Workout (Full Version)

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TheLilSquaw -> Workout (2/2/2013 9:18:28 AM)

Before I left for CollarMe to focus on me there was a thread for people who where working out to post updates and encouragements.

Is that thread now necro?

Baroana -> RE: Workout (2/2/2013 9:25:06 AM)

According to the mods, we are supposed to let threads die when they reach about three months. Please do use this as a new workout thread. I'll join you, as I just switched gyms.

ServosCor -> RE: Workout (2/2/2013 9:29:07 AM)

  Mind if I join ya'all?  :)

  Im starting off slow till I see my cardio guy but the heart is willing even if the body is saying "ooooooooooooh let's not".   <G>

TheLilSquaw -> RE: Workout (2/2/2013 9:53:23 AM)

I hadn't seen it so I thought perhaps it had become a necro thread.

So lets use this as a new one.
Anyone who would like to share their work out or food logs please feel free.
Or to simply chime in with a comment or encouragement.


My current work out.

I do this work out 7 days a week. Monday – Friday I work out around 7:30 am.

I do each exercise for 1 minute along with a stretching before and after.

I am currently using 8 lb dumb bells.

Jumping Jacks
Squat Kicks
Power Knee (right)
Power Knee (left)
Mountain Climber
Tire Jump
High Knee
Four Square Jump
Chair Push-ups
Dead Lifts
DB Curl
Wide Row
DB Press
Reverse Fly

On Tuesday and Thursdays I add 5 minutes of running from my patio door to my dining room wall.

Plus, every time I walk up my stairs. I drop and do 10 push-ups.

If I have something in my hands, I set it on the steps above me. So I am doing push-ups periodically and randomly throughout my day.

A week ago I started a high protein diet, my goal is to stay on it until the end of March. However, I am personally struggling with it I haven't eat'n meat on any real level since May.

Baroana -> RE: Workout (2/2/2013 10:07:22 AM)

Wow Squaw, you are hardcore.

At the moment I am working on dropping thirty or so pounds. After a three year period during which I lost over 100, I spent the last year slowly gaining back at least 20 of that as a result of changing jobs.

I do circuit workouts, a la Curves, that combine muscles and cardio. I try to go three times a week. I also used to be a Zumbahead. I'm trying to make time for that again.

I focus on protein by having a shake after the gym as well as always trying to eat stuff that has protein. Even if it's not meat..... Greek yogurt, nature valley protein bars, garden of life products, Morningstar, stuff like that.

TheLilSquaw -> RE: Workout (2/2/2013 10:14:56 AM)

My goal has never been weight loss but to be healthy.
I'd be extremely thrilled if I got down to 130-135.
Although I take measurements more than I get on a scale.

I have a smoothie in the morning after my workout.

Smoothie Recipe:
1 C simply apple or simply oj
1C water
1 large banana
1 C frozen triple berry fruit
1 1/2 scoop of whey protien

My 3 meals I have to have between 6-8 oz of meat protein.

11 am today I had ...
8 oz of chicken breasts
1 c broccoli
1 c oat meal

ETA: How do you like working out Curves?

Baroana -> RE: Workout (2/2/2013 10:21:54 AM)

My OLD Curves was great! Then I moved, and the new one was not as good. I switched to ladies workout express. So far I am very happy. It costs less AND includes classes.... Plus all the elliptical you want to ellipse.

Level -> RE: Workout (2/2/2013 10:22:16 AM)

LS, you may need to eat fatty cuts of meat, to not only feel full, but to give you better energy.

TheLilSquaw -> RE: Workout (2/2/2013 10:36:01 AM)



LS, you may need to eat fatty cuts of meat, to not only feel full, but to give you better energy.

Yeah, I was told to use fatty cut of meat or to use olive oil when cooking.
Both seem strange to me since I have been almost raw since May.

freedomdwarf1 -> RE: Workout (2/2/2013 10:37:46 AM)

LS, I have to agree with level.

That smoothie recipe is 10% pure sugars plus whatever is naturally occuring in the apple or oj.

I wouldn't say that was a very well balanced diet at all.

TheLilSquaw -> RE: Workout (2/2/2013 10:47:45 AM)


ORIGINAL: freedomdwarf1

LS, I have to agree with level.

