All Your Kids Belong To Us. (Full Version)

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Yachtie -> All Your Kids Belong To Us. (4/8/2013 5:58:53 PM)

Disgusting liberal mindset. (MSNBC)

Reported at -

We have to break through our private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families,” says the professor of political science at Tulane University, where she is founding director of the Anna Julia Cooper Project on Gender, Race, and Politics in the South.

Harris-Perry urges us to “break through” the “private idea” that individuals own themselves. Like Marx, she believes the individual is a “communal being” and all human worth is intractably linked to the community, the collective, and the state is the ultimate manifestation of the collective will.

Now, all your pussy belong to us I could go for[8D] I did like the Lean Forward part[:D]

Owner59 -> RE: All Your Kids Belong To Us. (4/8/2013 6:09:32 PM) [:D]

TheHeretic -> RE: All Your Kids Belong To Us. (4/8/2013 7:53:14 PM)

Hmm. I figured it would be some douchebag guest on a segment, but that's actually a promo spot. What a stupid cow.

I wonder if their next logo will be MarxiStNBC.

Owner59 -> RE: All Your Kids Belong To Us. (4/8/2013 8:08:19 PM)

Sounds a little like the righties...... claiming something`s evil about providing healthcare to those hitler did?[8|]

DomKen -> RE: All Your Kids Belong To Us. (4/8/2013 8:37:08 PM)



Disgusting liberal mindset. (MSNBC)

Reported at -

We have to break through our private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families,” says the professor of political science at Tulane University, where she is founding director of the Anna Julia Cooper Project on Gender, Race, and Politics in the South.

Harris-Perry urges us to “break through” the “private idea” that individuals own themselves. Like Marx, she believes the individual is a “communal being” and all human worth is intractably linked to the community, the collective, and the state is the ultimate manifestation of the collective will.

As someone who just barely survived a childhood with parents who firmly believed they owned me and my siblings I whole heartedly agree with this woman's statements and think anyone who disagrees with her is the worst sort of fool.

TheHeretic -> RE: All Your Kids Belong To Us. (4/8/2013 8:43:56 PM)

So if I catch a neighbor kid stealing pomegranates off my tree, I can spank him?

midmichiganguy -> RE: All Your Kids Belong To Us. (4/8/2013 9:11:19 PM)

Or if my garden or lawn needs extensive work because I have a disability, cannot afford to hire help, etc. etc. then your children belong to me DomKen? I can bring them over and have them fix my property, do my lawn and garden work, and not have to pay them because they are communal property and belong to the community at large? Hmm, so if I get a state position then as an agent or representative of the state all other people who are non-representatives or agents then will do my bidding? After all if the highest level of social consciousness belongs to the manifestation of the states will then as a representative/agent of the state all 'lesser' peoples will owe fealty to me and I will have a cheap source of labor/entertainment? Wow!

Kirata -> RE: All Your Kids Belong To Us. (4/8/2013 9:16:19 PM)



I whole heartedly agree with this woman's statements and think anyone who disagrees with her is the worst sort of fool.

Birds of a feather.

This state of mind, which subordinates the interests of the ego to the conservation of the community, is really the first premise for every truly human culture.

~Mein Kampf


Moonlightmaddnes -> RE: All Your Kids Belong To Us. (4/8/2013 9:40:25 PM)

I was going to read the article when everyone was posting it on facebook until I saw it was from Glenn Beck. He is a little too far out there for me. I am not too worried, this state sure does have a lot of very friendly laws for us to keep our kids home with us for me to worry about them trying to claim my children.

subrob1967 -> RE: All Your Kids Belong To Us. (4/8/2013 9:46:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: Moonlightmaddnes

I was going to read the article when everyone was posting it on facebook until I saw it was from Glenn Beck. He is a little too far out there for me. I am not too worried, this state sure does have a lot of very friendly laws for us to keep our kids home with us for me to worry about them trying to claim my children.

You obviously missed the video of the female professor who made the claim.

I can't believe that Ken and 59 are all for free slave labor... I need three acres fenced off, I guess I should go to my local school and grab them... All your kids they belong to us!

DarkSteven -> RE: All Your Kids Belong To Us. (4/8/2013 9:47:46 PM)

Geez. I can relate to Clinton's "It takes a village" concept, but this woman's too far out.

