Do method actors experience "top drop"? (Full Version)

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AAkasha -> Do method actors experience "top drop"? (8/19/2013 9:46:52 PM)

Not the exact same thing, of course.

But actors that do intense scenes of torture or extreme emotional situations and live through those moments, has anyone read, or seen first hand, the same type of after effects that kinky people describe as "top drop"?


sexyred1 -> RE: Do method actors experience "top drop"? (8/20/2013 12:06:08 AM)

Why do you assume that actors are kinky?

This is their job. I am sure they are exhausted over emotionally and physically intense scenes, but would never assume they process the same thing as top or sub drop.

Different type of energy.

AaNiMaLl -> RE: Do method actors experience "top drop"? (8/20/2013 12:52:32 AM)

I think that this is a really interesting question and it is going to give me something to think about. I think that this might be how fetishes develop. Stimulation and especially emotional as opposed to behavioural stimulation leads to habituation which is addiction. Both Method Acting and Bdsm are emotional.

Drug users know about habituation. When I was in jail, it became clear to me that they sought physical pleasure without any understanding of what they were doing to themselves. So to me the key is understanding. I like to think that I train myself every day in understanding my life so that when a time of stress comes then I have the emotional intelligence to deal with it. I chase understanding above physical pleasure.

When the drop comes then the number one thing is to be able to recognise it and not leave the sub hanging. Communication is the foundation of psychology. The talking cure.

DarkSteven -> RE: Do method actors experience "top drop"? (8/20/2013 1:54:45 AM)

The person you should be looking into is Amy Hesketh.

thishereboi -> RE: Do method actors experience "top drop"? (8/20/2013 5:48:48 AM)



Not the exact same thing, of course.

But actors that do intense scenes of torture or extreme emotional situations and live through those moments, has anyone read, or seen first hand, the same type of after effects that kinky people describe as "top drop"?


There is a rape scene in the movie Open Window with Robin Tunney. According to an interview I watched she cried for hours after filming it Not sure if that is what you are referring to or not.

DesFIP -> RE: Do method actors experience "top drop"? (8/20/2013 8:38:33 AM)

Janet Leigh switched to baths from showers after Psycho because of how strongly it affected her.

PeonForHer -> RE: Do method actors experience "top drop"? (8/20/2013 11:32:40 AM)

I hesitate to say this relates to your question, but I know that some of the males playing the rapists in 'The Accused' found it pretty traumatic:

"Jonathan Kaplan was adamant that the rape scene in The Accused be everything that we rehearsed. There would not be one ad-lib. But even after going through a massive amount of rehearsal, after every take, three of the guys just started crying. They were a mess. I had to spend my time telling them, ‘It’s okay. I’m fine. Everything’s okay.’ There was one guy who was not a mess at all. He was like, ‘My hair okay?’ He was my buddy. That was the guy I could hang with because at dinner we just talked about his dog or his life.”

littlewonder -> RE: Do method actors experience "top drop"? (8/20/2013 6:25:15 PM)

They become emotionally exhausted or traumatized by the events in which they act out but it's not anything near close to top drop. Even if they are kinky, I doubt they get the top drop which is just something completely different. The other person they are torturing is acting the part. They are not actually hurting the person so they wouldn't be getting the same energy from it.

MariaB -> RE: Do method actors experience "top drop"? (8/21/2013 5:25:39 AM)

To get top drop, I have to feel an emotional attachment to the sub/subs I'm sceneing with. I have done BDSM performances where everything is done on cue. I'm following a script and I'm disconnected from the other actor... the sub/subs. Its just a discipline for all of us and its no more complex than that.

For top drop and top space, I personally need an emotional charge. That charge can be fantastic = top space, or disturbing = top drop.

I think actors concentrate on being good at what they do but they have the capabilities to disconnect when a scene is over. At least most do.

AAkasha -> RE: Do method actors experience "top drop"? (8/21/2013 12:04:22 PM)

It's been an interesting sharing of ideas.

There could be an endless debate on what constitutes "top drop" alone.

When I think about method actors, and have read about what some of them say they "endure," psychologically (just as method actors who "bottom," for lack of a better term), it means that they have to enter a sadistic and cruel mindspace for some time that they have to reconcile later. For some sadistic tops, this is perhaps what top drop feels like. For others, what they call "top drop" is something else entirely.

That's why the question came up in my head. I always am fascinated when I read about how some actors prepare for some grueling scenes (as "tops" or "bottoms") and what overlap, if any, there may be to WIITWD. Of course, WIITWD is TOTALLY different and on an intimate, sensual, sexual, connected level.

I hasten to use the word "roleplay" because it conjures the image of the femdom top coming out in a prison guard outfit and the male in a ball and chain, or two people playing with goofy accents and code words. But when I in my most intense moments of sadism, I roleplay. There is no start and stop and it is fluid. I can't tell you when it began and ended. And when I connect with a partner and we do a pretty good "dance," he may be roleplaying his degree of suffering, shame and humiliation in that he knows I need to feel that. It's not melodrama, though. It's very fluid.

