RE: Why A Slave? (Full Version)

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Kana -> RE: Why A Slave? (2/26/2013 1:02:10 PM)



My personal favorite is "minion". After all, doesn't everyone need loyal minions to do their evil bidding?

Every time I hear "minion" I think of this

littlewonder -> RE: Why A Slave? (2/26/2013 1:10:29 PM)


THESE are minions.

JeffBC -> RE: Why A Slave? (2/26/2013 2:01:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: littlewonder


THESE are minions.

*laughs* Yup, those are exactly the sort of minions I need.

BlkTallFullfig -> RE: Why A Slave? (2/26/2013 4:26:49 PM)


theSwan said "It seems to me that the more appropriate solution would be to divide the word 'slave' into the concepts of 'within ones wishes' and 'against ones wishes'.

I agree that this terminology is the best solution to the definition issue. At least within the BDSM community. SO much better than trying to come up with alternate terms for slave, which mostly makes us feel silly.
I can agree with this. It's already implied under "R.A.C.K." It would be impossible to convince everyone that these type of relationships are just like most relationships. In fact, I think D/s, or BDSM relationships are probably safer, in that no one goes around punching anyone else in the face, without his/her consent, and expressed desire.


However, we don't yet live in a world where people can acknowledge the idea of electing to live under the dominion of someone else within your wishes.
Thus the conversation of creating two individual concepts like that can't really start on a mass scale.

Well some of us can! lol. But yes we are a minority, and mostly, what's that phrase? In the closet about the facts that define our relationships.
No it definitely cannot start on a mass scale, given the current tendency/desire to legislate our lives in the bedroom.

I recognize the cultural sensitivity in this issue.
But I also recognize the truth.
And if someone were to ask me to lie for the sake of cultural sensitivity, I would say no.

I'm pretty sure that no one who is the victim of human trafficking would appreciate me telling them that they have choices.
But that doesn't mean it isn't true.
There are many situations in which people don't appreciate being told the truth.
I've enjoyed reading your posts, and agree with them, in theory. I will say though, that this is only a safe discussion within these message boards, and never one I would have with an involuntary slave, or direct descendant of one. M

xssve -> RE: Why A Slave? (2/27/2013 7:40:40 AM)

I think if I were poly, "acolytes" and "adepts" might better describe the sort of hierarchy I'm partial to. And, it may be I'm a bit ADHD, so in a monogamous relationship I doubt there is any single role that I would demand all the time, I'm all over the place, so flexibility would be a plus.

And while I prefer the dominant role sexually (I'm afraid as a slave, I would be more of the Spartacus variety), intellectually I appreciate an adept opponent, which is not outside the definition of slave in the classical sense - i.e., to me slavery is largely confined to the physical, and I would expect and respect intellectual independence, it helps keep me from getting lazy.

Treasure29 -> RE: Why A Slave? (5/30/2013 5:32:46 AM)

Heya ok this is my opinion on me I'm a sub and slave sometimes for my master. Thing is though if I was walking through O'Connell street with my Master. You would probably think as most people would "Treasure you're the Dom right and your fiance is the sub". We've both heard this being said soo many times and we just laugh at the thought now! Ok sowe've been together 6 years we just got engaged last year, him proposing to me of course! I'm outgoing and extremly chatty where as my fiance/dom is more reserved and cautious. He is the nicest guy, I've ever met, I feel so lucky to have found him. It is usually that if I don't like something he wants me to do, I just compromise and he is such a good guy that he'll say ok and we'll do something else. Thing is is that I'm normally cool with what he wants me to in general!

Greta75 -> RE: Why A Slave? (5/30/2013 5:55:13 AM)


ORIGINAL: AislynLass

Yes, I totally understand that perspective. This is why I hope others will share their perspectives on self-identifying as a slave.

I don't identify myself as a slave, infact, I like the label bottom the best, as I do like my preferences to be respected and considered.

But my impression of a slave, the only "non-slave" part is the first part of voluntary slavery.

