Young Christians are leaving churches and some atheists are unhappy (Full Version)

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Fightdirecto -> Young Christians are leaving churches and some atheists are unhappy (4/11/2013 12:33:33 PM)

Author David Kinnaman has written a very interesting book, Six Reasons Young Christians Leave Church.
Based on his research, here are the top reasons younger people are leaving Christian churches:


Overall, the research uncovered six significant themes why nearly three out of every five young Christians (59%) disconnect either permanently or for an extended period of time from church life after age 15....

1. The Church is too insular - They tell you everything outside the church is bad and wrong...even though young people know that’s not the case.

2. Church isn’t important, relevant, or interesting to the younger generation.

3. Christians are too anti-science.

4. Christians are sex-negative, wrongly pushing abstinence-only education and avoiding frank discussions about sex.

5. Christianity is too “exclusive” - you’re either one of them or you’re the enemy.

6. Christians are hostile to those who doubt any part of the faith.

Some atheists are unhappy with the author's findings, however:

The Friendly Atheist


My guess is that most of you are thinking Piatt forgot the most obvious reason people leave church: They figured out God doesn’t exist. Ok, so maybe that was just my first reaction… They realized Christianity bases its entire foundation on a lie. The story the pastors are preaching just isn’t true. You can do all the community building and hand-holding and schedule changing you want — it’ll amount to jack once people realize there’s no god out there.

But from the perspective of real, believing Christians who get disillusioned with their faith, that’s not the reason they walk away.

As fun as it would be to pat ourselves on the back and give ourselves credit for Christians leaving the church, we don’t deserve it.

While some of those reasons lean in the direction of “Christianity avoids reality,” NONE OF THEM OUTRIGHT SAY PEOPLE STOPPED BELIEVING IN A GOD OR AN ATHEIST CONVINCED THEM TO WALK AWAY FROM FAITH.

If you are an atheist, does it bother you that young people are leaving the Church - but still remain spiritual, still remain religious - but still haven't "converted" to atheism? Aren't your arguments good enough?

Hillwilliam -> RE: Young Christians are leaving churches and some atheists are unhappy (4/11/2013 12:39:23 PM)

Some of the "Evangelical Aetheists" have to understand that just because someone doesn't go to church any more doesn't mean they don't believe in God.

If you read Matthew CH 24 you might be led to believe that Jesus was against organized religion himself and that the relationship with God should be one on one without the need for a so-called 'holy man' to intercede on your behalf and suck up 10% of your net worth in the process.

graceadieu -> RE: Young Christians are leaving churches and some atheists are unhappy (4/11/2013 12:43:24 PM)

It doesn't "bother me" if somebody makes a different choice than me or has a different belief than me, no. Not at all. It sounds like these people are rejecting repressive anti-science, anti-sex, close-minded ideas, though, which is always a good thing.

Fightdirecto -> RE: Young Christians are leaving churches and some atheists are unhappy (4/11/2013 12:54:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: Hillwilliam

Some of the "Evangelical Aetheists" have to understand that just because someone doesn't go to church any more doesn't mean they don't believe in God.

Religious Evangelicals and Atheist Evangelicals share one thing in common - the belief that their arguments alone (because their arguments are so compelling) will "convert" others to their way of thinking.

FunCouple5280 -> RE: Young Christians are leaving churches and some atheists are unhappy (4/11/2013 12:58:44 PM)

And that anyone who questions their beliefs is a dumbass.....The fervent belief they are absolutely right.

Fightdirecto -> RE: Young Christians are leaving churches and some atheists are unhappy (4/11/2013 1:02:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: FunCouple5280

And that anyone who questions their beliefs is a dumbass.....The fervent belief they are absolutely right.

That sure describes more than one atheist I have met.

Hillwilliam -> RE: Young Christians are leaving churches and some atheists are unhappy (4/11/2013 1:13:44 PM)

Religion (or devout lack of one) is like a penis.
A large portion of the population has one.
Some of those folks are really damn proud of theirs.
That doesn't mean you have the right to whip it out in public and cram it down someone's throat.

