A Tale of Two Worlds - (Full Version)

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Yachtie -> A Tale of Two Worlds - (4/7/2013 6:51:07 AM)

One the one hand we have -

The diplomat and other Americans were in a convoy of vehicles in Zabul province when the blast occurred, Secretary of State John Kerry said in a statement.

The soldiers and the diplomat died in the blast along with a civilian employee of the Defense Department and Afghan civilians, Kerry said. His statement gave no overall death toll.

"Our American officials and their Afghan colleagues were on their way to donate books to students in a school in Qalat, the province's capital, when they were struck by this despicable attack," Kerry said in his statement.

And, on the other -

Up to 12 civilians - 10 children and two women - are reported to have been killed in a Nato air strike in eastern Afghanistan.

International forces are preparing to withdraw from Afghanistan by the end of 2014. Civilian deaths in Western military operations have been a source of friction between the Afghan government led by Hamid Karzai and the US and its Nato allies.

Despicable attack you say, Mr. Kerry. I'm pretty sure the parents of the children killed by NATO forces would conclude the same.

FelineRanger -> RE: A Tale of Two Worlds - (4/7/2013 7:10:53 AM)

There's a problem with that particular high horse. Just like in Vietnam, the enemy combatants are hiding among the civilian non-combatant population and frequently using them as shields, either literally or in public relations stunts like this. I had a supervisor who served two tours in Iraq and two tours in Afghanistan and we spoke at some length about what he encountered in country. So my information comes straight from someone who saw it firsthand, not filtered through some political agenda.

tweakabelle -> RE: A Tale of Two Worlds - (4/7/2013 7:25:25 AM)


in public relations stunts like this.

a public relations stunt ........?

Level -> RE: A Tale of Two Worlds - (4/7/2013 7:29:03 AM)



One the one hand we have -

The diplomat and other Americans were in a convoy of vehicles in Zabul province when the blast occurred, Secretary of State John Kerry said in a statement.

The soldiers and the diplomat died in the blast along with a civilian employee of the Defense Department and Afghan civilians, Kerry said. His statement gave no overall death toll.

"Our American officials and their Afghan colleagues were on their way to donate books to students in a school in Qalat, the province's capital, when they were struck by this despicable attack," Kerry said in his statement.

And, on the other -

Up to 12 civilians - 10 children and two women - are reported to have been killed in a Nato air strike in eastern Afghanistan.

International forces are preparing to withdraw from Afghanistan by the end of 2014. Civilian deaths in Western military operations have been a source of friction between the Afghan government led by Hamid Karzai and the US and its Nato allies.

Despicable attack you say, Mr. Kerry. I'm pretty sure the parents of the children killed by NATO forces would conclude the same.

Both tragic.

But I belive NATO wouldn't intentionally target women and children, while al queda would.

TheHeretic -> RE: A Tale of Two Worlds - (4/7/2013 8:43:00 AM)

US out of Afghanistan. Yesterday.

Useless slaughters like this will happen every Goddamn day until we do it.

gosportmike -> RE: A Tale of Two Worlds - (4/7/2013 9:01:35 AM)

It is a fact of life that people die in war, and not all of them will be soldiers. The trick is to decide weather war is the correct choice. What do you intend to achieve and how. Then have the guts to follow through. Weather we should be in Afganistan in the first place is a seperate arguement. I do not think we should be, but having made the decision this sort of thing is inevitable and just has to lived with. The consiquences and hatreds are part of the price which has to be paid.

subrob1967 -> RE: A Tale of Two Worlds - (4/7/2013 9:14:49 AM)


I don't think weather has anything to do with our involvement in Afghanistan. Whether we should be there or not is an entirely different question... How many Chilluns are killed in drone strikes, Mr Kerry?

Moonhead -> RE: A Tale of Two Worlds - (4/7/2013 9:22:19 AM)

About the same proportion of underage victims as were killed in drone strikes under the last set of management, before any of you neocons saw any problem with it, dearie.

gosportmike -> RE: A Tale of Two Worlds - (4/7/2013 9:26:52 AM)

How many chilluns died when Germany was bombing England? How many chilluns died when the U S was bombing Japan? Shit happens in war. Get used to it or get out. That is part of the decision which should be made before you start, and is part of the price which has to be paid. Win or lose.

thishereboi -> RE: A Tale of Two Worlds - (4/7/2013 9:42:12 AM)


ORIGINAL: Moonhead

About the same proportion of underage victims as were killed in drone strikes under the last set of management, before any of you neocons saw any problem with it, dearie.

