Fine-tuning the site to separate Fin from non-Fin (Full Version)

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czarski -> Fine-tuning the site to separate Fin from non-Fin (5/12/2013 5:40:22 PM)

Sisyphus must have felt this way...I click on another FemDom profile, and here we go... rolling the rock uphill. Knowing where it ends. She is a dominATE woman. Very, very dominate. She's been dominate already in the womb. In the school, all guys served her. There was a statue of her by the entrance. Blas-bla-blas. She reigns supreme. She's Attila the Hun on high heels. She's as powerful as the pharmaceutical lobby. Incidentally, she is also shatteringly beautiful. People practically freeze in shock seeing her in the streets. She causes car crashes. Naturally, you can never have her. No man is good enough to lick her boot. Maybe Einstein, though. Maybe Mozart. On all fours. Blas-blas-blas. This is a predictable one - she is also catastrophically intelligent. She taught quantum physics to Max Planck. Then pissed on him. She is pure glory, worshiped by all nations, man and beast. And now, for the zillionth time, the rock reaches the hill's top. Being pure divinity, guessed it...she must be spoiled. Yup. She wants shoes. New shoes. Also, manicure. Without the manicure, she doesn't feel as divine, somehow. So guess what, loser. You will pay for it. Also, the hydro bill. So that she saves money for more important things (presumably, the molecular biology research in the self-made lab in her bedroom). Also, this crocodile-leather bag.

Now... I do understand that for many folks, paying to be dominated is the only way to approximate their fantasy. The only way. It can be a win-win deal for the two sides. And, apparently, the industry will boom ("professional wrestling" is booming, despite being neither professional nor wrestling, a fact that my European mind can't quite take in).

But... we all could save TONS of time, and those great things that come with it, by simply adding one short YES or NO question to the profile, and adding the corresponding parameter to the search. "Do you expect financial/material benefit from people you find on this web site?". YES or NO. Then... when we search, we instantly separate the self-declared findoms from the self-declared real ones. Yes, there will be abuse and trickery, but the volume of profiles we unnecessarily open will be cut dramatically.

Otherwise, we feel like the two Greek dead men at once - Sisyphus and Tantalus.

littlewonder -> RE: Fine-tuning the site to separate Fin from non-Fin (5/12/2013 5:41:48 PM)

here we go again. [8|]

SWDesertDom -> RE: Fine-tuning the site to separate Fin from non-Fin (5/12/2013 5:46:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: littlewonder

here we go again. [8|]

Should we queue up "Yakety Sax?"

MistressDarkArt -> RE: Fine-tuning the site to separate Fin from non-Fin (5/12/2013 5:46:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: czarski

But... we all could save TONS of time, and those great things that come with it, by simply adding one short YES or NO question to the profile, and adding the corresponding parameter to the search. "Do you expect financial/material benefit from people you find on this web site?". YES or NO.

My friend, this has been done to death here.

Seriously, how many folks expecting financial/material benefit on this website would actually check 'YES'?

There are fin dommes and doms on this site. Lots of them. Just pass 'em by if it ain't your thing. There are also lifestyle dommes not interested in financial gain here, such as myself. Keep going 'til you connect with one, or better yet, reach out to your community where you can meet people in person and wow them with your greatness instead of just being 'random internet dude'.

RedMagic1 -> RE: Fine-tuning the site to separate Fin from non-Fin (5/12/2013 5:49:54 PM)


Should we queue up "Yakety Sax?"

I laughed. Thank you.

Have you seen this version? By the creator. My fave.

searching4mysir -> RE: Fine-tuning the site to separate Fin from non-Fin (5/12/2013 5:52:04 PM)


And how much are you then willing to pay for someone to police the site for you? Because as it stands now, the site is free for your use and run primarily by volunteers (and the owners don't care that there are findoms here). So suck it up, buttercup and stop being lazy.

czarski -> RE: Fine-tuning the site to separate Fin from non-Fin (5/12/2013 6:39:42 PM)

Not seeking vanilla date. Seeking to separate to financial dommes from...non-financial. And presently I need to open a dozen "financial" profile to find one not explicitly requesting money.

czarski -> RE: Fine-tuning the site to separate Fin from non-Fin (5/12/2013 6:44:50 PM)

apparently no one gets me. I am NOT complaining about findom, I am suggesting to separate it from realdom. Yes, most findommes will check the YES box - they are openly declaring their financial interest in their profile, but I still need to OPEN and at least SCAN those profiles, which devours most of my time on this site.

RedMagic1 -> RE: Fine-tuning the site to separate Fin from non-Fin (5/12/2013 6:45:39 PM)

It takes me a little less than a minute to hide 12 profiles. That's 1 every five seconds. Completely doable. Maybe invest a minute of your time, so you never see them again?

RedMagic1 -> RE: Fine-tuning the site to separate Fin from non-Fin (5/12/2013 6:46:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: czarski
apparently no one gets me. I am NOT complaining about findom, I am suggesting to separate it from realdom.