JeffBC -> RE: Young Christians are leaving churches and some atheists are unhappy (4/11/2013 1:14:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: Fightdirecto
If you are an atheist, does it bother you that young people are leaving the Church - but still remain spiritual, still remain religious - but still haven't "converted" to atheism? Aren't your arguments good enough?

I don't know that I'm exactly an atheist. I'm more "I don't care and I don't see what either God or Jesus has to do with my life." That being said it's probably predictably that I don't care how other people interpret their relationship with some deity either. What I care about is the results of that. If their religion turns them into a flaming asshat then I have a bone to pick with both them and their god. And yes, I'd be happy to take up my arguments with their god should that deity ever care to discuss them with me.

I don't want people to stop believing in god if believing in god helps them to be good, decent, caring people. I've seen plenty of those among religious persons... just as I've seen plenty of the flaming asshat variety.

FunCouple5280 -> RE: Young Christians are leaving churches and some atheists are unhappy (4/11/2013 1:18:05 PM)

Once anyone gets too far from center, they all begin to sound too much alike. With the growing percentage of independent voters I am sure both political parties are scratching their heads wondering why people don't join up after they leave the other.

I think you are going to see more and more youth leave the churches as they further isolate themselves ideologically. The atheists, until they get a charismatic all-inclusive spokes person, will remain on the little whiney island they have made for themselves. Yet, it would be very un-atheist to organize themselves in such a fashion, so maybe they should stop crying about it.

DomKen -> RE: Young Christians are leaving churches and some atheists are unhappy (4/11/2013 1:19:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: Fightdirecto
If you are an atheist, does it bother you that young people are leaving the Church - but still remain spiritual, still remain religious - but still haven't "converted" to atheism? Aren't your arguments good enough?

No. A person who has dropped out of the over politiced religious right for any reason is good enough for me. A person's personal beliefs are of absolutely no concern of mine as long as they remain private and are not forced on others.

RomanticRebel -> RE: Young Christians are leaving churches and some atheists are unhappy (4/11/2013 1:27:15 PM)

I believe that a person's choice in belief is just that- their choice. That said, I left the church about 10 years ago due to the black and white attitudes exhibited, as given by the example of "you're either with us or against us".

FelineRanger -> RE: Young Christians are leaving churches and some atheists are unhappy (4/11/2013 1:39:28 PM)

I am an atheist and proud of it but I am not about to try to "convert" anyone to my way of thinking. My reasons for abandoning the church (but not necessarily faith) are based on my unique experiences of seeing repeated hypocrisy from the time I was a young boy. As I have grown and learned some of how the physical world works, the absurdity of the abilities attributed to God dawned on me and I simply, slowly abandoned what little faith I had. I've been much happier ever since. Sadly, even atheism has extremists within its ranks who are just as bad as any attached to Christianity, Islam, or Judaism.

FrostedFlake -> RE: Young Christians are leaving churches and some atheists are unhappy (4/11/2013 2:55:42 PM)


A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep.
Saul Bellow

The six reasons are not six.


These are all the same, just said differently

1. The Church is too insular - They tell you everything outside the church is bad and wrong...even though young people know that’s not the case.

3. Christians are too anti-science.

4. Christians are sex-negative, wrongly pushing abstinence-only education and avoiding frank discussions about sex.

5. Christianity is too “exclusive” - you’re either one of them or you’re the enemy.

6. Christians are hostile to those who doubt any part of the faith.

It took 400 years to apologize to Galileo, despite irrefutable evidence. He was, of course, dead by then. Oh, but the Church is absolutely right about all the other nonsense it insists upon, even when the Bible contradicts it, directly. As in Genesis 2 : 7. Life and breath are synonymous. Thus sayeth The Lord. Yet, dogma insists life begins at conception. Because it's convenient. If the Church Dogma is right, the Bible is wrong and vice versa. "The Faithful" are those willing, able and eager to hold contradictory facts as true.


