Shoping for a new subbie (Full Version)

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BigBadWolf -> Shoping for a new subbie (11/19/2004 9:21:00 AM)

Wolf Tail.
Shopping for a new sub.

When I joined I promised to write something for this group, and
seeing a post asking for a story I put this together just for you all
here I hope you enjoy.

Whenever I take on a new Sub/Slave I make it a point to take
them on a toy expedition. Finding toys, the right toys is the
"Master, Why are we at the Paint store"?
"We need some paint stir sticks and fine grit sand paper".
Most people know about the little wooden paint stir sticks
for the little one-gallon buckets. Few people know they also
make "Big Ones" for the five gallon Tubs. (Me I like to finish them
with an oil stain and varnish to make them a bit stronger).
"Master. You're going to make me a new paddle"? She says wistfully.
"No you're going to make your own paddle I'll show you how". " And
all the while your sanding and finishing it you'll think about how it
will feel when I use it on your back side".
Next stop is always a puzzle. I have a friend who has a large
place in the Valley, lots of old trees. After a quick phone call to
see if it's okay to harvest a few branches were off. Handing her a
pair of looping shears I instruct.
"You need a switch and a cane". "What we want is a nice straight one
about the thickness of your pinky and another the size of your
There is something erotic about watching a sub/slave skip off looking
for just the right branches. There's also a thrill for said sub/slave
knowing to what use they'll be put to, meaning the selection needs to
be just right.
(A word of note I prefer willow wood, I've bought pine wood dowels
from the hardware
Stores and they tend to break).
Having had to stop her from taking "rose" branches, explaining how
the thorns can break off in a backside we move on to a willow and an
apple tree My friends going to fell later in the season. The apple
will make good switches. Thin weeping willow makes a good cane if you
strip the bark and bride them together while green and kiln dry it.

Our next stop takes us to the ultimate BD/SM D&S store in the
Valley Feed and Supply the best place to shop for "Bondage" gear. The
aisles next to the chicken feeders but before fly sprayers hosts the
best selection in top quality Adult Toys in the world, you just need
to know what you looking for and in this case the clerk can be a big
Me. "Pardon me but I'm helping my Friend, she's just starting out and
I'm helping her to train a cart pony, well we need everything".
Clerk, "Oh I love Shetland ponies! Come with me honey and we'll get
you all set up".

For those of you who don't know much about horses a "Shetland
Pony" is a mini-horse just a little larger than a big dog. Or in
other words just the right size for a sub/slave. People who
raise "Shetlands" can easily spend tens of thousands for them and
they demand only the best quality gear for they're little treasures.
Every thing made for a full size horse is also made smaller sized for
the ponies.
Clerk. "Here we are, we have bits and bridals, yokes and Raines". "If
you want a saddle we'll have to order one, we don't stock them
Me. "We'll take a spoon bit, plastic not metal, bridal, yoke, saddle
blanket and both long handled and short handled riding crop plus a
set of raines". " Say you wouldn't also have a buggy whip"?
Clerk. "Sure do, there over on the back wall next to the garden
(truely a wonderful store, you can get everything there).
Me. "great and next time were back Will see about ordering a branding
(Not that I've ever had a sub/slave wanting to be branded. But it
always makes them think and sometimes the threat of it being done is
better than the doing).
Once back home AKA the stable, I have her oil the new leather, "Mink
Oil" is always best for good leather.

Other stops include the hobby store. People who make scale models
have the best tiny clamps. While there made for woodwork, there also
micro adjustable and make the best nipple clamps money can buy.
Again best to take your sub/slave with you they'll be drooling to
use them before you get to the counter.
If your handy with small tools get some wooden mousetraps, they tend
to be made from cheap pine and very rough. What I do is remove the
spring, bar and trap set. Have my sub sand them to a nice smooth
polish then only replace the spring and bar. They make a wicked labia
clip. I always use two. And friends have used them for CBT. Best to
loosen the spring a bit.

Easley the best and most erotic flogger I ever made came in large
part from a "Beauty supply shop". You start with what's called
a "Ponytail Extension", the cheaper ones are made from horsehair or
pure synthetics, the expensive ones made from real human hair. In
this case I took a lock of hair from my sub to match the color. The
one I ended up with was twenty-four inches long Human hair and auburn
in color to match. Needing a handle I finally made a stop to an adult
toyshop. I make all my floggers to be dual use meaning the handles
tend to be made out of dildos or butt plugs. Still confused? I make a
flogger/tails! In this case she was anal so a plug was in order.
She looked wonderful decked out in her pony gear and almost matching
tail. She had as much fun wearing it and being flogged by it, As she
did caring for it. Shampooing and Conditioner braiding it, she
nursed her tail day and night sometimes insisting she wear it over
night, said it gave her good dreams. And different styles of braiding
felt differently during a flogging. As far as I'm concerned, nothing
is as pretty as a sub/slave on all fours tethered to a post, sporting
a tail, waiting for me to make it swish with my crop.

