RE: Men shopping for lingerie / panties (Full Version)

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NuevaVida -> RE: Men shopping for lingerie / panties (8/6/2013 6:43:46 AM)

Oh good point, maybe it's just your approach. We always just go in there and have fun. The gals that help me are professional in what they do and are experts in style. The gal at Nordstrom has been helping me for about 3 years now. The gals at White House Black Market are awesome at what they do, despite their age. If the Mister started treating them with attitude and as though they don't know their job, I'd expect him to get some looks, too. It's very easy for us to just smile and say no thank you, we don't like that. They are more than accommodating.

Eta: You often say you tell Carol what to feel and she feels it; can you have her feel differently about trying on clothes so she doesn't hate it so much?

MalcolmNathaniel -> RE: Men shopping for lingerie / panties (8/6/2013 8:03:03 AM)

There was only one time I was ever embarrassed to go lingerie shopping. I was 26 and had met an 18 year old girl. I was planning a weekend together and I was looking for just the right clothing. I had only just discovered BDSM - I was still at the point where I had no idea that people would actually do such things, even though I had had those fantasies almost all my life.

After about 10 different stores I approached a middle-aged saleswoman to ask for what I really wanted: lingerie that can be taken off AFTER being tied up. Basically what I wanted was clips on the shoulder straps that could be undone,

I was told that I'd have to learn sewing to get what I wanted.

It was almost as embarassing as the first time I bought rope for the express purpose of tying up a girl. The rope I wanted was sold in bulk but there was about 4 meters of it on the floor and dusty. I asked the salesman for a hunk of rope that didn't include the dirty part.

"It's for an art project."
"What kind of art?"

Lacking an alternative response, "It's for artfully tying up a girl."

Actually the 18 year old at Home Depot turned just as red as I did. Got my rope though.

Let's look at this logically: lingerie is worn to be sexy. Ropes are tied to be sexy. Being able to remove the lingerie after the ropes are tied is going to be extra sexy. I could patent the idea, but I'm copylefting it just because I think it'd be a really important advance in women's undergarments.

JeffBC -> RE: Men shopping for lingerie / panties (8/6/2013 8:15:04 AM)


Eta: You often say you tell Carol what to feel and she feels it; can you have her feel differently about trying on clothes so she doesn't hate it so much?

Yeah.. definitely the "have fun" vs. "get it done" atmosphere. There's no doubt that if Carol and were having fun shopping for clothes and I was... uh... "strongly involved" nobody would bat an eye.

I guess I hadn't really thought about commanding her mood on this one. I'd just come up with a different coping mechanism and it seemed to be good enough. But you're right, such a command (assuming I can make them stick any more) would, at a minimum, brighten an hour or two of her time. Making such a change in the moment would be easy and next time I'll do that. Making the change in a permanent, long-term sense is also doable but not worth the effort.

I'd still need to go and do the shopping though. I doubt I could command her to have fashion sense anymore than I could command her to become a math whiz.

NuevaVida -> RE: Men shopping for lingerie / panties (8/6/2013 8:36:12 AM)



I'd still need to go and do the shopping though. I doubt I could command her to have fashion sense anymore than I could command her to become a math whiz.

Heh, good point although you'd be surprised. I went from fashion clueless to what my friends now call a fashionista lol. The personal shopper helped a LOT with that, plus when I learned how GOOD quality clothes and a perfect fit feels, shopping was no longer excruciating for me, but rather fun! I typically go alone and if I'm not sure about something I text a picture of myself in it to a close (and fashionable) friend.

I do credit Amber at Nordstrom for making shopping fun for me. Man does that girl know what she's doing. And I don't pay her a dime for it (other than spending a boatload of money on clothes lol).

MercTech -> RE: Men shopping for lingerie / panties (8/6/2013 12:49:30 PM)

You walk in head high with a list of proper sizes and in a clear voice ask the sales girl to help you get a special gift.

Then you walk proudly down the mall with the pink Victoria's Secret Bag and revel in all the female heads swiveling and wishing their man would do such.