This is the reason 60% of those over 15 who have been to Church do something else with their Sunday. Or Saturday, if that's your thing. Or Friday, if that's your thing. Or decline to bow toward Mecca five time daily, if that's your thing. And so forth and so on.

2. Church isn’t important, relevant, or interesting to the younger generation.

The real question is, why do folks under 16 so commonly go to Church?

I would guess the answer is, because they have to. I wonder if David Kinnaman considers forced attendance as equivalent to belief. Perhaps he should. Because through much of history, throughout much of the World, Church attendance was compulsory for everyone. That is the most important fact of all. Except, of course, for the fact that God doesn't attend Church or expect anyone else to.

Regarding the OPs question, does it upset me that 16 year olds don't declare themselves non-believers and (presumably) line up with me against The Church? The question presupposes that I line up against the Church. In fact, what I oppose is ignorant bigotry masquerading as piety. It is only the obvious source of the ignorance and bigotry that makes it appear I oppose "The Church".

What is ignorant bigotry? One clear example is, referring to "The Church" as if there is only one of them. Where would such an idea come from? How is it possible to refer to a church (your church) as THE church without denying each and all of the others? Why is the expression of this idea so commonly unconscious? What is the reason for the sometimes violent competition between churches for attendees? If it were about God, wouldn't all churches encourage their laymen to regularly attend other church's classes? I mean, Masses.

If it isn't about God, what is it about? Why would anyone go along with that? Indeed, why would anyone WANT anyone to go along with that?

Phoenixpower -> RE: Young Christians are leaving churches and some atheists are unhappy (4/11/2013 4:05:45 PM)

Over here a fair amount of people leave church to avoid having to pay church tax...

Now...I am carrying the desire with me to leave catholic church and to join the protestant church (as I am not against the church taxes themselves) but as in my current field the majority of employers demand being part of the catholic church (at least in southern Germany) it would right now put me at risk to do me more harm than good...

So for now I am leaving that aim to leave it and hope to do so in a few years time, but at least I will make sure that if I have kids one day, that they will not be part of the catholic church....but the protestant church there are just too many things in the catholic church which I am very much against.

JeffBC -> RE: Young Christians are leaving churches and some atheists are unhappy (4/11/2013 4:11:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: Phoenixpower
Now...I am carrying the desire with me to leave catholic church and to join the protestant church (as I am not against the church taxes themselves) but as in my current field the majority of employers demand being part of the catholic church (at least in southern Germany) it would right now put me at risk to do me more harm than good...

Man... that is just creepy as fuck.

CynthiaWVirginia -> RE: Young Christians are leaving churches and some atheists are unhappy (4/11/2013 4:21:16 PM)


If you are an atheist, does it bother you that young people are leaving the Church - but still remain spiritual, still remain religious - but still haven't "converted" to atheism? Aren't your arguments good enough?

When I stopped going to churches it wasn't because some atheist convinced me that there was no God. I was upset with Him for allowing everyone have free will...which meant that some of us had to suffer the consequences of someone else's free will. Child abuse, etc. It took me a while to figure that part out and spent many years saying, "How could you let this happen?"

I couldn't find answers in churches I went to (only several dozen across half a dozen states). Mostly they met my needs until I turned about 15 years old. Instead of being a fun, joyful place to get away from home...I noticed they were too busy selling God, trying to corner the market on Him, and that bible lessons were a jumble of single sentences taken from many different chapters and...taken out of context. One church I went to (as an adult) didn't use the bible at all and told me that if I wanted to learn more about the bible I needed to start reading it at home.

[sm=modxiiswatching.gif] I did.

I rarely go to churches because of the reasons the author mentioned. Unlike many other Christians in my area, I don't have a problem with God's days being millions of days long and His having created dinosaurs before letting them become extinct. (Maybe He liked dinosaurs for a while.) But the churches did. Around here, many also had a problem with Harry Potter (my son and my mom were crazy about HP for half a dozen years), and Pokemon. It's kind of hard to take your kid to a church that's screaming that liking HP or Pokemon means that you're allowing your kid to be invaded by demons. Sometimes I think folks selling God feel the need to wake up their congregation by giving them something to feel threatened by and something to fight over. (Maybe I'm wrong.)

