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RE: god and bsdm - 8/20/2012 6:41:25 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Newtothis5762003

I've got a question..I just told a friend about me being on cm and that i would like to get to know more abiut bsdn. And thay said it was wrong that i would go to hell because its all the devil's play.but ive meet people on here the believe in gid and go to church... just wanted some feed back

Learning about BDSM isn't a sin (you did say you wanted to know more). "Gid" never frowned on education, and the Bible only references learning the teachings of Gid. Proverbs 1:3-6 is a good example, as is Proverbs 16:21-24. Perhaps your friend was concerned with Timothy Book 2 Chapter 3, verses 5-8:

2 Timothy Chapter 3

5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,
7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
8 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.

This passage refers to people who deny Gid and pursue knowledge instead (which leads to sin). That shouldn't apply to those who believe, read strictly, and being from the KJV with a Baptist POV, it should be read strictly!

As for sex and devil's play, only certain forms of sex are pointed out, like bestiality (Leviticus 20:15-16 - the sentence was death) as being directly against the will of Gid. Incest, homosexuality and adultery were also problem-causers. The actual method of sex was never discussed; it is instead interpreted. Interpretation is opinion, and you can get plenty of those, most of which will contradict each other (and occasionally, themselves).

No sin is being committed in learning about BDSM or even the practice of it, within accepted guidelines (as others have pointed out).


There is nothing worse than being right. Instead of being right, then, try to be open. It is more difficult, and more rewarding.

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RE: god and bsdm - 8/20/2012 6:47:55 AM   

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Anyway, about the topic, yes, bdsm won't fit into most organized religions out there. As premarital sex doesn't fit either, and many things which are fun. If you think that there's nothing wrong with bdsm (or many other things that are fun) and there's no way to discuss it, or change the church's opinion, probably you should leave.

Or you can just hide the fact that you are into bdsm, continue going to the church, fear to be outed... And all those things that make life a bit more spicy!

As a non believer, I don't think that there's a God. But even if there was, I'd quite doubt that he'd care about how those tiny little things in that corner chose to have sex. I don't spend my time watching ant's sexual behavior and judging them for it.

I mean, there has to be something more fun to do, if you are God...


I'm not a native english speaker. So, if I'm writing very stupid things, the reason behind it can be:
1.- That I'm having problems with the language, and translation
2.- That, simply, I'm writing very stupid things
Give me the benefit of doubt!

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RE: god and bsdm - 8/20/2012 7:06:59 AM   

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Rabbi's typically had concubines, thus, extramarital sex, and occasionally they married them.

In fact, Jewish sexuality at the time the OT and the scriptures were written might be better described as social monogamy, and sexual roles are far more limited and limiting among modern Christians than they ever were in those times.

Anyway, most of it has to do with reproductive politics, predominantly male paternity assurances - if you aren't planning on having kids, doesn't much matter what you do, live it up.

Strict monogamy (with the exception of seigniorial privilege) and the focus on reproduction is probably a holdover from feudalism, when lords were worried children might be born outside their territory and they wouldn't be able to claim and work them to death.

Of course, they were so unbending on this, widespread incest was the result, since they were forbidden to leave the village for fear they would make a child for some other lord.


Walking nightmare...

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RE: god and bsdm - 8/20/2012 7:12:59 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Newtothis5762003
Well pam ur not supost to have sex before marriage. But my dom said he wants to get married.

Premarital sex is perfectly fine with many denominations just go with one of those and it's no big deal.

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Profile   Post #: 64
RE: god and bsdm - 8/20/2012 7:15:50 AM   

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most of what "God-fearing" "christians" base their beliefs on is the Bible which wasn't written by God. It was written by men of the time (all the womens books were excluded ) and as we all know, when something is written down there is usually a persona agenda written in..... like keeping women in their place, or condemning behaviours. If you accept this premise as true, then what people come up with as being condemned by God is flawed by interperations through several people - the original writer, the translators - however many of them there were, the preacher, and the person reading or hearing it. It would seem to be rather like one of those whisper games, where everyone changes what they heard just a little.

