I Paid a Girl to Cuddle With me (Full Version)

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iPushFatKids -> I Paid a Girl to Cuddle With me (10/4/2013 11:09:04 AM)

The girl was pretty cute too. The terms we both agreed on were we would cuddle in bed for a full 4 hours and she would tell me "i love you" at random intervals and make eye contact. However when push came to shove she refused to look at me and I had to pretty much beg her to say "i love you" and she only said it once and it sounded forced as all hell. But i guess its a mixed blessing because her voice was annoying ****ing as ****, she sounded like sarah palin.

The cuddling was amazing though once I got over the fact that she refused to make eye contact or look at me. I had to really use my imagination a lot but for a good long time it felt amazing. I only got to touch her arms but her skin was so ****ing soft...it was ****ing amazing. So much better than hugging my pillow because the skin was so soft and you KNOW you are hugging a real life human female! My mind was blown for a while.

At the end I tried to kiss her once but she REALLY dodged the **** out of it. Like I went to try to kiss her and she pushed me away and jerked her head back and had a disgusted look on her face. To be fair we never agreed on kissing...we agreed there would be "nothing sexual" but we never agreed on kissing so that's kinda my fault. I kinda begged her a little to let me kiss her but she declined. I guess theres a little bootlicker in us all lol.

Overall while she did not hold her end of the bargain as far as the eye contact part goes....it was a pretty good experience and I want to do it again.

You guys think I should use the same girl again or do you think I can find a girl who would be willing to actually look at me sometimes and maybe even make eye contact, all for the same price? ($350 or less for 4 hours of cuddling). I fear I might get addicted to this.

mnottertail -> RE: I Paid a Girl to Cuddle With me (10/4/2013 11:10:46 AM)

I pay alot less than that for 4 hours of blowjob and they are very enthusiastic about it. May be time to change careers for you.

Missokyst -> RE: I Paid a Girl to Cuddle With me (10/4/2013 11:59:07 AM)

Interesting. I recently read an article on new professions, and cuddler came up as one of the top 10. It makes sense to me given that we have become attached to our devices and eliminate human touch

LookieNoNookie -> RE: I Paid a Girl to Cuddle With me (10/4/2013 3:23:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: iPushFatKids

The girl was pretty cute too. The terms we both agreed on were we would cuddle in bed for a full 4 hours and she would tell me "i love you" at random intervals and make eye contact. However when push came to shove she refused to look at me and I had to pretty much beg her to say "i love you" and she only said it once and it sounded forced as all hell. But i guess its a mixed blessing because her voice was annoying ****ing as ****, she sounded like sarah palin.

The cuddling was amazing though once I got over the fact that she refused to make eye contact or look at me. I had to really use my imagination a lot but for a good long time it felt amazing. I only got to touch her arms but her skin was so ****ing soft...it was ****ing amazing. So much better than hugging my pillow because the skin was so soft and you KNOW you are hugging a real life human female! My mind was blown for a while.

At the end I tried to kiss her once but she REALLY dodged the **** out of it. Like I went to try to kiss her and she pushed me away and jerked her head back and had a disgusted look on her face. To be fair we never agreed on kissing...we agreed there would be "nothing sexual" but we never agreed on kissing so that's kinda my fault. I kinda begged her a little to let me kiss her but she declined. I guess theres a little bootlicker in us all lol.

Overall while she did not hold her end of the bargain as far as the eye contact part goes....it was a pretty good experience and I want to do it again.

You guys think I should use the same girl again or do you think I can find a girl who would be willing to actually look at me sometimes and maybe even make eye contact, all for the same price? ($350 or less for 4 hours of cuddling). I fear I might get addicted to this.

Sarah Palin's voice is hot....and it doesn't cost a penny.