FatDomDaddy -> RE: All Your Kids Belong To Us. (4/8/2013 9:47:52 PM)





Disgusting liberal mindset. (MSNBC)

Reported at -

We have to break through our private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families,” says the professor of political science at Tulane University, where she is founding director of the Anna Julia Cooper Project on Gender, Race, and Politics in the South.

Harris-Perry urges us to “break through” the “private idea” that individuals own themselves. Like Marx, she believes the individual is a “communal being” and all human worth is intractably linked to the community, the collective, and the state is the ultimate manifestation of the collective will.

As someone who just barely survived a childhood with parents who firmly believed they owned me and my siblings I whole heartedly agree with this woman's statements and think anyone who disagrees with her is the worst sort of fool.

Yet the OVERWHELMING majority of children raised in America (and really the world) are loved and treasured by their parents

DomKen -> RE: All Your Kids Belong To Us. (4/8/2013 10:10:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: subrob1967


ORIGINAL: Moonlightmaddnes

I was going to read the article when everyone was posting it on facebook until I saw it was from Glenn Beck. He is a little too far out there for me. I am not too worried, this state sure does have a lot of very friendly laws for us to keep our kids home with us for me to worry about them trying to claim my children.

You obviously missed the video of the female professor who made the claim.

I can't believe that Ken and 59 are all for free slave labor... I need three acres fenced off, I guess I should go to my local school and grab them... All your kids they belong to us!

You're misrepresenting my position and Harris-Perry's.

Kirata -> RE: All Your Kids Belong To Us. (4/8/2013 10:10:08 PM)




As someone who just barely survived a childhood with parents who firmly believed they owned me and my siblings I whole heartedly agree with this woman's statements and think anyone who disagrees with her is the worst sort of fool.

Yet the OVERWHELMING majority of children raised in America (and really the world) are loved and treasured by their parents

Not to mention that the position being espoused is that we don't even own ourselves. For someone who didn't like being "owned" by his parents, it's difficult to see how being "owned" by everybody would constitute an improvement.

Moreover, communities are formed spontaneously and voluntarily by individuals. We all belong to several. We are perhaps part of a religious community, we have our community of co-workers at our jobs, we have our families and extended family, and a community of friends.

The grotesque phantasm of an "Über Community," existing as a thing in itself, and endowed with the right to compel us to serve it, is a fabrication of paranoids and megalomaniacs.


Owner59 -> RE: All Your Kids Belong To Us. (4/8/2013 10:35:45 PM)

The tin foil hatters see evil lurking everywhere......

And because of that,they protect us from the evil ,evil.....[:D]

Jesus,beck could make Jesus sound like a socialist......oh that`s right....Jesus WAS a bad.[8D]

Kirata -> RE: All Your Kids Belong To Us. (4/8/2013 11:32:47 PM)


The tin foil hatters see evil lurking everywhere......

And because of that,they protect us from the evil ,evil.....

Jesus,beck could make Jesus sound like a socialist......oh that`s right....Jesus WAS a socialist...

socialism - a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.

I think Jesus was more about charity than socialism, but I'm glad to see you're trying to protect us from that.

Nice hat, by the way. [:)]


Owner59 -> RE: All Your Kids Belong To Us. (4/8/2013 11:38:13 PM)

I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves, (A)nd if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power."

Thomas Jefferson

Owner59 -> RE: All Your Kids Belong To Us. (4/8/2013 11:41:11 PM)

"It is an object of vast magnitude that systems of education should be adopted and pursued which may not only diffuse a knowledge of the sciences but may implant in the minds of the American youth the principles of virtue and of liberty and inspire them with just and liberal ideas of government and with an inviolable attachment to their own country."

Noah Webster, On the Education of Youth in America

Owner59 -> RE: All Your Kids Belong To Us. (4/8/2013 11:42:58 PM)

"If Virtue & Knowledge are diffused among the People, they will never be enslav'd. This will be their great Security."

Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, February 12, 1779

Owner59 -> RE: All Your Kids Belong To Us. (4/8/2013 11:45:17 PM)

By... [selecting] the youths of genius from among the classes of the poor, we hope to avail the State of those talents which nature has sown as liberally among the poor as the rich, but which perish without use if not sought for and cultivated.

--Thomas Jefferson,

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