Male victimization in modern society. (Full Version)

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jlf1961 -> Male victimization in modern society. (1/4/2013 8:23:09 PM)

IN response to a statement in the thread dealing with prostate cancer, I felt that it needed its own thread.

Now depending on how you define victimization, there are various ways to consider this bold and general statement.

Doing a google search on the term only resulted in statistics dealing with crime, broken down to race, religion and sexual orientation.

Under these statistics, most males were less likely to be victims of violent criminal acts than women.

In the health industry, the cost of developing a drug like Viagra runs about the same as developing a new birth control pill. As far as the idea that prostate cancer gets less funding for research than breast cancer is laughable, at least in the US.

Considering the vast difference in the number of men to women in extended care facilities or other retirement centers, it would seem that a male's continued health is a bit more of a priority than that of a female.

The real area of male victimization is in the media.

Males are more likely to be portrayed as the deranged killer in a slasher movie, the serial killer in crime dramas, and the cliche' sexual predator, even though there have been more than a few female teachers that have taken sexual advantage of male students.

Thus, men are portrayed as the one to fear. Men are the killers, rapists, bombers, mass murderers and serial killers.

Although I am not sure that could actually be referred to as victimization, it would seem to be more of a problem of type casting.

naughtynick81 -> RE: Male victimization in modern society. (1/4/2013 8:36:37 PM)

To the last part of your post, jlf1961, I will add the extreme prejudice against men and their sexuality. We don't have to look any further than this site to see it everywhere. But to go deeper, we have things like this going on.

And besides just rape alone, this also indicates that men are potential murderers or kidnappers.

If these types of things were happening towards blacks or muslims, everyone would pick up the bigotry straight away.

If these types of things were happening towards women, everyone would see the bigotry straight away.

Sometimes I think misandry is invisible to many people while there is ultra sensitive lenses towards misogyny.

It seems that the only time when bigotry is socially acceptable is when men as a gender are on the receiving end. No one could ever pull such stunts if it was against women or minority races.

Aylee -> RE: Male victimization in modern society. (1/4/2013 8:56:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: jlf1961

The real area of male victimization is in the media.

I agree with this.  Although I am not sure that I would term in victimization.  It seems that nearly every male in a sitcom, cartoon, drama or commerical is a bumbling oaf and/or idiot.  They also suck at consideration for others (especially family) until they are "saved" by some woman.  Personally I find it demeaning to men and women and so I will not watch those shows. 


Males are more likely to be portrayed as the deranged killer in a slasher movie, the serial killer in crime dramas, and the cliche' sexual predator, even though there have been more than a few female teachers that have taken sexual advantage of male students.

Thus, men are portrayed as the one to fear. Men are the killers, rapists, bombers, mass murderers and serial killers.

Although I am not sure that could actually be referred to as victimization, it would seem to be more of a problem of type casting.

Well, art imitates life.  Men are much more likely to be those things.  I will note that males are usually the hero as well.  "Bad" women are protrayed as an arrogant, self-centered bitch.  And typically crazy to boot. 

jlf1961 -> RE: Male victimization in modern society. (1/4/2013 9:21:15 PM)




ORIGINAL: jlf1961

The real area of male victimization is in the media.

I agree with this.  Although I am not sure that I would term in victimization.  It seems that nearly every male in a sitcom, cartoon, drama or commerical is a bumbling oaf and/or idiot.  They also suck at consideration for others (especially family) until they are "saved" by some woman.  Personally I find it demeaning to men and women and so I will not watch those shows. 


Males are more likely to be portrayed as the deranged killer in a slasher movie, the serial killer in crime dramas, and the cliche' sexual predator, even though there have been more than a few female teachers that have taken sexual advantage of male students.

Thus, men are portrayed as the one to fear. Men are the killers, rapists, bombers, mass murderers and serial killers.

Although I am not sure that could actually be referred to as victimization, it would seem to be more of a problem of type casting.

Well, art imitates life.  Men are much more likely to be those things.  I will note that males are usually the hero as well.  "Bad" women are protrayed as an arrogant, self-centered bitch.  And typically crazy to boot. 

There have been 86 female serial killers in the US. Most tend to kill spouses, children and the elderly.

There have been a fair number of female mass murderers.

As far as female, knife, axe, machete wielding lunatics, I have no clue.

I am sure that sooner or later, some women are going to cite equal rights for women and perform such crimes, but as of now, I cant find any record of one yet. Unless you count Madame Bathory.

naughtynick81 -> RE: Male victimization in modern society. (1/4/2013 9:51:15 PM)


As far as female, knife, axe, machete wielding lunatics, I have no clue.

