Sub Rape Fantasy (Full Version)

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Pballer123 -> Sub Rape Fantasy (9/9/2012 12:48:19 AM)

Talking to a sub on here, she confided that she really wanted to do a rape scene and have it last for a day or more. Chatting with others subs I mentioned the rape wish and they all expressed the same interest. So far there are 4 different women that want me to give them a rape visit. None of them have i met in RT. so now, this next summer, thinking of taking it on the road for a few weeks. I am planning on doing this in June and have told them all that i would need a release contract back by mid May to protect myself from irate boyfriends, husbands or fickle ladies. Any other precautions I should take besides the usual STD protections?

DeviantlyD -> RE: Sub Rape Fantasy (9/9/2012 12:53:43 AM)

Yeah, don't do it. A release contract won't protect you from potential legal consequences. Besides, there is a difference between the fantasy in one's head and acting on it in real life. My guess is that for some women the fantasy is the former and not the latter. Do these women you've chatted engage in any kink/BDSM outside of the cyber world? That should be a telling indicator right there.

Personally I don't get this fantasy at all. Oh, I get that some women have it. I'm just saying I don't get why they have it. It seems the ultimate in creepy to me.

Edited for clarity.

JanahX -> RE: Sub Rape Fantasy (9/9/2012 1:00:46 AM)

Youve never met these people? How do you know they are who they say they are?

I myself would give someone like you, an ex- boyfriends address - just for the absolute joy of it. But im kinda neat that way.

A release contract? And what is that going to do? All they have to say is that you forced them to sign it before you raped them. Also - good luck finding a lawyer that would take your case if it ever came to that.

ARIES83 -> RE: Sub Rape Fantasy (9/9/2012 1:11:36 AM)

So you didn't hear about the story on the
news about the boyfriend/ husband whatever
that posed as his partner and arranged a heap
of different guys to come over at certain times
and rape his wife?

They thought they were talking to the woman
herself but in actual fact it was just some fucked
up thing the husband was arranging without the
womans knowledge or consent...

Long story short a guy almost got killed and I
think there was some jail time for the husband.

Rape fantasies are something that is fine and all,
but any one with half a brain would meet the
potential victim over coffee or something, if for
no other reason than to make sure it was for real
and you weren't about to rape some poor girl that
has no clue about it.


tsatske -> RE: Sub Rape Fantasy (9/9/2012 1:11:57 AM)

There has actually been a case where a boyfriend was a co-defendant in a rape case, because he signed up to a site like this with a fake profile, found some niave dom type, and talked him into doing a rape scene. Then he gave him an exgirlfriends address and told her when she'd (claiming to be her) would be home and where to find the key.

didn't keep the rapist from being prosocuted, too. Rape fantasies, for the safety of all involved, need to be done further down the relationship than first random meeting. This is dangerous for them (how do they know that part of your fantasy doesn't involve killing them ?) and dangerous for you - for the reason stated above.

If you insist on this idocracy, devolop a set of code words with them. A code question you can ask, for instance, before you start anything, with an answer that means you have permission and an answer that means stop. The answers should not make sense, so that it can't be an accident. Anything but the go answer means stop. And a safe word.

The kind of girl that would consider this is going to expect you to read her mind. To know when the bondage is at an uncomfortable angle. To know what is a necessarry part of her fantasy and what is a hard limit, without being told. Very likely to call foul when it is over because you didn't read her mind sufficiently. A jury is not going to understand. Try to get as many kinksters on you jury as you can - but even they won't really understand. Sorry.

GreedyTop -> RE: Sub Rape Fantasy (9/9/2012 1:53:46 AM)

Just.... wow.


The others have covered most of what I would say, except this:

Are you fucking INSANE?

Pballer123 -> RE: Sub Rape Fantasy (9/9/2012 2:04:32 AM)

Of course I am insane. Being celibate for 9 months of the year in Alaska allows the mind to wander and fantasize about the what ifs. . . .

GreedyTop -> RE: Sub Rape Fantasy (9/9/2012 2:08:18 AM)

Dude, I've been celibate for several years, and even *I* wouldn't consider what you're talking about. Try thinking with the big head.

ARIES83 -> RE: Sub Rape Fantasy (9/9/2012 2:09:17 AM)

Frost bite and blue balls.... Ouch

DeviantlyD -> RE: Sub Rape Fantasy (9/9/2012 2:11:45 AM)


Nine months? Pffft. It's been longer for me and I'm not using that as an excuse for anything except horniness. :P

tsatske -> RE: Sub Rape Fantasy (9/9/2012 2:17:44 AM)

Your profile mentions your sub. why don't you have sex for 9 months ata time?

littlewonder -> RE: Sub Rape Fantasy (9/9/2012 2:29:04 AM)

good luck with all're gonna need a lot of it.

