RE: Why so many BBW Mistresses? (Full Version)

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Celticgerman -> RE: Why so many BBW Mistresses? (10/25/2012 7:39:11 PM)

I suppose you could. :) There are many things deep fried out that way. :) You'd have to ask the one's making it. lol. You might get a shocked look first time you bring it up. :) I think I recall someone asking about that once in a festival out there and the vendor wasn't sure how to respond at first. lol :) Worth asking at least. :)


ServiceBoy89 -> RE: Why so many BBW Mistresses? (10/26/2012 12:56:35 AM)

I have write with 10 girls here.More of them want only to take your money and nothing more.Well there are and others who are real.For exaplme they confirmed online with camera that are real.One of them after I send my real pic asked me to be her escort for her birthday lol.

ChicMistress -> RE: Why so many BBW Mistresses? (10/26/2012 1:11:57 AM)

Most of the "skinny" Doms are either fake or Fin Dommes. They are NOT real Dommes, jeez some male subs are the most confused human beings in the world. They cry for a real Domme, they find them then they cry that they are BBWs... Too funny!

MariaB -> RE: Why so many BBW Mistresses? (10/26/2012 3:14:03 AM)


ORIGINAL: MistressLustyV

There are plenty of thin Mistresses they just happen to have a bigger cock than your own. [sm=agree.gif]

That's right darling. If all else fails turn it around and point a finger at thin people. You are as bad as him [8|]
Edited to add. I'm sick to death of fat threads but I'm more sick of the offended fatties trying to make out that people like me are fake. Get over yourselves

LaTigresse -> RE: Why so many BBW Mistresses? (10/26/2012 4:06:46 AM)

I think the whole thing is ridiculous. Skinny folk using words like fatties to define human beings. Fat folk using phrases like walking skeletons, bones covered in skin, define human beings.

Weight is still the one ism that is seen as PC and not hateful.

I am personally, physicially, in the middle and don't find bodies of either extreme appealing. But what I find less appealing is the nature of a person that would use the above phrases or words to define another. AKA, I don't care how thin and sexy your body might be, or how self rightously indignant you are, using words like 'fatties' isn't attractive.

AthenaSurrenders -> RE: Why so many BBW Mistresses? (10/26/2012 4:59:12 AM)


ORIGINAL: LaTigresse

I think the whole thing is ridiculous. Skinny folk using words like fatties to define human beings. Fat folk using phrases like walking skeletons, bones covered in skin, define human beings.

Weight is still the one ism that is seen as PC and not hateful.

I am personally, physicially, in the middle and don't find bodies of either extreme appealing. But what I find less appealing is the nature of a person that would use the above phrases or words to define another. AKA, I don't care how thin and sexy your body might be, or how self rightously indignant you are, using words like 'fatties' isn't attractive.

Agreed. I absolutely believe everyone has the right to their own aesthetic preference and the right to decide someone isn't a potential partner for them based on physical attraction - whether you're into thin, tall, hairy, muscular, pear shaped or whatever.

But using offensive words about weight or appearance is judgmental and rude and implies you think you're better than others because of the way you look. How many times do we hear phrases like 'skinny bitches' or 'lard arse'. The implication being these are horrible/inadequate people for the way they look. Grrrr. I couldn't be with someone who treated people like that, anymore than I could be with someone who treated people like crap in other respects.

What the OP seems to be missing is that no matter how many dommes meet his idea of physical beauty, his attitude is going to meet a lot of people's ideas about 'ass'.

OttersSwim -> RE: Why so many BBW Mistresses? (10/26/2012 6:41:57 AM)

Freddie Mercury had the right of it...

PrincessDonna11 -> RE: Why so many BBW Mistresses? (10/26/2012 7:21:07 AM)

"Using Domme As A Way To Get Sex" Really???? I got todays laugh from that one.... Yes there are subs that are careful with teir appearance and thats wonderful...but Im NOT going to ignore that person who sits at a desk 8 hrs a day and doest excersize like they should but serves much better then the self absorbed sub...not on your live! Also there are people that have medical issues and take medications that increase their weight does that make them unworthy to Dom or sub? Continue to look for what PLEASES YOU and if it doesnt continue your search... how hard is THAT?

