Am I such an oddity as a woman who's not into collecting clothing and asessories? (Full Version)

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YourhandMyAss -> Am I such an oddity as a woman who's not into collecting clothing and asessories? (6/27/2006 9:47:33 AM)

IT seems the sterotype is that all women are shoe horses or clothes horses, and must have 40 times more shoes than is needed or practical, Or that women run out and buy a great pair of shoes everytime something cute is on sale.

Or that women  because they are women spend tons of money on shoe's and clothing.

I for one am a woman who see's no point in 50 pairs of shoe's 40 purses to match the 50 shoe's and even more outfits to match both.

I have one purse for*every* day and*every* outfit and two pairs of shoes, A basic cute pair of sandles, and my running shoes.

mnottertail -> RE: Am I such an oddity as a woman who's not into collecting clothing and asessories? (6/27/2006 10:01:29 AM)

My stereotype of you is that you are an "I have to come to Sacramento horse".

lisa1978 -> RE: Am I such an oddity as a woman who's not into collecting clothing and asessories? (6/27/2006 10:04:12 AM)

There is no such thing as a good gross generalization. We women range from the clothes buying/shopping addicts to women like yourself. Honestly, I am somewhere in between. I do not have a ton of shoes or outfits but do have way more than I could call a few. I cannot say I have never bought shoes in similar style and color but I also never have relieved boredom by going shopping or felt the need to buy something new for an event.

kittinSol -> RE: Am I such an oddity as a woman who's not into collecting clothing and asessories? (6/27/2006 10:17:36 AM)

You are strange lol :-) 

YourhandMyAss -> RE: Am I such an oddity as a woman who's not into collecting clothing and asessories? (6/27/2006 10:18:27 AM)

Grins I don't buy shoes and clothing, but man I over dose on craft stuff.

SilentHunter -> RE: Am I such an oddity as a woman who's not into collecting clothing and asessories? (6/27/2006 10:27:16 AM)

I spend a fortune on jo lol, she isn't one to buy shoes, boots, clothing bags etc, just cross stitching stuff

justheather -> RE: Am I such an oddity as a woman who's not into collecting clothing and asessories? (6/27/2006 10:48:09 AM)

I spend very little money on my shopping habit because I buy way out cool stuff at thrift stores and then cycle the old stuff back into the mix by donating it to charities who run thrift stores.
If Im not wearing Birkenstocks, Danskos or Earth Shoes, something is amiss. Usually the first word that comes to mind at the sight of my shoes is not "cute".
So, I do like to buy clothing but I give it all back and I dont spend a fortune and I dont collect shoes....Im not sure what that makes me...

Im going to give myself the title "clothes beaver". I think that has a nice ring to it.

RosaB -> RE: Am I such an oddity as a woman who's not into collecting clothing and asessories? (6/27/2006 11:01:18 AM)

[IT seems the sterotype is that all women are shoe horses or clothes horses, and must have 40 times more shoes than is needed or practical, Or that women run out and buy a great pair of shoes everytime something cute is on sale.

Or that women  because they are women spend tons of money on shoe's and clothing.

I for one am a woman who see's no point in 50 pairs of shoe's 40 purses to match the 50 shoe's and even more outfits to match both.

I have one purse for*every* day and*every* outfit and two pairs of shoes, A basic cute pair of sandles, and my running shoes. ]

I see no point in owning 50 pairs of shoes when I could have 100.  I admit, If I could afford it, I'd shop everyday of the week, but I don't, because I'm a practical person.  I wasn't always, but I understand the value of a buck and make each and every dollar count these days (well nearly, some flashing lights pointing to shinny pretty things, you'd have to be in a coma to pass up,). 

I wish I could be more like you and not hyperventalate or salivate at the thought of an opportunity to shop.  I'm needing a paper bag to breath into right now at the thought of shopping.  You indeed are a rare breed of woman, you probably get to spend your time thinking of more constructive things to do with your funds.  [:)]    I am proud to say I've cut back to five regular purses that I carry during the week.


FelinePersuasion -> RE: Am I such an oddity as a woman who's not into collecting clothing and asessories? (6/27/2006 11:07:38 AM)

Giggles at heather.

petwolf22 -> RE: Am I such an oddity as a woman who's not into collecting clothing and asessories? (6/27/2006 11:15:54 AM)

i hate to shop.  my mom and sister took me clothes shopping once, spent three hours in the same store and it was all i could do to not walk out on them as they waited for me to try on different things.

i usually can't shop with anyone else as my methods are very strange and i can breeze through most sections in under two minutes if nothing catches my eye.

