RE: Financial Domination / What are your thoughts & Why ? (Full Version)

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tazzygirl -> RE: Financial Domination / What are your thoughts & Why ? (7/26/2013 3:34:17 PM)


Is is for sexual gratification, and if touching is involved, it's prostitution in the eyes of the law.

Please do find me the law you are quoting. Because the touching you are referring too isnt possible by web cam.

Where many of these women get into trouble with the law isnt because of the camming, its because of the tax evasion. Sometimes its because of minors being involved.

But I have yet to find a single arrest for simply being a web cam girl. It falls under pornography, not prostitution.

YOU may decide its prostitution, the law does not.

TNDommeK -> RE: Financial Domination / What are your thoughts & Why ? (7/26/2013 3:37:58 PM)


kalikshama -> RE: Financial Domination / What are your thoughts & Why ? (7/26/2013 3:43:16 PM)


and if touching is involved,

When is touching involved with Fin Dom? Don't a lot of complaints revolve around LACK of contact?

LookieNoNookie -> RE: Financial Domination / What are your thoughts & Why ? (7/26/2013 5:30:03 PM)


I have noticed that on this site in particular there are a great deal of FinDom they do NOT agree with the way I or others choose to live our lives and they feel the need to voice their opinion...Where I get confused is because all of these individuals have been subs...Contacting ME to be of service to ME but they only want to serve ME the way they want to lololololll when did this start happening...?

Heroin addicts will find supply in the Mohave desert.

Your point is?

You ain't offering anything new or substantial, even as you may have a spectacular set of tits.

Doesn't make the fact that you're only offering thirst, not water, any less of an example that you're sucking men dry.

If people of your ilk disappeared from the planet, it'd be a (very) nice start....right before lawyers. (And I love lawyers).

At least lawyers offer a service that I can't circumvent on my own.

Keep shaking that money maker baby....I'm sure, at 25, you're just fab.


Spiritedsub2 -> RE: Financial Domination / What are your thoughts & Why ? (7/26/2013 9:18:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: LookieNoNookie


I have noticed that on this site in particular there are a great deal of FinDom they do NOT agree with the way I or others choose to live our lives and they feel the need to voice their opinion...Where I get confused is because all of these individuals have been subs...Contacting ME to be of service to ME but they only want to serve ME the way they want to lololololll when did this start happening...?

Heroin addicts will find supply in the Mohave desert.

Your point is?

You ain't offering anything new or substantial, even as you may have a spectacular set of tits.

Doesn't make the fact that you're only offering thirst, not water, any less of an example that you're sucking men dry.

If people of your ilk disappeared from the planet, it'd be a (very) nice start....right before lawyers. (And I love lawyers).


This is perfection Lookie. And we love you too [:)]

Pyramus -> RE: Financial Domination / What are your thoughts & Why ? (7/27/2013 12:41:25 AM)


ORIGINAL: tazzygirl
touching you are referring too isnt possible by web cam.

I just read the articles quoted and for FD to be prostitution it would need to have touching.
No touching === no prostitution

Celtico -> RE: Financial Domination / What are your thoughts & Why ? (7/27/2013 1:00:13 AM)


Woman tops man for the purpose of S/m.
He gets an erection but she doesn't get turned on by the scene at all.
Are you considering that sexual just because only one, and not both, of the participants believes it is?

Have you ever been on a jury?
It doesn't matter what you or I or we think the law is.
All that matters is the logic of the law.

Did contact to the naughty parts occur to either party? (yes or no)
Was money exchanged between the two parties? (yes or no)
Was the purpose of the money for sexual arousal or gratification of either party? (yes or no)

It's pretty simple logic.
Three yes's is prostitution in the state of California.

In other states, it wouldn't even take the three yes's (that's why the US porn industry is mostly in California in the first place).
In many countries, a single yes would be prostitution; while, in other countries, three yes's would simply be politics.