Nuff said,

needlesandpins -> RE: Men shopping for lingerie / panties (8/9/2013 10:58:33 AM)

Himself has bought me things that he'd like me to wear. I don't think he'd squirm at buying anything for me really, or himself for that matter. Mind you he's a bugga for taking mine. I think the rule goes that if he can see them, and i'm not in them they now belong to him.

as for panties being returned......I don't know of any where in the UK that takes back pants. ya buy um ya own um. they have a plastic liner in a lot of them too, but I would still only try on over what i'm wearing already.


PeonForHer -> RE: Men shopping for lingerie / panties (8/9/2013 11:34:17 AM)



Then you walk proudly down the mall with the pink Victoria's Secret Bag and revel in all the female heads swiveling and wishing their man would do such.

Nuff said,

Jeez, a *pink bag*? Sod that for a lark - that's adding insult to injury. When I next go out to buy a woman undies, I'm going to take my drill case and decant my purchases straight into it.

njlauren -> RE: Men shopping for lingerie / panties (8/9/2013 10:26:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: MasterCaneman




ORIGINAL: WebWanderer



No, no, I was meaning seeing the straight guys in there with their wives or girlfriends. Lol

The same logic applies. Do women freak out or squirm in car dealerships, hunting gear stores or other male-dominated places?

Actually many women have difficulties dealing with mechanics. And car salesmen. Mechanics are well known to lie to women about what's needed and car salesmen frequently tell us to come back with our husband/father. So yes, it's stressful as hell.

The stepdaughter took her car in to get a flat fixed and was told it was unsafe to drive and required $800 in repairs immediately. She drove down here where her father checked out the brakes and there was nothing wrong at all.

A friend of my daughter was told she needed a flux capacitator, the item that allowed the DeLorean in Back to the Future to fly. Luckily she recognized the reference and didn't hand over a thousand plus for nothing.

As a former used-car salesman, I'm hurt. And a little angry, too. It is true in the industry that there are salesman and mechanics who do what you say, but no more than any other business dealing with a complex product. I've had customers come in with vehicles that were unsafe for the road, but because of what their "daddy", "uncle", or "boyfriend" says, we're trying to cheat them when the mechanic says their car needs something.

Maybe twenty-thirty years ago you could get away with an under hundred dollar fix, but with all the new safety and emissions standards we HAVE to follow, what used to be accomplished with fifty bucks in parts in your driveway has become a five hundred dollar fix using a six thousand dollar scan tool. And trying to explain to someone who hasn't taken four years in college to learn how to fix cars (yes, both the wrenches in my old shop have the equivalent of Bachelor's degrees) for the tenth time gets old. That's why they'll ask for a male family member or friend, in the hopes that they might be able to understand what they're talking about.

Re: the step-daughter incident. Did she drive the car in on a flat, or was it changed? How long did she drive on the flat? Was she able to get off the road and stopped in a timely manner? How did the tire go flat? Slow leak, puncture, slash, or did she hit a curb? Steel wheels or mags? Was it a drive wheel or trail wheel? Believe it or not, all of those questions have to be answered to determine what kind of repairs might be needed to that particular wheel unit. Modern cars have umpteen safety and design features that make them highly fault-tolerant, but ultimately they're put to the test by the weakest part of the car-the nut behind the wheel.

Are there scammers out there? Sure there are, I used to play chicken with them when one of our customers took their car in to them and they called out a bullshit repair (e.g. 'flux capacitor'). Or when you have that damn 'check engine light' that keeps coming on and you get pissed that the mechanics can't find out why, not knowing that there are literally hundred of different conditions that can cause it to go on. And then we find out the reason why is they gas up with the engine running or they're using a locking gas cap that doesn't let the tank pressurize to flip the evap monitors.

I worked for that place for six years (and technically still do-I'm on disability furlough now), and we'd get people in who don't even know how to check their oil or air pressure, or even the basics of how a car engine works, yet all of a sudden they know we're "cheating" them when we call out a repair that costs a couple hundred or thousand dollars. You want a simple example? Brakes. Right off the top of my head, the average cost of a pair of pads is around forty bucks (wholesale). Add in rotors, because usually when the pads are gone, people drive them until they've chewed those up too. Another forty-fifty bucks. Once the wheel is off and the wrench can take a look at the hub, you might need a hose kit, another forty-fifty bucks, depending on make and model.