There have been enough cases of women chopping off men's cocks. I know there are some sicko men who may mutilate women's genitals but I don't hear about it as much as chopping cocks.

jlf1961 -> RE: Male victimization in modern society. (1/4/2013 9:56:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: naughtynick81


As far as female, knife, axe, machete wielding lunatics, I have no clue.

There have been enough cases of women chopping off men's cocks. I know there are some sicko men who may mutilate women's genitals but I don't hear about it as much as chopping cocks.

True, but that is not necessarily fatal.

I am talking about the blood thirsty killer that waits in the shadows until a teenage couple having sex are about to achieve orgasm and then thrusting a knife through both bodies and killing them before they can get off.

Granted getting killed is no fun at any time, but come on, to die from a stab wound before you cum, man that has got to be a drag.

tazzygirl -> RE: Male victimization in modern society. (1/4/2013 10:27:52 PM)


The real area of male victimization is in the media.

Males are more likely to be portrayed as the deranged killer in a slasher movie, the serial killer in crime dramas, and the cliche' sexual predator, even though there have been more than a few female teachers that have taken sexual advantage of male students.

Thus, men are portrayed as the one to fear. Men are the killers, rapists, bombers, mass murderers and serial killers.

Although I am not sure that could actually be referred to as victimization, it would seem to be more of a problem of type casting.

And yet its not just women who go to see these types of movies. So blaming the problem solely upon women, which I know you are not, doesnt make any sense if you really think about it.

jlf1961 -> RE: Male victimization in modern society. (1/4/2013 10:35:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: tazzygirl


The real area of male victimization is in the media.

Males are more likely to be portrayed as the deranged killer in a slasher movie, the serial killer in crime dramas, and the cliche' sexual predator, even though there have been more than a few female teachers that have taken sexual advantage of male students.

Thus, men are portrayed as the one to fear. Men are the killers, rapists, bombers, mass murderers and serial killers.

Although I am not sure that could actually be referred to as victimization, it would seem to be more of a problem of type casting.

And yet its not just women who go to see these types of movies. So blaming the problem solely upon women, which I know you are not, doesnt make any sense if you really think about it.

According to some polls, which I have reason to doubt, most women are looking for either a bad boy or a fatherly type man to spend their lives with.

Now if this is true, the young professional financially secure with growing incomes should be the most female neglected class of men in the US and us old guys should be beating the young women off with sticks and pepper spray.

And yes women seem drawn to the slasher movies, however I do not know why. And I would not say that it is their fault that the primary villain in those films are male.

tazzygirl -> RE: Male victimization in modern society. (1/4/2013 10:40:53 PM)

I dont think you understood me. Go to a theater showing a slasher movie. Its full of both sexes. Both are seeing men as the "villan".

And yet its many boy's fantasy... Too hot for Teacher... kinda deal. Our society tends to stereotype both sexes.. and neither one favorably.

Owner59 -> RE: Male victimization in modern society. (1/4/2013 10:44:31 PM)

Can anyone explain why our prisons and justice system is chuck full of men(black men,mostly) ?

Are women committing as many crimes as men but just not getting caught ?

Or is there something about men that makes them more likely to perpetrate or cause harm.

tazzygirl -> RE: Male victimization in modern society. (1/4/2013 10:52:41 PM)

State and Federal Prisoners: There were 113,000 women offenders incarcerated in state and federal facilities in 2010 compared to 1,500,000 male inmates.

The growth in the female incarcerated population was 2.2 percent since 2,000. The growth in the male incarcerated population was 1.6 percent since 2,000.

Male inmates had an incarceration rate 14 times higher than females.

Black females had an imprisonment rate nearly three times that of white females.

Thirty-six percent of females were incarcerated for violent crimes. Property offenses (30 percent) and drug offenses (26 percent) were the next most prevalent offenses.

Prison, Jail and Community Supervision: In 2009, the majority of the total correctional population (prison, jails, community supervision) was male (82 percent) and 18 percent was female.

Men comprised a smaller portion of the total population in 2009 than in 1990 while the percentage of women increased slightly within the total correctional population.

Women under correctional supervision in 2009 (85 percent) were more likely than men (66 percent) to be supervised in the community on probation or parole.

Previous Years: The number of female prisoners rose at a faster rate (4.8 percent) then the number of male prisoners (2.7 percent). The percent increase in female prisoners was almost twice that of male prisoners.

Just some facts.

tj444 -> RE: Male victimization in modern society. (1/4/2013 10:53:01 PM)



Can anyone explain why our prisons and justice system is chuck full of men(black men,mostly) ?

Are women committing as many crimes as men but just not getting caught ?