Now, back to your example:
Did contact to the naughty parts occur to either party? (you tell me)
Was money exchanged between the two parties? (you tell me)
Was the purpose of the money for sexual arousal or gratification of either party? (you said yes to this one)

TNDommeK -> RE: Financial Domination / What are your thoughts & Why ? (7/27/2013 1:09:24 AM)


I just let them think what they want Lady Pact. Just pat them on the head and say "you're right muffin".

MariaB -> RE: Financial Domination / What are your thoughts & Why ? (7/27/2013 4:46:43 AM)

Are we saying that prostitutes/escorts are low lives ? because this is how this conversation always comes over to me.

If someone thinks a fin Domme is a prostitute then in his eyes, that's what she is and no arguing will change his mind, but why worry about it? why waste your time trying to convince him otherwise? It doesn't matter. He is saying this because he believes prostitutes are low lives and he knows that his words can directly insult you.

People on these boards know that I used to work as a pro Domme in central London. I wore provocative clothing or at least they thought it was provocative. I had an intimidating dungeon which was full of torture devices. I touched my clients flesh who were usually totally naked in front of me. I was well aware of how turned on they were and I knew full well that they would be wanking over this session for days after.

I never had sex with a client, in fact a client never touched my flesh higher than my ankle, but I was well aware that this was a sexual game, at least for him and I was the instigator of that game.

I always knew that I was part of the sex industry. If someone called me a prostitute it never worried me. I didn't feel the need to explain why I wasn't a prostitute because I was more than happy with that title. I know a lot of escorts and have the up-most respect for what they do. Its not something I could ever of done but then I think, better to be a escort than a slut. At least a escort knows how to make business out of sex.

I have known a lot of pro Domme too and apart from a select few, they all piss what they earn up a wall before burning out. Perhaps that's because its easy come, easy go or perhaps it temporarily stops them feeling bad about what they are doing for a living.

If you are a Fin Domme then stand up and be proud of what you do and stop being so sensitive. Let people say what they want... fuck em.. they aren't your clients and never will be so they matter not. You don't need to explain yourself, you really don't!

LadyPact -> RE: Financial Domination / What are your thoughts & Why ? (7/27/2013 6:19:52 AM)


Have you ever been on a jury?
It doesn't matter what you or I or we think the law is.
All that matters is the logic of the law.

Did contact to the naughty parts occur to either party? (yes or no)
Was money exchanged between the two parties? (yes or no)
Was the purpose of the money for sexual arousal or gratification of either party? (yes or no)

It's pretty simple logic.
Three yes's is prostitution in the state of California.

In other states, it wouldn't even take the three yes's (that's why the US porn industry is mostly in California in the first place).
In many countries, a single yes would be prostitution; while, in other countries, three yes's would simply be politics.

Now, back to your example:
Did contact to the naughty parts occur to either party? (you tell me)
Was money exchanged between the two parties? (you tell me)
Was the purpose of the money for sexual arousal or gratification of either party? (you said yes to this one)

Did you read what the person I quoted said? I don't really think you did. Here's the prior statement:


I must lead a limited life because if I get an erection out of it, it's about sex.
Since I get aroused by D/s play, it's all about sex.
I don't get an erection out of going to work and fixing computers, for instance.

There was no mention of contact with the naughty bits. Any female top who plays casually can tell you that some males (please remember that I said some and not all) can get erections from bondage or S/m without ever touching their genitals or having any kind of physical sexually related contact. That's why even your definition of the law fails as a case in point. If the bottom gets a spontaneous erection, it's no different than any other case where there is no direct genital contact.

By your logic, people who distribute porn are engaging in prostitution. The guy is buying porn and if it turns him on and he touches himself while watching the film, that's sexual gratification in exchange for money. Like it or not, an erection does NOT constitute sex. If it did, we ought to be arresting every dude who got a boner because a pretty girl walked down the street in a short skirt for sexual assault. It's sex just because of his erection, right?

