RE: "Cops aren’t trained well enough, so what do you think they’re going to do with teachers?" (Full Version)

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Nosathro -> RE: "Cops aren’t trained well enough, so what do you think they’re going to do with teachers?" (1/21/2013 5:52:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: igor2003


ORIGINAL: Nosathro

Well, by your example I would say someone "riding shotgun" was in some cases not a deterrent. I also fail to see the comparison between stagecoaches and schools. Secondly, the University I was attending, if there was trouble on campus, the city police was called, we had armed guards, but there were never around. My sister who also attended a University in another state told me the University calls there armed guards as an after thought. I would admit that finding proof that armed guards at school have any deterrent factor to be hard, if not impossible. I read that it cost each School district in the US about 15 million dollars to have armed guards, and schools are already having budget problems, and as I have pointed out, may not be cost effective. In more detail at Columbine one of the reason the armed guard stop shooting was alot to student got in the way, so again would armed guards really work.

You are correct in that sometimes it was not a deterrent. But how many times WAS it a deterrent? There is absolutely no way to know. But my own guess is that it worked more often than not. I'd be willing to bet that the owners of the valuables thought so as well, since they kept hiring the armed guards, and to not have it guarded at all would have been absolute stupidity.

Of course you don't see the the comparison, since to see the comparison you would have to admit to the error of your assessment of armed guards at schools. Your comprehensive skills seems to be very selective.

Sometimes armed guards may not be able to shoot. Sometimes they would be able to. One thing is for sure...if they are NOT EVEN THERE they won't have any effect at all. And to some extent, just having them present is going to prevent an encounter from even happening to begin with so that there is no need to shoot. But I'm sure you don't comprehend that either...or at least you won't acknowledge it.

Okay Igor I do need to clear a few things up. One, is that I am not saying NO to security at school, I am questioning to what part should armed guards be in the answer, if at all. I do not believe that there is any study on the deterrence effectiveness of armed guards at schools. if they are such studies I would be interested in reading them. I do feel that it would be hard to measure the deterance factor. Your use of the Stage Coach is hard to compare with school shoting. The motivation as you have pointed out is for profit where as many of the school shoting are motivation for personal. I hold to the belief that motivation is a driving force, which develops the method.

I do say armed guards are not a guantee, yes they could have some factor in safety but does that mean it will require an armed guard in every class room, guards at 10 feet intervels in a hall way? To what point do armed guards really work or just provide a false sense of security? Can you imgine armed guards trying to get past students running away from someone like Adam Lanza? Or as pointed out the incident in NY where police simple opened fire, not sure of their target. I am reminded of the President Reagan shooting, Hinckley with a .22 caliber pistol in the open managed to get past some 2 dozen Secret Service Agents, armed with 9 mm pistol and Uzi submachine guns and other police agents. The Secret Service are highly trained in protecting the president, yet a person, with no training did defeat the security.

I would also like to point out that in some of these recent shooting it appears that there were warning signs and that the powers that be, ignored them. I think prevention would be more sucessful then just placing armed guards in school, the shooter gets on the school grounds then there is really a problem. I hope this clears up any misunderstanding.

slvemike4u -> RE: "Cops aren’t trained well enough, so what do you think they’re going to do with teachers?" (1/21/2013 6:52:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: DaNewAgeViking

OR - it could simply be that pistols are notoriously inaccurate, especially when snap-shooting...

Yet to some folks we could have used a few pistols in Aurora Colo. a while some that would have led to a few less bodies.

slvemike4u -> RE: "Cops aren’t trained well enough, so what do you think they’re going to do with teachers?" (1/21/2013 6:55:50 PM)



If I had my way every school would have an armed security guard and every room would have a steel windowless, or bullet proof glassed, door that can be locked from the inside by teachers or remotely by security or the principle.


Are you sending your children to school....or to a "hardened security facility " ?

Why should our children have to go thru such nonsense rather than ask gun owners to put up with some restrictions and meet some criteria ?

kdsub -> RE: "Cops aren’t trained well enough, so what do you think they’re going to do with teachers?" (1/21/2013 7:07:53 PM)

Mike know me... I am always practical... We, meaning congress, can argue back and forth which we will and nothing will get done. Do you really think in this political climate there will be any new ...serious...effective... gun control legislation passed?

