RE: Permission to join??? (Full Version)

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HarryVanWinkle -> RE: Permission to join??? (6/25/2006 1:25:32 AM)


ORIGINAL: JohnWarren


ORIGINAL: HarryVanWinkle


ORIGINAL: Evanesce


I'm a little confused here.  A doms only and a subs only group?  What's the point?

Well, that was part of why I wanted to join.  I was curious as to what a dominants-only group was going to do differently from any other group.  Apparently, nothing.

Without any subs, or at least switches, around to do something with, I'd expect nothing.

The Eulenspiegel Society was originally founded as a masochist-only organization

I think that demonstrates my point, doesn't it?  Since it didn't stay that way.

JessieMe -> RE: Permission to join??? (6/25/2006 6:47:36 AM)

Perhaps the answer is to start your own group. Make it what you need it to be and gather those who would best suit that purpose. I also identify as switch in general because I do have a very strong dominant / sadistic side that has been known to come out but have found someone that absolutely feeds my need to submit as a slave so that is where I am now.

It is very sad that switches are considered neither dom nor sub in this type of situation when in reality we have so much to contribute as both.

Good luck to you!

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Permission to join??? (6/26/2006 6:42:25 AM)


ORIGINAL: BuxomGoddess714

One of the most rewarding things I do as a true Switch is help bring Doms and subs together, especially in poly situations.  I speak both languages.  I am the international diplomat.  I really can't be supportive of segregating U/us in any way.  Maybe that is why Switches don't fit into these seperatists groups.  It is inherently against Our nature.

Be blessed,

That was supposed to be facetious right?  A parody of what "true D'sers" do/say about switches?

littlekitty42 -> RE: Permission to join??? (6/27/2006 7:04:28 PM)

Sorry, new here, but I did want to say that I've seen switches treated how bisexuals tend to be.  Sub in hiding to the eyes of the dom/mes, too dominant to be tolerated by the subs.  It really gets quite frustrating, especially for "situational switches," like myself.  (ie. mostly identifying with one group, but having urges that identify with the other in certain situations/with certain people.)  No, I'm NOT confused, thank you...

BuxomGoddess714 -> RE: Permission to join??? (6/29/2006 2:36:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: LuckyAlbatross


ORIGINAL: BuxomGoddess714

One of the most rewarding things I do as a true Switch is help bring Doms and subs together, especially in poly situations.  I speak both languages.  I am the international diplomat.  I really can't be supportive of segregating U/us in any way.  Maybe that is why Switches don't fit into these seperatists groups.  It is inherently against Our nature.

Be blessed,

That was supposed to be facetious right?  A parody of what "true D'sers" do/say about switches?

No, Albatross, I do not speak facetiously, thats what immature smart asses do.   I always say exactly what I mean and mean exactly what I say.  I am a very smart and experienced grown Woman who's been doing this longer then you've been alive.  If you have a problem with Me, be respectful in how you voice it.  These silly rude comments do not add to the discussion.


LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Permission to join??? (6/29/2006 3:56:21 PM)


If you have a problem with Me, be respectful in how you voice it.  These silly rude comments do not add to the discussion.


Then you should know not to make silly rude comments about "switches natures" somehow being a certain way.  Switches are as varied in their personalities, talents, and abilities as any other group.

And usually people who have been doing this for so long know better than to try and use it as some pronouncement of superiority.  It certainly doesn't add to your esteem when used in that way.  Telling someone to be respectful after you've attempted a cyber smackdown is pretty amusing.

BuxomGoddess714 -> RE: Permission to join??? (6/29/2006 5:34:11 PM)


cybersmackdown? what a hostile little girl

Have a nice day

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Permission to join??? (6/30/2006 5:31:08 AM)


ORIGINAL: BuxomGoddess714
cybersmackdown? what a hostile little girl

Have a nice day

So facetious is bad but condescension is good?

WyrdRich -> RE: Permission to join??? (6/30/2006 5:41:06 AM)

     Woo-Hoo....   Catfight in the switches forum!!!!   Popcorn in the microwave, $5 on LA to tear the arrogant bee-atch apart and a comfy new chair to watch from.