That smoothie recipe is 10% pure sugars plus whatever is naturally occuring in the apple or oj.

I wouldn't say that was a very well balanced diet at all.

You have no idea what I eat in a given a day.
That is my morning smoothie.
So for you to say I don't have a balanced diet or one that suites MY goal is naive IMO.

Thanks though. :)

ETA:I didn't see Level say anything about my diet not being balance btw.

TheLilSquaw -> RE: Workout (2/2/2013 11:00:56 AM)



I switched to ladies workout express. So far I am very happy. It costs less AND includes classes.... Plus all the elliptical you want to ellipse.

I'm glad you found a new place that you like.
Comfort is a huge part in sticking to working out IMO.

I tried the Bel Air Fitness Club but it wasn't for me.
I haven't tried another gym since.
I like working out at home though.

freedomdwarf1 -> RE: Workout (2/2/2013 11:01:33 AM)

Fair comment.

Certainly, anyone downing a drink so full of sugar isn't thinking about their system having to process so much all at once.

But given what you posted, your diet is pretty much fat free??

It's a bit like many Brit quacks that instantly tell a diabetic to quit taking all sugar which I've since learned is a very bad idea generally.
The same can be said about many fat-free diets - not always a good idea.
We use many fats for nothing more than energy but in a different way to what we use sugars for.

The human body is designed to use various compounds of fat, proteins, sugars etc and to starve your body of one particular elemant can be really bad in the long run.

It was just a comment and certainly not a diet that I would want to live on and not one my doctor would advise for the average person.
But there again, who am I to say how you want to live [;)]

AthenaSurrenders -> RE: Workout (2/2/2013 11:29:48 AM)

LilSquaw do you deadlift with dumbells? Is there a trick to it? Because I can never seem to keep things straight and level, my form is awful. I've been thinking about buying a barbel just to have that rigidity (well, that and to up my weights since my dumbells can only be loaded with 5k each if I'm using both at the same time).

My main thing at the moment is just jogging - I've totally let it go with the snow. Today I started using P90X. I'm not following the program strictly but rather using the videos to change up my workouts in between runs. It seems like an interesting program though.

I've really let myself down this last month and found excuse after excuse to slack off and eat crap. I hope some of your motivation will rub off on me. I was doing so well for a while! I put myself on month-long 'bootcamps' then allow myself a weekend off at the end of each month.

TheLilSquaw -> RE: Workout (2/2/2013 11:45:00 AM)


I actually don't have a fat free diet even when I was eating mainly raw.
I do add healthy fats.
I actually am NOT starving my body of any nutrition.
I actually make it a point to get a balanced meal with the nutrition and calories that I need for my personal goals.

Due to my current eating habits / diet.
I was able to eliminate 5 medications that I have been on for years.
While under doctors supervision.

You are right, my eating habit / diet isn't for everyone.
Every person has individual goals and things that their bodies need more of or they need to avoid.

ETA: In your post you once again made assumptions about my diet being fat free and lacking in nutrition, proteins, ect. Perhaps instead of making assumptions ask what I eat or share what you eat.

Yes I do dead lifts with the 8lb dumb bells.
When I 1st started doing them my form was horrible.
It took a bit to get my form down.
I actually worked out in a full length mirror so i could see my form.

When I realized I couldn't do the Insanity I simply took moves that I could do and added a few other things that were suggested.

I do the running inside because it's so cold out this way I don't have an excuse because it's all inside.

I understand the motivation that is part of the reason for this thread.
I can't do cheat meals or time off because it always sets me back.
That was a hard lesson for me to learn.

ETA: To me free weights are harder to control. (on the weight bar)

Baroana -> RE: Workout (2/2/2013 11:56:55 AM)





I switched to ladies workout express. So far I am very happy. It costs less AND includes classes.... Plus all the elliptical you want to ellipse.

I'm glad you found a new place that you like.
Comfort is a huge part in sticking to working out IMO.

I tried the Bel Air Fitness Club but it wasn't for me.
I haven't tried another gym since.
I like working out at home though.