And, depending on the state/province you're in, if that mechanic sees something that falls outside safety specs, he HAS to tell the customer about it and the need to fix it. You have a bad hub and bearing on a front-driver, it can actually make the car uncontrollable in certain conditions. Has to be replaced. That's another fifty to two hundred, and we can't use one off a wreck, either. Oh, and for the above numbers, multiply by two. In NYS, we can't fix just one brake assembly. Unsafe. A bad wheel assembly (hub, bearing, pintle, and ass't hardware) on one side means the other one is probably going to go next, and it's actually cheaper in the long run to do both. That's how a 'fifty dollar brake job' becomes a five to eight hundred dollar repair.

ETA: Oh, and don't forget the fact that we have to apply at least a 20% markup on the parts so we can get paid and keep the lights and phone on. And labor. Most labor runs (depending on type, make, and model) anywhere from 85 to 140 dollars per hour. And is the mechanic working flat rate or by the job? That can add or subtract from the bills as well. And then we have to figure in taxes, disposal fees, other little odds and ends that end up in the costs of doing business. There are some makes that require us to take them to a franchised dealer to finish a repair and reset things in their systems. Fuel, oil, fluids, etc. are another thing that adds up. Drop your car off with an empty tank? We have to fill it up for a road test-at five bucks a gallon no matter what the spot price is, because either me, the lot man, or the mechanic has to take time out to do that.

That was just ONE type of car repair, albeit the most common one. And it pisses people off that it's never covered under warranty (on a used car anyway), so all of a sudden we're the bad guys because the driver didn't take proper care of their expensive item. And they lie...oh, how they lie...when you ask them how they drive their cars (we need to know this). "Did you hit something?" isn't a dig at women and how they drive, it's needed to determine how to write up the order so the mechanic knows what to look for. When I go out and ask this, and can see the dented wheel and cracked or missing cover, and they say "No, it just started up all by itself," I get more than little pissed.

In short, yes, there are scammers in the biz. Same as any other industry. But don't lump us all in with them. You want to save some money and not get burned? Learn about your car, after your house it's the biggest expense most people have. There are classes through AAA, community schools. I'd like to say online, but most of the shit you see there is just that. It's like this place, only with cars instead of whips & chains. You want a cheap and easy start? Read the owner's manual. It's in there for a reason, and a lot of grief on both sides of the counter can be avoided by doing that. If it doesn't answer the question, get a repair manual. At the very last, go online to the manufacturer's websites or reputable sites like Haynes or AllData.

Okay, I'm done hyperventilating. Weren't we talking about men buying lingerie or something like that?

Unfortunately there are a lot of scam artists out there. Yeah, modern cars are a weird bitch, in so many ways they are a lot more reliable then older generations of cars were, I run cars into the ground usually and it is unreal what doesn't go wrong.....I haven't had an alternator go on a car in over 20 years, and I tend to drive cars 150,000 miles or more before they finally give it up. Spark plugs are 100,000 mile items, brakes last 50k or more, modern cars are amazing..but when stuff goes, it is expensive as hell. Check engine light often means it is the O2 sensor, that is a couple of hundred bucks..weird error causing check engine light can take several hours on a machine. Parts that used to be simple, that go now, are part of major assemblies. Engine control Unit goes, talking 900 bucks.....catalytic converter pipe rusts out, guess what, have to get a whole new assembly......

Repairs are expensive and it isn't surprising, and yeah, I have seen the customers you are talking about, and they are a pain in the ass. And yeah, dealers do try to pull things, like telling me to change the brake fluid and flush the system. Yes, brake fluid is hydrophilic and can rust out the system, but generally you do that when you do a brake job, and with modern brake lines they don't corrode as easily. Dealers also make money with dubious treatments, like a liquid fuel injector cleaner that according to a buddy of mine who is an automotive engineer, doesn't really do much more than using gumout regularly would has always been stock and trade to try and sell things of dubious value,but they do..