PrincessDonna11 -> RE: Why so many BBW Mistresses? (10/26/2012 7:23:21 AM)

"Using Domme As A Way To Get Sex" Really???? I got todays laugh from that one.... Yes there are subs that are careful with their appearance and thats wonderful...but Im NOT going to ignore that person who sits at a desk 8 hrs a day and doest excersize like they should but serves much better then the self absorbed sub...not on your live! Also there are people that have medical issues and take medications that increase their weight does that make them unworthy to Dom or sub? Continue to look for what PLEASES YOU and if it doesnt continue your search... how hard is THAT?

MAINEiacMISTRESS -> RE: Why so many BBW Mistresses? (10/26/2012 7:23:57 AM)


ORIGINAL: DarkSteven




ORIGINAL: DarkSteven

If you freeze said pie or cake, you can then bread it and deep fry it, and sprinkle it with powdered sugar. Just wanting to be helpful and make sure you don't bust the OP's worldview by becoming a skinny Domme.

You forgot to wrap it in bacon. EVERYTHING's better wrapped in bacon.


Now hold on a second, they make a KOSHER bacons out of non-pork meats (beef, lamb, duck). For the vegans there is Bacon Salt.

SylvereApLeanan -> RE: Why so many BBW Mistresses? (10/26/2012 8:35:47 AM)




ORIGINAL: MistressLustyV

There are plenty of thin Mistresses they just happen to have a bigger cock than your own. [sm=agree.gif]

That's right darling. If all else fails turn it around and point a finger at thin people. You are as bad as him [8|]
Edited to add. I'm sick to death of fat threads but I'm more sick of the offended fatties trying to make out that people like me are fake. Get over yourselves

I completely agree that the thin-bashing needs to stop. All women are beautiful, regardless of shape, and EVERYONE needs to stop engaging in the casual misogyny that is body-shaming. Fat or thin, knock it the hell off.

That said, I read her post a different way. I read it as "there are plenty of thin mistresses but they already own sex toys bigger than the OP's cock." While I get your point, maybe you should try taking a step back and not project your own issues onto what is, at best, an ambiguous statement.

MariaB -> RE: Why so many BBW Mistresses? (10/26/2012 10:06:15 AM)

Perhaps you are right Sylvere but I felt she was insinuating that all skinny Dommes were really blokes. Why would it matter if a Domme had a bigger strap-on cock than her subs real one?!? I only quoted one comment. There were several.
I have joined in threads like this in the past and I have always been in support of women who are comfortable with their size, big or small and I will stand with the best of them and tell the bullies to fuck right off but when those bigger women then turn round and spit right in my face I'm not going to stand for it because its those women who have one mighty chip on their shoulder.

SylvereApLeanan -> RE: Why so many BBW Mistresses? (10/26/2012 10:18:10 AM)

I see where you're coming from, Maria. I just didn't get the same vibe from her comment. I read it as trying to be funny by insinuating a sex toy would be larger/more fulfilling. Different perspectives, ftw!

I agree, there's a lot of butthurt involved when larger women engage in thin-bashing. But if I'd been the object of ridicule and body shaming for a long time, I would probably have a chip on my shoulder too. I'm not condoning it, but I sort of understand it. I just wish everyone would stop body shaming and grasp the concept that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. It's counterproductive and there are so many other things we could be doing with the energy, if that makes sense.

MariaB -> RE: Why so many BBW Mistresses? (10/26/2012 10:23:01 AM)


ORIGINAL: SylvereApLeanan

I just wish everyone would stop body shaming and grasp the concept that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.[/color][/size][/font]

Me too and thanks :)

Lockit -> RE: Why so many BBW Mistresses? (10/26/2012 10:50:36 AM)

I don't see this as a fat thread. This was some guy with multiple accounts proven by his post and thinking he was on another account, coming in to bash women and get attention by stirring a sensitive pot. It really isn't about us, but him. Part of the problem I see when someone does that, is that they are playing on that sensitive spot to get what they need and let's face it, it is a sensitive spot. Body image, self image and being balanced within can be a struggle for many depending on many factors. It is our challenge to work on our sensitive spots... not just have a cover sheet that protects us by telling ourselves pat answers such as... those things we say to prove something doesn't effect us when deep down, it really does. When we respond to something said about people we categorize ourselves with, we aren't yet in an okay place within. You see the attack rather than what someone might be doing to stir things up and what might be the cause of that.