HarryVanWinkle -> RE: I Paid a Girl to Cuddle With me (10/4/2013 3:26:24 PM)


Sarah Palin's voice is hot

Until you start hearing what she's actually saying.

sunshinemiss -> RE: I Paid a Girl to Cuddle With me (10/4/2013 3:31:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: Missokyst

Interesting. I recently read an article on new professions, and cuddler came up as one of the top 10. It makes sense to me given that we have become attached to our devices and eliminate human touch

WAIT, I could make over 300 bucks for cuddling? Really? Where do I sign up? I a m so fricking touch deprived, I might actually do it for a dollar! (to keep it professional)

kiwisub12 -> RE: I Paid a Girl to Cuddle With me (10/4/2013 3:31:54 PM)

I've a great idea, OP. Go to a bar and pick a girl up. If that really is you in the avatar you shouldn't have much of a problem. I would think that a vanilla woman would be thrilled to cuddle an attractive man without having to "put out".
For that matter, a kinky woman would love to cuddle without strings attached.

Heck , if you paid me a couple of hundred dollars, i'd cuddle you myself. Well - as long as you don't have bad breath or body odor. I'm fussy that way......

dcnovice -> RE: I Paid a Girl to Cuddle With me (10/4/2013 3:33:16 PM)


You guys think I should use the same girl again or do you think I can find a girl who would be willing to actually look at me sometimes and maybe even make eye contact, all for the same price? ($350 or less for 4 hours of cuddling). I fear I might get addicted to this.

Well, did you get $350 worth of enjoyment? Do you have another $350 to spare?

If you truly look like your photo, though, I'd have guessed you could rustle up some cuddling for free.

Missokyst -> RE: I Paid a Girl to Cuddle With me (10/4/2013 5:36:55 PM)

Check it out. Seems to be popping up all over. I was laughing about it at first, but then I looked around at everyone on their cellphones, ignoring the people around them and I totally understand the need.


TNDommeK -> RE: I Paid a Girl to Cuddle With me (10/4/2013 6:21:21 PM)

I think what you're paying her is fair, however, she needs to hold up her end of the bargin. Eye contact and saying I love you, is in the deal. Either she gets it right or reduce pay.
You on the other hand, should never ever try to kiss her unless you discuss this arrangement.

slavekate80 -> RE: I Paid a Girl to Cuddle With me (10/4/2013 6:38:07 PM)

(FR) I think you could get better service for a whole lot less unless your criteria are so strict that they seriously limit your options. If you lived close to me and I was single (and you'd accept a slightly older woman), I'd have done it for the price of a nice steak dinner and scoop of gelato. And the gelato is negotiable. Why not try using CM to find someone for an evening of cuddling, for free? You might find someone who wants the same thing, or that would do it in return for you fulfilling a different want of her own that you don't mind doing.

BiteAble -> RE: I Paid a Girl to Cuddle With me (10/4/2013 6:44:19 PM)

Wow $350 fir 4 hours of hugging.... Babe ill do it for $200 i will tell you i love you till you beg me to stop. Ill look you in the eyes and dream.... Get another girl that bitch dont deserve you.

MistressDarkArt -> RE: I Paid a Girl to Cuddle With me (10/4/2013 6:48:08 PM)

Hey there iPush (sounds like a new apple product). Welcome to the boards. I notice you're in California. What a coincidence; I'm in California. You're young and hot. I'm old and not, but I do offer half-off Monday cuddles with eye contact and up to 4 'I love yous' in a 4 hour period.

Seriously, if that's you in your picture and you can talk to women as well as you write here, take your $350 and give a lady a great evening. Take her to a nice dinner and a show. She may then cuddle you all night with eye contact and after a few evenings like that, she might even start to actually love you.

Good luck. Cuddle up!

TigressLily -> RE: I Paid a Girl to Cuddle With me (10/4/2013 7:01:04 PM)

I can get 4 hours of face for free, dude. The only problem is, I don't want 4 hours of the same thing. Gotta change it up.


ORIGINAL: mnottertail*

I pay alot less than that for 4 hours of blowjob and they are very enthusiastic about it. May be time to change careers for you.

OP, if you weren't so young and out in CA, I'd cuddle with you after a surf-n-turf dinner and a couple of Long Island Iced Teas. Wait, strike the drinks or it'll turn into more than a cuddlefest. But no 'I Love You's, that's a Hard Limit if insincere. Trade off, you can plant a kiss on me at random intervals.