I'm not acting. I'm still me. But at the same time, I'm not. I think that could be the same with actors when they are at their most intense, but I don't know anything about their craft.

When I "reconcile" after a particularly sadistic time with my partner, I feel a variety of emotions including guilt, and that's part of "top drop" - for me.


MariaB -> RE: Do method actors experience "top drop"? (8/21/2013 12:17:28 PM)

A very good friend of mine is an actress and she has told us that actors, including herself, often become emotionally involved with the person they are playing, so if they are playing a sadist they feel the sadism but she also told us that when the daily task is over and the shoot is finished, you leave that person behind and switch back to being yourself very quickly. Everyone is different of course.

I did hear that Guinevere Turner, who played the dominatrix in Preaching to the Perverted and who knew nothing about BDSM before her role, did get really into BDSM when the film was finished. Something in her eyes says she's more than acting a part!!

AaNiMaLl -> RE: Do method actors experience "top drop"? (8/21/2013 1:01:20 PM)

I want to go and do some reading on the extent to which top drop is similar to the the low experienced by drug addicts. One thing that I do know is that it increases over time. Every time the addict is brought out of the low through using again then the addiction becomes stronger. I think that this must be the same with method acting and bdsm. Every high increases the next high demand.

Also, I think that it is very important to differentiate between the cognitive, behavioural and emotional (affective) here. On the cognitive surface things are being met mentally such as our need to be intellectually stimulated. Behaviourally there is responsive conditioning. But emotionally, what long term things are at work? If we go deep into our histories / experience then what happens? Did mummy love us enough? Did daddy pay us enough attention?

What I am saying is that in order to find similarities between method acting and bdsm, I think that we have to look at what psychological needs are being stimulated and how this leads to addiction.

During Shakespeare's time, actors were not allowed to act for too long because they believed that actors were possessed by a demon and if they acted for too long then they would not be able to get rid of the demon.

Totally away from the question but interesting.

LookieNoNookie -> RE: Do method actors experience "top drop"? (8/21/2013 4:01:21 PM)



Not the exact same thing, of course.

But actors that do intense scenes of torture or extreme emotional situations and live through those moments, has anyone read, or seen first hand, the same type of after effects that kinky people describe as "top drop"?



Title doesn't quite match up with the comment.

HerrKeuner -> RE: Do method actors experience "top drop"? (8/24/2013 2:44:50 AM)

Actors, even amateur ones, can really get involved in their role and experience powerful feelings of many kinds. If you want a non-kink, non-professional acting example look no further than the Stanford Prison experiment. The participants, not only the "prisoners" but the "guardians" as well, were scarred for life after it took place.

Like MariaB, I have a good friend who is an actress, and she has told me similar experiences of having to change her demeanor quickly, experimenting powerful mood swings, et al. I remember that, after a particularly taxing role where she was acting and coordinating the dances of a musical, she didn't even appear at college for one whole month... She was so drained.

It takes a lot more than one would imagine to roleplay and act. Becoming the mask is a danger...

LadyPact -> RE: Do method actors experience "top drop"? (8/24/2013 3:17:15 AM)

As a traditionalist, and the closest that I come to being scientific about kink, I would have to say the answer would be it depends. If said actor has had an increased endorphin flow and/or electrical impulses in the brain to create "rush" or "space," it's possible that they experience drop. Without such, I would say that they don't.

At times, I've noticed that some kinky people want to slap the labels of space or drop to situations that, to date, we can't necessarily associate with the phenomenon. I've seen some kink practitioners that want to connect every type of 'sad' to drop in some way, as though every emotion ever associated with the state of humanity is somehow glorified by calling it drop. So far, there is no evidence to support this, while on the other hand, there is support to substantiate the claims about changes in brain chemistry when there is both an upward swing and a downward reduction.

This was far more interesting:


To get top drop, I have to feel an emotional attachment to the sub/subs I'm sceneing with. I have done BDSM performances where everything is done on cue. I'm following a script and I'm disconnected from the other actor... the sub/subs. Its just a discipline for all of us and its no more complex than that.

For top drop and top space, I personally need an emotional charge. That charge can be fantastic = top space, or disturbing = top drop.

I think actors concentrate on being good at what they do but they have the capabilities to disconnect when a scene is over. At least most do.

I honestly don't need that emotional connection. My sadism jives just as well whether there is an emotional connection or not. Needle play, in particular, has taught Me a lot about this. This is one area where I soar far higher with a needle bunny who sincerely *enjoys* the play, rather than someone who is doing it primarily for Me. I have My own personal theories about how pheromones plays a part in this and how top and bottom feed off of the "space" of the other. Kind of like when people use the expression of smelling fear. It's not really something you smell, but it's something you sense through the chemical release that enters your nasal passages.

And with that, I think I'll retire for the night with some very happy thoughts of a certain gentleman from CA.