As they say...READ MY LIPS... there will be NO new legislation passed.

So what to do...nothing?... or something. I think inside locks on strong classroom doors would be fairly inexpensive and could make a difference.

As I said in posts above I am all for different ideas to make our children safe in their schools other than armed security guards...If you know the answer lets hear it. Until I hear a better idea I am going with security with all its warts and faults it is better than nothing.


slvemike4u -> RE: "Cops aren’t trained well enough, so what do you think they’re going to do with teachers?" (1/21/2013 7:21:53 PM)

I won't argue with anything that makes our children safer.
Of course I am of the opinion that nothing will make our children safer than removing certain classifications of weapons from circulation [:)]

Now as long as we can agree,by that I mean I am satisfied the children are indeed safer,on that issue we can move along [:)]

kdsub -> RE: "Cops aren’t trained well enough, so what do you think they’re going to do with teachers?" (1/21/2013 7:31:11 PM)


Of course I am of the opinion that nothing will make our children safer than removing certain classifications of weapons from circulation

I agree it will make our children safer...but is not the total answer...but it is a step in the right direction and if I can ever make a difference by petition or vote I will.


DesideriScuri -> RE: "Cops aren’t trained well enough, so what do you think they’re going to do with teachers?" (1/22/2013 5:52:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: slvemike4u
I won't argue with anything that makes our children safer.
Of course I am of the opinion that nothing will make our children safer than removing certain classifications of weapons from circulation [:)]

How is writing a law outlawing circulation of x, y or z going to do anything when x, y or z can be gained illegally? For x, y, and z to be no longer available to the Citizenry, law-abiding or not, x, y, and z would need to be purged from the Earth, including all means to make x, y, and z, on Earth. Not sure how you'd legislate Russia's manufacture of firearms, but give 'er a try if you think you can.

The issue isn't the tool. You can make a weak bomb with stuff you probably already have in your house. Its the person wielding the tool. Go to Cabela's, Bass Pro, Gander Mountain, or other similar store, and look at all the guns. Not a single one of them has killed a person due to it simply having been created. When someone pulls a trigger and fires the gun, it isn't the gun doing it, but the person pulling the trigger. A gun can not load itself. It can not aim itself. It can not pull it's own trigger. It is, in and of itself, inert.

If you were to die of asphyxiation due to a carbon monoxide source, what is responsible for your death, the carbon monoxide, or the source of the carbon monoxide (or responsible party for the carbon monoxide being there)? If a guy strangles someone else, is the rope to blame? Is the knife to blame as it is plunged?

What gun classification are you looking to outlaw? What guns would be legal?

I agree there needs to be some gun control regulation. I do not debate that at all. But, there comes a point in time where more is too much. Ill-defined categorization will get into the wrong hands and will be used against us in ways never intended (or never admitted to, for all you tin-foil hat people). Banning a "rifle" is too broad. Banning a "semi-automatic" gun is also too broad. It is somewhere within that semi-automatic category that we'll find our compromise.

cordeliasub -> RE: "Cops aren’t trained well enough, so what do you think they’re going to do with teachers?" (1/22/2013 6:26:05 AM)

I think the strong windowless door would be the least expensive and most practical first step in keeping our kids safe from intruders/shooters....of course, the reason most classroom doors are required to have windows is so that we can watch the we'd have to pick who we choose to trust.

RacerJim -> RE: "Cops aren’t trained well enough, so what do you think they’re going to do with teachers?" (1/22/2013 8:11:18 AM)


ORIGINAL: slvemike4u

I won't argue with anything that makes our children safer.
Of course I am of the opinion that nothing will make our children safer than removing certain classifications of weapons from circulation [:)]

Now as long as we can agree,by that I mean I am satisfied the children are indeed safer,on that issue we can move along [:)]

I won't argue with anything logical that makes our children safer.

Common-sense logic tells me that, since each of the most infamous mass-shootings of children -- Virginia Tech, Columbine and Sandy Hook -- occured in a "Gun Free Zone", nothing will make our school children safer than removing "Gun Free Zone" signs from schools and mandating "Armed Guard Zone" signs.