Or is there something about men that makes them more likely to perpetrate or cause harm.

JMO.. but i think its cuz of testosterone.. so young men commit crime more often, get into fights, rape, etc etc and why women tend not to be as aggressive & therefore stay out of trouble more... apparently as men get older & have less testosterone & settle down, they are less aggressive and not quite as macho and stupid.. so dont commit as much crime as younger dudes do..

eta- black men vs white men.. probably due to black men living in more/greater poverty, less education & a legal system that goes against them.. And of course the Prisons for Profit that like them (& hispanics) for slave labor..

jlf1961 -> RE: Male victimization in modern society. (1/4/2013 10:57:39 PM)

More men are in prisons because more women seem to get off, remember Casey Anthony?

Of course women are not less likely to get caught, they get picked up as often as any guy.

There is just less violent female offenders than males.

And it has nothing to do with testosterone. Polls show that men drink more coffee than women. Thus it is the over indulgence of caffeine that leads to men committing violent crime.

Or it is genetic, men have been violent since modern humans hit the planet. When the first cave man discovered that a large chunk of wood increases the power of a hit, he promptly hit is cave man neighbor and screwed the neighbor's wife.

tj444 -> RE: Male victimization in modern society. (1/4/2013 11:11:15 PM)

well.. OJ got off too! and that was a double murder!

jlf1961 -> RE: Male victimization in modern society. (1/4/2013 11:16:57 PM)



well.. OJ got off too! and that was a double murder!

Yeah I remember, but he ended up going to prison for other crimes.

And the internet rumor mill has produced various hints that he would not last long in prison.

I have an old army buddy serving a life term in Nevada, and his opinion of oj is not the greatest. But i doubt if OJ will be put in genpop.

tj444 -> RE: Male victimization in modern society. (1/4/2013 11:19:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: jlf1961



well.. OJ got off too! and that was a double murder!

Yeah I remember, but he ended up going to prison for other crimes.

And the internet rumor mill has produced various hints that he would not last long in prison.

I have an old army buddy serving a life term in Nevada, and his opinion of oj is not the greatest. But i doubt if OJ will be put in genpop.

sure but i bet if Case Anthony screws up and is charged again on some new offence, that she will end up in jail too.. I think both her & OJ just got lucky the first time..

jlf1961 -> RE: Male victimization in modern society. (1/4/2013 11:23:59 PM)

tj, they did not get lucky, the prosecution in both cases presented a highly technical case that was hard to follow for the average person. and in the case of OJ, the glove statement did not help, even though anyone knows that leather shrinks when wet and will stay shrunk if not stretched out before it dries.

IgorsHand -> RE: Male victimization in modern society. (1/5/2013 2:02:23 AM)

Political corectness junkies and feminists certainly had white hetrosexual males in their sights over the last 20 years or so but basically what we were seeing was a mixture of white middleclass angst and affluent middleclass feminists wanting more of the cake without earning it. It was a case of any white male would do, middleclass feminists even claiming poor white males were oppressors when a modicum of scrutiny shows poor white males to be oppressed in the same way minorities are and white middleclass feminists being part of the oppressors.

That being said, I think most men and women just get on with each other but the lesson is to white working class males, who are usually disengaged from politics, you need to engage with politics and fight your corner.

crazyml -> RE: Male victimization in modern society. (1/5/2013 2:05:56 AM)


ORIGINAL: naughtynick81


As far as female, knife, axe, machete wielding lunatics, I have no clue.

There have been enough cases of women chopping off men's cocks. I know there are some sicko men who may mutilate women's genitals but I don't hear about it as much as chopping cocks.

How many cases of females mutilating male genitals do you think actually occur?

How many cases of males mutilating female genitals do you think actually occur?

crazyml -> RE: Male victimization in modern society. (1/5/2013 2:08:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: jlf1961

More men are in prisons because more women seem to get off, remember Casey Anthony?

Cite some figures. If you don't actually have a factual basis for this then I'll just assume it's a pile of horseshit.


Of course women are not less likely to get caught, they get picked up as often as any guy.

There is just less violent female offenders than males.

And it has nothing to do with testosterone. Polls show that men drink more coffee than women. Thus it is the over indulgence of caffeine that leads to men committing violent crime.

Now... you're being light-hearted right? I mean, you know you can't actually make a claim like this without giving the impression that you're an idiot, right?


Or it is genetic, men have been violent since modern humans hit the planet. When the first cave man discovered that a large chunk of wood increases the power of a hit, he promptly hit is cave man neighbor and screwed the neighbor's wife.

Where did you do your post-doc Anthropology research?

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