It's a sucky way to be when you HAVE to go buy something for work, for instance.

i probably have a few more shoes than i need, but i won't generally go out and purposely buy them, either.  i know exactly how you feel.

fullofgrace -> RE: Am I such an oddity as a woman who's not into collecting clothing and asessories? (6/27/2006 12:19:05 PM)

i have three or four pairs of shoes and one purse. i do have more than enough clothes, but i tend to buy clothes really rarely and the ones i buy i keep for a long time, since most of them are very unique - i buy a lot of stuff from sacred threads, geeta, and other similar brands that sell really individual clothing :)

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Am I such an oddity as a woman who's not into collecting clothing and asessories? (6/27/2006 12:43:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: YourhandMyAss
I have one purse for*every* day and*every* outfit and two pairs of shoes, A basic cute pair of sandles, and my running shoes.

*shrug* Before college I didn't even own a dress or skirt.  Seeing me in anything but jeans and a tshirt was nothing short of a miracle.

Now I adore clothes and costuming.  I have tiaras, gloves, masks, hats, purses, shoes, ballgowns, corsets, you name it.

Fashion is my hobby.

But I don't get women who go to the salon every week for their hair or nails or such.

We've all got something we really like doing and prioritize irrationally above everything else.  Yes, it's a stereotype and it can be aggravating, but such is life.

Do what makes you happy.

windchymes -> RE: Am I such an oddity as a woman who's not into collecting clothing and asessories? (6/27/2006 12:54:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: YourhandMyAss

Grins I don't buy shoes and clothing, but man I over dose on craft stuff.


I'm totally addicted to scrapbooking stuff!

sub4hire -> RE: Am I such an oddity as a woman who's not into collecting clothing and asessories? (6/27/2006 12:55:09 PM)

Does it matter either way?  Is it going to cloud anyone's view of you if you own 300 or 3 pair of shoes?

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Am I such an oddity as a woman who's not into collecting clothing and asessories? (6/27/2006 12:59:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: sub4hire
Does it matter either way?  Is it going to cloud anyone's view of you if you own 300 or 3 pair of shoes?

It can actually.  The scene espcially can have a fairly harsh view on those it perceives as "Stand and Model" types. 

We get judged on everything about ourselves, part of why I love clothes and costuming so much is because of how I can use it to project a particular view of myself.

akisha -> RE: Am I such an oddity as a woman who's not into collecting clothing and asessories? (6/27/2006 1:00:04 PM)

Guess i'm not stereotypical either. I own 3 pairs of jeans, 3 pairs of dress pants and 3 skirts. And about 30 shirts lol and only 6 pair of shoes (i think) my one weakness is highheeled boots. I love boots. But even then i only own 2 pairs.

And *gasp* I hate going shopping. I go in, get what i want or need and get the heck out. My little sister came shopping with me once and said never again. [:D]  The less i have to stand in line feeling my brain melt the better.

missturbation -> RE: Am I such an oddity as a woman who's not into collecting clothing and asessories? (6/27/2006 1:05:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: YourhandMyAss

I for one am a woman who see's no point in 50 pairs of shoe's 40 purses to match the 50 shoe's and even more outfits to match both.

No point in 50 pairs?
I now need therapy lol
I own 38 pairs of shoes and 20 pairs of boots
Clothes - not as bad but still buy obsessively

spankmepink11 -> RE: Am I such an oddity as a woman who's not into collecting clothing and asessories? (6/27/2006 2:03:06 PM) awesome to know that there are others like me...While i enjoy looking nice...i don't quite have the fascination/need for lots of clothes and shoes...that many women seem to enjoy. Maybe it skips mother is a total  shoe/clothing/jewelry  fiend.  I'm just not very materialistic and choose to express myself in other ways.

NakedOnMyChain -> RE: Am I such an oddity as a woman who's not into collecting clothing and asessories? (6/27/2006 6:31:11 PM)

I like to look nice and be well dressed, but I live within my means.  I'm not rich, so I don't shop very often.  I'd be mildly disinterested even if I were able to.  I definitely don't buy very many shoes.  And when I do it costs me six bucks for three pairs because I live in flip-flops.  I actually possess a ton of clothes and shoes, but that has nothing to do with a shopping addicition.  It has more to do with being a packrat and not throwing away any clothes since the age of sixteen.  Yeah, I used to weigh 110 lbs., so needless to say I don't fit in most of them anymore.  I've been sorting through and trying to get rid of stuff before we move.

Actually, I don't know why I should have to wear clothes at all.  I'm not really comfortable unless I'm bare-assed naked.  Seriously.

MarksFantasyGirl -> RE: Am I such an oddity as a woman who's not into collecting clothing and asessories? (6/27/2006 6:42:54 PM)

i don't buy shoes.... i get them given to me... but i have a million! lol am i in the majority?

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