And yet those who were so vocal on the situation when it was the Chimp in Charge seem strangely silent now that there is a new boss in the white house. Either you totally ignore the stories or when they are brought up you point fingers at the other side and claim "but they did it first".

subrob1967 -> RE: A Tale of Two Worlds - (4/7/2013 9:52:55 AM)


ORIGINAL: thishereboi


ORIGINAL: Moonhead

About the same proportion of underage victims as were killed in drone strikes under the last set of management, before any of you neocons saw any problem with it, dearie.

And yet those who were so vocal on the situation when it was the Chimp in Charge seem strangely silent now that there is a new boss in the white house. Either you totally ignore the stories or when they are brought up you point fingers at the other side and claim "but they did it first".

But the left's indignation is RIGHTEOUS! Our's is just called irony by those on the left.

See, the right asks questions... The left attack the right for asking questions... Mr Alinsky will be pleased.

Moonhead -> RE: A Tale of Two Worlds - (4/7/2013 9:53:50 AM)

You feel that it's acceptable for your lot to be hypocrites but still have an issue with the other lot applying the same double standard then.
There's a surprise.

subrob1967 -> RE: A Tale of Two Worlds - (4/7/2013 9:56:46 AM)


ORIGINAL: Moonhead

You feel that it's acceptable for your lot to be hypocrites but still have an issue with the other lot applying the same double standard then.
There's a surprise.

Hypocritical about what? Asking a question is now hypocrisy?

Can you prove anyone on the right defended President Bush for drone attacks?

TheHeretic -> RE: A Tale of Two Worlds - (4/7/2013 10:07:25 AM)


ORIGINAL: Moonhead

You feel that it's acceptable for your lot to be hypocrites but still have an issue with the other lot applying the same double standard then.
There's a surprise.

News flash for you, Muffin - I've been saying we should get the fuck out of Afghanistan since long before the current administration decided to keep shipping troops in to keep it going.

thishereboi -> RE: A Tale of Two Worlds - (4/7/2013 10:19:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: Moonhead

You feel that it's acceptable for your lot to be hypocrites but still have an issue with the other lot applying the same double standard then.
There's a surprise.

I don't have a lot. The fact that you think I do speaks volumes. Fits well with Robs right vs left post. You guys are two sides of the same coin.

thishereboi -> RE: A Tale of Two Worlds - (4/7/2013 10:20:56 AM)


vincentML -> RE: A Tale of Two Worlds - (4/7/2013 1:19:45 PM)


ORIGINAL: thishereboi


ORIGINAL: Moonhead

About the same proportion of underage victims as were killed in drone strikes under the last set of management, before any of you neocons saw any problem with it, dearie.

And yet those who were so vocal on the situation when it was the Chimp in Charge seem strangely silent now that there is a new boss in the white house. Either you totally ignore the stories or when they are brought up you point fingers at the other side and claim "but they did it first".

Shame either way . . . .


Nosathro -> RE: A Tale of Two Worlds - (4/7/2013 1:22:22 PM)



One the one hand we have -

The diplomat and other Americans were in a convoy of vehicles in Zabul province when the blast occurred, Secretary of State John Kerry said in a statement.

The soldiers and the diplomat died in the blast along with a civilian employee of the Defense Department and Afghan civilians, Kerry said. His statement gave no overall death toll.

"Our American officials and their Afghan colleagues were on their way to donate books to students in a school in Qalat, the province's capital, when they were struck by this despicable attack," Kerry said in his statement.

And, on the other -

Up to 12 civilians - 10 children and two women - are reported to have been killed in a Nato air strike in eastern Afghanistan.

International forces are preparing to withdraw from Afghanistan by the end of 2014. Civilian deaths in Western military operations have been a source of friction between the Afghan government led by Hamid Karzai and the US and its Nato allies.

Despicable attack you say, Mr. Kerry. I'm pretty sure the parents of the children killed by NATO forces would conclude the same.

And I bet Kerry was eating steak while he was say it.[:D]

Politesub53 -> RE: A Tale of Two Worlds - (4/7/2013 3:56:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: Moonhead

About the same proportion of underage victims as were killed in drone strikes under the last set of management, before any of you neocons saw any problem with it, dearie.

That was my first thought as well.

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