But once entered, that's it. You no longer have rights. I got a know a sub woman here who really gave up everything. Her job, her family, all her money, everything to enter voluntary slavery. And from there on, she is truly helpless and at the mercy of her master. I think her master may actually be kinda gorean too, because she was definitely used to pleasure other men as well. Well, to me, that's a little bit of a nightmare, but I think it's as close to slavery as it gets. IF she tries to escape, it will be tough, she's completely isolated, not allowed to have friends, or contact with her family, kept in chains at home, only eats from a dish, has to only crawl, it's serious shit. And they are living it out. Her only consensual was at the beginning, then after, I dunno. When I spoke to her, she was crying and regretting her decision but doesn't know how to get out. I don't know how to get her out too, she's terrified of her master and probably also been brainwashed in an unhealthy way, where she feels she no longer have choices. I think her master intentionally kept her isolated, so it's kinda harder to leave when you got no where to go, no friends or family whom you can seek help from. Ironically, it was her master who approached me and told me his slave needs someone to chat to, if I could chat with her, and she poured out all these things to me, but I think after my reaction, he forbid her to speak to me again.

Itsthetruth -> RE: Why A Slave? (6/3/2013 1:32:35 AM)

I will take back what I said.I realize it's a touchy topic in these room's.I still don't care for the term.

LadyPact -> RE: Why A Slave? (6/3/2013 1:46:02 AM)

Do you really think the victims of human trafficking are quite so busy reading BDSM websites that they are concerned with consensual slavery?

Yeah. I'm sure that's their major problem in life.

TNDommeK -> RE: Why A Slave? (6/3/2013 1:54:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: littlewonder

Let me see if I can clear up a little confusion. I doubt anything I say though will help but what the hell....

Those who call themselves subs has always been from my experience, those who go into a relationship with a Dom and saying "ok, you can do this to me but you can't do that to me." If he says he wants to pierce, for example, your nose so you can wear a bull ring, but you don't like them because you think they are ugly or you don't like piercings or you're afraid others will have something to say about it, you can tell him that and the relationship will continue on just the way it has been going. He's not going to discipline you for it. He's not going to end your relationship. He'll just say "ok, we won't do that then".

Whereas a slave, for all intents and purpose, me being His slave, if I find it ugly, or I just don't want one or I'm afraid someone might say something about it or it could even possibly cause problems in my workplace, family, etc...., it doesn't matter. He's going to do it anyway. If I say no then the relationship will change. Most likely it will end. He doesn't want someone around that is going to pick and choose no matter what it is. He wants a "yes Sir", no matter how horrific I may find the thought.

Anyway, that's the way it was always understood when I first started out but like I said, I understand, times are changing. It's no longer seen in the same light and it's something I will have to contend with. I am the one who will have to adjust or die out like the dinosaurs.

This right here. ^^

TNDommeK -> RE: Why A Slave? (6/3/2013 1:56:36 AM)


ORIGINAL: Itsthetruth

Calling yourself a "slave" is a slap in the face to people who truly are slave's.Meaning victims of human trafficking,who really don't have a choice.I doubt these poor soul's are excited about slavery as some people are on this board.

Are you serious?

tazzygirl -> RE: Why A Slave? (6/3/2013 2:28:04 AM)


I think her master may actually be kinda gorean too, because she was definitely used to pleasure other men as well.

LOL I know many gorean men who would not share their slaves sexually. And many D/s or BDSM doms who would.


When I spoke to her, she was crying and regretting her decision but doesn't know how to get out. I don't know how to get her out too, she's terrified of her master and probably also been brainwashed in an unhealthy way, where she feels she no longer have choices. I think her master intentionally kept her isolated, so it's kinda harder to leave when you got no where to go, no friends or family whom you can seek help from. Ironically, it was her master who approached me and told me his slave needs someone to chat to, if I could chat with her, and she poured out all these things to me, but I think after my reaction, he forbid her to speak to me again.

He allows her no access to anyone but you. She tells you she regrets her decision and cant get out because she has no one to turn too for help.

Im seeing a serious flaw in your story.

Itsthetruth -> RE: Why A Slave? (6/3/2013 2:47:22 AM)

I agree with this



You can't change the meaning of words ...slave means "non-consensual".

People trying to make bdsm metaphors literally true are banging their heads against a wall.

If you have agreed to be someone's slave you are not an actual slave by societies definition but just happen to enjoy living as a slave would. All the subjugation in the world can't change this fact. You like the label and the lifestyle ...good for you, but don't make it more than it is.

