The religion of Masters (Full Version)

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dananddawn -> The religion of Masters (11/24/2013 5:23:02 PM)

Just curious how other Masters incorporate their religion into their power exchange.

dananddawn -> Buddhism (11/24/2013 5:25:14 PM)

I'll even start. This is the transcript of a ramble about being a Buddhist and a Master.

"How does being a Buddhist effect your role as a Master? How does that effect your Power Exchange? Or does it?

From a personal perspective? For me, the key to being a Buddhist is: Listen to your heart. Buddhism is about right intention, right thought, right speech, right action and when it talks about right it isn't just an ethical “right”. It’s heart-felt. If I get on FetLife and I’m all snarky with somebody, then I understand that my intention is to hurt them and to cause them harm. That is not right action for me - that’s not right speech for me.

So, Power Exchange is about having another person who is in your control; a person that you guide and lead to serve you. In that service they become a better human being. At least for me, I expect that. Through service to me, you have become a better person. The same is true for bat. The same is true for jem, etc. When i say better human being – and this is where I used to have a conflict with Buddhism- it isn't that they become a more Dan-like human being but that they become a more authentic human being. As a Master, that’s really all I’m doing: I’m ripping apart any of the false shields that we create around society saying that this is the way we are supposed to act; I’m reaching out there and pulling out that authentic self; and I’m using the Master/slave relationship as a tool to get there.

Buddhism, for me, goes beyond just practicing the values of the authentic self. It’s about compassion, about generosity, about not causing harm. It’s about not putting yourself in the forefront necessarily. That might feel like it is in conflict with the Master/slave relationship, but it is not.

The authentic Dan is a helpful person who uses the power of dominance to rip people apart, and after clearing off the muck, builds them up. That’s completely in line with my understanding of Buddhist philosophy. As a matter of fact, Buddhism helps me to stay in check, because Buddhism requires me to be humble; to look in the mirror and recognize – as the Christian saying goes – “There, but for the grace of God, go I.” Another way to say it is we are all one; we are all just big bags of meat walking around. No one is better or worse than anyone else. That helps me keep my balance and perspective in a Power Exchange relationship.

In general, that's how the two seem to work for me. From a perspective of helping people to grow, an understanding of the Dukkha (which gets translated into suffering which confuses people) can be very helpful. Here’s an exact, specific conversion of Buddhist concept to how Power Exchange works: When I punish a slave, either emotionally or physically, part of that is the understanding that the punishment only takes place in the present moment. There is no future and there is no past. There is the now. I am punishing you in the present moment. As soon as the punishment is over, then we need to let it go and move on because it now it is a new moment in time. That’s very much a Buddhist concept. Nothing is stagnant. Nothing stays the same. Everything changes and moves. Nothing is permanent. All that very much is reflected in the way I do Power Exchange.

There’s my answer ... but I’m sure that other Buddhists would say “That is bullshit and that’s not what Buddhism is about”. While we could argue if Buddhism is a religion or a philosophy – and in our Sangha, many people do – I don’t waste my time with that. If you go to some temples? Dammed if it doesn't look like religion to me, but if you read some of the works of Stephen Batchelor or some of these other cats? It’s absolutely a philosophy. The neat thing about Buddhism for me is that you take what you want and leave the rest. That’s the best part about Buddhism. It doesn't require you to believe in anything. "Be Happy" is the whole goal, for me. "

KnightofMists -> RE: The religion of Masters (11/24/2013 6:21:23 PM)

My Religion has nothing to do with my dynamic. But I am finding my morality has been a fundamental core to my approach.

littlewonder -> RE: The religion of Masters (11/24/2013 6:28:39 PM)

Our religion is just who we are. It's not something we have to incorporate since we don't really separate our lives into categories. We are who we are.

Kana -> RE: The religion of Masters (11/24/2013 8:20:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: dananddawn

Just curious how other Masters incorporate their religion into their power exchange.

