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Joined: 4/11/2004 From: Arizona Status: offline
ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth I don't know why his activity resulted in banishment. Maybe it was a 'marriage site'? Who knows. I can only make an educated guess here. And again, it comes down to whiney people who will not take responsibility for their own actions. I suspect, as already stated, that he did say all the right words. How often could he have "dated" these ladies before bedding them if he was managing to unzip approximately every 2 weeks. I suppose he might have the financial resources to "pitch his woo" but I have a tendency to lean towards NOT. Remember this is just the quick conclusions I draw from this, but the ladies need to take this stuff with a grain of salt. If someone (speaking in a vanilla way) is that sincerely interested in Me, they already know aren't going to get Me into bed that fast, and they should be ok with that. I am upfront, and if they take a hike, I got to have dinner or something a couple times. No skin off My nose. These few dates, of course, occur while the male in question is busily trying to convince Me of what I am missing by not going to bed with him. I smile** The site probably got a bunch of complaints and took the easy way out by banning him, instead of saying, "use your heads ladies"...this is online. If the guy is just looking for lots of sex, this is an easy way to find it as long as you are all willing to jump into the sack that fast." I haven't heard about any rape charges here, so I would draw the final concusion that the sex was consensual, even if the ladies felt like they were misled after the fact. Happens all the time, on both gender sides. But usually the guys don't complain too much...LOL! It takes two to tango. Then again, there could be some stuff W/we haven't heard, but things like this do have a tendency to get into the papers. If there is more to this I am willing to bet Mercnbeth would find it! Kudos to you for bringing so many of these stories to our attention!
< Message edited by GoddessDustyGold -- 11/19/2004 12:36:07 PM >
Dusty They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety B Franklin Don't blame Me ~ I didn't vote for either of them The Hidden Kingdom