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GotSteel -> Fear Goggles (2/20/2014 7:50:33 PM)


Original: http://psycnet.apa.org/journals/xhp/38/5/1159/
In five experiments, participants determined whether another person was holding a gun or a neutral object. Critically, the participant did this while holding and responding with either a gun or a neutral object. Responding with a gun biased observers to report “gun present” more than did responding with a ball. Thus, by virtue of affording a perceiver the opportunity to use a gun, he or she was more likely to classify objects in a scene as a gun and, as a result, to engage in threat-induced behavior (raising a firearm to shoot).

Does research such as this in conjunction with laws legalizing the killing of another human being whenever the shooter thinks they need to troubling?

Kirata -> RE: Fear Goggles (2/20/2014 8:27:16 PM)




Original: http://psycnet.apa.org/journals/xhp/38/5/1159/
In five experiments, participants determined whether another person was holding a gun or a neutral object. Critically, the participant did this while holding and responding with either a gun or a neutral object.

We absolutely have to stop this business of people walking around with a drawn gun in their hand, and I'm certainly going to say something to the next one I see.


TheHeretic -> RE: Fear Goggles (2/20/2014 8:41:50 PM)

Click here to purchase pdf??? A pay-to-participate thread?

TheHeretic -> RE: Fear Goggles (2/20/2014 8:52:38 PM)


Fear Goggles

Based on the single paragraph synopsis of the study, I would question your choice of thread title, Gotsteel. It seems to me that "Rambo Goggles" would probably better describe the effect with subjects standing there holding a gun.

evesgrden -> RE: Fear Goggles (2/20/2014 9:19:17 PM)

When you're holding a hammer everything looks like a nail.

RottenJohnny -> RE: Fear Goggles (2/20/2014 10:54:39 PM)

How many of the participants had previous experience with firearms? Self-defense training?

ElectraGlide -> RE: Fear Goggles (2/20/2014 11:15:15 PM)

I was hiking once in the woods and came up behind someone's house so fast it suprised me, there was a guy working on a old car, he held up and pointed what looked like a gun. He said what the hell are you doing here, I told him I got lost, he said can you find your way out of here, I said yes. It was a big chrome socket wrench he was pointing, at first it looked like a gun, it took a few moments to realize what it was. If I left faster I would have swore it was a gun, but our brief conversation I had enough time to know what it was.

No I never shot a real gun, I had BB Guns as a kid. I grew up in a safe feeling suburban neighborhood, no one there felt a need for a gun, I am sure people there had guns.

epiphiny43 -> RE: Fear Goggles (2/20/2014 11:27:29 PM)

Missing is any sense of the subject's experience with guns, HOW they were being held, whether hand guns or long arms and other important variables. Most people actually used to 'carrying' guns don't. They use a holster or sling. Guns are Heavy.
A rifle held at port arms or in a tactical sling (Perfected by the IDI) or a hand gun actually 'in hand' is far different perceptually than a shoulder slung long arm or holstered pistol.
Context is huge. In a cathedral or school yard isn't quite like walking up to the gun positions at a firing range or people encountered in the woods the day deer season opens. All why real students of nature or people read the experimental design carefully? And why it's published with the findings in responsible journals?

joether -> RE: Fear Goggles (2/21/2014 1:37:34 AM)


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic
Click here to purchase pdf??? A pay-to-participate thread?

You can obtain this document through most local libraries. May take a few days to 'transfer' it from one site to another.

Yachtie -> RE: Fear Goggles (2/21/2014 3:02:03 AM)


Something, anything, must be done about dangerous wii controllers. A study needs to be done about them. People just should not be allowed to have such things.

Zonie63 -> RE: Fear Goggles (2/21/2014 4:04:01 AM)




Original: http://psycnet.apa.org/journals/xhp/38/5/1159/
In five experiments, participants determined whether another person was holding a gun or a neutral object. Critically, the participant did this while holding and responding with either a gun or a neutral object. Responding with a gun biased observers to report “gun present” more than did responding with a ball. Thus, by virtue of affording a perceiver the opportunity to use a gun, he or she was more likely to classify objects in a scene as a gun and, as a result, to engage in threat-induced behavior (raising a firearm to shoot).

Does research such as this in conjunction with laws legalizing the killing of another human being whenever the shooter thinks they need to troubling?