Most of the folks who start on the prostitution kick in relation to financial domination don't even know what in the hell it is. Do you even understand that in many cases of findom, the two parties will never even be in the same room together? They may never even see each other in the flesh and the whole thing is conducted on the internet. A lot of findoms never even touch the sub in the course of him giving her money. Are you going to charge cam girls who don't include a BDSM element with prostitution too? How about chicks who write erotica and charge a subscription fee to access the stories?

Let's cut to the chase here. In My opinion, there's at least a significant percentage of the people who do their bitching about the kink of financial domination because they want their kinks without having to make a contribution. Not a financial one. Not a relationship one. Not a social one. They just expect to create a profile on the internet and kink is going to fall into their lap. They won't even make the effort to go out to their local kink community to engage in their kinks and would prefer some kind of fetish delivery system would knock on their door. Life doesn't work that way, guys. Get over it.

Oh, and before anybody wants to start slinging shit about about how I must be a fin domme because I've got so much to say on the matter, guess what? I'm not. I'm a lifestyle chick.

MrBukani -> RE: Financial Domination / What are your thoughts & Why ? (7/27/2013 6:30:44 AM)

Must be a dayjob[:D]

tazzygirl -> RE: Financial Domination / What are your thoughts & Why ? (7/27/2013 6:39:06 AM)


It's pretty simple logic.
Three yes's is prostitution in the state of California.

Under 647 (b)?

TNDommeK -> RE: Financial Domination / What are your thoughts & Why ? (7/27/2013 8:38:40 AM)



Are we saying that prostitutes/escorts are low lives ? because this is how this conversation always comes over to me.

If someone thinks a fin Domme is a prostitute then in his eyes, that's what she is and no arguing will change his mind, but why worry about it? why waste your time trying to convince him otherwise? It doesn't matter. He is saying this because he believes prostitutes are low lives and he knows that his words can directly insult you.

People on these boards know that I used to work as a pro Domme in central London. I wore provocative clothing or at least they thought it was provocative. I had an intimidating dungeon which was full of torture devices. I touched my clients flesh who were usually totally naked in front of me. I was well aware of how turned on they were and I knew full well that they would be wanking over this session for days after.

I never had sex with a client, in fact a client never touched my flesh higher than my ankle, but I was well aware that this was a sexual game, at least for him and I was the instigator of that game.

I always knew that I was part of the sex industry. If someone called me a prostitute it never worried me. I didn't feel the need to explain why I wasn't a prostitute because I was more than happy with that title. I know a lot of escorts and have the up-most respect for what they do. Its not something I could ever of done but then I think, better to be a escort than a slut. At least a escort knows how to make business out of sex.

I have known a lot of pro Domme too and apart from a select few, they all piss what they earn up a wall before burning out. Perhaps that's because its easy come, easy go or perhaps it temporarily stops them feeling bad about what they are doing for a living.

If you are a Fin Domme then stand up and be proud of what you do and stop being so sensitive. Let people say what they want... fuck em.. they aren't your clients and never will be so they matter not. You don't need to explain yourself, you really don't!

I'm not being sensitive. It's just as simple as this: he is telling us that a dog is a fruit. It just simply isn't right. Neither one have anything to do with each other. I'm not saying prostitution is bad. It's not something I would do but whatever floats their boat. Maybe over there what you did was considered prostitution, but here it's not. I do thank you for trying to explain things in a positive manner.

Eta: I didn't explain myself, thus the pat on his head lol.

UllrsIshtar -> RE: Financial Domination / What are your thoughts & Why ? (7/27/2013 8:49:24 AM)



It's just as simple as this: he is telling us that a dog is a fruit. It just simply isn't right. Neither one have anything to do with each other.

That's an extremely poor, and incorrect analogy.

