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RE: Sex as exercise? - 6/18/2013 6:44:15 AM   

Posts: 435
Joined: 4/22/2007
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ORIGINAL: LafayetteLady


ORIGINAL: Ultimatetragedy

The best way to lose weight is not with exercise bt through changing your diet. Instead of walking to burn 500 calories, why not just consume 5oo less calories a day? Get with a nutritionist and overhaul your eating habits...the benefits will exceed mere weight loss

For people with certain medical conditions, their eating may not be the problem with their weight.

By the way, the best way to lose weight is through a combination of diet AND exercise. It's not always how many calories you consume as it is what foods you eat. There is a big difference between 500 calories of twinkies vs. 500 calories of carrots.

You hit the nail on the head lafayettelady. I have no problem eating healthy foods, I have been exercising as much as I can. I am just looking for new fun ways to exercise


Offer them what they secretly want and they of course immediately become panic-stricken.
— jack Kerouac

(in reply to LafayetteLady)
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RE: Sex as exercise? - 6/18/2013 11:46:31 AM   

Posts: 7683
Joined: 5/2/2007
From: Northern New Jersey
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ORIGINAL: Mellissande

Ok, fast reply again.

Restricting my calories any more will, and has, hurt me. I have been informed by my nutritionist that I am not eating enough which is just causing my body to go into "starvation mode" turns out 500 or so calories a day isn't enough lol. I don't have trouble with eating too much, I have trouble being able to eat enough.

The rapid weight loss is because I am finally on the meds that I should be on for my medical conditions that have been stopping me from losing the weight. I do not have a vehicle nor the money for a membership at the YMCA.

My husband and I don't make out. He has nasty gingivitis that he refuses to take care of, so he gets no kisses. I am lucky if our sex lasts 2 minutes. And that includes "foreplay".

I have social anxiety and no friends to go with me to help it. My husband refuses to go with me to the gym or anywhere to work out.

I am seeing a dietician and a doctor, both of whom are happy with the weight loss and expect to see it slow down a bit soon, as my body gets used to the meds sorting out my hormones. I have severe PCOS, hirsutism, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, all of which make it much harder to have any kind of self esteem, especially in a bathing suit. And top it off with back pain that makes shaving a near impossible task.

Suffice it to say that I am only looking for something I can do in the privacy of my own home, please stop trying to make me feel like an idiot for not going to the public pools. I have my reasons. Please also understand that I am in the middle of nowhere Kansas and the only person I know here is my husband, who is gone 5 days a week with our only vehicle from 0530 until sometimes as late as 2000.

Well, you obviously can afford to see the doctors, so add therapist to the list so you can learn some tools for dealing with your social anxiety.

Also, your doctors/nutritionist are not happy with the way you have been losing weight, or they wouldn't have told you what you were doing wrong.

I get the back pain, I really, really do. I don't drive, but my area has a local bus for disabled people to get to various places. This morning I took the bus to town for a dentist appointment. I ended up having to sit in the back, which is not a good place for someone with back problems. I will now spend the next two days (at least) trying to recover from that nightmare ride.

(in reply to Mellissande)
Profile   Post #: 22
RE: Sex as exercise? - 6/18/2013 8:14:54 PM   

Posts: 435
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They told me what I was doing wrong before I started on this weight lost journey, and they are quite pleased with my weight loss, why do you presume to know what my doctors feel when you are not one of them??

I seriously do not understand why you all seem to think that I am retarded. I started this thread to ask about ways to incorporate sex into exercise when you do not have a partner. I AM NOT ASKING FOR CONVENTIONAL EXERCISES!! I already do plenty of other exercises, I would have hoped that this community would be a little more understanding and a little less condescending to a person asking a question. My mental therapy has NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH THIS CONVERSATION. So get off it already! I have said time and again what I am looking for, yet you people are being too damn thick headed to pay attention to what I am asking. I am not asking you for medical advice, I am telling you to stop trying to be my damn doctor over the Internet, and if you don't have anything useful to add about WHAT I AM LOOKING FOR, then don't post! I have all the conventional advice I need from my doctor, and I will listen to him and not you when it comes to matters of my health! I came here with a simple goddamned question and you have all gone off on a tangent practically calling me stupid an lazy in the process all because you can't read and answer a simple goddamned question!

If you don't have any valid input on ways to incorporate sex into my exercise routine, then your input here is not needed. I have my own doctors, I don't need you trying to be one for me.