I think it would depend on other factors as well, such as the situation in question, whether it's a confrontational type situation or not. The attitude and personality of the other individual might also give clues as to whether he/she might be friendly or hostile, but just the presence of a gun doesn't really tell us anything.

cloudboy -> RE: Fear Goggles (2/21/2014 7:54:49 AM)

The two dovetail completely forming the new and highly exonerating "but I thought it was a gun" defense.

I know that if I walked around Baltimore Armed, it would be both dumb and stupid -- and if I felt the need to do it -- paranoid. Toss in a little SYG idiocy - then mix and stir.

hlen5 -> RE: Fear Goggles (2/21/2014 8:02:54 AM)


ORIGINAL: RottenJohnny

How many of the participants had previous experience with firearms? Self-defense training?

I was bonded to carry a firearm (shotgun and revolver) for work in the past. Army Veteran so have shot M-16s and 50 cal machine gun. Target practice with Dad with a variety of small arms (Mom was the better shot!).

I also took a Model Mugging Self-Defense course.

jlf1961 -> RE: Fear Goggles (2/21/2014 11:18:12 AM)

Oh Jesus Christ.

You dont need some study (probably funded by a government grant) to figure this crap out. Three factors need to come together for the "fear goggle" effect, if that is what you want to call it.

I mean shit troops have been mistaking things for guns since god knows when, the reason that innocent civilians are stepped on in combat zones.

The same is true for LEO's.

However, a well lit gas station, a car of teenagers playing loud music is not one of these situations.

joether -> RE: Fear Goggles (2/21/2014 11:34:15 AM)


ORIGINAL: jlf1961
Oh Jesus Christ.

You dont need some study (probably funded by a government grant) to figure this crap out. Three factors need to come together for the "fear goggle" effect, if that is what you want to call it.

I mean shit troops have been mistaking things for guns since god knows when, the reason that innocent civilians are stepped on in combat zones.

The same is true for LEO's.

However, a well lit gas station, a car of teenagers playing loud music is not one of these situations.

Or some kid just walking down the street with a bag of skittles and a can of tea minding his own business on the way to his father's house.....

But I do think we should do studies on firearms. Not 'statistical studies' as there are plenty of those. But studies that really examine the human condition when given a number of tests. When there are car accidents, people try to recreate the accident to study how roads, vehicles and laws can be redesigned and/or created to save lives. Yet the number of such studies for firearms is surprisingly very small. There is a number of logistical hurdles to overcome with such a study. To obtain funding from neutral sources. Design the study that is scientific and asks specific questions to understanding how people react in different situations. Do it safely so that all those that participate do not get injured or killed. And remove the politics from the test.

RottenJohnny -> RE: Fear Goggles (2/21/2014 11:31:49 PM)


I was bonded to carry a firearm (shotgun and revolver) for work in the past. Army Veteran so have shot M-16s and 50 cal machine gun. Target practice with Dad with a variety of small arms (Mom was the better shot!).
I also took a Model Mugging Self-Defense course.

Well done, hlen...and thank you for your service. [:)]

The reason I was asking my questions was that the results of a study like this might easily be skewed if none of the participants have ever spent time handling firearms or have no training that exposes them to situations involving firearms...ending with very predictable results.

joether -> RE: Fear Goggles (2/22/2014 4:20:44 AM)


ORIGINAL: RottenJohnny

I was bonded to carry a firearm (shotgun and revolver) for work in the past. Army Veteran so have shot M-16s and 50 cal machine gun. Target practice with Dad with a variety of small arms (Mom was the better shot!).
I also took a Model Mugging Self-Defense course.

Well done, hlen...and thank you for your service. [:)]

The reason I was asking my questions was that the results of a study like this might easily be skewed if none of the participants have ever spent time handling firearms or have no training that exposes them to situations involving firearms...ending with very predictable results.

How does one determine the skill of an individual during a random selection process? Someone in the military for eight years could be a crappy shot on the average, while someone that had sever really fired guns for one reason or another, turn out to be a near deadeye sharpshooter? A study like this is not meant to be a competition shooting, but to find answers to questions by determining a good way to test the hypothesis.

