Need help finding a REAL Mistress to serve (Full Version)

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rcpwookie -> Need help finding a REAL Mistress to serve (11/2/2013 6:42:53 AM)

Is it possible to get some advice from a Mistress about my personal profile after She has read it? I am getting frustrated by fake responses to my messages, as well as being ignored by the real deals, so to speak. I have filled out all the checklist boxes, and posted both vanilla and scene pictures. Do I need to perhaps get more descriptive for a Dominant Woman in my personal summary? Ant help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.

LadyPact -> RE: Need help finding a REAL Mistress to serve (11/2/2013 7:02:49 AM)

I had a look. Your interest list is fine as far as balancing a mix of vanilla and kink. Personally, I like play pictures and you made the right move in not making one of those your primary pic. Guys should always lead with the vanilla pic, which you've done.

I would suggest killing the negativity. You should probably skip the mention of scammers you've run into. Most folks, at least those on the forums, already know that you're on the fresh meat, errrrr, New User list, so we know that's par for the course. It happens to absolutely everybody and that first sixty days brings each gender their own version of BS.

I'd also suggest to you that you remove the "TRUE" anything. The word true has gotten a bad rap on the internet over the years and has a tendency to backfire. Personally, I don't find it necessary to repeat your hard limits in the text, as you already have the interest list for that. If you are looking for a relationship that extends beyond play, you could swap that out with some info on what you enjoy doing in your spare time. Most of the women here don't respond well to "I like whatever you like" or any version of women thinking you are telling them what they want to hear. They want you to talk about what you are like as a person.

Also, I'm going to give you the advice that I give to all males around here. Don't rely on just the site to meet people. Start looking to get involved in your local community. The odds are way better than just being on the net.

Edited - typo

rcpwookie -> RE: Need help finding a REAL Mistress to serve (11/2/2013 8:09:08 AM)

Thank You LadyPact for Your time. Duly noted on several of your points. FYI, I am looking in my local area in my search in here, as I have restricted CollarMe to looking in Kentucky only. I have not had the time, yet, to attend any munches or gatherings, if that's what you mean. Again, thank you for your time.

Dreamless -> RE: Need help finding a REAL Mistress to serve (11/2/2013 7:06:10 PM)

Not too bad. Get some information on your profile about what you like to do for hobbies, etc... vanilla things. More descriptive definitely wouldn't hurt. Not everyone's a great writer, and if that's the case, IRL might be easier. Also most "real women" on here get so many messages from guys they don't send out many, if at all, so you have to really be a damn good writer and grab them by the balls, or total fluke. I messaged someone recently just because his username said he was from a city in another province and his city was where I was living now and I've met a lot of people recently who've done that move (including me). That kind of stuff is pure chance. You have to get out there and actively send messages yourself.

rcpwookie -> RE: Need help finding a REAL Mistress to serve (11/2/2013 8:07:04 PM)

Thank You, Dreamless

WorshipTheDragon -> RE: Need help finding a REAL Mistress to serve (11/3/2013 1:58:52 AM)

I agree with the majority opinion. Your profile is fine, but you should cut out the negativity. I know I won't message a sub if he's got nothing but negativity on his page.

The mention of LTR may also turn some Dommes off. You may have to be proactive and search for the Domme that is right for you.

Are there allot of Dommes in your area? If there aren't and you are looking for someone in distance, it may be the reason you aren't getting many responses.

RumpusParable -> RE: Need help finding a REAL Mistress to serve (11/3/2013 2:29:17 PM)

Looks like you've already cut out the negativity and it gives a little info about yourself kink and vanilla. I'd say it's pretty good, though just by personal taste I would've used paragraphs differently. It's pleasant. Good luck!

HarryVanWinkle -> RE: Need help finding a REAL Mistress to serve (11/3/2013 3:22:06 PM)



I had a look. Your interest list is fine as far as balancing a mix of vanilla and kink. Personally, I like play pictures and you made the right move in not making one of those your primary pic. Guys should always lead with the vanilla pic, which you've done.

I would suggest killing the negativity. You should probably skip the mention of scammers you've run into. Most folks, at least those on the forums, already know that you're on the fresh meat, errrrr, New User list, so we know that's par for the course. It happens to absolutely everybody and that first sixty days brings each gender their own version of BS.

I'd also suggest to you that you remove the "TRUE" anything. The word true has gotten a bad rap on the internet over the years and has a tendency to backfire. Personally, I don't find it necessary to repeat your hard limits in the text, as you already have the interest list for that. If you are looking for a relationship that extends beyond play, you could swap that out with some info on what you enjoy doing in your spare time. Most of the women here don't respond well to "I like whatever you like" or any version of women thinking you are telling them what they want to hear. They want you to talk about what you are like as a person.

