"A" holes n what to do w/them. (Full Version)

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Mastertlb -> "A" holes n what to do w/them. (4/18/2013 9:35:11 PM)

Tonight I gave my pet permission to create a profile of her own to see if she can find female playmates for herself when I'm out. she didn't even get it filled out before a male "A"hole wrote her, cussed her and just generally just antagonised her. she told the "A"hole she was mine, gave him my name but he called her a liar. I got online and wrote to him just for him to delete it n refuse to talk. So I had her block the "A"hole then he dared to send a chat request. Now.. I ask.. is there a place to "out" these "A"holes WITH their messages so EVERYBODY knows of these "A"holes??

Aswad -> RE: "A" holes n what to do w/them. (4/18/2013 9:37:10 PM)

Nope. Report, block and move on.

Disclosing private correspondence to outside parties is just tacky, at best. Also, not allowed here.

— Aswad.

NuevaVida -> RE: "A" holes n what to do w/them. (4/18/2013 9:38:10 PM)

No, there is no blacklisting allowed on Collarme.

Female submissives get bugged by guys ALL. THE. TIME. Your best bet is to develop some thick skin, delete those emails without opening them (you can wave your mouse over them to get a preview of what's said) and move on with your lives. No sense in spending energy on the negative shit.

peppermint -> RE: "A" holes n what to do w/them. (4/18/2013 9:53:03 PM)

Just block any more mail coming from that address.  Simple.  Any new profile from a female submissive is going to get a LOT of attention.  It's the internet.  Learn to have a thick skin and deal with it and use the block button. 

OR have her set her mail so that mail from any male goes to her bulk mail and she only sees mail from females. 

peppermint -> RE: "A" holes n what to do w/them. (4/18/2013 9:56:54 PM)

This is the internet.  You can not and should not expect to be able to determine who can and can not reply to any profile created here.  Learn to deal with the assholes or forget having an internet profile. 

BlkTallFullfig -> RE: "A" holes n what to do w/them. (4/18/2013 10:25:55 PM)

^^ What she said.
If you, and your girl are not able to peacefully, delete/block, and never think of this person again, you're going to have issues M

Rasciallymisty -> RE: "A" holes n what to do w/them. (4/19/2013 5:31:09 AM)

^^^^^ What they all said. You have been given some great advice hope you decide to take it. Its hard enough finding what you seek why add more to it, that is the great thing about haveing the block buttons here on Collarme. Best of luck to you both finding that in which you seek.

Hillwilliam -> RE: "A" holes n what to do w/them. (4/19/2013 5:36:28 AM)

Damn, I thought this was going to be a thread about creative anal sex. (Kidding)......kinda[8D]

Anyway. The intenet is full of trolls. Sexually oriented sites attract them like a magnet does iron filings.
Just delete, block and let them stew in their own juices...................like a carp.

angelikaJ -> RE: "A" holes n what to do w/them. (4/19/2013 5:38:55 AM)

You can have her set her bulk mail file to divert all cmail from men to go into the bulk mail file.

Akrotiri -> RE: "A" holes n what to do w/them. (4/19/2013 7:37:51 AM)

Grow up first.

Then learn to deal with unwanted attention.

Women learn how to handle unwanted attention all the time.

Guys, learn less so - simply because they get no attention from the start.

Blankpain -> RE: "A" holes n what to do w/them. (4/19/2013 7:47:26 AM)

Happens all day, every day.
Hide block and move on with your life.

SeekingTrinity -> RE: "A" holes n what to do w/them. (4/19/2013 8:22:11 AM)

~FRing it~

Everyone has already said it. This happens all the time. It seems to especially happen with brand new profiles as well. Not sure if new males experience this, but new females sure do.

It doesn't do either of you any good to let some asshat stranger on the Internet get such a rise out of you both. The block button is your friend. That and learning to just ignore the idiots. Engaging is pissing contests with random Internet strangers is just a waste of time, energy, and effort.

intellisubbear -> RE: "A" holes n what to do w/them. (4/19/2013 2:12:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: SeekingTrinity
Not sure if new males experience this, but new females sure do.