On the other hand, quite honestly, a lot of places still try to take advantage of women, assuming they don't know about cars, and being a semi literate when it comes to cars, I know shit from shinola. If a mechanic tells someone they need to replace the CV boots on a car and need to replace the half shaft with the bearing on it, they probably aren't lying, by the time those go usually the grease has been gone a while, and if the car is older, easier to replace the shaft and bearing, it is prob shot. On the other hand, when I hear them selling on a car with 40,000 miles some sort of 'super tune up', my bullshit meter goes off (there is no such thing, and tuneups basically happen at 100k, and is primarily the plugs, which on my honda is a 250 buck job). I have heard mechanics telling a girl friend of mine that she needed a totally new set of ball joints and bushings on the front end of her car, to the tune of 1500 bucks, when all she needed was a new motor mount (I know, I checked). Another woman's check engine light was on, and the guy told her all this stuff she needed, including one of the control units on the transmission, when the culprit was a water temperature sensor (I know, because I sent her to another friend of mine, and I saw what the diagnostic machine showed), and put it this way, even though the machine codes can be a confusing mess, he was so totally full of shit my friend couldn't believe it, he was disgusted.

Likewise, car dealerships with women routinely quote higher prices than for a man, they will try and give them financing at a ridiculously high rate, assuming she won't know better, and they also tend to push a lot of aftermarket stuff, claiming crap like 'this is required by law' or 'this will save you big bucks with the insurance', the basic glass etching stuff that is not a lot at most dealerships, guy wanted to clip her X, or selling her something as 'aftermarket' that was part of the standard equipment! And yeah, I experienced it myself when I was pretty much living full time as a woman, at least I got a chuckle out of it letting the poor SOB drive himself into the ground with a bunch of bullshit, until he realized that I was basically laughing at him.

I will say that the scam crap has diminished a lot, and most shops really try and give you only what you need. I still wouldn't touch a sears automotive with a 10 foot pole, I ended up being pretty good evidence many years ago of what came out to be massive fraud (recommending parts you didn't need, the infamous 'lifetime warranty' struts that when they needed doing, suddenly required new springs, new tires, before they would honor it), and even with women they are a lot better. Some chains, like STS are decent IME, but best bet is talk to a friend and find someone you know is honorable. Angie's and similar sites aren't bad either....

I will add one thing, despite how expensive they are to buy, modern cars are amazingly reliable, the cost of maintenance is a lot less comparatively than the car you could repair with a screwdriver and a pair of pliars...

Okay, back to lingerie, where were we, ah yes, Victoria's secret:)

njlauren -> RE: Men shopping for lingerie / panties (8/9/2013 10:30:53 PM)



Okay, back to men buying lingerie for themselves. I recommend not asking an 18 year old working at VS but a middle aged woman in a department store. They'll be more experienced in fitting you, and won't roll their eyes or snigger with coworkers. They're just kinder. Once you've been fitted, you can go in anywhere and ask for a size whatever in the red without any one noticing you. Cause lots of guys do buy lingerie for females.

Oh, and my son's girlfriend works at VS. Apparently right after Valentine's Day people bring back lingerie which they used for a fun night and get their money back. They put the dirty panties right back on the shelf. They aren't allowed to refuse it or charge a restocking fee to cover washing and then mark it down. Now that's disgusting.

By law in NJ, and i believe NY, intimate apparel is not returnable, thankfully. Unless it is in a sealed package, they won't take it.

MasterCaneman -> RE: Men shopping for lingerie / panties (8/9/2013 10:41:09 PM)

I'll betcha if I told my old boss to throw in a gift certificate to Victoria's Secret, he wouldn't get so many complaints about scamming the ladies.


SomethingCatchy -> RE: Men shopping for lingerie / panties (8/10/2013 12:17:57 AM)

On the other side of the coin, I have to battle an anxiety attack if I go out to buy something in the mens department for me. I desperately do not want to be mistaken for a lesbian.

