RE: Seriously? Are all the profiles fake? (Full Version)

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TheLilSquaw -> RE: Seriously? Are all the profiles fake? (6/6/2013 3:17:07 AM)


ORIGINAL: lionbaby

After viewing my fairly detailed profile, a man wrote me asking, "So what are you looking for?"

It boggles the mind.

Was I a fake, or was he a fake? I can't figger it out.

I would say neither.
He's simply to lazy to read your profile.
That doesn't make him fake.
You simply expect folks to read your profile.
That doesn't make you fake.

It may make you incompatible but that doesn't mean fake.

MissKittyDeVine -> RE: Seriously? Are all the profiles fake? (6/6/2013 6:02:09 AM)

That saved you from reading the unpleasant bigotry against trans people. Such a charming profile ... In fact, it reads like a profile set up by a male to lure in females.

KobayashiiMaru -> RE: Seriously? Are all the profiles fake? (6/6/2013 3:13:51 PM)

Maybe it's been said, but there's FAKES, then there's FLAKES. Fakes are the straight-up spammers and scammers. FLAKES on the other hand are actually real people who just don't know how to accurately represent themselves, or who have poor communication skills (to put it politely)... There's a great abundance of both. My main defense is to stay away from blurry pictures and accounts that were created TODAY or yesterday, etc. A no-photo profile that's been around for a year is far more real than a blurry picture profile that was created yesterday. In fact, I've had more real-life dates w/ the no-photo girls than with any other category.

Also, if a profile is overly negative or cynical, that's a good sign that you're wasting your time too.

KobayashiiMaru -> RE: Seriously? Are all the profiles fake? (6/6/2013 3:42:08 PM)

Also, if a profile starts with "NO MEN, NO MEN, NO MEN", then it's real.

If a profile starts with that Anais Nin quote, then it's real.

If the main picture is an anime character and the 2nd and 3rd pictures are of some cartoon or quote about submission, then it's real.

Don't expect a response to your messages, but take comfort that there are real people behind those profiles.

Now, who wants me to start a "Jeff Foxworthy-esque" list of what makes a collarme profile real??

JeffBC -> RE: Seriously? Are all the profiles fake? (6/6/2013 5:51:33 PM)


Jeff, I just perved your profile. Carol is so beautiful, but what do you look like?
Sorry for the derailment...back to being fake.

In panties or not?

edited to add
OK, I just dropped a mug shot of me that's reasonably current (maybe 2 years old) up there. I'm the photographer so there isn't much of me. There's a torso shot of me somewhere... I'm sure one of my *cough* protectors can find it for you. I can't remember the thread but I'm sure poise can. I'm afraid the full on thong shots are gone... can't even find them on my local PC.

TNDommeK -> RE: Seriously? Are all the profiles fake? (6/6/2013 5:58:25 PM)

Either way you're comfy.

JeffBC -> RE: Seriously? Are all the profiles fake? (6/6/2013 6:05:55 PM)

LOL... well given I was comfy three times in posting shots of myself on the internet in panties I'd have to say I'm "comfortable" either way... although man, those thongs aren't always that comfortable if you know what I mean.

The other thread was something about buckles as I remember. Ahhhh, HERE

TNDommeK -> RE: Seriously? Are all the profiles fake? (6/7/2013 6:54:22 PM)

Oh yes! Now I remember! Ok cool! I had forgotten about that thread. I posted my hubby on there somewhere.

ebellester -> RE: Seriously? Are all the profiles fake? (6/12/2013 11:38:00 AM)

I'm real. Wanna do something about it?

MarcusofRose -> RE: Seriously? Are all the profiles fake? (6/16/2013 4:55:02 PM)

You folks are Sooo funny!! I KNOW that ALL of you are figments of my Imagination from Imagination Land !!!

RedMagic1 -> RE: Seriously? Are all the profiles fake? (6/16/2013 5:13:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: KobayashiiMaru
In fact, I've had more real-life dates w/ the no-photo girls than with any other category.



nephandi -> RE: Seriously? Are all the profiles fake? (6/17/2013 11:58:46 AM)



I'm from Illinois and looking at the profiles, they seem very contrived. If you are real, please post( with no smartass comments)

Yeah I am fake, you know my profile where I say I am a girl from Norway, that is all a lie, I am an Alien and I am sitting in my UFO and writing this to you and soon I will beam you up for some anal probing...oh my was that a smartass comment? My bad.