I don't.But she has to have some sort of ethos/value system or we're gonna have issues.
Militant atheists don't work either-tried it and it went ugly quick

Focus50 -> RE: The religion of Masters (11/24/2013 8:56:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: dananddawn

Just curious how other Masters incorporate their religion into their power exchange.

Just to clear the air here....

Your question implies all masters are religious.

I'm one who isn't, so there's nothing to incorporate from my perspective. As for the subs I've owned, some practised their faith, which was fine by me - on two conditions.

First being that their religion not interfere with the overall relationship, though I made allowances for her going to church etc. The other is that they not try to recruit me to the cause, cos that ain't gonna happen...!


Arturas -> RE: The religion of Masters (11/24/2013 9:46:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: dananddawn

Just curious how other Masters incorporate their religion into their power exchange.

I am the master of my house which includes a submissive woman with whom I am deeply in love and she with me sharing an exchange of more than power. Religion provides a morality or code of living to man. I incorporate my code or morality in forum interactions and with her. I am amazed sometimes at how simple life's mysteries are.


ResidentSadist -> RE: The religion of Masters (11/25/2013 1:33:15 AM)

Sorta' the opposite. In my house, they pray to no gods. There is no ban on religious study . . . some Buddhist philosophies and Zen techniques make for a nice training program but the slaves (nor I) actually believe it has anything to with the gods in the way the religious books proclaim. I have never fallen in love with someone that actually practiced a religion.

I have gone to a church when there were kids in my house. It was a way to meet neighbors and get the "sister wives" and kids integrated with the community. It works well, so I would go it again to meet the neighbors in a new location. But I don't see it as anything other than a social gathering in a building with pretty windows.

Dyfrynt -> RE: The religion of Masters (11/25/2013 8:39:41 AM)

My spirituality is not separate from me. It and I are one. Might as well ask how my breathing is incorporated into the power exchange with my love.....

WHich is both a very good and not a particularly helpful answer. Ha! If I were to break it down for the discussion - Life is living. Relationships (including BDSM) is loving. Loving is transcendence. Transcendence is life. In the BDSM relationships I have had, some have gotten it, some have accepted it, some were indifferent to it. To each their own.

My slave lives it with me. Which is the most wondrous of all.

StrictlySussex -> RE: The religion of Masters (11/25/2013 8:58:05 AM)




ORIGINAL: dananddawn

Just curious how other Masters incorporate their religion into their power exchange.

Just to clear the air here....

Your question implies all masters are religious.

I'm one who isn't, so there's nothing to incorporate from my perspective. As for the subs I've owned, some practised their faith, which was fine by me - on two conditions.

First being that their religion not interfere with the overall relationship, though I made allowances for her going to church etc. The other is that they not try to recruit me to the cause, cos that ain't gonna happen...!


Same here. Have absolutely no time in my life for religion. Don't talk to me about it and I won't walk away from you when you start. Simple rule. I have all the time in the world for respect but not for any forms of brainwashing, be it religion or just controlling people.

mnottertail -> RE: The religion of Masters (11/25/2013 11:06:22 AM)

Some men are born into godhood, others have it thrusted upon them.

I was born into the Godhead, and will thrust it into your parted inviting lips, religiously.

This is my body, eat thereof, slave............


dananddawn -> RE: The religion of Masters (11/25/2013 11:42:51 AM)

Just to clear the air here....

Your question implies all masters are religious.


Did not intent to suggest all were, the question was poorly worded. "For those that are followers of a specific faith, how do you..." would have been a better way to put it perhaps.

I still hope to hear some more feedback from those that do follow a religion. Christian Domestic Discipline is the only formalized combo I am familiar with. I have Jewish friends who incorporate a formalized release of his slave yearly as well (I can quote a resource for those who are curious)

SweetAnise -> RE: The religion of Masters (11/25/2013 11:48:23 AM)

To the OP your words are not poorly written. You DO NOT have to rewrite what you wrote or state it any differently just because someone wants to hit you with an invisible baseball bat. If someone isn't religious all they have to SAY SO and leave as that. They do not have to say what the THINK you wrote. I believe spirituality and D/s goes hand and hand. Your curiosity is appropriate.