Bless America for it's many thrift stores.
No I'm not going to explain what my Ex and I were doiong inside a
goodwill donation box, that we came out wearing different cloths than
we went in with. I'll just fondly remember that to myself, pardon the
evil wicked smile.
My Ex loved to play rape seen's ,tied up, then her clothes
ripped off. Truth to tell, you can only ruin so many forty dollar
apiece blouses before it cost too much to play that way. However, a
thrift store has them used for a buck each!
You can rip to your hearts content without needing to take out a
title loan.
Once while looking for a breakaway dress I stumbled upon a silver
hair brush and mirror set, now that you know the way my mind works, I
thought "Oh bent over and spanked with a brush! How old fashioned".
Keeping in theme I also picked up a wooden spoon.
Now the dress was wrong but you know, they carry "Catholic School
Girl uniforms! Isnt America Wonderful!

The ultimate in Adult shopping is done as a group sport. Here's how
it's done.
The contestants can only spend One Hundred dollars. A Wal-Mart
supper center is chosen for all purchases. You only get one hour to
get your stuff and get back. The whole group does judging.
With sub/slave in tow we were off. First stop cooking
department. A spatula for a paddle, the house wears department for
clothespins and clothesline. Price 22.47 with tax. Next Pet supplies
for a collar and leash, this time its 27.33 I got a good collar.
With just under fifty dollars left to spend, its off to sporting
goods, Rubber wading boots for her 29.95 and a odd shaped flashlight
for a dildo 12.70 and the way out I picked up one of those car mirror
air fresheners shaped like a little pine tree made a nice
Still under a hundred bucks it's off to the judging. Needless to say
our sub/slaves model our purchases for the group.
Sadly we lost that year to the fellow whose sub/slave was sporting a
lovely lampshade for a hat and a bungee cord harness restraint.

Well I hope this gives you some new ideas about shopping for
toys, Just open up the yellow pages to most any page and find good
stuff to use. "Ah page 270, Boating equipment and supplies I do so
need another fifty feet of rope".

Live well, love often and Dream of Wolves in the Dark
Copyrights august 19th 2004 Wolf WhiteFeather

chainedpoet -> RE: Shoping for a new subbie (11/19/2004 9:34:42 AM)

Well that was a refreshing story and I must say alot of food for thought.Thank you for the shopping tips,(do you think Ms.Stewert shops that way????lol)

BigBadWolf -> RE: Shoping for a new subbie (11/19/2004 10:07:45 AM)

Stewert aka inmate #372593 is most likely
Teaching her fellow inmates how to make shanks in calming pastel colors... :-)

blushes4u -> RE: Shoping for a new subbie (11/22/2004 2:39:32 PM)

Thanks for the shopping tips, now i just need someone to go with me to make sure i get the right purchases :)

BigBadWolf -> RE: Shoping for a new subbie (11/22/2004 3:39:11 PM)

Dont really need a partner to go shopping...
but it is lots more fun that way...
besides untill you find that partner...
this story kind of puts window shopping in a whole new light ;-)

garbinocat -> RE: Shoping for a new subbie (11/27/2004 6:24:12 AM)

Sir i would love to hear more from u what isit that Y/you would expect of a sexual slave slut


Wolf Tail.
Shopping for a new sub.

When I joined I promised to write something for this group, and
seeing a post asking for a story I put this together just for you all
here I hope you enjoy.

Whenever I take on a new Sub/Slave I make it a point to take
them on a toy expedition. Finding toys, the right toys is the
"Master, Why are we at the Paint store"?
"We need some paint stir sticks and fine grit sand paper".
Most people know about the little wooden paint stir sticks
for the little one-gallon buckets. Few people know they also
make "Big Ones" for the five gallon Tubs. (Me I like to finish them
with an oil stain and varnish to make them a bit stronger).
"Master. You're going to make me a new paddle"? She says wistfully.
"No you're going to make your own paddle I'll show you how". " And
all the while your sanding and finishing it you'll think about how it
will feel when I use it on your back side".
Next stop is always a puzzle. I have a friend who has a large
place in the Valley, lots of old trees. After a quick phone call to
see if it's okay to harvest a few branches were off. Handing her a
pair of looping shears I instruct.
"You need a switch and a cane". "What we want is a nice straight one
about the thickness of your pinky and another the size of your
There is something erotic about watching a sub/slave skip off looking
for just the right branches. There's also a thrill for said sub/slave
knowing to what use they'll be put to, meaning the selection needs to
be just right.
(A word of note I prefer willow wood, I've bought pine wood dowels
from the hardware
Stores and they tend to break).
Having had to stop her from taking "rose" branches, explaining how
the thorns can break off in a backside we move on to a willow and an
apple tree My friends going to fell later in the season. The apple
will make good switches. Thin weeping willow makes a good cane if you
strip the bark and bride them together while green and kiln dry it.