Actual slavery is still pretty widespread in certain parts of the worldand is abhorrent and not all that erotic to the enslaved from what they are saying at the Human Rights commission.
"Today, while there are numerous legal and academic definitions of slavery, the most important thing is to focus on the lived experiences of slaves. When a situation of extreme exploitation is examined, it is important to ask: "Can this person walk away? Are they under violent control?"
Here's a link to where the quote is from ...§ion=resources&gclid=CMOo7KzPwbUCFUsdpQodHm8AbQ

tazzygirl -> RE: Why A Slave? (6/3/2013 3:24:55 AM)


ORIGINAL: Itsthetruth

I agree with this



You can't change the meaning of words ...slave means "non-consensual".

People trying to make bdsm metaphors literally true are banging their heads against a wall.

If you have agreed to be someone's slave you are not an actual slave by societies definition but just happen to enjoy living as a slave would. All the subjugation in the world can't change this fact. You like the label and the lifestyle ...good for you, but don't make it more than it is.

Actual slavery is still pretty widespread in certain parts of the worldand is abhorrent and not all that erotic to the enslaved from what they are saying at the Human Rights commission.
"Today, while there are numerous legal and academic definitions of slavery, the most important thing is to focus on the lived experiences of slaves. When a situation of extreme exploitation is examined, it is important to ask: "Can this person walk away? Are they under violent control?"
Here's a link to where the quote is from ...§ion=resources&gclid=CMOo7KzPwbUCFUsdpQodHm8AbQ

Oh ffs.. If someone is posting on this site who is a "real" slave, then I would doubt the reality of that because a "real" slave would not be allowed access to the "real" world. So, for all intents and purposes, anyone who is posting to these boards we can, safely, assume are lifestyle slaves.

Nor is anyone saying "real" slavery doesnt exist. In MY relationships, I dont have the ability to say no. The minute I do, I am no longer his slave (with the exception of when no is the appropriate answer... like.. did the mail come yet?)

But, I can see why some have issues with the word "slave". Just like I do with the term "Switch". To each their own [;)]

Just0Plain0Mike -> RE: Why A Slave? (6/3/2013 3:32:24 AM)



You can't change the meaning of words ...slave means "non-consensual".

You can't? Funny, I was under the impression that the definition and usage of words changed all the time. Gay means happy, right? And a fag is a cigarette. Friend is a noun, we certainly don't go around "friending" people. Pluto is also a noun, we wouldn't tell someone that they've been "plutoed", right?

In a living language, words change all the time, and the exact definition is often dependent upon context.

Greta75 -> RE: Why A Slave? (6/3/2013 4:03:14 AM)


He allows her no access to anyone but you. She tells you she regrets her decision and cant get out because she has no one to turn too for help.
Im seeing a serious flaw in your story.

Her dom chat me up first. And then he ask me if I could speak with his sub. So I said, okay, I spoke to her and that was the last time I ever spoke to her. Obviously her dom wasn't expecting to hear the stuffs I was advising her.
I guess her dom made a wrong judgement. He was expecting me to comfort her and tell her it's all normal as a sub. At that time, I had a different profile and it was a time where I was alot more innocent, and well, the profile would have been misleading about the way I am.
Anyway, I totally believe it, I came from a different culture and region. Women are seldom brought up to be strong and independent. And strength and independence in a woman over here may be perceive as a less attractive quality to local men.

Greta75 -> RE: Why A Slave? (6/3/2013 4:08:27 AM)


I think her master may actually be kinda gorean too, because she was definitely used to pleasure other men as well.

I associate it with gorean because in the books, it seems like slaves are often passed around and shared. Especially like those slaves games, where victor gets to screw her.

tazzygirl -> RE: Why A Slave? (6/3/2013 4:08:41 AM)

Then why.... ya know... I dont want to get into it. You have your misconceptions about many things. And Im not in the mood to argue.

tazzygirl -> RE: Why A Slave? (6/3/2013 4:12:15 AM)




I think her master may actually be kinda gorean too, because she was definitely used to pleasure other men as well.

I associate it with gorean because in the books, it seems like slaves are often passed around and shared. Especially like those slaves games, where victor gets to screw her.

rofl... and yet BDSM guys do it all the time... but you associate being shared with gorean men.

Greta75 -> RE: Why A Slave? (6/3/2013 4:20:20 AM)


rofl... and yet BDSM guys do it all the time... but you associate being shared with gorean men.

Yea, the thing is, I definitely see if men are deep into gorean fantasy, and want to re-create that whole environment, that is more likely their leanings.
I seldom see it in bdsm men because, I understand bdsm is a wide umbrella, huge umbrella, with huge variety of kinks.
In gorean, there is a structure that slave girls are like equivalent to cattle.
It's two different things.

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