Is the sewing circle taking over the scene ? (Full Version)

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Is the sewing circle taking over the scene ?

Yes, and they're welcome.
  6% (4)
Yes, and they should be stopped.
  6% (4)
No, they always were the scene.
  9% (6)
No, they just yap like they are.
  9% (6)
I have read the entire post, yet you still don't make sense.
  68% (43)

Total Votes : 63
(last vote on : 5/27/2007 12:34:51 AM)
(Poll will run till: -- )


zenofeller -> Is the sewing circle taking over the scene ? (6/26/2006 4:12:02 AM)

First, let's distinguish between feminine and masculine.

I know this is a cliche, in the sense that everyone knows all about it. I know you know all about it and are just going to skip this part. In that case, would you kindly go read something else, because nothing I can ever write will make sense if considered through arbitrary fixed ideas.

It is feminine to depend on your peers for validation. It is feminine to discuss things you have no intention of doing. It is feminine to discuss what other people should do. It is feminine to think a correct solution exists for every problem.

It is masculine to depend on yourself for validation. It is masculine to do things you have no intention of discussing. It is masculine to discuss what other people can do. It is masculine to think a correct problem exists to sink any solution.

Bearing in mind that any given person, irrespective of gender, can behave according to either line, and saying "feminine" or "masculine" we are only using a metaphor (btw, it's feminine to imagine by saying x is masculine we are saying males should do x), let's call a group that displays mostly feminine traits and virtualy no masculine traits, the sewing circle.

Now, is the sewing circle taking over the scene ?

Wulfchyld -> RE: Is the sowing circle taking over the scene ? (6/26/2006 4:19:36 AM)

Before I click can you define a "sowing" circle?

feastie -> RE: Is the sowing circle taking over the scene ? (6/26/2006 4:19:59 AM)

I believe you mean "sewing circle", as women would often sew together in years gone by.  A "sowing circle" would be planting seeds.  Regardless of that, whatever you're smoking, ain't good for ya.

LadiesBladewing -> RE: Is the sowing circle taking over the scene ? (6/26/2006 4:23:04 AM)

I'm usually not one to be a grammar nazi, but this time, I really -had- to say something...

I believe the phrase the OP was looking for here is "Sewing Circle", not "sowing" circle, but I'm not sure, and I need to ask, because they mean two different things --

Sewing = the stitching together of fabric
Sowing = the planting of crops.

There are many here who are trying to stitch together a life for themselves out of remnants of the community, there are others who -are- trying to plant crops (concepts/ideas), some of which are new, within the community... so are we talking about "sewing" or "sowing".

... and can you clarify what you mean by the "sewing/sowing" circle" taking over the scene???


zenofeller -> RE: Is the sowing circle taking over the scene ? (6/26/2006 4:24:24 AM)

yah yah, sewing. hang on.

Level -> RE: Is the sowing circle taking over the scene ? (6/26/2006 4:24:54 AM)

My answer is no. People are people and there are all sorts, always will be. Some are navel-gazing shrews, some are rugged individualists, etc etc so on and so forth.

agirl -> RE: Is the sewing circle taking over the scene ? (6/26/2006 4:27:08 AM)

 I actually wondering what your definition of the *scene* is.

twicehappy -> RE: Is the sowing circle taking over the scene ? (6/26/2006 4:29:42 AM)


ORIGINAL: Wulfchyld

Before I click can you define a "sowing" circle?

That is what you have when assemble all the subbies and slaves who panties you are stealing or whom you are mentally dominating with your magic spells and e dominance in a round shaped group, then you "sow" them with your seed. Of course since you do not actually want all those pregnant subbies you use condoms and therefore it is actually a practice sowing cicle.

zenofeller -> RE: Is the sewing circle taking over the scene ? (6/26/2006 4:30:08 AM)

excellent question, agirl. i chose to use my arbitrary and improbable definition of the scene as "that part of the BDSM lifestyle that a newbie interacts with" and not tell anyone. so thanks for asking.

becca333 -> RE: Is the sowing circle taking over the scene ? (6/26/2006 4:33:48 AM)

I think wild, improbable definitions are taking over the scene.

zenofeller -> RE: Is the sowing circle taking over the scene ? (6/26/2006 4:36:34 AM)

which scene is that ?

MrrPete -> RE: Is the sewing circle taking over the scene ? (6/26/2006 4:36:44 AM)

It's too early in the morning. Thinking makes my head hurt and I haven't had my coffee yet.

Wulfchyld -> RE: Is the sowing circle taking over the scene ? (6/26/2006 4:49:47 AM)


ORIGINAL: twicehappy

That is what you have when assemble all the subbies and slaves who panties you are stealing or whom you are mentally dominating with your magic spells and e dominance in a round shaped group, then you "sow" them with your seed. Of course since you do not actually want all those pregnant subbies you use condoms and therefore it is actually a practice sowing cicle.

I love kids! I usually have 1-12 extra's on the weekends and summers. It would be interesting if they were all mine.

subedana -> RE: Is the sewing circle taking over the scene ? (6/26/2006 4:51:05 AM)

Would seem to me that your truth works for you and others work for them.

twicehappy -> RE: Is the sowing circle taking over the scene ? (6/26/2006 4:53:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: Wulfchyld

I love kids! I usually have 1-12 extra's on the weekends and summers. It would be interesting if they were all mine.

The world is just not ready............


ORIGINAL: zenofeller

which scene is that ?

The one at Lokiwood involving panties, pups, collectors and sowing of course.

JohnWarren -> RE: Is the sowing circle taking over the scene ? (6/26/2006 5:05:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: becca333

I think wild, improbable definitions are taking over the scene.

From looking at the first post he made on CollarMe, I'm lead to believe the improbability of his hypothesis is intentional.

Wulfchyld -> RE: Is the sowing circle taking over the scene ? (6/26/2006 5:08:07 AM)

Today’s episode of CollarMe is brought to you by...
LOKI! Taking over the world one fertile seed at a time.

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Is the sewing circle taking over the scene ? (6/26/2006 5:59:05 AM)

The tendency for females to gather and collect eachother, for better and worse, always has been and will continue to be an inherent part of the cultures make-up and progression.

becca333 -> RE: Is the sewing circle taking over the scene ? (6/26/2006 6:07:34 AM)

Just what kind of sewing is this, anyway?

I've got my needle at the ready.

Wulfchyld -> RE: Is the sewing circle taking over the scene ? (6/26/2006 6:10:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: LuckyAlbatross

The tendency for females to gather and collect eachother, for better and worse, always has been and will continue to be an inherent part of the cultures make-up and progression.

I actually see that as a good thing.

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