Nobody will bother a guy, new or not.

Torabora -> RE: "A" holes n what to do w/them. (4/19/2013 2:20:52 PM)

I've gotten zero collarme mails the whole time I've been here.

SirKelvar -> RE: "A" holes n what to do w/them. (4/19/2013 2:32:02 PM)

Yep no one even my profile wasn't setup the way it is now ever messaged me ever. It doesn't matter if your a submissive male or a dominant one. If you aren't female you just plain aren't wanted.

lizi -> RE: "A" holes n what to do w/them. (4/19/2013 2:35:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: Torabora

I've gotten zero collarme mails the whole time I've been here.

I can see why. Your picture is difficult to make out, you have no interests listed and nothing in the narrative portion of your profile. You've also only been on the site for 6 days.

0 mail seems about right at this point with the bait that you've set out.

lizi -> RE: "A" holes n what to do w/them. (4/19/2013 2:50:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mastertlb

Tonight I gave my pet permission to create a profile of her own to see if she can find female playmates for herself when I'm out. she didn't even get it filled out before a male "A"hole wrote her, cussed her and just generally just antagonised her. she told the "A"hole she was mine, gave him my name but he called her a liar. I got online and wrote to him just for him to delete it n refuse to talk. So I had her block the "A"hole then he dared to send a chat request. Now.. I ask.. is there a place to "out" these "A"holes WITH their messages so EVERYBODY knows of these "A"holes??

Jiminy Crickets man, a complete stranger has you in this much of a tizzy? Why? So your girl had a tiny run-in with a dickwad, big deal. I'm sure it didn't ruin her for life, she isn't sobbing in a closet somewhere is she? Both of you should consider pulling on the big kid's panties and move on from feeling distressed. This is normal life as a woman.

You can't blacklist here and I'm glad for it. I don't trust everyone to be completely honest. You could be telling a complete fabrication about this guy, or misrepresenting what happened. You're very emotional over it- maybe it's just not that big a deal? Offering to post the email is silly, they can be changed or completely made up.
We don't all need to know about the assholes, we can take care of ourselves.

Honestly, take a chill pill and have your pet do the same or maybe the two of you should not do online. It'll happen again. Seeking some kind of justice from a nameless, faceless, entity is folly. Tell her to check out some real life events if she's too traumatized now by dealing with online crackheads.

Yeah, it gets annoying at times. When I can't handle the stupidity of dealing with men online, I turn my profile off. I highly recommend that as a coping strategy should the two of you need one. Try it [:)]

MasterCaneman -> RE: "A" holes n what to do w/them. (4/19/2013 3:08:18 PM)



Yep no one even my profile wasn't setup the way it is now ever messaged me ever. It doesn't matter if your a submissive male or a dominant one. If you aren't female you just plain aren't wanted.

Just for shits and giggles, I looked at your profile, and here's what I suggest: Go over and correct your spelling and grammar. Believe it or not, women tend to be attracted to men who can express themselves clearly. It's not hard to do if you put your mind to it. Then, I'd go through your Likes/Loves/Hates list and would suggest you omit the contradictions. Dominants don't ordinarily serve as maids/butlers in the scene. It shows you're unfocused, and telling a women that at 25 you feel like you're 60 is not a way to begin a discourse.

I also suggest you add a picture that gives a general idea of what you look like. I understand people have reasons to conceal their faces, but it gives your profile a human attribute. I haven't been here but a couple weeks now, and I get messages/profile views daily. It's not hard to do.

Charles6682 -> RE: "A" holes n what to do w/them. (4/19/2013 3:24:59 PM)

There are some bitter people here on collarme.Who cares what someone on the internet has to say?Mindless dribble anyways.There are some good people on here.Try seeking those people out.

NiceButMeanGirl -> RE: "A" holes n what to do w/them. (4/19/2013 5:51:55 PM)

lol When I saw the name of this thread, I thought "A holes and what to do w/ them? I like to peg A-holes." [:D]


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