Tinkerer -> RE: Men shopping for lingerie / panties (8/16/2013 6:58:18 PM)

SC, nobody can mistaken you for a lesbian with you checking out every hot guy that walks past. ;)

searching4mysir -> RE: Men shopping for lingerie / panties (8/16/2013 7:41:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: njlauren



Okay, back to men buying lingerie for themselves. I recommend not asking an 18 year old working at VS but a middle aged woman in a department store. They'll be more experienced in fitting you, and won't roll their eyes or snigger with coworkers. They're just kinder. Once you've been fitted, you can go in anywhere and ask for a size whatever in the red without any one noticing you. Cause lots of guys do buy lingerie for females.

Oh, and my son's girlfriend works at VS. Apparently right after Valentine's Day people bring back lingerie which they used for a fun night and get their money back. They put the dirty panties right back on the shelf. They aren't allowed to refuse it or charge a restocking fee to cover washing and then mark it down. Now that's disgusting.

By law in NJ, and i believe NY, intimate apparel is not returnable, thankfully. Unless it is in a sealed package, they won't take it.

My best friend returned a bra that she had worn to VS (in NJ) because it didn't fit right (her husband bought it for her). They accepted it and gave her store credit.

AlluraVogue -> RE: Men shopping for lingerie / panties (8/16/2013 9:07:11 PM)

I've worked in a lingerie boutique before and always questioned in the back of my mind when a man walked in solo if he was making the purchase for himself or another. Either way, sexy.

DesFIP -> RE: Men shopping for lingerie / panties (8/17/2013 8:16:25 AM)


ORIGINAL: njlauren

By law in NJ, and i believe NY, intimate apparel is not returnable, thankfully. Unless it is in a sealed package, they won't take it.

That may be the law in NJ but we're in NY and it isn't the law here. You may be referring to NYC which has different laws than the state.

Englishrose24 -> RE: Men shopping for lingerie / panties (8/17/2013 3:08:08 PM)

I think it's great men can shop freely for lingerie without embarrassment.
If it's for the wife/gf always get the size!

MarieDomina -> RE: Men shopping for lingerie / panties (8/17/2013 9:29:31 PM)

I love for My slaves to shop for My undergarments for Me without Me being present. I give them My size and they go make their own selections and I have to admit they do come back with some really nice things. One thing some men know how to do and that is shop for lingerie. I prefer for My slave to do the undergarment shopping for Me. He is heading to Victoria Secrets tomorrow. It is always interesting to see what he comes back with.

I don't think there are too many men who have a problem shopping for female undergarments.

MarieDomina -> RE: Men shopping for lingerie / panties (8/17/2013 9:31:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: Englishrose24

I think it's great men can shop freely for lingerie without embarrassment.
If it's for the wife/gf always get the size!

Hey, do I know you?

MercTech -> RE: Men shopping for lingerie / panties (8/18/2013 11:14:40 PM)

Now, if one works in the hospitality industry and finds expensive lingerie left in the gent's room after he checks out; don't just mail it to his house.

Friends that got into the hotel business made that mistake. The wife that opened the package and found obviously used lingerie and a note from the desk clerk called corporate and read them the riot act over hubby's infidelity. Problems with corporate wonks is never a pleasant thing to deal with.

Nuff said,

LookieNoNookie -> RE: Men shopping for lingerie / panties (8/19/2013 6:53:28 PM)



I know men often sneak into lingerie stories...hell I have been guilty of dragging a few in there myself. I have a girlfriend that used to work at Victoria's Secret and I have also gotten to know a few managers at local stores to get their take on what they think of men who buy panties for themselves, etc.

So what are your confessions, men? Do you do it? Do you tell them it's for you? Are you too shy to even go inside? Do you think you ever well? A lot of men come to me with the goal of eventually having the courage to do it. Others like the idea that I can talk to them and pick out lingerie for them that I think will be appropriate that's a lot more fun than them buying it online (plus they don't know how to buy it).

There was a great thread on reddit recently about "what was the strangest thing you have experienced as a woman working at Victoria's Secret." You have to read the whole thread because many of the answers having NOTHING to do with men buying panties so make sure you hit "expand" and read them all.



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