Why Is It? (Full Version)

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Happyindprs -> Why Is It? (4/8/2013 10:55:12 AM)

Can someone please explain to me why I can take a razor strap or a cane much longer than a paddling? I mean all three will leave painfully reminders. I have had cane marks last the better part of a week and found it incredibly ouchy to sit after I take the strap. However nasty those whippings can be, I will be in extreme pain with a few whacks of a hard paddle. It is almost unbearable for me. Any help would be appreciated.

OsideGirl -> RE: Why Is It? (4/8/2013 11:39:36 AM)

The two things are not the same. Paddles compress a larger area of skin.

Rasciallymisty -> RE: Why Is It? (4/8/2013 12:09:08 PM)

Was gonna say the same thing, because possible of the area that each covers at one time.

BitaTruble -> RE: Why Is It? (4/8/2013 12:45:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: Happyindprs

I will be in extreme pain with a few whacks of a hard paddle. It is almost unbearable for me. Any help would be appreciated.

::makes a note in case we ever play together:: [8D] Either put it on your limits list, suffer or find someone who builds up your levels in baby steps so maybe you can get to a point where you not only tolerate it but excuse your dominant of hitting like a girl. <--always a mistake by the way and that's regardless of gender!

Oh, and stay away from sadists cuz we pick up on shit like that. :;chuckles::

HarryVanWinkle -> RE: Why Is It? (4/8/2013 3:43:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: Happyindprs

Can someone please explain to me why I can take a razor strap or a cane much longer than a paddling? I mean all three will leave painfully reminders. I have had cane marks last the better part of a week and found it incredibly ouchy to sit after I take the strap. However nasty those whippings can be, I will be in extreme pain with a few whacks of a hard paddle. It is almost unbearable for me. Any help would be appreciated.

Because you're you. Every bottom has different triggers, different likes and dislikes, different limits. I have quite a (well earned) reputation as a pain slut. If you don't believe me, look up the pictures on my FL profile (same name.) I love being whipped, caned, paddled, strapped. I'm particularly fond of electrical play. And I've almost never met a form of CBT that I don't like. But, I have a VERY low tolerance for nipple torture. Kick me me in the nuts and I'll spread my legs further to give you better access. Touch my nipples and I'll do everything I can to squirm away from you, to protect them.

BitaTruble -> RE: Why Is It? (4/8/2013 3:52:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: HarryVanWinkle

Touch my nipples and I'll do everything I can to squirm away from you, to protect them.

::makes another note:: Just in case cuz ya never know!

HarryVanWinkle -> RE: Why Is It? (4/8/2013 5:27:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: BitaTruble


ORIGINAL: HarryVanWinkle

Touch my nipples and I'll do everything I can to squirm away from you, to protect them.

::makes another note:: Just in case cuz ya never know!

Nice to see you back here. Been a LONG time. How was Portugal?

BitaTruble -> RE: Why Is It? (4/8/2013 5:58:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: HarryVanWinkle

Nice to see you back here. Been a LONG time. How was Portugal?

It was okay. We left Portugal and moved to Italy (which I loved but Himself hated) and then moved back to the States.. oh, hmm.. 2 years ago, or so? Meh.. menopause.. who remembers anymore! lol

There's another opportunity in Denmark but we'll see what happens. Himself got promoted to VP at his job on Friday and it's a powerful incentive to stay put in this economy and .. I'm not crazy about the idea of leaving CA again at least not to go back to Europe. Asia would be nice for a while but Himself isn't crazy about that either. Nice to see you, Harry. :)

sorry for hijack, OP..

DesFIP -> RE: Why Is It? (4/8/2013 6:26:14 PM)

Paddles are thuddy, canes and such are stingy.

Personally, I handle thud a lot better than I do sting. Most people prefer one to the other.

SacredDepravity -> RE: Why Is It? (4/10/2013 8:32:40 PM)

Yeah, have to agree. It's the type of pain it is. Both whether it's stingy or thuddy and how concentrated the impact area is. You will likely find other sensations that are similar. I tend to not care for prickly, but adore a more cutting sensation. I love electrical tingle, but not buzzer shock. If I get far enough into subspace, it doesn't matter anymore and it is also a tool dominants can use to control my journey a bit. If he/she doesn't want me stew in my own juices yet, then the stingy might come out as as way to re-up me before dropping me down again and so forth. And, of course, I enjoy sadist for their simple don't give a care what you like attitude. Sometimes I need to get what I don't want and sometimes I need to not only take it, but willfully take more. This whole thing is a very interesting and often complex phenomenon.


IsambardKBrunel -> RE: Why Is It? (4/11/2013 9:53:11 PM)

This is probably not what you're looking for, but there's a physics-based incentive as to why.

The same reason why we wear seatbelts and have airbags in cars is most likely the same reason a large, wide paddle will hurt more than a flimsy (in comparison) cane or a strap.

That reason is Delta T, or change in time.

Delta T is important in an impact, because with the same amount of force impacting the object, the longer it takes for that object to impact you, the less damage you'll cause since that force is being spread out over a longer period of time.

When you get into an accident, there are three impacts. First, the mean nasty object in your way hits your car. Second, your body in some way impacts the car. Third, your internal organs hit your ribcage. It's usually the third one that kills people, but since we can't put padding there to increase Delta T, we put (comparatively) elastic seatbelts and fluffy cushioned airbags to prolong that Delta T and expend that energy over longer periods of time.

Still with me? Alright. So as you can imagine, straps are pretty elastic. The force carried through them will bleed off once it hits you, because it's wobbling all over the place. Since most of the force bounces off you instead of a dead smack-and-stop, it doesn't transmit as much force onto your toushy. It acts as a seatbelt carrying its own force and lays into your butt over a longer period of time, and even expends some of its energy getting away from you on the rebound.

Canes don't have much surface area, and your skin (especially more cushioned areas) is pretty malleable. I'm sure if you looked at a high-speed camera of you being whipped, you'd see your skin mould around the cane like if you took a baseball bat to a water balloon. From the time of impact to the time of deepest penetration (dirty) and the time it takes to reverberate lengthens that very important Delta T. Also the cane will be bending, which eats up lots of force.

A paddle, however, has way too much surface area for your skin to mould around it. It also will not reverberate backwards because of this. From the time of impact to the time of dead-stop is SO much shorter than the other two, and that force has much more of an impact on your poor butt.

So there you have it: a winded, rambling answer from a bored Dom mechanical engineer.

Rasciallymisty -> RE: Why Is It? (4/12/2013 6:15:16 AM)

I for one enjoyed your "winded, rambling answer," which I did not think was either of those things. You remind me of someone I use to know. Thanks [:D]

IsambardKBrunel -> RE: Why Is It? (4/12/2013 6:30:35 AM)

Well aren't you just lovely :)

MasterCaneman -> RE: Why Is It? (4/12/2013 10:18:33 AM)

I read that all in Sheldon Cooper's voice. Very precise and accurate, you chose your pseudonym well, my friend.

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