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Yachtie -> Liberalism (11/16/2012 6:43:54 AM)

Liberalism has a certain bent to it. It's seen in various forms of government regulation and/or control of social behavior. It's not that everything Liberalism concocts is adopted, but that such is even proposed. It's evident within the mindset. Liberalism is quite Orwellian. Liberalism is anything but a bastion of Liberty. Liberalism is anti-American. Now before all the Liberals get their panties in a wad, yes the report advocating the proposition is out of Sidney, Australia. Australia has its Liberalism too.

Here's a recent example -

WASHINGTON (CBS DC) – A public health proposal suggests that tobacco smokers should be required to apply and pay for a “smoker’s license” in order to continue buying cigarettes.

In this week’s PLOS Medicine medical journal, two leading tobacco control advocates debate the merits of the smoker’s license. Simon Chapman, a professor at the University of Sydney, proposes that users would have to apply and pay for a mandatory license in the form of a smartcard that would be shown when buying cigarettes.

Dr. Chapman wrote that it could discourage young people from picking up the habit.

Professor Collin believes that limits to personal freedom will doom such legislation.

“The authoritarian connotations of the smoker’s license would inevitably meet with broad opposition,” Collin told the Daily Mail. “In the United Kingdom, for example, successive governments have failed to introduce identity cards.”

Liberals love authoritarianism. Liberals love government empowered with great authority. The proof is that over time one will always find them advocating for such. Society cannot be engineered without it. Liberalism is force by government. Liberalism tells people what they may do and how they may do it. Liberalism is expensive. Liberalism is parasitic. Liberalism is control.

It's slavery dressed in silk.

Moonhead -> RE: Liberalism (11/16/2012 6:45:51 AM)


Liberalism is quite Orwellian.

Given that George Orwell was a liberal himself, that's rather hard to credit. Care to show your working out for that one?

mnottertail -> RE: Liberalism (11/16/2012 6:48:40 AM)

One thing the Minneapolis Airport Bathroom crowd should do, is define themselves, they know nothing of liberalism, socialism, conservatism or republicanism.

They are however, somewhat competent to speak on issues without fact or accuracy.

absolutchocolat -> RE: Liberalism (11/16/2012 6:51:52 AM)

american conservatives are a comedic bunch, and i'll leave it at that.

Lucylastic -> RE: Liberalism (11/16/2012 7:03:19 AM)

you mean funny ha ha or funny peculiar?


DarkSteven -> RE: Liberalism (11/16/2012 7:10:54 AM)

Um. In the classic sense, a liberal was one who proposed change, while a conservative opposed it.

Now, a liberal is one who wants the government to regulate businesses and not people, while conservatives want less regulation for business and more for people.

Odd that conservatives want to legislate sexual morality and liberals (your definition of them at least) want to legislate health.

Also, just FYI - what he proposes for tobacco is very similar to how mmj is regulated in Colorado.

absolutchocolat -> RE: Liberalism (11/16/2012 7:11:28 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

you mean funny ha ha or funny peculiar?

both. i've been in stitches since election day.

SimplyMichael -> RE: Liberalism (11/16/2012 7:11:30 AM)

If smokers will reject all public resources when,fucking cancer,kills their dumb assm their,hiuse catches on fire or they,start forest fires, or at least start picking up their butts...but the welfare we give them fuckers now pisses me off.

Its a typical right wing bent that thinks shoving their cost on to me is somehow fine but if I ask them,to,help with,THEIR tab, they get all whiney. When we try to achieve energy independence or,think ahead, suddenly, they dont want to let me push any cost their way.

Lets just breed tobacca that causes faster cancer and be done,with,it, lol

Owner59 -> RE: Liberalism (11/16/2012 7:27:31 AM)

I would never discuss liberalism with a fox-news-alt-reality-con.........waste of time and one would have to spend a hour just to deprogram the BS 1st.

They don`t know what the words communism,capitalism,socialism(the "isms", as they called them in my HS) mean....have lost all touch with what conservatism is/was,have zero sense of time or history or even what they said yesterday,what the words consistent and principle and values mean,have zero shame,zero conscience and zero pride,zero honor.......the ones who do, are labeled RINOs by the rightists and eaten.

One of the problems for the folks who call themselves "conservatives"(angry,white,old men, yachtie) is that liberalism and progressivism advance all on there own, naturally........

While cons scream and yell and resist.....

Folks...there`s a gut feeling among conservatives....especially the fundie/tea-bagger types....that they are losing control.....and they`re very frightened.There`s a dozen narratives

Fox of course is flaming those fears and giving them special attention,care and feeding.So those fears are all to real.I blame the conservative media for frightening to death that tanning studio owner in Florida,who was lead to believe the President would ruin our economy and killed himself.

It`s the weak-minded dolts like that that the rightwing targets, with their dark ,doom and gloom narratives. 

hot4bondage -> RE: Liberalism (11/16/2012 7:34:00 AM)

Liberals also like free speech and reproductive rights. That's anti-authoritarian. I think that's why you're not getting direct responses to the issue at hand. Liberalism is not always statism, and statists aren't always liberals. Anyway, this is a terrible proposal. The modern equivalent of a scarlet letter.

subspaceseven -> RE: Liberalism (11/16/2012 7:35:22 AM)

Really "social behavior"

Last time I checked, it was the liberals who want to allow people to make their own choices, not changing laws telling people who can marry who, what someone can do with their body, .....