Findomme versus prostitution is nothing like a dog versus a fruit, because unlike findomme versus prostitution, a dog has no similarities at all to a fruit.

Much more apt to say is that he's telling us that a dog is the same thing as a wolf, and that we're trying to explain that, while their are similarities between the two, and they're related, they are not the same thing, precisely because there are crucial differences.

If you truly believe that findomme is as a-similar to prostitution as a dog is to a fruit, and that you feel that he's drawing a comparison that far fetched, then you're as delusional about the similarities, as as he is about the differences between the two..

tazzygirl -> RE: Financial Domination / What are your thoughts & Why ? (7/27/2013 9:04:50 AM)

To me its comparing a murderer to a cop... both kill... but legally there are differences in the killings.

dink22 -> RE: Financial Domination / What are your thoughts & Why ? (7/27/2013 12:16:33 PM)

It doesn't matter what the LEGAL definition of prostitution is. Because that will vary from state to state and country to country.

The common sense definition of prostitution is to offer some kind of personal sexual services in exchange for money.

Findom most definitely is prostitution, and it is funny to me to watch those involved in this practice squirm, scream and otherwise live in denial that they are prostitutes.

Look, I think prostitution should be legalized. I'm not judging those who engage in findom, but I don't consider it true, SEXUAL domination. One person is willing to pay for it, one person wants the money. There is no mutual spiritual connection at any level.

There's a quote and I can't remember who said it but it's about 100 years old. "Whenever a person is about to do a thoroughly despicable thing, they always dream up the noblest of reasons for doing so." So it is with findomme. The ones who do it like to pretend that somehow it's legit and NOT about the money. They have their defense mechanisms all prepared because they don't want to deal with the guilt, don't want to deal with the reality of what they're doing. They are prostitutes, plain and simple. If the money wasn't there, they wouldn't be either.

C'mon folks. Let's quit kidding ourselves about this stuff.

TNDommeK -> RE: Financial Domination / What are your thoughts & Why ? (7/27/2013 12:18:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: UllrsIshtar



It's just as simple as this: he is telling us that a dog is a fruit. It just simply isn't right. Neither one have anything to do with each other.

That's an extremely poor, and incorrect analogy.

Findomme versus prostitution is nothing like a dog versus a fruit, because unlike findomme versus prostitution, a dog has no similarities at all to a fruit.

Much more apt to say is that he's telling us that a dog is the same thing as a wolf, and that we're trying to explain that, while their are similarities between the two, and they're related, they are not the same thing, precisely because there are crucial differences.

If you truly believe that findomme is as a-similar to prostitution as a dog is to a fruit, and that you feel that he's drawing a comparison that far fetched, then you're as delusional about the similarities, as as he is about the differences between the two..

It was just an example off the top of my head.
And I'm delusional about nothing. The comparison, when having to do with me, is far fetched. As I stated before...let me know when being in control of ones finances, receiving money to shop, receiving gifts and talking online is any where near the same boat as prostitution. I'm not sure what the rest of the world does, but how I do things, works well for me. So maybe you can paint them a shade or two from prostitution, but I'm not even near that. Now you can be delusional if YOU like and think that every one does things the same way. But I never pictured you as that type of person.

Oh and dink, I would never say its not about the money. Of course it is. That's like saying when guys go to the gentlemens clubs...they think the dancer loves them. Yea while they are paying us we do. Are there a few guys who I do enjoy their company while I make money? Yes. Have I sat with them on days where they don't have as much as they normally give? Yes. But bottom line is I'm there to make money. No one is denying that.

Or lemme guess, you think dancers are prostitutes too?

But your argument is invalid because that can lead back to the question about movie stars who do sex scenes. There is no spiritual connection there for them, they are doing a sexual act, and getting paid. So what say you about them? Prostitutes? I think not.

tazzygirl -> RE: Financial Domination / What are your thoughts & Why ? (7/27/2013 12:29:45 PM)

The quote is....