Teenagers are smart enough to see when adults are selling something, and IMHO, denying science and dinosaur fossils...deserves an eye roll.

An old high school buddy of mine is a pastor. Mom wanted to enjoy a debate with her over several issues in the friend turned her down, saying that she didn't actually read the bible. Mom asked her how in the world did she teach other people about God's word if she didn't even read her own bible...and the friend answered that she read "tracts" written by others and that her preaching was "God inspired".

A pet peeve of mine. I get tired of groups that teach their congregation that it's okay to use the bible in ways God never intended, as a pedestal, and as a weapon to bash other people over the head with.

Sometimes I feel like our churches have abandoned us and not the other way around. Tithes were not meant for...ensuring that the pastor's wife could wear only $700+ dresses, nor for "our" building looking better/fancier than that other denomination's... Also, a nine year old child should not NEED to fill out some form that asks how much money their parent makes (I was the only one in my family going to that church at that time. Some of my friends from the neighborhood went and I wanted to go with them).

IMHO, churches need to open themselves to their communities more, let their behavior show that they are followers of Christ by loving their neighbor and teaching by example. Lack of kids in the church? Kids are easy to get if one thinks of giving back to the community. Free child care while mothers are at work, free tutoring, teach those teenagers to cook in the church's kitchen and then take meals to people in their community who have just come home after a surgery or have had a new baby. Teach the older kids about babysitting (the Red Cross used to teach a class and I'm sure there are some old books available on the internet) and then have these kids listed as available within the congregation and neighborhood as (paid) babysitters, asking them to volunteer some times during emergencies. Praise them...give small trophies for their "community service". Some kids and other volunteers can be organized for yard work, to assist elderly or physically disabled people who can no longer take care of mowing their own lawns. Most of the people who helped me keep my sanity when I was a teenager were "old people" on my paper routes, and my favorite person back then was a woman whose grandchildren had grown up and moved away...she was a retired school teacher. (I would gladly have helped to mow her lawn in exchange for whining privileges, advice, and some tea or lemonaide.)

Churches around here are buildings that only get used one day per week for a few hours...what a shame that they don't encourage their members to come by for board game nights, religious debate teams, movie and popcorn and soda pop (with movies that have Christian beliefs or stuff to grow on without being "preachy"), about free dance lessons so the kids and adults have an alternative to the current bump and grind dirty dancing? In Ohio, my aunt belonged to a place that taught ballroom dancing, and non-members only had to pay $5 so she would bring her adult grandson with her as her partner. One of the schools I went to when I lived in California...made us 5th graders do "folk dancing" was GREAT knowing how to dance once I caught up with the rest of the class. There can be challenges and rewards, like memorizing all the names of the books in the bible, with rewards like...being taken bowling or to the community swimming pool...believe me, masses of kids with working moms would come.

Personally, I don't think churches should be a "sacred place"...they need to reach out to their communities, offering service and welcoming any person into their social activities.

Btw, bo's mom broke her hip a few weeks ago. He has been with her almost 24/7 since she came home. It would be very...Christian...of people in his community to bring over a batch of frozen casseroles or donations of store brand Ensure, offers to help with some of the house work and watching her once or twice per week to give him some respite. Her condition is temporary, not permanent, and they cannot ask for help because from past experience...they know that anyone sent over will not be truly helpful and roll up their sleeves and get to work, but will instead hop up on that soapbox and spend their entire time there "witnessing".

The same happened to my friend Carin while she was dying from cancer. I signed her up for hospice after being told of all the wonderful things they would do for her (including getting her into a wheel chair and taking her outdoors for some fresh air every day). Nothing they promised was actually done. I know, I was present and confirmed for myself what Carin told me. All the woman did was preach, trying to get Carin to "be saved". In the end, Carin said yes just to shut her up and let the woman have her bragging rights. There was no use in telling the hospice worker that Carin was already a Christian since she was a little girl, the woman was blinded by the belief that only her type of Christian was the right type of Christian.