Social behavior like this guy......So one can be "liberal" in their own life, but run against it when it has to do with controlling others lives

Scott DesJarlais Abortion Scandal: Congressman's Wife Had 2 Abortions, Court Transcripts Say

According to DesJarlais' testimony, the first of his ex-wife Susan's abortions was because she was taking an experimental drug that carried potential risks in pregnancy. The second came amid problems in their relationship.

"Things were not going well between us and it was a mutual decision," he said. "I don't think that it was easy for either one of us. I think it was a very difficult and poor choice and I think that there are probably regrets both ways."

Hillwilliam -> RE: Liberalism (11/16/2012 7:36:00 AM)

The interesting thing about this entire thread is that you could easily refer to the "Smoker's license" as a so-called sin tax.
These are taxes on vices like alcohol and tobacco. The even MORE interesting thing is who pushes for these "Sin taxes". If you guessed the Religious Right, you win a (taxed) SEEEGAR.[:D]

ETA. Excellent attempt by FOX and their Kool-Aid drinking minions at a total 180 Degree Spin on that one.

Owner59 -> RE: Liberalism (11/16/2012 7:45:26 AM)

 Someone who  supports a bunch of old white men in Rome, dictating what rules/laws/customs that we will have here in America.....then calling liberals "authoritarian"...... is just about as ridiculous as it gets...... beyond rediculous...

But`s their fantasy trip.......they`re free to be as repugnant as they want..... right rich?[:D]

hot4bondage -> RE: Liberalism (11/16/2012 7:47:27 AM)

Good point, DS. But it should be noted that marijuana is being pulled out of the underground market, while tobacco is being dragged into it.

tj444 -> RE: Liberalism (11/16/2012 8:01:28 AM)

oh come on dude.. we all know that the US/Americans dont ever listen to anyone that isnt.. an American.. so opinions from some dude in Australia or the UK or wherever mean squat here..

Aswad -> RE: Liberalism (11/16/2012 8:13:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: Hillwilliam

The interesting thing about this entire thread is that you could easily refer to the "Smoker's license" as a so-called sin tax. These are taxes on vices like alcohol and tobacco. The even MORE interesting thing is who pushes for these "Sin taxes". If you guessed the Religious Right, you win a (taxed) SEEEGAR.[:D]

Up here, the sin taxes are usually justified on socioeconomic grounds, as they feed into police, healthcare and so forth (essentially the same thing insurance companies do, spreading the payment over those that engage in the risks, except all the services are aggregated and sans a profit margin). The religious conservatives aren't the ones pushing it here. It's a way of pushing the expenses of behaviors back onto people who engage in them.

— Aswad.

Hillwilliam -> RE: Liberalism (11/16/2012 8:16:57 AM)


ORIGINAL: hot4bondage

Good point, DS. But it should be noted that marijuana is being pulled out of the underground market, while tobacco is being dragged into it.

Except for a few people who cross state lines and spend $20 for gas to save $10 on a carton of smokes thus demonstrating their overwhelming intelligence, where is this big underground tobacco market?[8|]

tj444 -> RE: Liberalism (11/16/2012 8:20:31 AM)


spreading the payment over those that engage in the risks,

I doubt the amount of tax collected (in any country) comes close to paying the actual health & related costs for their smokers once they do get directly or indirectly sick from smoking..

theshytype -> RE: Liberalism (11/16/2012 8:37:07 AM)

Making general statements, such as yours, regarding liberals is the same as me saying all conservatives have sticks up their asses, along with their heads, and want to push all of their religious beliefs on everyone because they believe their views are the only right views.  What makes America great?  It's a melting pot of different individuals that have many different ideas and freedoms, including freedom of religion, but conservatives often want to take those freedoms away - is that not anti-American?

What exactly do you define as being American?  The freedom to live in a safe and healthy environment, where our food is free from drugs, air free from pollution, water free of poisons, and the freedom to live our lives as we see fit, without interference provided we are not harming another citizen? Where we all help each other to guarantee the success of our country?  Or, a corporation's freedom to do as they please, including endangering the lives of citizens, to seek optimal profits and have an 'everybody is on their own' mentality?

But I'm not one for stereotyping. I understand that there are extremists on BOTH sides and understand that BOTH can be just as harmful. 

Anyway, I'm assuming there are a few people on here that would be very interested in a slave dressed in silk.

subspaceseven -> RE: Liberalism (11/16/2012 10:41:39 AM)

I don't get this from you..I mean you supported Sarah P when she was the VP pick, but never bitched about how in her state all the resources are owned by the people...seems very much like socialism, much more than anything the Dems have called when the GOP supports socialism, it is OK and in fact they enforce it, you have no problem with it...

She should have said I can see socialism from within my shores and maybe you have seen the light

Bitch all you want to, the GOP rule could have ended the policy during any of their years in power and still can..but it seems to work..yet you are not screaming for these policies to end...why??????d

Socialism (play /ˈsoʊʃəlɪzəm/) is an economic system characterised by social ownership of the means of production and co-operative management of the economy,[1] and a political philosophy advocating such a system. "Social ownership" may refer to cooperative enterprises, common ownership, state ownership, or citizen ownership of equity.[

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