RE: Why do these forums exist? (Full Version)

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tazzygirl -> RE: Why do these forums exist? (7/9/2013 10:11:51 AM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

The forums exist for me to solicit blowjobs.

And you can quote me.

We often do [:D]

DomMeinCT -> RE: Why do these forums exist? (7/9/2013 11:54:10 AM)


ORIGINAL: BrisbaneMaster73

I'm sorry if I struck a raw nerve with so many of you with that post.

No raw nerve at all....actually, your initial post made me laugh.

JstAnotherSub -> RE: Why do these forums exist? (7/9/2013 11:57:38 AM)




ORIGINAL: JstAnotherSub

Bless your lil pea pickin heart hon.

Southern women have such interesting ways to say they think someone is an idiot. Not that that is what you were doing of course.

Well I would nevah say such a thing dontcha know!

Where is that halo smiley?


poise -> RE: Why do these forums exist? (7/9/2013 11:57:57 AM)


ORIGINAL: BrisbaneMaster73

It must be pretty embarrassing for a master such as yourself, to have to resort to a lengthy whinefest in
order to garner some attention. I would like to point out an error you made in your little novella here, if I
may. I'm sure I could find more if I dedicated more time to reading everything you wrote here, but being
that I have such extensive experience on posting to forums, which is evidenced by my high post count, I
have learned how to spot bullshittery/asshattery/butthurtacitis posts from a mile away, and only commit
a small percent of my time to them.

You said:
Casual Banter - All of it.

ORIGINAL: BrisbaneMaster73
The rest of the categories seem to be, at least on the surface, possibly useful. At least they're related specifically
to bdsm and/or server issues.

You will find the majority, if not all, server related issues are posted in (wait for it...) Casual Banter!

ChatteParfaitt -> RE: Why do these forums exist? (7/9/2013 12:07:38 PM)


Why am *I* here? Where else can I read and respond to threads on the following topics, as I did today:

human sexuality as it pertains to monogamy

how can you tell a ripe avocado?

long term sensory deprivation

BrisbaneMaster73 -> RE: Why do these forums exist? (7/9/2013 1:17:29 PM)

Wow, 65 replies so far, and only a handful that actually understood what I was asking and attempted to answer me. To be fair though, that's more than I expected.

The other replies showcase exactly why the Casual Banter forums are a bag of shit. They might start out with an interesting topic or question, but by the end of the first page it's degenerated into personal attacks(aren't they like not allowed here or something?), the nitpicking of every single word used to try and twist something other than its meaning out of it, complete amnesia with regards to the other 95% of the topic/question that you don't like but can't argue against, sad attempts at group validation(although somehow *I* was accused of being the circle jerker), before finally going off-topic and spiralling even further down the shit pipe.

Those of you who gave semi-intelligent answers with regards to people having wide ranging interests and how most everybody is an expert on at least one thing in life, really need to sit down and think about how much shit you're having to eat to get some corn. I get information and education and enlightenment from the internet on pretty much a daily basis. I cannot remember a thread here though that gave me anything more than a newspaper headline that I would have seen elsewhere anyway. You say there are gambling sites you visit with a wide range of uber smart people on it? Sounds awesome, wtf are you doing here then??

Of course, my main gripe was the scrolling spambox on the main page. The box that led me here in the first place to disrupt the peace and harmony and genius that prevails here as soon as I'm not looking. So with that in mind I'd like to thank the following person for actually reading my question, understanding it, and not turning into a steaming pile of ineptitude because he didn't like the nature or tone of it.


ORIGINAL: Powergamz1

'Free content providers', and 'driving traffic' are terms that put black ink in the correct column.

Whilst I'm not sure if this positive outweighs the negative I certainly appreciate your answer.

absolutchocolat -> RE: Why do these forums exist? (7/9/2013 2:43:57 PM)

If your gripe is the scrolling screen on the other side, then here's an idea -- don't read it! Not everything on this site -- or in life rather -- exists to titillate or entertain you. If you find the forums so deplorable and useless, then why are you making use of them to gripe? I think that's what a journal is for.