Our next stop takes us to the ultimate BD/SM D&S store in the
Valley Feed and Supply the best place to shop for "Bondage" gear. The
aisles next to the chicken feeders but before fly sprayers hosts the
best selection in top quality Adult Toys in the world, you just need
to know what you looking for and in this case the clerk can be a big
Me. "Pardon me but I'm helping my Friend, she's just starting out and
I'm helping her to train a cart pony, well we need everything".
Clerk, "Oh I love Shetland ponies! Come with me honey and we'll get
you all set up".

For those of you who don't know much about horses a "Shetland
Pony" is a mini-horse just a little larger than a big dog. Or in
other words just the right size for a sub/slave. People who
raise "Shetlands" can easily spend tens of thousands for them and
they demand only the best quality gear for they're little treasures.
Every thing made for a full size horse is also made smaller sized for
the ponies.
Clerk. "Here we are, we have bits and bridals, yokes and Raines". "If
you want a saddle we'll have to order one, we don't stock them
Me. "We'll take a spoon bit, plastic not metal, bridal, yoke, saddle
blanket and both long handled and short handled riding crop plus a
set of raines". " Say you wouldn't also have a buggy whip"?
Clerk. "Sure do, there over on the back wall next to the garden
(truely a wonderful store, you can get everything there).
Me. "great and next time were back Will see about ordering a branding
(Not that I've ever had a sub/slave wanting to be branded. But it
always makes them think and sometimes the threat of it being done is
better than the doing).
Once back home AKA the stable, I have her oil the new leather, "Mink
Oil" is always best for good leather.

Other stops include the hobby store. People who make scale models
have the best tiny clamps. While there made for woodwork, there also
micro adjustable and make the best nipple clamps money can buy.
Again best to take your sub/slave with you they'll be drooling to
use them before you get to the counter.
If your handy with small tools get some wooden mousetraps, they tend
to be made from cheap pine and very rough. What I do is remove the
spring, bar and trap set. Have my sub sand them to a nice smooth
polish then only replace the spring and bar. They make a wicked labia
clip. I always use two. And friends have used them for CBT. Best to
loosen the spring a bit.

Easley the best and most erotic flogger I ever made came in large
part from a "Beauty supply shop". You start with what's called
a "Ponytail Extension", the cheaper ones are made from horsehair or
pure synthetics, the expensive ones made from real human hair. In
this case I took a lock of hair from my sub to match the color. The
one I ended up with was twenty-four inches long Human hair and auburn
in color to match. Needing a handle I finally made a stop to an adult
toyshop. I make all my floggers to be dual use meaning the handles
tend to be made out of dildos or butt plugs. Still confused? I make a
flogger/tails! In this case she was anal so a plug was in order.
She looked wonderful decked out in her pony gear and almost matching
tail. She had as much fun wearing it and being flogged by it, As she
did caring for it. Shampooing and Conditioner braiding it, she
nursed her tail day and night sometimes insisting she wear it over
night, said it gave her good dreams. And different styles of braiding
felt differently during a flogging. As far as I'm concerned, nothing
is as pretty as a sub/slave on all fours tethered to a post, sporting
a tail, waiting for me to make it swish with my crop.

Bless America for it's many thrift stores.
No I'm not going to explain what my Ex and I were doiong inside a
goodwill donation box, that we came out wearing different cloths than
we went in with. I'll just fondly remember that to myself, pardon the
evil wicked smile.
My Ex loved to play rape seen's ,tied up, then her clothes
ripped off. Truth to tell, you can only ruin so many forty dollar
apiece blouses before it cost too much to play that way. However, a
thrift store has them used for a buck each!
You can rip to your hearts content without needing to take out a
title loan.
Once while looking for a breakaway dress I stumbled upon a silver
hair brush and mirror set, now that you know the way my mind works, I
thought "Oh bent over and spanked with a brush! How old fashioned".
Keeping in theme I also picked up a wooden spoon.
Now the dress was wrong but you know, they carry "Catholic School
Girl uniforms! Isnt America Wonderful!

The ultimate in Adult shopping is done as a group sport. Here's how
it's done.
The contestants can only spend One Hundred dollars. A Wal-Mart
supper center is chosen for all purchases. You only get one hour to
get your stuff and get back. The whole group does judging.
With sub/slave in tow we were off. First stop cooking
department. A spatula for a paddle, the house wears department for
clothespins and clothesline. Price 22.47 with tax. Next Pet supplies
for a collar and leash, this time its 27.33 I got a good collar.
With just under fifty dollars left to spend, its off to sporting
goods, Rubber wading boots for her 29.95 and a odd shaped flashlight
for a dildo 12.70 and the way out I picked up one of those car mirror
air fresheners shaped like a little pine tree made a nice
Still under a hundred bucks it's off to the judging. Needless to say
our sub/slaves model our purchases for the group.
Sadly we lost that year to the fellow whose sub/slave was sporting a
lovely lampshade for a hat and a bungee cord harness restraint.

Well I hope this gives you some new ideas about shopping for
toys, Just open up the yellow pages to most any page and find good
stuff to use. "Ah page 270, Boating equipment and supplies I do so
need another fifty feet of rope".

Live well, love often and Dream of Wolves in the Dark
Copyrights august 19th 2004 Wolf WhiteFeather

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