If we all have a decent self image no matter our size, someone stirring a pot wouldn't get much more than a calling out for attention seeking.

Most my life I was between 90-95 pounds. Everywhere I went... and I do mean everywhere and in all sorts of situations, someone commented aloud and in front of others, about my weight. I heard more times than I can remember to count.... how many times do you have to run around the shower to get wet? Or... You must be on drugs... Or... Are you anorexic? I even had a customer bring me some gain weight powder projecting his fears that I was killing myself and wanting to save me. I used to think.. would they walk up to someone that wasn't skinny and say... wow look how un-skinny you are? I never saw or heard someone do that, but they had no reservation in making me a public spectacle by commenting on my weight.

I could have gotten upset by that, but I didn't. Not that I never had body image issues because I did at different times, but I didn't let their ignorance and social ineptness hurt me. I considered the source and went on about my life. It didn't hurt or get a response from me because I was comfortable in who and what I was. If you really are comfortable within, nothing anyone says will get in deep and poke you.

Don't defend it or yourself, don't give facts... the guys like the op are not coming for any revelation. They are coming because they are lacking something. Allowing them to get somewhere with it gives them some sort of power or satisfaction. Just say no.

QueenRah -> RE: Why so many BBW Mistresses? (10/26/2012 11:50:46 AM)


ORIGINAL: OttersSwim

Freddie Mercury had the right of it...

Actually, it was Brian May. But, I'm so happy you mentioned "the man with the hose," (and I ain't talkin' stockin's!) [sm=cute.gif]

Oh, to get back on thread(?): Some people are fat, some people are skinny; but, ugly is on the inside, OPsockmeister.

theRose4U -> RE: Why so many BBW Mistresses? (10/26/2012 2:29:13 PM)



Should I dignify this with a response?

Survey says............ nope!

I will add please clarify your whine:
1)Are you bitching because you're male & horney?
2)No one here cares about your boner?
3)Those showing interest aren't "up to your standards"
4)Your attitude repels even "fat girlz"
5) With an attitude like this you'd have trouble getting laid in a whorehoue?

Or say it with me girlz...ALL OF THE ABOVE!!
Thanks for making it easy for us to block you now & not have to watch another embarassing rant from a "master" that can't even control himself. Not even going to comment on with a 150 to 1 ratio this guarantees you'll never meet a domme to bore with your wank me this way fantasy life!!!

stellauk -> RE: Why so many BBW Mistresses? (10/26/2012 3:00:25 PM)

Beauty is variable and appeals according to taste. Everybody has their own beauty.

However ugliness is consistent and is recognisable to everyone.

JstAnotherSub -> RE: Why so many BBW Mistresses? (10/26/2012 3:11:41 PM)


but I'm more sick of the offended fatties trying to make out that people like me are fake. Get over yourselves

I have never thought you were a fake. I have also never thought you were a person who would use "offended fatties" in a sentence.

Now I am an offended fattie. Get over your self.

Tantriqu -> RE: Why so many BBW Mistresses? (10/26/2012 3:53:24 PM)

Another fat Domme here!
Not offended, just amused in an eye-roll way.
Everyone has their tastes for what they find visually attractive. Let's talk about 'hard-wiring': I have mine: my family is all fat, furry males, so I don't find them sexually attractive; they'll never get out of my 'friend' column. I used to be only attracted to mesomorphs; now I like ectomorphs; you know, the guys who used to get sand kicked in their faces on the backs of comic books.
But I would never start a flame-war on the body types of prospective subs; or would Dommes waltz over to 'Ask a sub' and piss all over bear subs? NO! I rant on porn-addicted married bottoms, control-freaks, misogynists, bullies, arseholes and OPs lying and masquerading as subs, that is, inexcusable behaviour that can be changed if a troll weally, weally wants to.

There's a reason fat chicks are better in bed. I'm secure in my bountiful breasts, my multiple orgasms, and my having given and received more climaxes to and from hot guys than supermodels have had hot meals.

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