email ettiquette (Full Version)

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conflicted -> email ettiquette (11/18/2004 5:45:01 PM)

Dear Sirs,

i am relatively new to the lifestyle and even newer to this site. The main reason i joined this site is because i was interested in learning and participating on the message boards.
My question is about emails i have received from some of the Masters/Domme etc. since joining.
On one hand i think it is bad manners not to reply, but on the other i dont want any to think i am opening a door to them, (also i know Master would frown upon this, as he would see that i encouraged it, should an email exchange continue.) Please dont think He wont let me have any friends or anything like that, He isnt that way at all, but He is very protective.
i replied graciously to one who offered to give me advice should i need it.
i have also noticed that the ones i have received from, do not participate in the boards, therefore i am quite wary.
Anyway, back to the question, do i or dont i reply?

many thanks

Estring -> RE: email ettiquette (11/18/2004 11:20:11 PM)


Anyway, back to the question, do i or dont i reply?

I am always curious about subs with Masters who ask questions here instead of to their Masters. I would say that whether or not you reply should be up to your Master.

darkinshadows -> RE: email ettiquette (11/19/2004 1:43:44 AM)

hello conflicted... and welcome (belated)

...Angels view is, in a way, something You have already answered yourself. If You understand that a Master would be concerned about His sub interacting on a regular basis with others by email, then the answer is - do not do it. However if He has given His Blessing and He believes it is part of Your learning process then maybe ask Him if It His wish to also make contact with the person (to whom you are emailing) also, so that all parties concerned know where the land lies(as so to speak)... maybe write something in Your profile clearly stating your postion as from my perspective, your profile seems a little nervous and confused... and such profiles can be easily targeted by those who would wish to take advantage.

If I am contacted by mail, then I take the letter at face value. The 'be mine now' are respectfully declined and blocked... anything else I respond to with respect and politeness. I have been blessed to have met some wonderful people... it just takes time and patience and ... a sense of humour!

Love and thoughts in your journey

Lordandmaster -> RE: email ettiquette (11/19/2004 12:57:40 PM)

Don't feel you have to reply to every jackass who contacts you. Believe me, it won't break their hearts if you ignore them, and it won't be the first time they've e-mailed someone without getting any response. If you feel like responding, and you're permitted to do so, then feel free. But on an anonymous internet website, no one can expect you to respond to every letter you get.


subbiejenn -> RE: email ettiquette (11/19/2004 6:43:14 PM)

*sneaks in*

I agree with Estring, talk with your Master about this.

i do have one suggestion though... On Your profile at the top in big letters put "collared" "Not looking" something alone them lines, i bet at least the e-mails drop in half *grins* Most TROLLS do not read profiles before they e-mail so you have to make it very obvious your not looking.

i answer most of my e-mails ( i wont say all because i am busy and miss some ) but a lot of times the reply is simply - Thank You but i am not looking or Thank You but Your not what i am looking for! Its polite and to the point *LOL*


Be Well and good luck

conflicted -> RE: email ettiquette (11/20/2004 9:10:31 PM)

Thank you for your input on this, it is greatly appreciated. i have taken your advice ~Angel~ and subbiejen and added to my profile.
Again thanks

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