Read a book called "If Grace is True: Why God Will Save Every Person" by Philip Gulley and James Mulholland. It made a lot of sense to me.

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RE: god and bsdm - 8/20/2012 7:32:11 AM   

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From: Savannah, GA
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Paul was a misogynist.

*ducks and runs*



Supreme Goddess of Snark
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Waiting for my madman in a Blue Box.

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RE: god and bsdm - 8/20/2012 7:51:38 AM   

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ORIGINAL: SlipSlidingAway
So, a man's ethical foundation lay in his foreskin?  Who knew?

There's all sorts of magical thinking Rule can teach you:


Usually, if there is a word for it, it is or was real.
Unicorns are real.

It is simply that GS's definition of a unicorn is that it concerns a magical creature. Whereas my concept of a unicorn refers to a real phenomenon.

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RE: god and bsdm - 8/20/2012 7:54:10 AM   

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Rabbi's typically had concubines, thus, extramarital sex, and occasionally they married them.

News to me. I know that kings such as David had them, but I never thought of rabbis having that much power and wealth.


"You women....

The small-breasted ones want larger breasts. The large-breasted ones want smaller ones. The straight-haired ones curl their hair, and the curly-haired ones straighten theirs...

Quit fretting. We men love you."

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RE: god and bsdm - 8/20/2012 7:55:21 AM   

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Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company...


I am on a journey of authenticity and self.

(in reply to Newtothis5762003)
Profile   Post #: 69
RE: god and bsdm - 8/20/2012 7:56:34 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Newtothis5762003

Well pam ur not supost to have sex before marriage. But my dom said he wants to get married.

You know, you posed a question that was bound to incite people; which is why I stay away from religious discussions.

I think you might table this discussion because your profile asks a a more serious question on it's own when you ask "I am owned?"

If you do not know that at a minimum, it might be taking on too much to ask about god and bdsm.

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RE: god and bsdm - 8/20/2012 8:05:50 AM   

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From: Pittston, Pennsyltucky
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As a male that is "un-mutilated", I have to admit that I like the thinking that gives me an automatic leg up regarding not being evil LOL

Peace and comfort,



A Stone in My Shoe

Screen captures (and pissing on shadows) still RULE! Ya feel me?

"For that which I love, I will do horrible things"

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RE: god and bsdm - 8/20/2012 8:13:24 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Newtothis5762003
Well pam ur not supost to have sex before marriage. But my dom said he wants to get married.

Christian females can have sexual intercourse with a male, even if they are not going to marry, before she marries him or someone else.

From Wikipedia:

In chapter 35 of the Prose Edda book Gylfaginning, High provides brief descriptions of 16 ásynjur. High lists Lofn eighth and about her says that:
'She is so gentle and so good to invoke that she has permission from All-Father or Frigg to arrange unions between men and women, even if earlier offers have been received and unions have been banned. From her name comes the word lof, meaning permission as well as high praise.'[4]

From her name the Dutch word 'verloven' (to be engaged) is derived, i.e. the young lovers may have intercourse before marriage if they promise (Dutch: 'beloven') to marry each other at a later time.

< Message edited by Rule -- 8/20/2012 8:14:02 AM >

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Profile   Post #: 72
RE: god and bsdm - 8/20/2012 9:34:50 AM   

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ORIGINAL: DarkSteven



Rabbi's typically had concubines, thus, extramarital sex, and occasionally they married them.

News to me. I know that kings such as David had them, but I never thought of rabbis having that much power and wealth.

Actually I thought a rabbi wasn't considered to be a rabbi if he wasn't married, one of the reasons why a lot of historians point out that it's very likely that Jesus had a wife.


There are 10 kinds of people who understand binary
Those who do and those who don't!

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RE: god and bsdm - 8/20/2012 10:27:30 AM   

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How does your friend know this information? Interesting that they are some expert on what God thinks - and that they have self appointed themselves to tell people what happens and where they are going to go when they die. It must really suck to be them.

< Message edited by JanahX -- 8/20/2012 10:28:17 AM >


The first rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight Club.

The second rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight Club.