Of course, I am of the opinion that, since abortions murder many times over more of our children than anything else -- currently an average of 3,300 each and every day -- nothing would make more of our children safer than repealing Roe v Wade.

So as long as we agree, and by that I mean I am satisfied that both the foregoing would make more of our children safer than anything else without affecting anyone's Constitutional rights, we can indeed move along. :-)

Nosathro -> RE: "Cops aren’t trained well enough, so what do you think they’re going to do with teachers?" (1/22/2013 10:18:12 AM)




ORIGINAL: slvemike4u

I won't argue with anything that makes our children safer.
Of course I am of the opinion that nothing will make our children safer than removing certain classifications of weapons from circulation [:)]

Now as long as we can agree,by that I mean I am satisfied the children are indeed safer,on that issue we can move along [:)]

I won't argue with anything logical that makes our children safer.

Common-sense logic tells me that, since each of the most infamous mass-shootings of children -- Virginia Tech, Columbine and Sandy Hook -- occured in a "Gun Free Zone", nothing will make our school children safer than removing "Gun Free Zone" signs from schools and mandating "Armed Guard Zone" signs.

Of course, I am of the opinion that, since abortions murder many times over more of our children than anything else -- currently an average of 3,300 each and every day -- nothing would make more of our children safer than repealing Roe v Wade.

So as long as we agree, and by that I mean I am satisfied that both the foregoing would make more of our children safer than anything else without affecting anyone's Constitutional rights, we can indeed move along. :-)

You are wrong in the Virginia Tech, they had armed guards, in fact they were looking for Cho after his first killing, so much for armed guards. Columbine also had an armed guard, the kids got there guns by having an adult friend buy the guns for them, smart move. As to Sandy Hook, Adam Lanza got his guns from his mother, who had them out for easy access, she at the time was prepare paperwork to have Adam commented, seem he was getting more aggressive and she could no longer control him, another smart move. Going back to Cho, he obtained his gun legally, so nobodys' 2nd Amendment rights were violated in these incidents, I am sure you are relieved by know that.

I would like to know why you think the repeal of Roe vs Wade makes kids safe?

BamaD -> RE: "Cops aren’t trained well enough, so what do you think they’re going to do with teachers?" (1/22/2013 8:51:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: Nosathro




ORIGINAL: slvemike4u

I won't argue with anything that makes our children safer.
Of course I am of the opinion that nothing will make our children safer than removing certain classifications of weapons from circulation [:)]

Now as long as we can agree,by that I mean I am satisfied the children are indeed safer,on that issue we can move along [:)]

I won't argue with anything logical that makes our children safer.

Common-sense logic tells me that, since each of the most infamous mass-shootings of children -- Virginia Tech, Columbine and Sandy Hook -- occured in a "Gun Free Zone", nothing will make our school children safer than removing "Gun Free Zone" signs from schools and mandating "Armed Guard Zone" signs.

Of course, I am of the opinion that, since abortions murder many times over more of our children than anything else -- currently an average of 3,300 each and every day -- nothing would make more of our children safer than repealing Roe v Wade.

So as long as we agree, and by that I mean I am satisfied that both the foregoing would make more of our children safer than anything else without affecting anyone's Constitutional rights, we can indeed move along. :-)

You are wrong in the Virginia Tech, they had armed guards, in fact they were looking for Cho after his first killing, so much for armed guards. Columbine also had an armed guard, the kids got there guns by having an adult friend buy the guns for them, smart move. As to Sandy Hook, Adam Lanza got his guns from his mother, who had them out for easy access, she at the time was prepare paperwork to have Adam commented, seem he was getting more aggressive and she could no longer control him, another smart move. Going back to Cho, he obtained his gun legally, so nobodys' 2nd Amendment rights were violated in these incidents, I am sure you are relieved by know that.