ResidentSadist -> RE: The religion of Masters (11/25/2013 12:06:24 PM)

^ So I can just presume you and everyone that reads my posts are ignorant militant terrorists . . . If someone isn't an ignorant militant terrorists, "all they have to SAY SO and leave as that." That is good writing?

I agree that we are all big kids and nit picking is a pain. Their comment would be akin to my pointing out that your attitude assumes everyone is OK with being cast as an ignorant pagan who prays to invisible gods. And you have to be really assbackwards to try and shape your personal, social and family order around books that are a thousand years out of date . . . written for a world and social order that no longer exists. Ya' know, some people might just take offense to such presumptions.

KnightofMists -> RE: The religion of Masters (11/25/2013 12:35:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: SweetAnise

To the OP your words are not poorly written. You DO NOT have to rewrite what you wrote or state it any differently just because someone wants to hit you with an invisible baseball bat. If someone isn't religious all they have to SAY SO and leave as that. They do not have to say what the THINK you wrote. I believe spirituality and D/s goes hand and hand. Your curiosity is appropriate.

I agree that it wasn't poorly written. As one that doesn't practice a specific religion, I don't see the question as infering that Masters all have one.

Further reflection of the question....

I don't practice a given religion. I see religion to be a structured manner in the practice of ones faith, spirituality and morality. This structure to me is determined by others and well beyond the control of most practitioners of a given religion. As result, we often have to reconcile our choices in life by the our religious practices. In some cases our given practices can't be reconcile to some religions. Ie. I was raised catholic and their is some huge issues between my lifestyle and the Catholic Church.

In short, I cut out the middleman (the religion). However, the basis of most religions is tied to a base morality and belief system. I have spent many years evolving and growing my personal system. It's a system that will continue to evolve and grow until the day I pass on.

It is this base system that my authority dynamic grows from. It's my value and ethical system that validates and guides me in the structure that I put in place with my relationship. Many years ago I deeply considered entering the priesthood of the Catholic Church. I heard from many in my youth that priesthood seemed to beckon me. But I myself struggled with what others apparently saw in me. I could never take that first step as something just wasn't right. It existed in the back of my mind right up until the time I met Alandra. It was then that things began to change. It was Alandra that put a poly lifestyle on the table in our relationship. It was this issue amoung others that challenged my religious practices. I began to ask my self what and why I believe what I believe. I learned that much of what I practiced and believed was because it was what I was taught and not particularly what I choose to believe.

I began the slow process of reflecting and choosing what I believed. Maybe their is a religion out there that fits me but I decided some time back that I will not fit myself to a religion. I decide my faith, my values, my ethics, my morality.

DesFIP -> RE: The religion of Masters (11/25/2013 4:31:15 PM)

He's an atheist.

However we both believe in the power of therapy to help people connect with their authentic selves. Not religion.

LeatherBentOne51 -> RE: The religion of Masters (11/25/2013 6:09:36 PM)

In my opinion, morality and spirituality need not be learned or practiced in a building. I'd rather be spiritual than a member of an organized religion, any day. Religion doesn't mean one leads a good life just by saying the correct words and showing up. One can be more Christ-like than any Christian or more Buddah-like than any Buddhist by the way they live their life.

MarcEsadrian -> RE: The religion of Masters (11/25/2013 7:03:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: dananddawn

Just curious how other Masters incorporate their religion into their power exchange.

I am their religion.

sunshinemiss -> RE: The religion of Masters (11/25/2013 7:55:45 PM)

Sunny Quote of the Day
goes to
I am their religion.


Spiritedsub2 -> RE: The religion of Masters (11/25/2013 8:30:54 PM)

Edit: posted in wrong thread

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