This is my rant about weight, and how I'm treated for it. (Full Version)

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fluffyprincess -> This is my rant about weight, and how I'm treated for it. (1/16/2014 10:27:29 AM)

*deleted, because I don't name names*
1/16/14 9:51 AM
I don't think they would classify you as fluffy as much as the would a fat useless pig. Like how much do you weigh? It's repulsive

Okay. I know I'm fat. I know I'm obese. But if I feel like calling myself fluffy, well then damnit, I am fucking fluffy if I want to be. I'm so fluffy, I'm a god damn overstuffed bed comforter. Throw yourself on top of me!

While yes, I am obese, want to hear something good? I've been eating a whole lot less, as I was matching the same amount of food the guy I was dating..and I found, I'm becoming healthier! A few weeks ago, my blood pressure was 140/100something...a few days ago? 120/84.

Not perfect, but damnit...I am fucking trying to be healthier. Anybody who has a problem with me and my weight, I don't give a flying fuck.

Useless? far as I can tell, I'm not disabled. I can walk, sprint, jump, and hey, I can even still run! It seems I can still do all of the things a skinny person can do...

Also...I do list how much I weigh on my profile. I'm not ashamed of my weight. It's not my problem you don't know how to read a profile correctly...

Either accept me as I am, or stay out of my damn inbox. I don't message people I dislike, so show some god damn respect, by not typing out hate filled messages. It's really not that hard to do.


xxblushesxx -> RE: This is my rant about weight, and how I'm treated for it. (1/16/2014 10:47:16 AM)

It wouldn't matter if you were six foot and weighed 88 lbs. Someone would call you a fat, worthless whatever. See, it's not about whether you are or are not overweight. It's about poking at peoples' insecurities. Since you mention your size (sort of) in your handle, that dork wad felt it was ok to call you out on it. (It's not.)

I hope you didn't respond to him. Otherwise you are giving him exactly what he wants: attention for his bad behavior. And good on you for getting yourself back to a healthy body. It's not easy, I know!

fluffyprincess -> RE: This is my rant about weight, and how I'm treated for it. (1/16/2014 10:51:42 AM)

I did not reply to him. lol.

Although, this kind of counts as a reply...but it's not a direct reply.

SeekingTrinity -> RE: This is my rant about weight, and how I'm treated for it. (1/16/2014 10:58:56 AM)

~FRing it~

He/she/it got under your skin enough to have you take valuable time out of your day to publicly respond to their horseshit. Sweetie, don't give 'em the satisfaction of knowing they got to you. They aren't that important or worthy of it at all.

fluffyprincess -> RE: This is my rant about weight, and how I'm treated for it. (1/16/2014 11:03:58 AM)

Thank you. <3 I won't again.

myotherself -> RE: This is my rant about weight, and how I'm treated for it. (1/16/2014 11:04:36 AM)

don't worry about it.

I was bigger, and got called 'fat bitch'.

I lost weight and got called 'fat whore'.

I don't even have a picture up! And none of my bunny pics is fat [:D]

What I usually do when I get messages like this is:

* smile wryly

* report, block and delete

* say these three important words (aloud or in my head - works either way) ....."inconsequential, vapid cunt".

It's my insult of the moment and it's damn appropriate in SO many situations!

fluffyprincess -> RE: This is my rant about weight, and how I'm treated for it. (1/16/2014 11:09:38 AM)

I love your three words! lmao. I might just steal that to say to myself in my head about people like them. :P

ExiledTyrant -> RE: This is my rant about weight, and how I'm treated for it. (1/16/2014 11:12:33 AM)

Okay darlin, don't let that crap get to you. I'll clue you in on a secret, all men are attracted to different women, there is no standard mold that we all agree upon, but what we CAN and DO agree on confidence. If you are happy with your body image, that confidence in you is going to shine through, and confident is feckin sexy!

I'm in total agreement with you, accept you for who you are. However, if you haven't accepted it... "I'm trying to get healthier", you cannot expect your potential partner to accept it.

I would encourage you to really soul search and set realistic goals for your health, weight, and all else you are wanting to improve, look at that goal and make sure that the target is where your happy sits. Take a step toward it and let us help you with all the encouragement we can give you here. You could go so far as to lay out your goals in your journal and do updates there as well. But I would only do this, if you aren't happy with where you are. Don't do it for someone other than yourself, or because some asshole sent a nasty note.


joybaby -> RE: This is my rant about weight, and how I'm treated for it. (1/16/2014 11:12:54 AM)

There's a guy who keeps sending me nasty messages...i know i can block him, but i don't for a few reasons. One, i don't want him to think that he is even that important that i'd take the time to do it. Two, i want him to think that it isn't bothering me in the least-after all, if it bothered me, surely i'd block him! And three-he keeps making up new profiles anyway, so it probably wouldn't matter.