Also, I'm going to give you the advice that I give to all males around here. Don't rely on just the site to meet people. Start looking to get involved in your local community. The odds are way better than just being on the net.

Edited - typo


KYsissy -> RE: Need help finding a REAL Mistress to serve (11/3/2013 3:31:28 PM)

I will throw in my $0.02. Don't bet the farm on CM. Explore other avenues. I have met some great ladies here, but for whatever reasons they did not work out. I met my current Miss through a totally unrelated avenue. I was just looking for a fun gal to go swimming with at a local quarry. Well one thing led to another and 9 months later she has gine from totally naive about the lifestyle to my mistress.

One of those when you least expect it things.

rcpwookie -> RE: Need help finding a REAL Mistress to serve (11/3/2013 7:20:37 PM)

Thank all of you above that have responded. I have tweeked my profile as suggested. FYI, while I am looking in here, I am also keeping an eye out in the "real world" as always. In reading all your responses, it seems my messages to mistresses also had the same mistake: I got straight to the point and broached scene topics first, instead of behaving as if we were in the vanilla world. It seems I mistakenly assumed that since this was a kinky site, that all involved here had that priority first, at least in here. Seems I neglected common everyday manners of conversation, lol. Oh well, we live and learn. Thanks to all again.

HarryVanWinkle -> RE: Need help finding a REAL Mistress to serve (11/4/2013 4:22:17 PM)

"Seems I neglected common everyday manners of conversation"

Umm, I sure don't see that. I saw that you asked for some advice and were given some. I didn't see any signs that anybody was offended by your questions, other than using the word "TRUE". And, you were given good advice as to why to avoid that word, which is that every cyberdom, cybersub and scammer on the Internet claims to be a "TRUE" dom or sub, looking for a "REAL" sub or dom. This has been so common for so long that everybody who actually does BDSM tends to react VERY unfavorably as soon as we see it.

Trust me, the reaction you got from using that word was almost nothing compared to what usually happens.

MistressDarkArt -> RE: Need help finding a REAL Mistress to serve (11/4/2013 6:17:11 PM)

Howdy wookie, and welcome to the boards.

Your profile as it stands is pretty good. I'm one of the folks here who prefers no play pictures on a profile, especially if his goal is a long term relationship. At least yours were only of you which kind of mitigates the negative impact for me. There will be plenty of time during the 'getting to know you' process where a dominant woman can ask for scene pics if she likes.

Kudos for no cock pics :-)

You'll need to be very proactive here, but it can and does pay off. My boy Huck made the first move inviting me to a gala event in my area (250 miles from him). I wasn't looking and certainly wasn't interested in starting up something long distance but he went so far out of his way (literally and figuratively) to treat me to a grand time I couldn't help but love him on sight. 2 years later, he is still doing so.

So carry on, use all available outlets, and very best of luck to you!

StArRedd -> RE: Need help finding a REAL Mistress to serve (11/2/2016 1:36:29 PM)


LadyPact -> RE: Need help finding a REAL Mistress to serve (11/2/2016 8:39:52 PM)




You pulled up a three year old thread to put an emoji on it? That's some stupid sh^t, right there.

respectmen -> RE: Need help finding a REAL Mistress to serve (11/2/2016 10:34:24 PM)

People in here are saying "cut the negativity"...which is a valid point.

However, the amount of female profiles (dominant/submissive) that consist rants about males seems all acceptable.

It probably takes less than 5 minutes going through female profiles on this site or any site, even a vanilla site, where you will come across a mention on negativity from her experiences.

It seems like the norm when reading female profiles.

MsLadySue -> RE: Need help finding a REAL Mistress to serve (11/2/2016 10:41:27 PM)

Why don't you get a life and quit your bitching. Your posts are always the same bullshit.

stef -> RE: Need help finding a REAL Mistress to serve (11/2/2016 10:47:19 PM)



Why don't you get a life and quit your bitching. Your posts are always the same bullshit.

He's a professional victim, it's the only club in his bag. He'll never change.

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: Need help finding a REAL Mistress to serve (11/3/2016 3:25:53 AM)






You pulled up a three year old thread to put an emoji on it? That's some stupid sh^t, right there.


Alecta -> RE: Need help finding a REAL Mistress to serve (11/3/2016 2:14:17 PM)

She gets away with it because she doesn't come back to the forums complaining no one "real" contacts her.

respectmen -> RE: Need help finding a REAL Mistress to serve (11/3/2016 8:37:34 PM)

Dommes complain about about male subs in these forums. If they can complain, so can male subs.

*Gives you a backhander*

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