TheHeretic -> RE: Fear Goggles (2/22/2014 9:06:33 AM)


ORIGINAL: joether

How does one determine the skill of an individual during a random selection process? Someone in the military for eight years could be a crappy shot on the average, while someone that had sever really fired guns for one reason or another, turn out to be a near deadeye sharpshooter? A study like this is not meant to be a competition shooting, but to find answers to questions by determining a good way to test the hypothesis.

It's nothing to do with shooting accuracy, Joether. It's the role the firearm plays psychologically for the individual carrying it. It's like doing a study on how badly alcohol impairs judgement, using only 21 year olds with little to no experience drinking.

Without the data on who the subjects were, the study might as well be a "which Simpsons character are you" test on Facebook.

ResidentSadist -> RE: Fear Goggles (2/22/2014 10:36:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: evesgrden
When you're holding a hammer everything looks like a nail.

So if you have a gun everything looks like a target?
If you have a pussy, does everything looks like a dick?

The study is true by my experience. When I buy a certain model car, I start to notice other people with that same model car. When I started carrying a gun, I spotted other people's holsters more often.

However, owning a car doesn't make want to run people over with it. Owning a gun doesn't make want to shoot people. Knowing martial arts doesn't make me want to karate chop people and carrying a knife doesn't make me want to stab people. In fact, if there is any modification to my thoughts, having the power of life and death over others makes me more responsible for my actions in the matter. The same way having power over and being responsible for my s-type makes me more careful about what I say and do.

If holding a hammer really makes everything look like a nail, instead of inspiring you to build something nice, I hope you never own a gun.

joether -> RE: Fear Goggles (2/22/2014 12:30:45 PM)


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

ORIGINAL: joether
How does one determine the skill of an individual during a random selection process? Someone in the military for eight years could be a crappy shot on the average, while someone that had sever really fired guns for one reason or another, turn out to be a near deadeye sharpshooter? A study like this is not meant to be a competition shooting, but to find answers to questions by determining a good way to test the hypothesis.

It's nothing to do with shooting accuracy, Joether. It's the role the firearm plays psychologically for the individual carrying it. It's like doing a study on how badly alcohol impairs judgement, using only 21 year olds with little to no experience drinking.

Without the data on who the subjects were, the study might as well be a "which Simpsons character are you" test on Facebook.

Dude, you usually have better arguments than this one. In fact, you usually know well enough not to step into this kind of bullshit....

That said....

So basically what your saying is, a study is not 'correct' nor 'accurate', unless *ALL* the people being tested are 100%, Grade A, Gun Nuts? Sorry, but scientific studies if they have any real credibility do not 'stack the court'. Maybe in creationism, but not in most credible studies.

When studies are performed related to alcoholic consumption the questions do matter. Testing how beer effects the human mind when the question is "How do teenage brains handle the substance?" they do not look for 45 year old men for obvious reasons. Unlike firearms, studies were 'alcohol' have played a central role have heaps of evidence. Why have the number of actual studies related to firearms (this would be non-statically studies) been extremely few and fair inbetween? Unlike drugs and alcohol, firearms are a political hot potato. Many people can point out that the Firearm Industry and its bitch, the NRA, will go to any and all lengths to keep such studies from coming to life....UNLESS...the outcome is rated in the most positive terms for the firearm industry. Only extremist religious groups go to the same lengths....

When a study is conducted, its good to get a fair mixture of different skills, if a firearm study were to be crafted. Knowing stacking the court would damage the potential good data to be found. Though what you fail to understand, is that many studies *DO* know who participated in the study. They do not give that information out because its PRIVATE information. UNLESS, a consent for release of information is given.

You know what the really funny part about gun studies are? The number of egotistical guys that will say the whole thing was rigged against the person with the firearm and that they would have done exceedingly better. Yet, when placed in that position, their bodies perform unsurprisingly the same way. That's why we perform studies, Heretic, to understand the world around us. I say we should publish more studies of this kind. Would put the Firearm Industry to shame the same as the Tobacco Industry. I have no problem if many of those studies come back positive for the firearm industry (assuming everything is performed honest and legitimately). How many gun nuts can say the same if the reverse was true? Not a single one. An there, Heretic, lies their fear. A fear that overrides their ability to put their bullshit to actual real tests, rather than a belief system. Since if we allowed belief systems to rule us, the sun would *STILL* be orbiting the Earth.

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