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RE: god and bsdm - 8/20/2012 10:44:45 AM   

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These are my beliefs. YMMV.

Like hunger, thirst or other basic instincts, sexual desire must be controlled and channeled, satisfied at the proper time, place and manner. There is nothing wrong with kinky sex unless you are doing it for the wrong reasons or one party is not satisfied. There must be sexual satisfaction out of love and desire in a committed relationship.

Now it goes much deeper than that, other laws that must be obeyed, but this is the basic law that I follow. Follow your own beliefs. If you feel it is a problem for you then maybe speak to your pastor or another religious person who can give you an unbiased view.


Nothing has changed
Everything has changed

(in reply to Newtothis5762003)
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RE: god and bsdm - 8/20/2012 11:14:17 AM   

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ORIGINAL: UllrsIshtar


ORIGINAL: needlesandpins

and there it is. there is something that says any arguement online is finished once someone bring hitler into the fray, because they are too weak, or stupid to argue their case on an intellectual basis.

something along those lines anyway. so best you just be quiet now instead of appearing even more.......well i'm sure you get the picture.


Darling, passive agressive bullshit isn't very becoming in a little sweetheart like yourself...

You've got something to say, the fucking say it, or take your own silly advice.

And because you're clearly lacking in reading comprehension this morning... I wasn't making an argument... I was just pointing out that yours sucks...

If it's hell you're looking for, I'm sure many would douse the fuel and strike the match.




landing itself was nothing
we touched upon a shelf of rock selected by the automind
and left
a galaxy of dreams

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Profile   Post #: 76
RE: god and bsdm - 8/20/2012 11:17:03 AM   

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ORIGINAL: UllrsIshtar

So God made these people with the inherent urge to do bad things, but then made the rules such that they could never act on their urges?

Can't seem to recall a claim that more than a couple o' people were "made", whatever that means. Their kids married preexisting locals.


Kana is apprenticing with the wrong dude...

Hmm... hey now... yanno... hmm...

I'll be right back...

— St. Aswad


"If God saw what any of us did that night, he didn't seem to mind.
From then on I knew: God doesn't make the world this way.
We do.
" -- Rorschack, Watchmen.

(in reply to UllrsIshtar)
Profile   Post #: 77
RE: god and bsdm - 8/20/2012 11:31:53 AM   

Posts: 373
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Anyhow, shouldn't this thread be tucked up safely in "Politics & Religion"?




landing itself was nothing
we touched upon a shelf of rock selected by the automind
and left
a galaxy of dreams

(in reply to Aswad)
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RE: god and bsdm - 8/20/2012 11:47:32 AM   

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From: Island Of Misfit Toys
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ORIGINAL: littlewonder

These are my beliefs. YMMV.

Like hunger, thirst or other basic instincts, sexual desire must be controlled and channeled, satisfied at the proper time, place and manner. There is nothing wrong with kinky sex unless you are doing it for the wrong reasons or one party is not satisfied. There must be sexual satisfaction out of love and desire in a committed relationship.

Now it goes much deeper than that, other laws that must be obeyed, but this is the basic law that I follow. Follow your own beliefs. If you feel it is a problem for you then maybe speak to your pastor or another religious person who can give you an unbiased view.

There ya go. And if anyone on the boards is a religious person, it's LW.


[page 23 girl]

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RE: god and bsdm - 8/20/2012 11:53:51 AM   

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ORIGINAL: doctorgrey

Anyhow, shouldn't this thread be tucked up safely in "Politics & Religion"?

By now, probably. At the outset, not so much.

IMO, General is the place for a question about how the lifestyle fits with something else.

Problem being the OP needs to supply a bit more information about what s/he's looking to fit it with, as "god" is a pretty vague term that provides no clue on the exact denomination and other specifics. I mean, Shiva is unlikely to be the one the OP wants answers about. For the time being, I'm going to have to assume the best choice for the OP would be to ask the deity in question to point out any problems with her going ahead.

— Aswad.


"If God saw what any of us did that night, he didn't seem to mind.
From then on I knew: God doesn't make the world this way.
We do.
" -- Rorschack, Watchmen.

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