I would like to know why you think the repeal of Roe vs Wade makes kids safe?

so you didn't read the link on colimbine

slvemike4u -> RE: "Cops aren’t trained well enough, so what do you think they’re going to do with teachers?" (1/22/2013 10:10:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: DesideriScuri


ORIGINAL: slvemike4u
I won't argue with anything that makes our children safer.
Of course I am of the opinion that nothing will make our children safer than removing certain classifications of weapons from circulation [:)]

How is writing a law outlawing circulation of x, y or z going to do anything when x, y or z can be gained illegally? For x, y, and z to be no longer available to the Citizenry, law-abiding or not, x, y, and z would need to be purged from the Earth, including all means to make x, y, and z, on Earth. Not sure how you'd legislate Russia's manufacture of firearms, but give 'er a try if you think you can.

The issue isn't the tool. You can make a weak bomb with stuff you probably already have in your house. Its the person wielding the tool. Go to Cabela's, Bass Pro, Gander Mountain, or other similar store, and look at all the guns. Not a single one of them has killed a person due to it simply having been created. When someone pulls a trigger and fires the gun, it isn't the gun doing it, but the person pulling the trigger. A gun can not load itself. It can not aim itself. It can not pull it's own trigger. It is, in and of itself, inert.

If you were to die of asphyxiation due to a carbon monoxide source, what is responsible for your death, the carbon monoxide, or the source of the carbon monoxide (or responsible party for the carbon monoxide being there)? If a guy strangles someone else, is the rope to blame? Is the knife to blame as it is plunged?

What gun classification are you looking to outlaw? What guns would be legal?

I agree there needs to be some gun control regulation. I do not debate that at all. But, there comes a point in time where more is too much. Ill-defined categorization will get into the wrong hands and will be used against us in ways never intended (or never admitted to, for all you tin-foil hat people). Banning a "rifle" is too broad. Banning a "semi-automatic" gun is also too broad. It is somewhere within that semi-automatic category that we'll find our compromise.

Short makes it harder.
Do you not agree that it should be harder ?
I mean seriously,can we stop with the bullshit....I suggest or propose something,one of you ding dongs come along and exhibit how it is not a full proof ,ironclad guaranteed,100% solution therefor it's a shitty idea ?
By that measure the development, and the legislation dealing with, seat belts was unsuccessful ?

kiwisub12 -> RE: "Cops aren’t trained well enough, so what do you think they’re going to do with teachers?" (1/23/2013 4:28:21 AM)

Seems to me that if armed guards are to be effective, you would have to have more than one, and be set up something like a prison. I think a mentally disturbed person isn't going to be deterred by the presence of armed guards. Therefore i think armed guards are ineffective at what they are supposed to do. So, for me, armed guards are an expense at is a reaction to several situations that could only have been possibly stopped by a massive presence of armed guards, lots of fences and screening to allow into the facility.

Do i want my kids thinking the world is so dangerous that the only way they are safe is to have armed guards around them? And if we have armed guards at schools, what about churches, and malls and after school sports events and gymnastic classes and community swimming pools and so on and so forth. Some one prove to me that armed guards are a deterrant to crazy people.

DesideriScuri -> RE: "Cops aren’t trained well enough, so what do you think they’re going to do with teachers?" (1/23/2013 5:05:55 AM)


ORIGINAL: slvemike4u
Short makes it harder.
Do you not agree that it should be harder ?
I mean seriously,can we stop with the bullshit....I suggest or propose something,one of you ding dongs come along and exhibit how it is not a full proof ,ironclad guaranteed,100% solution therefor it's a shitty idea ?
By that measure the development, and the legislation dealing with, seat belts was unsuccessful ?

Mike, you may not have read my entire response to you. So, I am going to quote my very last section:

    I agree there needs to be some gun control regulation. I do not debate that at all. But, there comes a point in time where more is too much. Ill-defined categorization will get into the wrong hands and will be used against us in ways never intended (or never admitted to, for all you tin-foil hat people). Banning a "rifle" is too broad. Banning a "semi-automatic" gun is also too broad. It is somewhere within that semi-automatic category that we'll find our compromise.

Regarding seat belts, I do find that to be an infringement of my personal liberties. It's not that I disagree with wearing a seat belt, it's that it's okay for Government to force me to do so. I would choose to do so on my very own anyway. But, I still find it wrong to be forced to do so. [:D]

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