had forgotten to buy the new panties.
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Packing for another trip - 8/15/2012 10:00:39 PM   

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And here is the green print dress. She hesitated, because as much as the “White Sugar” dress was even more her favorite, the weather was decidedly too cool to wear it. Yet still she packed it. Deliberately not thinking about it, she packed all the things she would need.

No point in denying it, she thought, as she took one pair of panties out of the suitcase, and put them back in her dresser. Then she went into the bathroom, and carefully trimmed her pubic hair. She washed carefully, thinking about how she looked “down there” as she said it. “Oh, God, I am hoping he likes my pussy! Am I going to do this?”

It was a long drive, and she had an early afternoon meeting, and could not take the chance of wearing the green dress today. Besides, Leon and his friends might not be there so late. Better to go out the other door at the hotel, and check tomorrow, at the same time. On the same day of the week. She guiltily remembered arranging her schedule so she would be able to go by that spot, and not actually have to be anywhere for hours after. What was she planning? She shivered and drove on. The afternoon meeting was a minor disaster. She caught herself looking at the white male executives, and actually checking out their crotches! She was smiling to herself as she did it. She was entirely sure Leon’s package would be larger. She forgot what the men were talking about twice. Her behavior was outrageous! She was swinging her hips as she left the room. She went to dinner, and stared at men without even thinking about it.

It was so tempting to go to the little shop that night. Would he be there, in the late evening? She was too afraid to try. So, she went to bed early and stayed up late masturbating and imagining what she would say when she saw Leon. Or would he say something? Yes, he would. He had entirely led the last encounter, and told her to come back. She realized at that moment she was just doing what he told her to do. She had started doing that when he told her to tell the cop they were just talking! And she hadn’t stopped yet. When she finally slept, she had fantastic dreams of Leon, and woke up with a start when the sun shined in her face. She was terrified that she had overslept.

It was actually quite early. She had seen him the last time some time well before her 11:00 o’clock luncheon meeting. Right now it was barely eight in the morning. She got out the dress, and checked to be sure it was not wrinkled. This time she had some very nice high heels to wear with it, strappy, and sexy. She had bought them the previous week.

She decided to bathe again, and do her hair. It was like going out on a date in high school. She was still done by 9:30, and could contain herself no longer. As she walked out the doorway, the doorman followed her with his eyes. He was staring right at her pussy.

She turned toward the porch two doors down, and her heart sank. The steps were empty. She walked along slowly, and looked into the doorway, as she passed. It was some sort of apartment building. What was she to do? She kept her eyes on the doorway as she walked by, and when she got all the way passed it, she suddenly ran into someone! Startled, she jumped back, and looked up.

It was him. Leon. His big strong arms caught her as she jumped, and he held her out at arm’s length. He had just stepped out of the little alley he had told her to come down the last time. He looked at her with the same smile he had the first time, and then suddenly he recognized her. “Well look what we got here! White Sugar, you came back just like I told you.”

“Ye . . yes, I did.” Again the stammering? She wondered why. This was her hour of wantonness. Why the nervousness? She realized she was still the puppet on his strings. His hands were still on her hips, where he had caught her as they collided. He swung her back and forth slowly, looking down at her. “And wearing my favorite dress, too!”

She actually felt herself blush. That deepened as he continued. “You came here to show me that White Meat, didn’t you?”

She was paralyzed, yet it was not fear at all. She didn’t pull away from him even a bit. She looked up at him, but did nothing. His voice went sort of hard, and the smile on his face faded into a stern sort of look. “Go ahead and do it.” As he said it, he backed away a half step, and let go of her. She felt the warmth inside her, and felt it coming out of her as well. But she moved with no hesitation, and lifted her skirts high enough that Leon would have a very good view. She wanted him to like it, much more than she wanted to avoid any public disgrace.

He moved with that same deliberate but easy speed that he had the first time he had grabbed her, but this time he put his hand right over her pussy, and almost lifted her up. “Mmmmm, mmmm! Now that is a fine lookin’ little pussy, White Meat. Oh, and it’s already all wet!” She fell forward into him, and put her arms around him as he half lifted her, and put his other arm around her back.

He whispered to her, intensely, “I knew from the get go that you were coming back. And aren’t you glad you did?” She stammered out her yes, and stayed right there, more pinned to him, than embraced. But she wasn’t afraid now. She was exultant.

“You said you would show me yours.” She whispered.

The easy humor of his laugh was there, but his words had a sting. “Listen, White Meat, maybe you go around showin’ off your pussy in public, but if you want to see Mr. Johnson, you gonna have to come back to my room.”