CynthiaWVirginia -> RE: Why do these forums exist? (7/9/2013 4:59:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: BrisbaneMaster73

I'm sorry if I struck a raw nerve with so many of you with that post. Don't kill the messenger. The number of total posts of some of the responders is just staggering. In fact, there seems to be a direct relationship between the number of total posts someone has and their level of snarky misplaced anger.

Anyway, the gist I seem to be getting from you is that I'm a prick for thinking a bdsm site and its forums should be pretty much about bdsm interests and not politics or religion or the weather or whatever is popular this minute. Not sure how to respond to something so self-evident. It's like asking me to prove that 1 is greater than 0. If you need to argue that then just move onto the next post, you'll never get it.

A popular response was along the line of "don't like it, don't come here". I'm fine with that, just stop spamming the main server with the latest shit to come from here. I'm forced to read this garbage every time I logon. I don't have the choice not to. Surely even the dimmest of you understood that from my initial post.

There was also a lot about "because my kink isn't me" sort of replies. Now, knowing my audience, maybe I should have been clearer about this in my initial post. But that is *exactly* what I was saying about you. You have your kink, which is fine, enjoy it, whatever. But why do you have to come to a kink site to discuss the fucking weather? If I want to discuss the weather, or find information about it, or find an expert on it, or whatever, I'll goto a weather site, not a kink site. It is exactly the fact that your kink controls your life and the people you associate with that makes the place so shitty. The reason you come here and have a million posts is exactly because your kink is your life. To summarise, there are a gazillion places online where you can chat with better informed people about any topic you want to, why do it here if you are "more than your kink"?

I own someone; I can have kink whenever I want. Why would I need to come here to discuss kink and nothing else? I don't need this place as my kink relief station while I do one handed typing. [;)] Some people may use this site as a kink glory hole. Myself, I'm glad it has a free mailroom, free chatrooms, free profiles, free video chat, free message boards, and free video games.

The message boards is like an online munch. For my r/t munch groups I have to wait for that once per month date for a meetup, here at CM I can hang out at any time of the day or night. I also come here to toss my opinion around when I feel like it. I don't know if you go to them in r/t...but our own r/t munches and play news for ya here...but the people attending them do not spend their entire time talking only about BDSM. (For example, my slave might be refilling my drink or bringing me a slice of cake while I'm talking with several others about knitting, sewing machines, pets, or gardening.)

How very kind of you to think of a way for the owners to save get rid of the message boards' advertisement/scroll so that they would have more room for advertisers.

You find the scroll annoying...and took time to come into the boards to complain about it. Personally, I find the chicka-pow-pow advertisements annoying (am not a lesbian and do not enjoy looking at all the wriggling boobies and pussies)...have I made a thread about this in the message boards to critique the owners' decision? Nope. I do my best to ignore them and get busy with finding stuff that I do enjoy.

And btw, it's amusing that you would use an area of CM that you dislike. You are in the message boards, bringing up an issue that is NOT BDSM related. You are doing the very thing you are complaining about, lol.

OMG! Your post...showed up in the scroll! [sm=biggrin.gif]

kalikshama -> RE: Why do these forums exist? (7/9/2013 5:02:37 PM)

<--- another fan of Taibbi here.


Point in example (And I've argued this one with focus before)-Rolling Stone is a magazine about music, rock usually. Not what one thinks of as really deep. But their finance writer, Matt Tiabbi, is maye the best around at digging upon financial dirt. The guy routinely smokes the Wall Street journal and NYT-it's not even kinda funny how much more on point he is than elsewhere.

Haven't read all of this yet, but it looks good:

Everything Is Rigged: The Biggest Price-Fixing Scandal Ever

kalikshama -> RE: Why do these forums exist? (7/9/2013 5:10:37 PM)


But hey, if the scroll is interfering with the profile perving, stick a post-it over that square inch of screen, and go back to spamming fake subs.


SeekingTrinity -> RE: Why do these forums exist? (7/9/2013 5:11:25 PM)

Apparently it turns out that the forums exist to provide you a place where you can exercise your hypocrisy

kiwisub12 -> RE: Why do these forums exist? (7/9/2013 5:25:28 PM)

Ya know what I love about these forums? besides the fact that I can find, talk about, snark to, and just generally indulge in bdsm ................. its the fact that I recognize posters, enjoy what they have to say, and talk about a wide variety of topics with (occasionally) bdsm flavor.