Well not really. You have only talked to these "girls" online only. I'm doubting any of them will actually show up when you go to them.

tsatske -> RE: Sub Rape Fantasy (9/9/2012 2:50:10 AM)

That's assuming he has sense enough to insist on a coffee meeting first.

should you have such good sense, make sure you talk at length about their fantasies and what's off limits. When they say nothing is, start listing off a large list of random examples, so you can make sure they don't do the 'well, that - but that's obvious' routine.

On this forum, when a sub says nothing is off limits, regulars like to ask about scat, children, animals and death. I just got an introductory letter last week asking if I wanted 'real slavery', with a long and graphic list of how I'd be used, that included the first 3 of those. I thank you but no thank youed him.

lizi -> RE: Sub Rape Fantasy (9/9/2012 3:22:09 AM)

After looking at your profile I can see that this is a strong fantasy of yours, however as far as reality goes, if it were me I'd leave it alone. Too many variables and stuff that could happen. Who is to say that your fantasy won't be met with one of theirs, like having a white knight burst in during the rape and beat the shit out of you?

You never met any of these women, how do you know they are who they say they are, or even resemble the pictures they've sent you if they have? A wife of the local police chief could be talking to you and leave him in the dark, you could end up in jail if if you do her and he finds out. There have been cases where women cover up a fling by claiming rape afterwards to put their SO's off the track that it was consensual.

People talk online, they don't always mean what they say. In a lifestyle of risky behavior this is one that should stay a fantasy in my opinion, unless you know the person very well. Even then I'm not sure I'd do it, but it cuts down on some of the risk factor.

theshytype -> RE: Sub Rape Fantasy (9/9/2012 4:03:50 AM)

I'm new to the boards and had to respond to this since I am one of many women who have rape fantasies.

For me, personally, I do not take the rape fantasy as being literal. It is not actually being taken by a complete stranger against my will, but instead the element of surprise and giving up complete control. This control can only be given with trust. I can tell you that no stranger is going to make it past my front door. I am going to assume I'm not the only one.

I agree with the others and unless you both had a well-established RT relationship, in which you were both comfortable and trusting in each other, I wouldn't even think about attempting it.

whantsonlyu -> RE: Sub Rape Fantasy (9/9/2012 4:45:38 AM)


. I can tell you that no stranger is going to make it past my front door. I am going to assume I'm not the only one.

At theshytype you aren't the only one. Yes I've had the rape fantasy, expressed it to my husband, who I've been married to for almost 10years now. So anyways he agreed to do it and then after was upset because he had gotten rough with me. So I'm going to tell you unless you are involved in their RT life then don't do it. It takes awhile to build that trust. A rape fantasy is not something I'd let just any Tom,Dick,and Harry experience with me.
Besides STD's there is the angry woman whose fantasy didn't live up to just that her fantasy. There's the law that won't see it as fantasy. All she has to do is like everyone else said before me. It would be your word against hers. And she would win. I mean that is if you weren't smart enough to keep all of your emails to each other then and only then might you have a leg to stand on. But still very bad idea..... Think about all the trouble it would be, no job, no home, can't be around kids.... Because now your a sex offender. All the money you'll have to spend on defending yourself. To me it wouldn't be worth it. I'm just saying.

Endivius -> RE: Sub Rape Fantasy (9/9/2012 5:14:26 AM)

What could possibly go wrong? [8|]

Master504u -> RE: Sub Rape Fantasy (9/9/2012 7:04:05 AM)

Fantasy is called that because it is safe so long as it is in the mind. Something like a rape fantasy can be discussed online but not actually carried out. Same with most other fantasies. People can make a fantasy seem like something other than what is reality.

Musicmystery -> RE: Sub Rape Fantasy (9/9/2012 7:10:08 AM)


and have it last for a day or more

That's before it actually happens. A couple hours and this will get old.

Missokyst -> RE: Sub Rape Fantasy (9/9/2012 9:22:58 AM)

I know huh....
MUCH nicer to be locked up in a cell for a year better for buying into some fantasy drawn up by someone you have never met, but trust completely. Of course, behind the cell bars you may not end up staying celibate for that long.


ORIGINAL: Pballer123

Of course I am insane. Being celibate for 9 months of the year in Alaska allows the mind to wander and fantasize about the what ifs. . . .

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