It's a shame, but yeah, as a teenager I had to leave churches in order to find God. I really don't care why an atheist would THINK leaving/rejecting a religion would mean that I rejected my God...and it's kinda funny that some atheits might be like some Christian denominations that try to convert people to their way of thinking (like carving notches on a bedpost, lol).

HarryVanWinkle -> RE: Young Christians are leaving churches and some atheists are unhappy (4/11/2013 4:32:27 PM)

I'm not interested in converting anybody to anything. I don't argue about the existence or non-existence of invisible people who live in the sky. I learned long ago that it's pointless.

I don't care what other people believe. I care that other people don't try to force their beliefs on me and I care that "true believers" don't use law to require that everybody engage only in lifestyles of which they approve


If you are an atheist, does it bother you that young people are leaving the Church - but still remain spiritual, still remain religious - but still haven't "converted" to atheism? Aren't your arguments good enough?

CynthiaWVirginia -> RE: Young Christians are leaving churches and some atheists are unhappy (4/11/2013 4:53:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: FrostedFlake

What is ignorant bigotry? One clear example is, referring to "The Church" as if there is only one of them. Where would such an idea come from? How is it possible to refer to a church (your church) as THE church without denying each and all of the others? Why is the expression of this idea so commonly unconscious? What is the reason for the sometimes violent competition between churches for attendees? If it were about God, wouldn't all churches encourage their laymen to regularly attend other church's classes? I mean, Masses.

If it isn't about God, what is it about? Why would anyone go along with that? Indeed, why would anyone WANT anyone to go along with that?

Spiritually speaking, Christians are "the church"'s not a building. What is the reason for the sometimes violent competition between churches for attendees? In my opinion, money and power.

I am lucky. Mom discovered a bible study group (pastor led)...that does not believe Christ intended there to be a lot of different factions/denominations. (I feel the same way.) It's not about the tithing, as this bible study group meets in a cafe...they don't pass around any collection plates...and...they provide a sandwich or whatever as well as a drink. I'm enjoying myself a lot, even though he skips about through the bible quoting one quote after another to make his point.

Mom and I live in different buildings, and bible study is an activity we enjoy doing together sometimes when the weather warms up. The last group that met up in her building needed offerings, and the pastor...would be snatched away for two months at a time and sent to Tennessee to preach. (Insert sarcasm font here...) Mebbe there were no churches in Tennessee and they desperately needed him. Anyway, it would cost him lots in gas money and the gas money came out of our tithes. When he was away in Tennessee, whatever denomination he belonged to did not send a replacement pastor. A 14 story building full of disabled and/or retired people and their convenient "church" would disappear for months at a time because some asshat decided Tennessee needed saving. I don't know the church politics that was behind this, but it sucked.

There is a difference between religious "authority figures" and their rituals and politics...and plain ole "being a Christian".

Kirata -> RE: Young Christians are leaving churches and some atheists are unhappy (4/11/2013 4:59:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: FrostedFlake

Oh, but the Church is absolutely right about all the other nonsense it insists upon, even when the Bible contradicts it, directly. As in Genesis 2 : 7. Life and breath are synonymous. Thus sayeth The Lord. Yet, dogma insists life begins at conception. Because it's convenient.

Because it's convenient? Or because you are Biblically illiterate?

for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof ~Leviticus 17:14

Genesis 2:7 does not say that life and breath are synonymous, and its words are not spoken by God.

breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. ~Genesis 2:7

The breath (ruach) confers life (not "is" life) and the man becomes (not "receives") a soul (nephesh).


thezeppo -> RE: Young Christians are leaving churches and some atheists are unhappy (4/11/2013 5:02:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: FrostedFlake

The real question is, why do folks under 16 so commonly go to Church?

I would guess the answer is, because they have to. I wonder if David Kinnaman considers forced attendance as equivalent to belief.

That's a really good point, and I can relate it to my own experience with our local church. The only reason anyone stayed past 13 was because they offered a free trip to Alton Towers if you got confirmed!

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