And just as suddenly, he let her go, and offered her his arm like some sort of courtier. “But one thing, you should know, Sweet Meat. If Mr. Johnson comes out to meet you, you gonna do a lot more than look at him.” With this, he swung his arm around behind her, taking her arm with him, in a gentle hammerlock. He then let her wrist go, and slid his hand down on her buttocks, rubbing them as they walked down the alley.

< Message edited by limpshorty -- 8/15/2012 10:01:32 PM >

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RE: Packing for another trip - 8/23/2012 9:15:15 PM   

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As she entered the apartment, Sweet Meat felt Leon's hand slide down from her buttock, and move around her at her thighs. With no more effort than she would have made bringing in a bag of groceries, Leon swept her up, and turned her toward him. He carried her like a toddler in one arm, closing the door behind himself with the other hand. It sounded heavy as it thudded into place, and clicked. She put her arm around his neck, and snuggled into him.

There was the briefest of pauses, as he walked into the large living room. Then he swung her around to stand in front of him, and put her feet on the ground. His look was so intense, and his hands moved freely over her body with no trace of hesitation. But there was an odd tenderness in his voice as he asked her, “You ready for this, Shug?” She nodded.

He reached around her, and undid the top of her dress, and unzipped it. “Hands up, Sweet Meat, you don't want to get your dress all messed up, do you? She raised her arms, and watched him take her dress and and walk to a closet. “You gonna remember where this is?” She nodded and self consciously covered herself with her hands, more because he barely seemed to notice her naked except high heels, and a bra.

He looked at her as he took off his shirt, and dropped in on a chair beside the closet. “You want to put your bra in here.” She nodded and with her eyes downcast, and her knees trembling, she came over and stood beside him, as she unhooked her bra. Then she immediately took off the shoes, with a silly thought that he hadn't even noticed them. As she bent over to put them down, he laughed again.

“Damn, Shug, looks almost like you was movin in! How long you planning on staying?” At this point, he began running his hands over her, her breasts, and belly, from behind. She was so excited now, and she could smell herself,

“I have to go home in the morning.” she said, and with a determination she had not been able to work up before this, she started unbuckling his pants. The fumbling was gone, and she easily slipped his trousers down, and his boxer shorts immediately after them. She knelt down as she did this, and was running her hands back up his legs, on both sides as she came back up. She stopped then, and looked at this part of him she had spent so much time imagining. He was uncut, and larger than any man she had personally known. He was only slightly firm, not erect. She glanced up at Leon's face, and smiled slyly.

“Hello, Mr. Johnson. Would you like a kiss?” She followed the tease with a few small kisses along the shaft, moving downward as it began to rise so she was reaching the head as it came up to her face. She looked up to watch his expression as she took it in her mouth. He was looking right in her eyes, His expression fiercely attentive.

“How much can you take, Sweet Lips?” he asked. She felt his hands move around her head, holding her from both sides. Her hands were both on the shaft of his swelling member. She felt it filling her mouth, and then felt him pulling her head into him, forcing it deeper down her throat. He was doing it so slowly. He never took his eyes off hers. He pulled it back, and held her head turned up to face him. “How much do you want, Shug? Do you think you can take it all?”

She was sure she was going to shake her head to say no, with the head of his cock in her mouth, But somehow it was a nod that came out. And the nod turned to another slow slide into her, with his hands holding her head, and tilting her chin upward. This time he continued until she began to gag. When he stopped, he did not move back. “Swallow it, Shug. Try hard.” She did try, but suddenly the gagging was overwhelming. Even as she began to struggle, she felt him sliding out, pulling all the way back.
“Pretty good, Shug. I bet you next time, you'll be ready to try it all. Come with me.” He picked her up from the floor, and walked her over to a large couch which was well out into the room, away from the walls. He took her around to the back of it. He pushed her thighs up against the padded back of the couch, and tilted her head back so she was looking in his eyes.

“Now what you want, Sweet Meat?”

“Fuck me.”

He laughed, and said, “I should make you say please, but I need me some hot white meat, and I want it now.” He bent her over the couch, and she threw her arms out to hold herself up. He swept each of her feet out to the side effortlessly, and her waist and hips came down on the couch. She started pushing with her arms, and realized he had just put his cock into her as she did it. The result pushed her onto him, and he slid deep into her.