That's exactly the point. You can already do that yourself. Use the hide and favorite button for five minutes a day, and you will construct a web site that only shows profiles you want to see.

littlewonder -> RE: Fine-tuning the site to separate Fin from non-Fin (5/12/2013 6:57:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: czarski

apparently no one gets me. I am NOT complaining about findom, I am suggesting to separate it from realdom. Yes, most findommes will check the YES box - they are openly declaring their financial interest in their profile, but I still need to OPEN and at least SCAN those profiles, which devours most of my time on this site.

One person's findomme is another person's realdomme

CynthiaWVirginia -> RE: Fine-tuning the site to separate Fin from non-Fin (5/12/2013 7:08:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: czarski

Seeking to separate to financial dommes from...non-financial.

Great idea. However...when women asked CM to have a box to check off for married but cheating guys so we could screen them easier...someone said this wouldn't work cuz if the guys lied to their wives they would also lie online. [;)]

If we cannot have our button to help with screening, then IMHO, you shouldn't have yours.

(Sorry, I have totally burnt myself out on that other fin-Domme thread and don't have much left over for this one.)

czarski -> RE: Fine-tuning the site to separate Fin from non-Fin (5/12/2013 7:11:03 PM)


One person's findomme is another person's realdomme

one person's duck is another person's eagle. Eh, eagle is eagle, with all the theory of relativity. A sub will go to a findomme, but he still understands she's a findom. In 99% of cases.

czarski -> RE: Fine-tuning the site to separate Fin from non-Fin (5/12/2013 7:14:19 PM)

quote Great idea. However...when women asked CM to have a box to check off for married but cheating guys so we could screen them easier....

Findommes do NOT, as a rule, hide their financial motivation; they simply litter the site drowning real ones.

LadyPact -> RE: Fine-tuning the site to separate Fin from non-Fin (5/12/2013 7:22:13 PM)

OK, so you have what you feel is a great suggestion. Then, you choose to discuss it with other members here who are just like you.

Guess what? We don't have any more power than you do to implement the change that you would like to see.

Do you know who does? The owner of the site.

Just a couple of days ago, I sent a note to Support to make a suggestion. (Mine was to have the book list created by Resident Sadist to be made into a sticky.) That's where suggestions to the site go. Nobody on the forums has the ability to change the site without the owner so you may want to go through the channels.

Would I do it if I were the owner? Nope. It's not a benefit to the majority of members to the site and I doubt I'd go through the cost.

czarski -> RE: Fine-tuning the site to separate Fin from non-Fin (5/12/2013 7:27:03 PM)

That's why I floated the idea here - if it has no support, no need to bother the owner.

NiceButMeanGirl -> RE: Fine-tuning the site to separate Fin from non-Fin (5/12/2013 7:45:13 PM)

OMG, here we go again, I swear there must be more bash the FinDommes thread than any other kind on this site. I used to think the Fat threads were #1 but the FinDomme threads have them beat all to hell.

ORIGINAL: czarski
She is a dominATE woman. Very, very dominate

Actually, no. DominATE is a verb. DominANT is a noun or, in this case, it's an adjective modifying a noun. She is a DominANT woman. [8|]


ORIGINAL: czarski
But... we all could save TONS of time, and those great things that come with it, by simply adding one short YES or NO question to the profile, and adding the corresponding parameter to the search. "Do you expect financial/material benefit from people you find on this web site?". YES or NO. Then... when we search, we instantly separate the self-declared findoms from the self-declared real ones.

What makes you think that 100% of the FinDommes would check the YES box, knowing that it would filter them out of a lot of searches?? There's no way you can really expect that......


CynthiaWVirginia -> RE: Fine-tuning the site to separate Fin from non-Fin (5/12/2013 7:55:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: czarski
Findommes do NOT, as a rule, hide their financial motivation; they simply litter the site drowning real ones.

From "a real one", yep, that's me. Again, my opinion...

1) Yes, many would hide any information that would get in the way of their getting tribute/payment for being a sex worker.

2) In no way do I feel drowned by the other women here.

3) IMHO, the horny wankers insisting on being serviced are what made me burn out and almost leave this site again and again. (This is not my first profile.)

4) Would I ever have allowed myself to be segregated into a very small group, to be a larger target for every "submissive male" at this site? No. I would have put myself into the findomme group just to see how many guys actually bothered to READ my profile to see that I am most definitely not into tribute. (Do you really think we have a lot of 90 something year old Dommes here at CM? They have used the age part of the search feature to hide in plain sight.)

5) If I can have the patience to wade through thousands each year to get what I want...then I expected the man I would someday grow old have the balls to man up and patiently wade through the shiite just like the rest of us.

NiceButMeanGirl -> RE: Fine-tuning the site to separate Fin from non-Fin (5/12/2013 7:57:28 PM)

CynthiaWVirginia, I love your post!!


ResidentSadist -> RE: Fine-tuning the site to separate Fin from non-Fin (5/12/2013 8:17:01 PM)




Should we queue up "Yakety Sax?"

I laughed. Thank you.

Have you seen this version? By the creator. My fave.

I loved the Benny Hill version

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