I wish you well

umber -> RE: Seriously? Are all the profiles fake? (6/17/2013 1:20:48 PM)

I just created a new real profile, feel like i should go back and make it a fake.

nephandi -> RE: Seriously? Are all the profiles fake? (6/18/2013 2:01:19 AM)



Most are fake or placed by females who are seeking to play games! Or maybe I just have the wrong take.....
So called submissives and slaves on here don't even know what vanilla courtesy is much less the courtesy due a D/M here!

You are aware I hope that no particular courtesy other than the common, vanilla courtesy you should grant anyone from your next door neighbor to the lady at the supermarket is due someone just because they identify as Dominant? Yes in some lifestyles like for example the Gorean lifestyle a slave is bellow every free in rank and is expected to be subservient to everyone in that lifestyle who identify as free, however generally in BDSM even if Susan is a slave to Mike that do not mean she owe Bob anything in particular even if he caps his name in here, to him she is not slave Susan she is just Susan. For most BDSM folks D/s is something that happens within a relationship unless they decide otherwise or are a part of a lifestyle that have a certain protocol to follow.

I wish you well

goodgirlmary -> RE: Seriously? Are all the profiles fake? (6/18/2013 4:07:12 AM)


ORIGINAL: nephandi



.......r generally in BDSM even if Susan is a slave to Mike that do not mean she owe Bob anything in particular even if he caps his name in here, to him she is not slave Susan she is just Susan. For most BDSM folks D/s is something that happens within a relationship unless they decide otherwise or are a part of a lifestyle that have a certain protocol to follow.


So many people start messages so rudely.Just because you identify as a dominant or a mastwr doesnotmean I owe you anything. It is especially confusing the way they lay claim.just because Im a sub doesnt mean Im a GOOD sub, or that we are even compatible. CRAZYI didnt know about or appreciate the full glory ofthe block button until yesterday.but block button and I, we are going to be good friends loll.

mistressellena -> RE: Seriously? Are all the profiles fake? (6/21/2013 12:17:56 PM)

I am real.. Coming to Earth with my illudium q-36 explosive space modulator...

Eagleman1956 -> RE: Seriously? Are all the profiles fake? (6/21/2013 10:29:07 PM)

I know one slave who has been on here for years and years, changed her name once or twice so her start date would be different. She has been offered everything but turns it all down then complains about men insulting her. All she is doing is playing games with men. I guess being from China is what they do, play games. I have found most sub/slave profiles are fake and the ones who will talk back are usually taken or say they are. So, don't waste a lot of time on here.

DarkSteven -> RE: Seriously? Are all the profiles fake? (6/22/2013 3:45:10 AM)


ORIGINAL: Eagleman1956

I know one slave who has been on here for years and years, changed her name once or twice so her start date would be different. She has been offered everything but turns it all down then complains about men insulting her. All she is doing is playing games with men. I guess being from China is what they do, play games. I have found most sub/slave profiles are fake and the ones who will talk back are usually taken or say they are. So, don't waste a lot of time on here.

1. Why would you waste your time with a woman living i n China? Relocation costs are huge, and the cultural barrier is hard to deal with.

2. A lot of sub/slave profiles are IMO fake (set up by scammers and spammers) but I wouldn't say a majority are. The fakes are almost all 20somethings. If you as a 57 year old man are contacting 20somethings, then, yes, I can see why you don't get a lot of response.

me4oru -> RE: Seriously? Are all the profiles fake? (6/22/2013 7:52:28 AM)

IM real....but on the other hand I have been lied to and mislead by several of the so called (LONG-TERM MEMBERS) Mistresses...there is no point in calling them on it as 10 of them will gang up on you evan when they are clearly WRONG!...these type of ppl are not stable enough to evan no what they want...they are the true fakes...on the other hand I have had several good experiences from the ppl I have met here....gotta weed thru the wannabee-gossip column mistresses to find the FEW good ones....jmho/

MAINEiacMISTRESS -> RE: Seriously? Are all the profiles fake? (6/22/2013 8:12:14 AM)

You said nothing about profiles with MAPS...what about maps depicting sarcasm?


ORIGINAL: KobayashiiMaru

Also, if a profile starts with "NO MEN, NO MEN, NO MEN", then it's real.

If a profile starts with that Anais Nin quote, then it's real.

If the main picture is an anime character and the 2nd and 3rd pictures are of some cartoon or quote about submission, then it's real.

Don't expect a response to your messages, but take comfort that there are real people behind those profiles.

Now, who wants me to start a "Jeff Foxworthy-esque" list of what makes a collarme profile real??

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