Offer them what they secretly want and they of course immediately become panic-stricken.
— jack Kerouac

(in reply to LafayetteLady)
Profile   Post #: 23
RE: Sex as exercise? - 6/19/2013 12:16:16 AM   

Posts: 7683
Joined: 5/2/2007
From: Northern New Jersey
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ORIGINAL: Mellissande

They told me what I was doing wrong before I started on this weight lost journey, and they are quite pleased with my weight loss, why do you presume to know what my doctors feel when you are not one of them??

I seriously do not understand why you all seem to think that I am retarded. I started this thread to ask about ways to incorporate sex into exercise when you do not have a partner. I AM NOT ASKING FOR CONVENTIONAL EXERCISES!! I already do plenty of other exercises, I would have hoped that this community would be a little more understanding and a little less condescending to a person asking a question. My mental therapy has NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH THIS CONVERSATION. So get off it already! I have said time and again what I am looking for, yet you people are being too damn thick headed to pay attention to what I am asking. I am not asking you for medical advice, I am telling you to stop trying to be my damn doctor over the Internet, and if you don't have anything useful to add about WHAT I AM LOOKING FOR, then don't post! I have all the conventional advice I need from my doctor, and I will listen to him and not you when it comes to matters of my health! I came here with a simple goddamned question and you have all gone off on a tangent practically calling me stupid an lazy in the process all because you can't read and answer a simple goddamned question!

If you don't have any valid input on ways to incorporate sex into my exercise routine, then your input here is not needed. I have my own doctors, I don't need you trying to be one for me.

Well, the above certainly would prove what I said.

You posted a question and you got answers. They were not the ones you wanted. More than one person told you that sex as exercise is not going to net you the results you are looking for, but that doesn't make you happy.

Since you have so much trust in your doctors, have you asked them how you can burn calories through masturbation?

Here's the thing, it's not up to you decide what people can or can't post in answer to your question. YOU made the decision to put your situation out there, including coming up with reason after reason after reason why you couldn't take anyone's suggestions. Any doctor who thinks that losing 40 pounds in a month is great is likely not a good doctor, since no doctor is going to think that it is a good way to go. Knowing that 500 calories a day is not good for a person is not rocket science, but common sense.

There are plenty of people on this site with back injuries, which at times can be crippling for some of us. If sex was a legitimate form of exercise, people would be fucking themselves senseless to lose weight. They aren't though, are they?

I am sure I am not alone in being so tired of people coming looking for advice and then having to listen to the person whining and stamping their feet in anger over things that were never said, but they obviously have their own issues with.

(in reply to Mellissande)
Profile   Post #: 24
RE: Sex as exercise? - 6/19/2013 3:17:32 AM   

Posts: 11071
Joined: 2/24/2009
From: Somewhere in TX
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After I got my nerves burnt, I had to go to PT for my back muscles. I still get pain if I am on concrete for too long and I hand wash my dishes daily since Mom broke her leg back in May (the dishwasher is broke and we use it to store the contact grill and lids in it).

Can't help you out on the sexerise part...I am in a relationship-free zone and my meds killed my libido for me.

I do recommend getting light weight kettle balls and a core ball. I have a 65cm core ball and I pull that sucker out when I need to do some situps. The word here is gentle exerise.


Goddess of Yarn

You are making two and a half feet of irresistible, tubular sex! -Lola, Kinky Boots

Founder: Bitch with Tits

Whip me, beat me, make me feel cheap and have great sex

(in reply to LafayetteLady)
Profile   Post #: 25
RE: Sex as exercise? - 6/19/2013 12:32:36 PM   

Posts: 135
Joined: 2/25/2013
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Many of the medical problems you described stem from the PCOS. Look into low carb diet plans as watching your carbohydrate/sugar consumption will help A LOT with the PCOS. Ask your doctor about healthy ways to lower your carb/sugar intake while still getting the nutrients you need to be healthy.

Drink more water. (I'm sure you think you're drinking enough but I promise, you're not. Everyone thinks they're drinking enough but a woman your weight needs to drink A LOT more than the recommended 64 oz a day.)

And move as much as you can. Doesn't matter how ... Just MOVE.

The more you move your body, the stronger your muscles will become and the less pain you will experience overall. You will also lose weight. I know this isn't the answer you're looking for but seriously, if you're capable of masturbating "wildly" enough to burn a significant amount of calories, you're capable of moving in other ways as well.