* As for you, I'd have to charge you for cuddling. Your avatar scares me.


* * * Not A Fetish/Kink Delivery System * * *

PyrotheClown -> RE: I Paid a Girl to Cuddle With me (10/4/2013 7:08:20 PM)

I'm gonna offer my services right now,right here,if any of you gals are looking to cuddle,I'll cuddle the fuck out of you...I'll cuddle you like you've never been cuddled before..I'll envelope you in a warm embrace that would burn the sun!!I'm squishy yet firm,and my hair is as soft as combed silk and a low warm voice that's like hot chocolate....and all this for the rock bottom price of a beer and a burger,that's right ladies,I'll cuddle any of ya for the rock bottom price of a beer and burger.
Winter is coming up ladies,need some one to keep the bed warm?
Really,I'm like a fucking space heater.....

BiteAble -> RE: I Paid a Girl to Cuddle With me (10/4/2013 7:16:29 PM)

Ill give you two burgers before and the beer after :)

TigressLily -> RE: I Paid a Girl to Cuddle With me (10/4/2013 7:17:24 PM)

^Now that's a scary avatar.^ Hold on, that's really you in that clown get-up, isn't it?

No soup for you. Your money's no good here.


* * * Not A Fetish/Kink Delivery System * * *

PyrotheClown -> RE: I Paid a Girl to Cuddle With me (10/4/2013 7:17:44 PM)

I'll spoon the fork outta you

Oh,to the op....get a dog

they're cheap
they will love you
they will cuddle......and it'll make due till you get a really expensive cuddle whore,aka,a girlfriend

PyrotheClown -> RE: I Paid a Girl to Cuddle With me (10/4/2013 7:20:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: TigressLily

^Now that's a scary avatar.^ Hold on, that's really you in that clown get-up, isn't it?

No soup for you. Your money's no good here.


* * * Not A Fetish/Kink Delivery System * * *

It'd kinda me,I took a pic of me and distorted it
Back when I first joined,I was really worried bout co-workers and employs spotting me(rural)
But I got pics on my profile now,I've been told I'm quiet handsome actually,I keep the avatar thou cause give'n people the hebbie jebbies is one of my kinks
Odd,I know,but aint that why we're all here lol

*the actual clown get up I use on rare occasions(halloween parties)is even creepier
I use mostly flour white ash and charcoal,to give it a gritty look,use berry jelly(the really cheap shit,that's dyed red and is mostly sugar) for the nose,and I use straight pigment and water to make the blue,which is applied to the flour and ash after its dried on.I found that brown sharpie makes for great nail polish(it looks like dried blood,and it streaks on nicely)while little red sharpie marks outlined in brown on the skin make for an uncanny resemblance to wounds ....I really need to get a pic of myself next time I do it.....

PyrotheClown -> RE: I Paid a Girl to Cuddle With me (10/4/2013 7:37:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: PyrotheClown


ORIGINAL: TigressLily

^Now that's a scary avatar.^ Hold on, that's really you in that clown get-up, isn't it?

No soup for you. Your money's no good here.


* * * Not A Fetish/Kink Delivery System * * *

It'd kinda me,I took a pic of me and distorted it
Back when I first joined,I was really worried bout co-workers and employs spotting me(rural)
But I got pics on my profile now,I've been told I'm quiet handsome actually,I keep the avatar thou cause give'n people the hebbie jebbies is one of my kinks
Odd,I know,but aint that why we're all here lol

*the actual clown get up I use on rare occasions(halloween parties)is even creepier
I use mostly flour white ash and charcoal,to give it a gritty look,use berry jelly(the really cheap shit,that's dyed red and is mostly sugar) for the nose,and I use straight pigment and water to make the blue,which is applied to the flour and ash after its dried on.Jello for the hair(the best cheap ass "gel" that adds color,and is able to harden even my long hair into place,it also makes yer hair super soft after washing it out)I found that brown sharpie makes for great nail polish(it looks like dried blood,and it streaks on nicely)while little red sharpie marks outlined in brown on the skin make for an uncanny resemblance to wounds ....I really need to get a pic of myself next time I do it.....

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