The thing that is strange is, he will write and say something really nasty, and then, as if he doesn't remember doing that, he'll write a very nice message a short time later. If only he was smart enough to change his location and stats with each new profile, i might just fall for it

AthenaSurrenders -> RE: This is my rant about weight, and how I'm treated for it. (1/16/2014 11:20:15 AM)


ORIGINAL: xxblushesxx

It wouldn't matter if you were six foot and weighed 88 lbs. Someone would call you a fat, worthless whatever. See, it's not about whether you are or are not overweight. It's about poking at peoples' insecurities. Since you mention your size (sort of) in your handle, that dork wad felt it was ok to call you out on it. (It's not.)

This. Or if you were thin he'd tell you that you were a bag of bones and not a real woman because you aren't curvy enough.

Here's another way of thinking of it- thank goodness you're bigger than his ideal woman! Otherwise he might have approached you nicely and you might not have found out what a twat he was until you were into a relationship with him. This way he's warned you away from the first message.

fluffyprincess -> RE: This is my rant about weight, and how I'm treated for it. (1/16/2014 11:32:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: ExiledTyrant

Okay darlin, don't let that crap get to you. I'll clue you in on a secret, all men are attracted to different women, there is no standard mold that we all agree upon, but what we CAN and DO agree on confidence. If you are happy with your body image, that confidence in you is going to shine through, and confident is feckin sexy!

I'm in total agreement with you, accept you for who you are. However, if you haven't accepted it... "I'm trying to get healthier", you cannot expect your potential partner to accept it.

I would encourage you to really soul search and set realistic goals for your health, weight, and all else you are wanting to improve, look at that goal and make sure that the target is where your happy sits. Take a step toward it and let us help you with all the encouragement we can give you here. You could go so far as to lay out your goals in your journal and do updates there as well. But I would only do this, if you aren't happy with where you are. Don't do it for someone other than yourself, or because some asshole sent a nasty note.


I've accepted that I am a bigger woman...I don't ever see myself as ending up being skinny...I just have depression, so I come off as if I don't love myself....when I do love myself.

I love my face, I love my smile. I love my laugh, and I love my giggles. I love my tits, and ass...I love my personality. I love how innocent I am, with some twisted thoughts thrown in, (why else would I be on a site like collarme? :P)

I'm just fed up with being seen as a fat woman...when that's not how I view myself. I view myself as sexy. It's taken me forever to realize it...but I am happy with the way that I am. I don't want to lose weight, I want to be eat healthier, and have a better body on the inside...that's all.

ExiledTyrant -> RE: This is my rant about weight, and how I'm treated for it. (1/16/2014 11:36:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: fluffyprincess

I'm just fed up with being seen as a fat woman...when that's not how I view myself. I view myself as sexy. It's taken me forever to realize it...but I am happy with the way that I am. I don't want to lose weight, I want to be eat healthier, and have a better body on the inside...that's all.

Ignore the twat-waffles and stick with this!


kalikshama -> RE: This is my rant about weight, and how I'm treated for it. (1/16/2014 12:03:32 PM)


I've accepted that I am a bigger woman...I don't ever see myself as ending up being skinny...I just have depression, so I come off as if I don't love myself....when I do love myself.

Welbutrin is the antidepressant that works the best for me. It's a little speedy, which helps give me the nudge I need to exercise.

I'm less concerned with the number on the scale than with how active I am. I feel and sleep best when I exercise regularly.

Rule -> RE: This is my rant about weight, and how I'm treated for it. (1/16/2014 1:13:09 PM)

Just hide, block and ignore. And have a laugh about the stupidity of that person.

booklover13 -> RE: This is my rant about weight, and how I'm treated for it. (1/16/2014 1:19:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: joybaby

There's a guy who keeps sending me nasty messages...i know i can block him, but i don't for a few reasons. One, i don't want him to think that he is even that important that i'd take the time to do it. Two, i want him to think that it isn't bothering me in the least-after all, if it bothered me, surely i'd block him! And three-he keeps making up new profiles anyway, so it probably wouldn't matter.