It's all about how you feel. There's always some person/expert/magazine out there that will tell you you're not exercising enough, or not doing x or y routine that you should be doing. But if you let that get to you, then you'll get frustrated and give up, thinking you'll never do well enough so why try? When you work out at a level good for your body, your body will let you know.

MusicInstr78 -> RE: Workout (2/2/2013 11:57:58 AM)

I get anywhere from a 5k to 5 miles or more daily...on occasion I can get 10 miles in a day and when I can. I power/walk/sprint/run and alternate since I can not get overheated with the ms. I also do pilates, yoga, strength training, dancing, kick-boxing and whatever else as well. You have to shake it up to avoid that plateau. I don't have any certain type of diet, but make sure I can get a lot of protein and healthy fats! Fat does not make you fat, it is the dead foods and high carbs that do. I eat fish, chicken, turkey, bison, red meat, lots of fruits and veggies, lots of greens, smoothies made with pure protein, greek yogurt, and I avoid gluten and msg and anything artificial and not natural due to my health.I have one splurge day a week and will eat whatever I want but for the last several months I don't even do that. I do have dairy... a glass of organic milk, cheese. I love Chinese and Japanese food...Mediterranean and Italian(although my pasta is gluten free...even make my own pizza) My vices...Ice cream, black licorice. Gotta have my teas and coffee too.

TheLilSquaw -> RE: Workout (2/2/2013 12:00:31 PM)



It's all about how you feel. There's always some person/expert/magazine out there that will tell you you're not exercising enough, or not doing x or y routine that you should be doing. But if you let that get to you, then you'll get frustrated and give up, thinking you'll never do well enough so why try? When you work out at a level good for your body, your body will let you know.

I AGREE 100%.
That goes the same with diet / eating habits.
It's about finding what works for you and your body.
There is no magic formula that works for everyone.

Even my jr mint eats different and does a different work out.
Because he is a guy and his body is simply different than mine.

TheLilSquaw -> RE: Workout (2/2/2013 12:03:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: MusicInstr78

I get anywhere from a 5k to 5 miles or more daily...on occasion I can get 10 miles in a day and when I can. I power/walk/sprint/run and alternate since I can not get overheated with the ms. I also do pilates, yoga, strength training, dancing, kick-boxing and whatever else as well. You have to shake it up to avoid that plateau. I don't have any certain type of diet, but make sure I can get a lot of protein and healthy fats! Fat does not make you fat, it is the dead foods and high carbs that do. I eat fish, chicken, turkey, bison, red meat, lots of fruits and veggies, lots of greens, smoothies made with pure protein, greek yogurt, and I avoid gluten and msg and anything artificial and not natural due to my health.I have one splurge day a week and will eat whatever I want but for the last several months I don't even do that. I do have dairy... a glass of organic milk, cheese. I love Chinese and Japanese food...Mediterranean and Italian(although my pasta is gluten free...even make my own pizza) My vices...Ice cream, black licorice. Gotta have my teas and coffee too.

I used to run 5 miles in the morning and 5 miles in the evening.
I agree, fats are not a bad thing.
There are tons of healthy fats.

This summer my I want to find a healthy recipe for lasagna.
Mine is anything but.... granted it is made with 5 lbs of cheese. Lol

lmpishlilhellcat -> RE: Workout (2/2/2013 12:25:24 PM)

I worked with a personal trainer for about a year to get into a healthy mindset. She got me hooked on 30 minute workouts.

My daily workout varies because I like tone and drop weight at the same time.

I typically run at minimum 3 miles, 3 times a week. Mon, Wed, Fri. I'm running anywhere from a 10-10.5 min mile at the moment. I'm doing a zombie 3K in the spring for fun and a tough mudder in the summer. Sometimes instead of just running a straight 3 miles, I will change it up and do intervals (2 minutes of running and 1 minute of walking or run up a huge hill and walk down.)
I always play 4 on 4 basketball with coworkers on tuesday. We play for about an hour and a half.
I do 40 minutes of cardio kickboxing one time a week, sometimes two.
Or I rotate in 30 day shred, Ripped in 30 by Jillian Michaels, or a TRX workout routine.

On the weekends and my days of rest my Husband and I take the dogs hiking on nature trails around town. We typically do three-six miles with the dog.

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