“Woah, Shug!” he said, “You sure you want it that fast.” He stopped himself, and then slowly continued to go into her. Without any sight of what was happening he seemed to come into her so deep. She was moaning to the point of whispering when he asked, “You got muscles down there? Squeeze me.” He moved in and out slowly, Running his hands up to her breasts, and pulling her up and into him as she came up. Somehow she couldn't stand the slow pace, and didn't know what to do to to hurry him up.

He said “Fuck back, sweet meat.” You want it faster, you fuck back faster.” “Good girl.” “Squeeze me, now, hold me in there.” His orders came always as she was feeling the pressure in herself fading, As if he could feel what was going on in her body. Finally she felt the clenching and matching with his orders to squeeze, and the fucking back got harder and more frantic. His commands came only as grunts, now. She started to fall forward, as her arms gave out, and he put his arms around her, and started to thrust her up and down against the rhythm of his hips. By the time he finally came, she was limp all over, She moaned softly as he pulled away. He picked her up, and rolled her head over heels onto the seat of the couch, and walked around to sit on it beside her head.

She crawled up, and laid her head in his lap, taking his cock in her hand, and holding it, looking at it, and closed her eyes. In a few minutes, she saw his breathing had gotten slower, and she opened up her eyes. His cock was still there, in front of her face, and his balls right at her lips. She kissed them very gently.

“Damn, girl, you ready already?” He asked.

“Mmmmmmmm.” she said, as she sucked his balls into her mouth.

She saw him reach over to a table, and was surprised to see him with his cell phone in his hand.

”What are you doing?” she said.

He shook his head as he looked at her. “Shug, it ain't even lunchtime yet! If you aint' leavin until morning, I'm gonna need reinforcements!”

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RE: Packing for another trip - 9/1/2012 8:05:37 PM   

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“Smatter Sweet Meat, you gettin' stingy with this?” Leon asked her, as he reached over and put his hand over her pussy, and squeezed it just a little too tightly. He held out his hand, and showed her how it glistened from her wetness. “It don't look to me like you're runnin' out.”

“Who are you calling?” she asked him. She was surprised that the stammer and soft voice was gone, and she did not feel any real fear or nervousness. She wondered how many names he would have to give her to make her object.

“Just Raymond. You remember Raymond, don't you? He been starin' at this thing longer than I have.”

“Do you think he wants to fuck me? I mean with you here.” she asked.

“Oh, Ray purely loves to fuck, and he don't much care where. He especially likes fuckin' horny white girls.” Leon paused, giving the matter some thought. “He might like it a whole lot if you was to ask him real nice to fuck you when he gets here.”

She asked softly, as she licked her way up to the end of his still soft cock, “How long will it be until he gets here?” She took the head of his cock into her mouth and looked up at him again.

“Oh Ray lives around the corner. He'll be here before you finish this blow job. You want me to call him?” She began to nod her head. Leon shivered and began dialing. As she began trying to learn how to take Leon's cock deeper and deeper into her mouth, and throat, she heard him talking.

“Raymond, you remember little no britches? Yeah, White Meat. (here she felt herself moan and felt him respond to the feeling.) Uh, well, Right now, she got my dick so far down her throat I'm worried about getting it back out!” Now it was Leon doing the moaning, as she slid her head back, all the way to the head, and swirled her tongue around it.”

“Yeah man, and you better hurry, too. I can't see that pussy from here, but I do believe it's smokin'!”

She began to concentrate on how to get all of his cock down her throat. It was very hard now, and seemed even bigger than before. Leon wasn't guiding her this time, but was laying back on the couch, with his head back. He had his hand on her back, but it was just resting there. He had dropped the phone, and was very quiet.

She had no sense of time, and was entirely absorbed in learning how to get his cock past the point where it made her gag. A couple of times, she seemed to have it farther in, and the gagging was much less. Leon seemed to like this, so she wanted to get better at it. That thought went deep into her mind, and seemed to belong there.

She heard the door open, and a voice say, “Oh, shit, Leon! How you get the bitch to do this, ain't even taken her out nowhere?”

She turned around, letting Leon's cock fall from her lips. “Are you Raymond?” she asked. She licked her lips as Raymond stared at her in surprise.

“Leon said if I asked nice, you might be willing to fuck me. Will you please fuck me, Raymond? You can start while I am finishing Leon's blow job. I want to learn to get it just the way he likes it.”

As she said this, Leon was beginning to laugh, almost giggle. She felt his stomach bouncing. “Yeah, Ray, would you mind fuckin' little sweet meat for me, while she finishes my blow job?” With this, Leon began to laugh in earnest. Ray was confused, for a bit.

“Hell yeah, I'll fuck you!” he said and began taking off his pants.