GddssBella -> RE: Permission to join??? (6/30/2006 5:53:00 AM)

G'morning all:

Heck, WR, do you think BG would even last a round against LA? She certainly can't intellectually. Got to love that scrolling forum feature. Brings one all the best tidbits.

Stay safe, play nice, & share your toys w/ others...



TNstepsout -> RE: Permission to join??? (6/30/2006 7:23:25 AM)



    Woo-Hoo....   Catfight in the switches forum!!!!   Popcorn in the microwave, $5 on LA to tear the arrogant bee-atch apart and a comfy new chair to watch from.

Gotta say my money's on LA too. I've got some skillz but I have to say I wouldn't step in the ring with her. 

SilverWulf -> RE: Permission to join??? (6/30/2006 2:01:53 PM)

In the area where I am active, switches are welcome in both groups.  The only caveat is:  what is said in a meeting stays in the meeting.

The 'fear' of some, is that a switch will take what is said in a discussion and convey what what supposed to be confidential information to her/his sub/Dom friend "Oh sissy, you just won't believe what He said!", or, "Excuse me, but there is an issue with you girl you should be aware of."

Both of these, and more, have happened.  The fear of it happening again is real.  Is it a valid concern?  Yes.  Is it a reason to exclude switches from either group?  No.  If and when it happens, deal with it on a case by case basis.  There is no reason to demonize an entire segment of the lifestyle because of the despicable actions of a few.

cynthiamarie -> RE: Permission to join??? (7/2/2006 4:09:04 PM)

Good point, SilverWulf.

All this shiite does nothing to make me eager to join a group nor even to start my own. 

I still think this is funny though:

Nah... he told me this morning it was ONE guy who bullied him into publicly stating what he swears he doesn't really believe.  Doesn't say much for his leadership skills, does it?  Now... who needs to go over to the submissives' group?

Last year, I tried to join a group of female dominants in my state, but wasn't accepted...possibly because I admitted to starting off as a sub. 

SusanofO -> RE: Permission to join??? (7/5/2006 10:04:48 PM)

Boy I could really get slammed for saying this (and I do think people have a right to be whatever they want and think someone's "orientation" might just be "geneteically determined") But -

Did it ever occur to these folks that maybe we may just have better imaginations than some other people? Sex is in the head, is it not?

- Susan

MMMMudd -> RE: Permission to join??? (7/23/2006 11:58:15 AM)

"Am I wrong in thinking this is belittling and dismissive of switches?  Because, to me, this screams loud and clear that we will never be considered peers of the "real" dominants, regardless of how we identify ourselves.  I basically told the guy to kiss my ass,"
Yup, disengagement seems the best move. I'd suspect it's more about internal drama than anything to do with you. Still, rejection and disapointment always suck. Though we get bigger and older, it seems we never outgrow the politics of the playground.  


crouchingtigress -> RE: Permission to join??? (7/23/2006 12:31:51 PM)



Did it ever occur to these folks that maybe we may just have better imaginations than some other people? Sex is in the head, is it not?

thats my take on us too, and it makes us darn threatening....that and most also see wiitwd as a tool to an end not and end in and of its self....if that makes sense.

BenignPlague -> RE: Permission to join??? (7/26/2006 7:47:44 AM)

I can see the point of separating the three groups for the sake of discussion.  In my humble opinion, Dominants will act differently when around each other than in mixed company, just as a submissive may take charge of a conversation in a way he or she wouldn't with dominants present.

As a switch, I often feel that there is a stigma associated with having the best of both worlds, that because you enjoy both, you are not dominant enough, nor submissive enough, and thus of no use to either pole.

As a switch, however, if I were joining a group that were explicitly formed for the sake of dominants, I'd show up, but I'd leave my submissive hat at home.  You can certainly work experiences that you've had into conversation, without compromising your character or expression, however, the emphasis in such a group is on the dominant perspective.

For example, I once attended a Master and Slave group discussion.  Now, I don't consider myself a master because I do not have a slave, however, I do consider myself dominant or submissive, depending on the day.  Generally, the best groups to be in are ones that will value your input, as long as you remain relevant to the general direction of the conversation.

Social skills are always audience specific.


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