"Whenever a man does a thoroughly stupid thing, it is always from the noblest motives."

Oscar Wilde


Findom most definitely is prostitution, and it is funny to me to watch those involved in this practice squirm, scream and otherwise live in denial that they are prostitutes.

One... Im not a findom....

Two... where is masturbation illegal?

Three... most places that have laws against this sort of thing make it illegal in public.... a web cam is not public.


The common sense definition of prostitution is to offer some kind of personal sexual services in exchange for money.

Almost all states have laws making it illegal to engage in, promote, or profit from prostitution. The term "prostitution" generally means the commission by a person of any natural or unnatural sexual act, deviate sexual intercourse, or sexual contact for monetary consideration or other thing of value.

Since you want a more general definition.

I dont consider it prostitution to sit down and watch a porn flick. Neither do the courts. Transmission of a web cam could entail the laws of where it originates from, the laws of the area it is received in, and any country laws as well.


So it is with findomme. The ones who do it like to pretend that somehow it's legit and NOT about the money.

It is legit. If its not for you, then simply say "no thanks" and move on.


They are prostitutes, plain and simple. If the money wasn't there, they wouldn't be either.

Then explain dominatrices who have been around for longer than the internet.

ThePrincessKali -> RE: Financial Domination / What are your thoughts & Why ? (7/27/2013 12:45:26 PM)

I am a fin domme and as I've stated have never had any type of sexual contact online or otherwise with a sub. Have you ever recieved a gift from someone who wanted to make you happy? Well maybe you're a hooker too. Some ladies give sexy webcam shows, which is their perogative. I don't partake in that but it still isn't prostitution. We don't solicit anyone. And the ones who are saying that are probably butt hurt because they can't find a domme to dominate them without charging so they lash out at us. As its been said most successful fin dommes usually it as an outlet to take power and control and its not our main means of income. I have a full time vanilla job and am returning to school in the fall. I support myself just fine without the aid of subs. Do I enjoy the extra cash, gifts, and the high I get from having devoted submissives serve me? Hell to the yes but we are by no means prostitutes.

dink22 -> RE: Financial Domination / What are your thoughts & Why ? (7/27/2013 1:03:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: tazzygirl

The quote is....

"Whenever a man does a thoroughly stupid thing, it is always from the noblest motives."

Oscar Wilde


Findom most definitely is prostitution, and it is funny to me to watch those involved in this practice squirm, scream and otherwise live in denial that they are prostitutes.

One... Im not a findom....

Two... where is masturbation illegal?

Three... most places that have laws against this sort of thing make it illegal in public.... a web cam is not public.


The common sense definition of prostitution is to offer some kind of personal sexual services in exchange for money.

Almost all states have laws making it illegal to engage in, promote, or profit from prostitution. The term "prostitution" generally means the commission by a person of any natural or unnatural sexual act, deviate sexual intercourse, or sexual contact for monetary consideration or other thing of value.

Since you want a more general definition.

I dont consider it prostitution to sit down and watch a porn flick. Neither do the courts. Transmission of a web cam could entail the laws of where it originates from, the laws of the area it is received in, and any country laws as well.


So it is with findomme. The ones who do it like to pretend that somehow it's legit and NOT about the money.

It is legit. If its not for you, then simply say "no thanks" and move on.


They are prostitutes, plain and simple. If the money wasn't there, they wouldn't be either.

Then explain dominatrices who have been around for longer than the internet.

One - I wasn't talking to you. I was commenting on the subject.

Two - don't think I see your point about masturbation. Unless you're saying that if someone masturbates BECAUSE of a sexual service you offered for money it's somehow NOT prostitution. That's laughable. Of course it's prostitution.

Three - you're ignoring the money factor here. If two people want to get on Skype and get each other off, fine. But when one charges money to the other person for doing it, that changes everything. It's prostitution. That doesn't mean it's bad or evil, but it is prostitution.

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