MariaB -> RE: Do method actors experience "top drop"? (8/24/2013 11:21:36 AM)



I honestly don't need that emotional connection. My sadism jives just as well whether there is an emotional connection or not. Needle play, in particular, has taught Me a lot about this. This is one area where I soar far higher with a needle bunny who sincerely *enjoys* the play, rather than someone who is doing it primarily for Me. I have My own personal theories about how pheromones plays a part in this and how top and bottom feed off of the "space" of the other. Kind of like when people use the expression of smelling fear. It's not really something you smell, but it's something you sense through the chemical release that enters your nasal passages.

And with that, I think I'll retire for the night with some very happy thoughts of a certain gentleman from CA.

The thing is, as soon as you feed off one another you have an emotional connection. I've scened with people I don't know and found myself sucked right in emotionally. Its all to do with the way they respond. I can scene with someone I care about but if they don't respond the way I need them to, in other words connect with me, then I have nothing more than a wasted scene as far as I'm concerned. Piercing in particular makes me feel like I'm flying but only with very specific people who are willing to fly with me. As the scene progresses, hopefully the connection evolves.

I believe the high comes from our own ego. Ego is what serves our base desires. Ego is what lifts our self esteem and what makes us feel successful and having the ego stroked is known to have a direct effect on our dopamine.

That would explain the drops too. If someone clearly isn't enjoying a scene or not connecting with us, it can kick our ego into a humbling place. A humbling scene can be a worrying scene. It can make you feel like a loser.

LadyPact -> RE: Do method actors experience "top drop"? (8/24/2013 11:42:42 AM)


The thing is, as soon as you feed off one another you have an emotional connection. I've scened with people I don't know and found myself sucked right in emotionally. Its all to do with the way they respond. I can scene with someone I care about but if they don't respond the way I need them to, in other words connect with me, then I have nothing more than a wasted scene as far as I'm concerned. Piercing in particular makes me feel like I'm flying but only with very specific people who are willing to fly with me. As the scene progresses, hopefully the connection evolves.

I believe the high comes from our own ego. Ego is what serves our base desires. Ego is what lifts our self esteem and what makes us feel successful and having the ego stroked is known to have a direct effect on our dopamine.

That would explain the drops too. If someone clearly isn't enjoying a scene or not connecting with us, it can kick our ego into a humbling place. A humbling scene can be a worrying scene. It can make you feel like a loser.

Ah, I think we use the term 'emotional connection' in a very different way. I consider an emotional connection to be a bond that exists *before* play begins. Not because of it.

The highlighted above leads Me to believe you are getting what I am attempting to say regarding needle scenes. There's a certain kind of energy flow (for lack of a better term) with needle bunnies (those folks who really enjoy the piercing) as opposed to folks who are tolerating it for My sake. (Fear being the actual exception, of course, but then the scene has a different feel all together.)

Oddly enough, I see drop in a totally different way. I never get drop from crappy scenes. I'm more likely to get it the following day from really good ones. [;)]

MariaB -> RE: Do method actors experience "top drop"? (8/24/2013 12:51:06 PM)

I don't know about you but I find, and this could just be a perception, that a person who fears needles but at the same time wants to take them, has a definite skin resistance, whilst those who enjoy needles have skin that allows a faster motion and less resistance. Anyway, that's for a whole other thread!

Interesting that you only get drop from a good scene. That isn't something I have experienced but I would of thought it was from an endorphins crash. Whatever it is, its a malfunction (too much or too little of that chemical that keeps the brain on an even keel).

LadyPact -> RE: Do method actors experience "top drop"? (8/24/2013 2:07:16 PM)

That's precisely what it is to Me. Space is the rush of chemicals, endorphins, and electrical charges is the brain that are ramped up or flooded to the receptors. Drop is the reduced flow back to normal. Both are states of the mind (and the body) adjusting to increased or decreased flow. Even though the decreased flow really is really what the brain does in our day to day. It wouldn't be drop if the brain hadn't been fooled by the earlier rush. That's why the things that folks suggest to help with drop are generally pleasurable things, that also stimulate endorphin flow. Stuff like warm baths for luxury, certain scents, and foods (chocolate in particular for women) produce endorphins on a small scale to help the brain get over the hump of the adjustment.

I'm in agreement with you about the skin tension. Folks who relax into it do have less resistance. There's something about it that makes it a little more fun on this side. Oddly enough, the space that I get from needles tends to have a different feel to it than the space that I get from impact play. Different mix, I think, than the adrenaline pushed kind.

LookieNoNookie -> RE: Do method actors experience "top drop"? (8/24/2013 3:09:35 PM)



Not the exact same thing, of course.

But actors that do intense scenes of torture or extreme emotional situations and live through those moments, has anyone read, or seen first hand, the same type of after effects that kinky people describe as "top drop"?


I have found (through my understanding of the "Great White Way") that method actors (versus "Technical" or "Classical" actors ) really "feel" the intensity (but only through their assumptions).

That's actually all I can truly relate to.

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