I went to a munch this past weekend, and 80% of the talk wasn't bdsm oriented. It was human oriented... and that's what made it so much fun.

shallowdeep -> RE: Why do these forums exist? (7/9/2013 5:39:38 PM)

So, if I understand correctly, the main source of your woes is just being subjected to the scrolling box?
  1. Run Firefox.
  2. Download and install NoScript.
  3. Within Firefox, go to Add-Ons > Extensions > NoScript > Options > Advanced > ABE. (Exact sequence and names may vary slightly with OS).
  4. Select the USER Ruleset. Type or copy and paste in the following lines:
    # Block collarchat's scrolling box on
  5. Visit Set NoScript to allow and
  6. Enjoy the empty scroll box.
  7. (Optional) Look for another reason to gripe.

dcnovice -> RE: Why do these forums exist? (7/9/2013 5:45:20 PM)


(Optional) Look for another reason to gripe.


lovethyself -> RE: Why do these forums exist? (7/9/2013 9:13:39 PM)

Thank you shallowdeep. Whenever you post instructions like this, I learn a littlle more about computers. Not that I want to use this particular information, as I happen to like the scroller, and have stumbled onto some interesting conversations because of it, but because I had no idea that the options you provided were available, and now I do.

I'm also with dc on the 7th option. Love it!!

Toysinbabeland -> RE: Why do these forums exist? (7/9/2013 9:16:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: SeekingTrinity

Apparently it turns out that the forums exist to provide you a place where you can exercise your hypocrisy


areallivehuman -> RE: Why do these forums exist? (7/10/2013 2:46:58 AM)

I use these forums to better understand the way submissive women think, it helps me in my relationship with my own submissive woman.
I can research new techniques or tools from those who have used them.
Sometimes, it is simply entertaining to read......

Kana -> RE: Why do these forums exist? (7/10/2013 1:03:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: BrisbaneMaster73

Wow, 65 replies so far, and only a handful that actually understood what I was asking and attempted to answer me. To be fair though, that's more than I expected.

The other replies showcase exactly why the Casual Banter forums are a bag of shit. They might start out with an interesting topic or question, but by the end of the first page it's degenerated into personal attacks(aren't they like not allowed here or something?), the nitpicking of every single word used to try and twist something other than its meaning out of it, complete amnesia with regards to the other 95% of the topic/question that you don't like but can't argue against, sad attempts at group validation(although somehow *I* was accused of being the circle jerker), before finally going off-topic and spiralling even further down the shit pipe.

Those of you who gave semi-intelligent answers with regards to people having wide ranging interests and how most everybody is an expert on at least one thing in life, really need to sit down and think about how much shit you're having to eat to get some corn. I get information and education and enlightenment from the internet on pretty much a daily basis. I cannot remember a thread here though that gave me anything more than a newspaper headline that I would have seen elsewhere anyway. You say there are gambling sites you visit with a wide range of uber smart people on it? Sounds awesome, wtf are you doing here then??

Of course, my main gripe was the scrolling spambox on the main page. The box that led me here in the first place to disrupt the peace and harmony and genius that prevails here as soon as I'm not looking. So with that in mind I'd like to thank the following person for actually reading my question, understanding it, and not turning into a steaming pile of ineptitude because he didn't like the nature or tone of it.


ORIGINAL: Powergamz1

'Free content providers', and 'driving traffic' are terms that put black ink in the correct column.

Whilst I'm not sure if this positive outweighs the negative I certainly appreciate your answer.

Translation: "Waaaaaaaaaah"

dcnovice -> RE: Why do these forums exist? (7/12/2013 3:36:16 PM)


This thread came to mind today because a poster I've gotten to know here (and later through Facebook) was facing what may well be the most agonizing day of her life. We've never met physically, yet my grief was no less real, my sympathy no less deep, and my prayers no less fervent.

And that's what the forums are all about, Charlie Brown.

MalcolmNathaniel -> RE: Why do these forums exist? (7/12/2013 3:54:34 PM)


Most of these people have been lying to you. Actually, all of them have.

Yeah, OK, I'm lying to you. None of them exist. It's just you and me.

Everyone else is just a figment of my imagination.

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