Leon said “Let's get you turned around, there Sweet Meat. Ray, he tends to fuck pretty hard, and I want to feel you getting' your face pushed all the way onto my cock..”

She found the casual and easy way that the two men simply picked her up, and put her into the position they wanted made her hot all over again. She had like how strong Leon was and it seemed that Raymond was even stronger. In seconds, she was kneeling between them, on her hands and knees, with all the sofa cushions stuffed under her, so she couldn't fall down. They didn't even speak to her, but as they adjusted her position spoke to each other about her.

“Get her ass up a little.”
“You want her hands loose, or should I hold on to them.”
“Nah, she don't want to get away, she wants to do this all night.”
“Open wide, Shug, both ends.”

Just as he made this last comment, Leon put his cock into her mouth, and continued to Raymond, “Fuck her good, Ray, and she'll probably want to suck you when you finish.”

Sweet Meat groaned as she found herself lifted up again, this time by having a cock pushed deep into her from both ends. She was so glad she had practiced swallowing Leon's cock, because this time it went in hard, and farther than she had had it before, when doing it herself. She controlled the gag reflex, and tried to look up and see if Leon noticed. She couldn't see much, because her eyes were tearing freely, although she was not crying.

The world faded away, and her world became the two cocks, and the sweat, and smells of the two men, and their hands holding her, and pulling her onto them. Their rhythm was uneven, and sometimes both men were almost out of her and other times she seemed to be being bounced back and fort between them. It was so fascinating to some withdrawn part of her how much she liked this hard treatment, and entirely carnal response she felt from it.

She was beginning to wonder how long it would last, and if she would still want to stay the night after it was over, when rather quickly Ray began to thrust much faster, although not as deeply, and Leon pulled his cock out until only the head was in her mouth, and grabbed her by the hair, and said, “Here it comes babe, a load of cum in both ends. . . . Lot's of tongue, sweet meat, and don't lose any.”

She felt herself responding to his order without thinking at all. When she had sucked her husband, all those years ago when they were still married, and still having sex, she had let his semen spill out when he came, and spit out want remained in her mouth after he fell asleep. (as always, within minutes of his orgasm.) Usually, oral sex was only for making him hard, and she didn't do that much, after she learned how brief the fuck would be if she excited him before hand.

She tried very hard to catch every bit of Leon's cum, but a little bit got away, and she felt it dribble from the corner of her mouth as he pulled out his cock. This time she could see his face, as he leaned over and murmured in her ear, in that hoarse near whisper he used, “So, Sweet Meat, you a spitter, or a swallower?”

She looked at him for the briefest of moments as Ray finally finished and pulled out, and she swallowed, very deliberately, running her tongue over her lips, and making sure Leon could see that she had swallowed all of it. Leon took one finger, and wiped up the trail of the drops that had escaped from her mouth, and inserted his finger into her mouth. She licked it avidly, and he patter her cheek as he sat back down beside her. “Good girl, Shug. Now go clean the pussy juice off Ray's cock, and we can rest for a while.”

As she moved over to begin on Ray's cock, she noticed the sun shining in the window. It was still coming from high in the sky. Barely noon, or only shortly after. She wondered why she was so happy at that thought. Ray began guiding her efforts, and his cock began to respond to her mouth and tongue. Evidently he recovered as quickly as Leon.

< Message edited by limpshorty -- 9/1/2012 8:08:01 PM >

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RE: Packing for another trip - 9/3/2012 10:34:51 AM   

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When she woke up, she felt warm bodies on both sides of her. She opened her eyes, and saw a cock inches from her face. Leon's cock, she realized. She recognized it. It was hard! She knew the body behind her was Raymond, although he was only barely touching her. She laughed quietly. Of course it was Raymond, who else could it be?

Shock at herself fluttered around her thoughts looking for a place to land. She was lying naked between to naked black men, and she was thinking mostly about sucking the cock in front of her. Idly she wondered what time it was. Still early, she thought. Less than a full day since she started this frantic sex fantasy. Only it was real. Where was her shame? Where was the nervousness? Would the men have time for more sex? Would they even want it? Leon seemed to be ready.

She moved carefully, and took his cock into her mouth. Slowly working her face into his crotch, as she had learned to do. Learned to love. Ray always shoved his cock into her. It was always the same with him. Leon was different. He seemed to want to have her try. He liked her to look up at him, which she did at that thought, and saw him slowly waking up, and looking down at her. She smiled. Sort of, it was hard to smile with his cock stretching her mouth. But he smiled back.

