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sex toys = felony in Tx?

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sex toys = felony in Tx? - 11/18/2004 12:03:29 AM   

Posts: 2156
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From: Naples Island- Long Beach CA - Southern California
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Please see posted link


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Beach Mystress
*Do not threaten the weak. Intimidate the strong. ~ Stevenson*
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RE: sex toys = felony in Tx? - 11/18/2004 12:05:51 AM   

Posts: 2156
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From: Naples Island- Long Beach CA - Southern California
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The url to the original story..;COXnetJSessionID=BcVdrRpnkYsGEnXW1KvMgJt9JdgR2m4L5n1WbcuCCfnB1zxrEv2W!-543276371?urac=n&urvf=11007645734350.8153537383451863


Beach Mystress
*Do not threaten the weak. Intimidate the strong. ~ Stevenson*

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RE: sex toys = felony in Tx? - 11/18/2004 6:17:20 AM   

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I guess if you're going to sell stuff you're state finds illegel, don't drive while drunk. Well, you just shouldn't drive drunk. How silly would it be for her to go to jail for two years for that.

(in reply to BeachMystress)
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RE: sex toys = felony in Tx? - 11/18/2004 10:46:39 AM   

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ORIGINAL: BeachMystress

Texas statute says an obscene device is a simulated sexual organ or an item designed or marketed as useful primarily for the stimulation of human genital organs.

Hey, I'm useful primarily for the stimulation of human genital organs. Guess I'd better be careful when visiting Texas!

Well, I also do some other things, but I try to keep my priorities straight.


Friendly, kind, cheerful, and oral.


(in reply to BeachMystress)
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RE: sex toys = felony in Tx? - 11/18/2004 10:50:56 AM   

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You almost always make me smile. :) I guess you'd be okay in texas as long as you aren't in the car of someone with bad driving.

(in reply to smile2cu)
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RE: sex toys = felony in Tx? - 11/18/2004 11:17:52 AM   

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It's all the latest craze. Use a vibrator, go to prison.

Alabama passed a law against the sale of any and all sex toys in 1998. Recently some of the new wave of conservative federal judges reviewed the law, and concluded that it was sound, because there is no sexual right to privacy. They also equated sale of a toy with the sale of sex itself. So now Texas and other like-minded places will drive the demonic abominations from their jurisdictions without fear of the Constitution. Because these are felonies ($10,000 fine and a year of hard labor in AL, a year in prison and $4000 fine in TX), they have been carrying out "sting" operations using undercover narcotics officers. Colorado and Kansas already have anti-dildo laws too, so, with the new ruling, get ready to see vigorous and widening enforcement.

Can you say "hallelujah," brothers and sisters? Gotta love these new judges we're getting, our great new laws, and the shrewd way in which our law enforcement dollars are being spent.


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(in reply to BeachMystress)
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RE: sex toys = felony in Tx? - 11/18/2004 11:41:20 AM   

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But remember, here in America we are free. Well, at least as long as you fall along with everyone else.

(in reply to NoCalOwner)
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RE: sex toys = felony in Tx? - 11/18/2004 1:43:12 PM   

Posts: 2156
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From: Naples Island- Long Beach CA - Southern California
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Well hey.. since Tx considers owning 6 phallic toys a felony, if I ever move to Tx I'm a four time felon. Guess who is NEVER moving to Tx.


Beach Mystress
*Do not threaten the weak. Intimidate the strong. ~ Stevenson*

(in reply to NoCalOwner)
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RE: sex toys = felony in Tx? - 11/19/2004 11:48:34 AM   

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I'm just glad I live in a house on a good sized corner lot, I don't need anyone wondering about whatever they might see (Or hear) in my house. Of course We like to do fun things like lite up the whole gigantic oak tree out front, keeps the nabors away. We're just starnge enough that no one wants to know, but just nice enough no one is really worried. Here is florida everything is illegal. Or nearly so.

(in reply to BeachMystress)
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RE: sex toys = felony in Tx? - 11/19/2004 11:54:07 AM   

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ORIGINAL: BeachMystress

In April, Kilgore police raided the Adult Book Store/Video Store at 1907 Industrial Blvd., seizing 12 large trash bags full of devices police said were being sold illegally. The raid came after an undercover officer visited the shop twice before the raid, making at least one purchase. An 11-page inventory compiled by police estimated the materials were worth $19,082. The sexual devices on the 11-page inventory ranged in price from a "Climax Band" that sold for $5.95 to a "Wild and Crazy Tickler" for $11.95; a "Hyper Sonic G" for $69.95; a "Plush Playmate" for $89.95; and a "Cyber Sexploration Kit" for $44.95.