“Some of the most wonderful people are the ones who don't fit into boxes.” ~Tori Amos

(in reply to ShaharThorne)
Profile   Post #: 26
RE: Sex as exercise? - 6/19/2013 10:48:07 PM   

Posts: 3582
Joined: 3/15/2012
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ORIGINAL: Mellissande

They told me what I was doing wrong before I started on this weight lost journey, and they are quite pleased with my weight loss, why do you presume to know what my doctors feel when you are not one of them??

I seriously do not understand why you all seem to think that I am retarded. I started this thread to ask about ways to incorporate sex into exercise when you do not have a partner. I AM NOT ASKING FOR CONVENTIONAL EXERCISES!! I already do plenty of other exercises, I would have hoped that this community would be a little more understanding and a little less condescending to a person asking a question. My mental therapy has NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH THIS CONVERSATION. So get off it already! I have said time and again what I am looking for, yet you people are being too damn thick headed to pay attention to what I am asking. I am not asking you for medical advice, I am telling you to stop trying to be my damn doctor over the Internet, and if you don't have anything useful to add about WHAT I AM LOOKING FOR, then don't post! I have all the conventional advice I need from my doctor, and I will listen to him and not you when it comes to matters of my health! I came here with a simple goddamned question and you have all gone off on a tangent practically calling me stupid an lazy in the process all because you can't read and answer a simple goddamned question!

If you don't have any valid input on ways to incorporate sex into my exercise routine, then your input here is not needed. I have my own doctors, I don't need you trying to be one for me.

If you had posted a thread just asking whether anyone had built a sawhorse/fucking machine/whatever, you would probably have received answers specific to that. Your post also included details of an injury/medical condition and the desire to burn calories. People looked at that, and thought 'that doesn't seem all that safe or effective' and told you so.

If you asked me for a good recipe for barbecue sauce and casually mentioned that you intend to cook the meat by setting fire to a pile of wood doused in petrol, I'm going to tell you that's not very safe and probably not very effective. I'd be a shitty person if I ignored those other things and just gave you the recipe you asked for.

You may not have got the answers that you want, but people were trying to be helpful. Your original question was phrased that this is the only non-painful form of exercise for you, and people suggested alternatives. I for one wouldn't want to give you advice on how to build something I think you will injure yourself on and that isn't likely to achieve your goal.


Being your slave, what should I do but tend
Upon the hours and times of your desire?

(in reply to Mellissande)
Profile   Post #: 27
RE: Sex as exercise? - 6/26/2013 11:18:07 PM   

Posts: 1427
Joined: 4/4/2013
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Please believe me when I say I am the last one to talk and I really believe people are not trying to make you feel like an idiot, I have no friends an I hate going out alone, but some things you have to suck it up and over come and go out alone by yourself because what you need to do that day is the best thing you can do for yourself and stop refusing to do it because no one will do it with you. Our YMCA has a sponsor program WHERE YOUR YMCA FEES will be covered, but the no car thing is still an issue for you. Woud you qualify for a disabled bus, I don't know if you have paratransit in your area. I have some of the exact same problems as you, I don't eat enough quite regularly I don't have friends, I get no support from my lover, and I do not have a car, and my budget is limited, so I am not someone preaching from on high with a perfect life.

ORIGINAL: Mellissande

Ok, fast reply again.

Restricting my calories any more will, and has, hurt me. I have been informed by my nutritionist that I am not eating enough which is just causing my body to go into "starvation mode" turns out 500 or so calories a day isn't enough lol. I don't have trouble with eating too much, I have trouble being able to eat enough.

The rapid weight loss is because I am finally on the meds that I should be on for my medical conditions that have been stopping me from losing the weight. I do not have a vehicle nor the money for a membership at the YMCA.

I have social anxiety and no friends to go with me to help it. My husband refuses to go with me to the gym or anywhere to work out.

I am seeing a dietician and a doctor, both of whom are happy with the weight loss and expect to see it slow down a bit soon, as my body gets used to the meds sorting out my hormones. I have severe PCOS, hirsutism, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, all of which make it much harder to have any kind of self esteem, especially in a bathing suit. And top it off with back pain that makes shaving a near impossible task.

Suffice it to say that I am only looking for something I can do in the privacy of my own home, please stop trying to make me feel like an idiot for not going to the public pools. I have my reasons. Please also understand that I am in the middle of nowhere Kansas and the only person I know here is my husband, who is gone 5 days a week with our only vehicle from 0530 until sometimes as late as 2000.

< Message edited by LittleGirlHeart -- 6/26/2013 11:35:45 PM >

(in reply to Mellissande)
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