UGH :-( (Full Version)

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SweetAngel43211 -> UGH :-( (12/22/2013 7:29:53 AM)

I hate the flu!!! I feel horrible and I can't get my temp. to go below 101.3... Last night it shot up to 104.9. The popsicles and Powerade can only take me so far, but when I try to eat anything solid it doesn't want to stay down... My sis isn't doing much better than me :-(. To top it all off my niece is getting it too and that isn't good with her Asthma... Hopefully we recover before Christmas.

SweetAngel43211 -> RE: UGH :-( (12/22/2013 8:23:28 AM)

There are times I wish I could get a flu shot... I would if I wasn't deathly allergic to them :-(... It seems like every year right before Christmas I end up sick with the flu and miserable!

SylvereApLeanan -> RE: UGH :-( (12/22/2013 10:37:43 AM)

Have you tried taking a lukewarm bath/shower or putting cool compresses under your arms? I've heard those things can help but I haven't tried them myself.

Other than that, I have no practical suggestions. Feel better soon!

Edited to add a link to tips from the MayoClinic: Fever: Lifestyle and home remedies

OsideGirl -> RE: UGH :-( (12/22/2013 10:44:20 AM)

I chomped on ice, took cool showers, and took aspirin/ibuprofen. I also made sure to take Vitamin C and Zinc.

My cough is just going away and it's been a month.

The turning point for me:

I have a friend who grew up behind the Iron Curtain, where prescription drugs were scarce. He suggested that I put Hydrogen Peroxide in my ears. I saw a marked improvement after I started doing that.

SweetAngel43211 -> RE: UGH :-( (12/22/2013 12:03:07 PM)

I have been doing the popsicles and Powerade along with lukewarm baths/showers and taking Tylenol. I can't take nsaids (Aspirin/Ibuprofen) due to issues with ulcers... Not to mention they thin my blood way too much and I can bleed for hours from a paper cut. I have been using cold compresses on my head but not under my arms I will have to try that. Edited to add: I have also been doing hot tea with honey for the cough/sore throat...

DesFIP -> RE: UGH :-( (12/22/2013 12:05:30 PM)

Unfortunately it looks like a bad flu season. Cases in NY jumped up 54% over last week.

I had it some years ago, two weeks of every muscle and joint aching with fever.

I get the vaccine faithfully, but with an egg allergy, of course you can't. In future, get your shopping done a month early so you can avoid crowds.

OsideGirl -> RE: UGH :-( (12/22/2013 12:06:06 PM)

Try Zarbee's. It's a natural Honey/Lemon drink with C and Zinc...and Melatonin. Worked like a charm to get some sleep.

SweetAngel43211 -> RE: UGH :-( (12/22/2013 12:07:32 PM)

That's the thing I hardly ever go anywhere... I am pretty sure I got it from my sister since she volunteers at my niece's school and it is going around there... She got sick the day before I did...

SweetAngel43211 -> RE: UGH :-( (12/22/2013 12:08:35 PM)

Thanks I will see if I can find it and try to persuade my brother in law to go out and get it for me. He and my nephew are the only ones not sick with this stuff...

SylvereApLeanan -> RE: UGH :-( (12/22/2013 12:31:26 PM)



I get the vaccine faithfully, but with an egg allergy, of course you can't.

Actually, that's changed. My son is allergic to eggs and the pediatrician said he can have them now.

SweetAngel43211 -> RE: UGH :-( (12/22/2013 12:49:27 PM)

I don't think it is an egg allergy. I can eat eggs... I am pretty sure it is one of the preservatives in it. The one and only time I got a flu shot (in 2008 I think...) I broke out in hives everywhere and my throat swelled shut...

SylvereApLeanan -> RE: UGH :-( (12/22/2013 12:55:58 PM)

Ew. That's not good. [&:]

SweetAngel43211 -> RE: UGH :-( (12/22/2013 12:59:42 PM)

No, no it isn't. That's why I will never get one again. The flu sucks but it is still better than having that kind of reaction...

SylvereApLeanan -> RE: UGH :-( (12/22/2013 1:03:12 PM)

I don't blame you a bit. Oh, on the topic of fever reduction, what type of tea are you drinking? If you're drinking tea with caffeine, such as Lipton or another brand of black tea, switch to something like herbal tea that has no caffeine. You don't want to get dehydrated and caffeine is a diuretic.

SweetAngel43211 -> RE: UGH :-( (12/22/2013 1:04:35 PM)

I am not sure what kind of tea it is... But, I have been drinking a lot more water and powerade than tea... I only have one to two fairly small cups of tea a day...

OsideGirl -> RE: UGH :-( (12/22/2013 1:07:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: SweetAngel43211

I don't think it is an egg allergy. I can eat eggs... I am pretty sure it is one of the preservatives in it. The one and only time I got a flu shot (in 2008 I think...) I broke out in hives everywhere and my throat swelled shut...

I had a co-worker who can eat eggs, but is allergic to chicken feathers....and had the same reaction to the flu shot.

SylvereApLeanan -> RE: UGH :-( (12/22/2013 1:11:24 PM)

It should say in the ingredients list whether or not it's made with black tea. It probably won't make a huge difference in your hydration if you're only having a small amount per day. But if you're getting bored with the sports drinks and water, herbal tea with no caffeine might give you some variety and help you stay hydrated at the same time. Just tossing it out there as an idea.

SweetAngel43211 -> RE: UGH :-( (12/22/2013 1:12:17 PM)

Good to know... I am not sure what I reacted to exactly I just know it was horrible and I never want to go through it again.

SweetAngel43211 -> RE: UGH :-( (12/22/2013 1:13:57 PM)

Okay :-) I will keep it in mind. I don't think we have any herbal tea in the house though... so it is probably some kind of black tea... For the most part on a normal basis I mostly only drink water and milk... I am avoiding milk right now though...

angelikaJ -> RE: UGH :-( (12/22/2013 1:14:12 PM)

They now have a flu shot for people who are allergic to eggs.

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