Well, golly gosh darn it all anyway. I often think the police should have so much more to do than this, but then I am just a somewhat perverted civilian. Now I have to check out My own state laws. Because I do feel bad for this Lady (how silly is this?) but I have also checked out the site and placed it in My favorites. I think it would be fun to Hostess some of those parties Myself!

< Message edited by GoddessDustyGold -- 11/19/2004 11:58:58 AM >


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(in reply to BeachMystress)
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RE: sex toys = felony in Tx? - 1/14/2005 10:41:12 PM   

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I live in Texas and work in "the media" (let's not leave it any more specific than that.)

I dread if one of these sex-toy cases should come up locally. If it does, and I'm told to cover it , I somehow need to inform my boss that there is a conflict of interest without informing my boss of why there's a conflict of interest. It's not that I'm afraid it could affect my job - my boss and co-workers would probably say "right-on" - I just don't want to be known as the BDSM guy at work. I want to be known for my professionalism.

(in reply to GoddessDustyGold)
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RE: sex toys = felony in Tx? - 1/15/2005 6:58:30 AM   

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Hey, I'm useful primarily for the stimulation of human genital organs. Guess I'd better be careful when visiting Texas!


As long as there are less than six of you I'd bet you're safe (as are the women in texas).


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(in reply to smile2cu)
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RE: sex toys = felony in Tx? - 1/15/2005 7:05:43 AM   

Posts: 1881
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Here is florida everything is illegal. Or nearly so.

Indeed. In florida anything but missionary position with your spouse is considered sodomy.

I was discussing the difference between conservatives and liberals on another thread last night. I can't remember where it is, but this is the sort of stuff that I was referring to (among other things) that I think about when I think "conservative politics."


"I'm so glad I'm not in Dixie,
No more, No More
I left my dongs in Dixie
they're under, the floor"


“The more you love, the more you can love—and the more intensely you love. Nor is there any limit on how many you can love. If a person had time enough, he could love all of that majority who are decent and just.”
- Robert Heinlein

(in reply to srahfox)
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RE: sex toys = felony in Tx? - 1/15/2005 7:08:33 AM   

Posts: 1881
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I just don't want to be known as the BDSM guy at work.

Having been dealing with being "outted" at work two years ago (I was never IN, but someone decided to make me their mission) I can tell you that it can be HELL.

For years I told people I didn't understand why they felt they needed to be closeted. I now understand.


“The more you love, the more you can love—and the more intensely you love. Nor is there any limit on how many you can love. If a person had time enough, he could love all of that majority who are decent and just.”
- Robert Heinlein

(in reply to txparanoid)
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RE: sex toys = felony in Tx? - 1/16/2005 1:50:20 AM   

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as far as Im concerned if the state is so busy that that is their concern then you know what they don't need all the funding theya re geting for police lets move that money over to say education, wher eI know just about every state is hurting for money.


A switch gal that needs a little special help now and then and is stuck in the southeast.

(in reply to MizSuz)
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RE: sex toys = felony in Tx? - 1/16/2005 1:31:01 PM   

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Hi everyone, i am new here but this article caught my attention first since i live in Texas. When i first heard about this i laughed and then wondered who the person is that is nominated to inspect a persons home to see if they have 6 or more Hmm now that is an interesting job, maybe i should check and see if they actually hire someone for


(in reply to BeachMystress)
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RE: sex toys = felony in Tx? - 1/16/2005 10:02:40 PM   

Posts: 1086
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I live in Texas and didn't know about this! Thanks for the posting.
Not that I'm going to be carrying my vibrators around in the car- wonder what they'd say about cuffs? Now I'm worried about mailing chastity cages!


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(in reply to celeste35)
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RE: sex toys = felony in Tx? - 1/17/2005 12:18:45 AM   

Posts: 62
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From: Southern California
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ORIGINAL: BeachMystress

A Longview woman who sells sex toys has been charged with felony obscenity

What should be the felony obscenty here is the violation of harmless pursuit of happiness among consenting adults. These types of offensive laws need to be made illegal.

What can we expect from a state that blindly votes for the greater immoralities of Dubya and his crowd?


"Too many people waste their death" - Jim Morrison

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