My dog is - (Full Version)

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LillyBoPeep -> My dog is - (10/4/2012 6:41:51 PM)

Write something about your dog!

My dog is --

-- trying to remember how to talk.

Me: "Talk, Cocoa! Talk!"
Coke: ............. *stomp stomp spin*

culareD -> RE: My dog is - (10/4/2012 6:46:52 PM)

My doggie friend is snoring!!!!

SylvereApLeanan -> RE: My dog is - (10/4/2012 7:49:02 PM)

My dog is currently engaged in "full frontal floppitude" (aka the Corgi sprawl).

Lucifyre -> RE: My dog is - (10/4/2012 9:00:52 PM)

My dog is-

very much missed <3

chatterbox24 -> RE: My dog is - (10/4/2012 9:12:44 PM)

You will be sadly missed Punkin!

I had to put our dog down today. She contacted Lyme disease and had it for an unknown amt of time, after 4 days of IV therapy could not a week later, eat, drink or have kidney function. Our family will sadly miss her. She brought us great joy. [Personal information removed.]

yourdarkdesire -> RE: My dog is - (10/4/2012 9:20:47 PM)

Chatter, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your punkin.

TheHeretic -> RE: My dog is - (10/4/2012 9:33:42 PM)

Sorry to hear that, Chatterbox. We never get to keep them long enough.

Our retriever/shepherd mutt has a new thing. The kitten was trying to eat out of the dog's bowl, while the dog was eating, Tuesday night. Growling and snapping quickly followed. The last two nights, the dog has started dinner by taking a mouthful of food, and dropping it on the floor behind himself. The kitten gets a nibble of that kibble, and the dog gets to eat in peace.

tsatske -> RE: My dog is - (10/4/2012 9:38:31 PM)

Heretic - Awwww.

chatterbox, so sorry to hear about your pain.

needlesandpins -> RE: My dog is - (10/5/2012 10:02:30 AM)

firstly, hey hey Lilly, i miss seeing around here!

my sympathies to chatterbox.

my patterdale is yapping at my neighbours, and my collie is chasing birds up and down the garden [8|]


Hillwilliam -> RE: My dog is - (10/5/2012 10:05:18 AM)

My dog is lying in a corner of the office wishing I would take him someplace to chase squirrels.

ARIES83 -> RE: My dog is - (10/5/2012 10:14:07 AM)

My dog is soundly snoozing outside my window.
It's 3am here (yes I wake up at insane times)
When It's about 5:30 we will go for a walk down
to the bush where the bunnies are quietly
grazing on grass as we speak...
It's wont be quiet for long mwa harr ha.


*update, I can hear him eating his dry food
out there. Must be having a doggy midnight

DNAHelicase -> RE: My dog is - (10/5/2012 10:36:51 AM)

Both of my dogs are outside barking at something right now--probably leaves falling off the trees, knowing them. [8|]

I'm sorry about your dog, Chatterbox.

LadyRedRoseToo -> RE: My dog is - (10/5/2012 11:12:02 AM)

so sorry chatter, it's so hard to lose a furbaby. all my chihuahuas are snoozing on the bed, curled up with the cat. they're funny like that, bunch of cuddlesluts!

LaTigresse -> RE: My dog is - (10/5/2012 11:13:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: chatterbox24

You will be sadly missed Punkin!

I had to put our dog down today. She contacted Lyme disease and had it for an unknown amt of time, after 4 days of IV therapy could not a week later, eat, drink or have kidney function. Our family will sadly miss her. She brought us great joy. [Personal information removed.]

Please change your FB as everyone that clicks on that link knows your full name and location.

Not to mention can see all the family photos, your profession, know some of your family members name..........yada yada yada

LaTigresse -> RE: My dog is - (10/5/2012 12:12:46 PM)

Thank you VAT.

lmpishlilhellcat -> RE: My dog is - (10/5/2012 12:18:35 PM)

My aussie mix is cuddled up to me with his head on my head and my beagle/jack is laying across the arm of the couch "sighing".

LaTigresse -> RE: My dog is - (10/5/2012 1:08:25 PM)

My dogs are probably snoozing in their favourite places. One on the sofa, one on the loveseat, and Nala either her own bed or the other end of the sofa. There are newspapers that have been drug out and scattered for either myself or Generic Dude to pick up. My dogs like to keep up on current events.

LillyBoPeep -> RE: My dog is - (10/6/2012 6:35:01 AM)

So sorry to hear about your pupperton, chatterbox :(

My dog is - shivering. It's flipping cold in NE today!

LaTigresse -> RE: My dog is - (10/6/2012 6:40:01 AM)

Nala is on sprawled out on the floor about 3 feet from me. Sandy is on the floor under my legs that are propped on the coffee table. Sophie is sitting next to me for heat. Damned cold in Iowa this morning also. I think the low was mid twenties and I REFUSE to turn the furnace on yet. The sun is warming things up.

myotherself -> RE: My dog is - (10/6/2012 8:20:38 AM)

My bichon is in a bit of pain with her arthritis today, so she's now snoozing on the sofa, full of good food and painkiller.

My westie is lying next to me, using my feet as a pillow.

I'm trying to decide whether to give them the hated b-a-t-h today or tomorrow :)

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