“You still want more, Sweet Meat?” he asked softly. She happily replied by nodding her head vigorously. She liked that feeling as well. He had seemed to always ask her, when his cock was in her mouth some question she could answer yes to.

She was shocked by what came next. “Yo, Raymond, it's almost eight o'clock!”

Raymond woke with a start. “Huh? What the fuck? Shit. I'm late!” He struggled to get up, and looked around groggily. “Aw, man, she still suckin' you? Girl always gots to have a cock in her somewhere.” Ray got up, and then seemed to remember something. “Eight o'clock? Damn Leon, why didn' you set an alarm or something.” He grabbed clothes from here and there, and went to the bathroom.

Leon sighed, and lay back with a grin. “I got my alarm, right here.” he took her head between his hands and began thrusting into her, and pulling her onto him. Then he stopped. He looked her in the eye, as he moved her up, and off his cock. Then put his hands on her sides, beneath her arms. “Get up, Shug, and ride on top of me. He lifted her, and she was confused. Almost all of her wild night had been being taken “doggy style” by one of the men, sometimes with another in her mouth, but sometimes just one alone.

“Come on, get up.” Leon said. He lifted and guided her to straddle him, facing toward him, and said “I'm too tired to work at it. You gonna do the fuckin' this time. I'm just gonna watch them titties bounce around and watch your face while you gettin' what you want.”

Ray walked out of the bathroom just as she got into this position, and he watched her as she slid herself onto Leon. She found the added attention made her feel suddenly as excited as she had when she first found herself with Leon. Ray stared for a few minutes as she began to slide herself up and down, and stared back at him.

Ray suddenly tore his eyes away, and looked at Leon. “Damn, I got to go now. She come back, I wanna try that!” With these parting words, Ray walked out, and shut the door behind him. She looked down at Leon, and saw his smile. Twitches and shudders moved through her as his knowing look seemed to pierce her as deeply as his cock.

“Shug, I think Ray likes you! I mean, he almost talked to you.” Leon's words set off another whirl of thinking, She continued her slow and somehow more passionate movements, and was enjoying the feelings even more than she had last night. But her mind would not stop looking over the things that had happened.

Ray had never addressed her directly at all. Not last night, not at the earlier encounter. He spoke to Leon about her, but never to her. She had started by asking him to fuck her, and he replied to her. That was true. But it was pretty much the last thing he said that could be called talking to her. She had not even noticed it until now. What had she become? Was she just a piece of meat? And over it all was the frightening fact that she wasn't sure she wanted to change it.

“Sweet Meat? You worried about Ray? Don't even think about it. Ray dumber than a rock. Girls tease him all the time. Then they want to fuck him, cause he is big, and strong, and he is always ready. But they don't expect no sweet talk. 'Cept the white girls. They always want him to say something.”

“He talks to you.” she said. “He talks to you about me. He says he wants something from me, but he asks you, not me. Does he think I belong to you?”

“Shug, I called him over here to fuck you. You wanted me to, and it wasn't nothing you couldn't have decided not to do. Yeah, Ray thinks you my private white pussy. Don't go all Miss Scarlet on me now. You mind him thinking you My white meat?”

The orgasm she had at those words was not quite enough answer for him. “Shug, you mind BEIN' my white pussy” Her spasms of pleasure increased, and she moaned. But that too was not enough. “Got's to say it Shug. Tell me.”

She fell across his chest as she said it. “I want to be your white pussy.”

Leon put his hand on her head, and held her into his chest. “Good. Ray gonna have to wait. Next time you come down here, I am keepin you for myself. He seemed to contemplate this a moment, as his hands idly encouraged her to keep moving, as he had not had an orgasm yet. You know Shug, you came downtown, and got your fuckin, you didn't even take me out on a date! Ain't you white folks s'posed to date or something?”

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RE: Packing for another trip - 9/4/2012 6:48:31 AM   

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The End

comments welcome, either here, or privately


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RE: Packing for another trip - 9/13/2012 8:01:08 AM   

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To those who had the interest, and found the time to give me their opinions privately, thank you. Very sincerely, thank you.

The further adventures of Sweet Meat and Leon seems to me to be an unlikely thing. While I enjoyed stretching my mind outside of my personal limits, the story was written expressly to please a small audience, and that has been accomplished. I may write more fiction, but this particular fantasy was never mine.

I encourage those who found it had resonance in one thing.

Never let reason inhibit your fantasies. Always let reason inhabit your realities.

Thanks again to my audience. Turns out, size does matter.


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