The thing that is strange is, he will write and say something really nasty, and then, as if he doesn't remember doing that, he'll write a very nice message a short time later. If only he was smart enough to change his location and stats with each new profile, i might just fall for it

I keep getting similar messages from some guy who keeps changing his profile. Now, I just recognize his style of writing and block and delete. Wonder if its the same guy.

tiggerspoohbear -> RE: This is my rant about weight, and how I'm treated for it. (1/16/2014 1:43:52 PM)

Joybaby if he's coming across with different profiles, and harassing you under the new ones block and delete. Then report what he's doing to support. It's at the bottom of the page on the other side.

There is absolutely no shame in blocking someone who is bothering you. That's what the button was put there for. I use it, less frequently now, but I also get less mail. I had someone c-mail me recently who'd been banned over 4 years ago. Came back and sent me a msg right away. Block, report, not a word since.

jlf1961 -> RE: This is my rant about weight, and how I'm treated for it. (1/16/2014 4:13:05 PM)

Fluffyprincess before I can make a determination on your weight and exactly what description should be used, I have to ask some questions, if you do not mind.

1) Do you generate a gravitational field?

1A) If yes, have you affected the orbits of planetary objects in your immediate vicinity?

If you answer no to the first question, if you are comfortable, then everything is okay.

Personally, I am not comfortable with my weight, especially since I gained back the 120 pounds I lost when the docs started screwing with my meds, but that is me.

Dont let anyone give you crap about anything.

tiggerspoohbear -> RE: This is my rant about weight, and how I'm treated for it. (1/16/2014 4:17:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: tiggerspoohbear

Joybaby if he's coming across with different profiles, and harassing you under the new ones block and delete. Then report what he's doing to support. It's at the bottom of the page on the other side.

There is absolutely no shame in blocking someone who is bothering you. That's what the button was put there for. I use it, less frequently now, but I also get less mail. I had someone c-mail me recently who'd been banned over 4 years ago. Came back and sent me a msg right away. Block, report, not a word since.

OOPSIE shoulda been to fluffyprincess. Saw Joybaby somewhere and got cumfuzzled. Recurring theme here on my part.... [8|]

joybaby -> RE: This is my rant about weight, and how I'm treated for it. (1/16/2014 4:24:44 PM)

i'm not ashamed at all...the reasons i gave for not blocking him are the real reasons. I don't want to give him the satisfaction. I don't even open the messages unless he tricks me with a new profile..and he isn't always successful at doing that. I can usually tell by his style of writing and certain words that he consistently misspells. Those, along with his stats that he's too stupid to change, usually give him away. I just hover over the message and if i think it's him, i just never open it.

I had actually forgotten about this other guy until just now...this one wrote me twice (from different profiles), complimenting me on my profile. He didn't ask if we could correspond or anything like that, so i just wrote back "thank you". Both times, he then wrote that i was a stupid redneck and my message was the dumbest, laziest message ever. I tried to respond but he had blocked me. Well....when he tried it a third time i was ready, and sent him a nice long message criticizing everything in his profile, especially his boring juvenile attempt at erotic fiction. I had to write a lot of babble in the first part of the message to make it long enough that he wouldn't see any of the nasty stuff unless he actually opened it, rather than hovering over it. I also double spaced it to be sure. I was successful-he opened it, and i haven't heard from him again =)

Booklover13, what state is your troglodyte in? I wonder if it's either of the two i've had to deal with.

TieMeInKnottss -> RE: This is my rant about weight, and how I'm treated for it. (1/16/2014 4:27:36 PM)

The one thing that TRULY irks the hell out of me is that...honestly the one type of discrimination, bias, stereotyping that is still considered "acceptable" is the "fat" thing. Ever notice that the first insult slung is "you're such a fat___". Driving down the street and cut someone off...somebody yells ""fat jerk" or "fat bitch". Even if the person IS a jerk or a bitch, why is it ok to describe them as fat? If the person is a Jew or black or gay...using that to "describe" the "type" of bitch or jerk is considered. "Incendiary" "discriminatory" and has even been used to "justify" a violent reaction- I.e.- "I cut him off by accident, he yelled "watch where you're going you black jerk"... I got angry and hit him" enough court see this defense used and sometimes accepted.

I don't usually get so steamed but...if you want to be "politically correct" on race, religion, sexuality, disabilities...then recognize that ANYTHING personal that is not part of why you dislike someone (hey...if I sit on you and break 5 ribs THEN call me a fat bitch but if I borrowed money & didn't pay it back, stole your parking space, flipped you the bird...then I am just a MEAN bitch!!)

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