RE: Are WE racists? (Full Version)

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Kidsphoenixx -> RE: Are WE racists? (7/8/2006 4:55:29 AM)

Fast reply:
CM denizens never fail to "disappoint".
Kinda like Pavlov's dogs........the difference being not the ringing of a bell, just the posting of virtually any topic.
Dontcha just LOVE the human race!
Thank you one and all for comfirming your membership in the human race.

NakisisaX -> RE: Are WE racists? (7/8/2006 5:29:48 AM)

Well, if we connect the dots as we answer your questions, we'll see that it leads back to white bigotry. How else do you explain your history and the fact that you're in power? Of course there's a "BET" when all other channels are automatically "WET". But guess who owns "BET"..."WET". Of course there are "Black Colleges" that cater specifically to blacks, why would we go to the "white" schools such as the ivy league schools that teach white ideology? Just because they were built by our ancestors doesn't make them any more ours.
I'm a racist and love my people like chem-ists love chemistry, marx-ists love marxisism etc, but white racism takes on a whole new meaning because its based on control by skin color and those in control can perpetuate bigotry because, they're in control. There's nothing wrong in displaying your love of your heritage but for white people it was used to conquer others and is still used to remind them of it. For those whites that seem to be color blind its because they know that if the playing field were level, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

porchia -> RE: Are WE racists? (7/8/2006 7:12:57 AM)


There are over 60 openly proclaimed Black
 Colleges in the US, yet if there
 were "White colleges" that would be a racist college

Ever stop and think why there are black colleges---because of segregation.   We (the white race) did not want black people in our colleges.   We forced this and NOW we complain about it.   Slavery is still a very alive and hurtful memory TODAY.   Just a FYI the college i attend has not ONE african american in it.   Why number one i live in a very small community where black folks really have not been accepted and the stereotypical views are still alive and running rampant.   Black folks come and cease to stay very long---because of the looks they get and the snide remarks.   Yes we have all white colleges and not because blacks are not permitted to attend because it is an all white college but more so because the white community doesn't want them there.    And just a reminder---probably if one were to do some historical back ground a person might find that they have one drop of black blood in them---most of the white Master's enjoyed forcing themselves on their black slaves and i am sure that many of their wives were getting a little on black on the side too because she wasn't getting enough from her husband.  
    This sort of debate really sickens me.  i have a black friend who once said to me why does your race hate me so and i said i'm not sure it really should be the other way around because if someone treated my ancestors the way mine treated you i would carry the hate in my heart.  This same friend was one who had tomatoes and other rotten food thrown at him when he was allowed to attend a 'white' school in the seventies.   Many have decent memories of their first day of school and this is what his memory is---a memory of being covered in filth and being called rude names because of the color of his skin.   Believe it or not he doesn't carry the hate---but i would.   So let them have there million man marches, their black college funds, their NAACP---and let our gay brothers and sisters have their gay pride days and their rainbows and any other minority stand up for themselves in any postitve way that can help them get over the torture and abuse that has been inflicted up on them.   Bottom line we are all people and those i am far from being religious but Jesus died for ALL of us and when you think of Jesus remember where he was born---when you cast out that term "sand nigger" because you might be including him in that slur.        

LaTigresse -> RE: Are WE racists? (7/8/2006 7:18:45 AM)


ORIGINAL: JohnWarren

Kindly don't include me in your rant.  

I think the answer about you is pretty clear if only by your request that people forward the post.


NeedToUseYou -> RE: Are WE racists? (7/8/2006 7:46:50 AM)

You know all this talk of power, and whitey. Is pathetic. There are more poor and uneducated white people, than any minority. They in no way share in this fabled culture of whitey power. It's really funny. There are no societal advantages to being white. You take two identical people one black, poor,  high school graduate and a white, poor high school graduate. Who has more advantage in terms of getting a higher education? If you think it's whitey, that is so untrue. Research grants, and scholarships it is the black kid that will have the advantage. Now take another case. Let's say Poor white kid, and Poor black kid work their way through college and want to open a business, who has a better chance of getting funding. Black kid wins again, why because the government specificly targets minorities for grants, tax breaks, and government contracts. So, in both higher education and business a black kid will have the advantage over a white kid. And this is whitey holding the black kid down. Hrmmmm, not seeing it. So, at least on a government level this isn't the case. I'll tell you  a unpopular reason but absolutely true one when I was in high school. I took harder classes like chem I,II, physics, Trig, etc.... Now, how many black students did I have in any of my classes even though 10% of the population was black. 1, that's right 1 out of all of my classes. That is why you have black people at least in this area not going to college, not advancing. Because they didn't select to take classes that would allow them to advance, even though they were right there, and available. At this point the government has set the ball in the court of black society(grants, tax breaks, preference in contracts), they have no one to blame but themselves for failure. Anybody can quote any book they want, but when I was in high school that is exactly what happened. Opportunity was there, but only 1 took advantage of it. It's odd because I had middle eastern, and asian classmates(much more of a minority), but only 1 black  kid in any of my classes.

So, how exactly is that whitey's fault? This is why I have so little belief in the systematic racism philosphy as an excuse. I was just as poor as anyone else. I had the exact same opportunities in high school. So, who's fault is that. Black, or white?  Sorry, it's about time in my book that people of all colors start taking responsibility for there own refusal to raise themselves up. Instead of this constant scapegoating.

And to NakisisaX BET was founded by a black man but he later sold it for well over a Billion dollars to Viacom I believe. And having gone to one University I can tell you that white self  hatred is taught nowadays not hating blacks that is absolutely ridiculous from my experiences at universities. It sounds like you may have been out of the loop for awhile in that regard or attending a different university somewhere very far from here. In any case. I've seen no evidence to support any of these claims that problems in the black community are anything but self created now.

Oh well, doubt that's popular. That's my view. By the way, for about 1/3rd of my childhood my mothers boyfriend was black. And actually he was the only one I ever liked. But at the same time he had little belief in his ability to do something better with his life. The belief that whitey is holding a group down tends to have just as much of an effect on the group even though it's not necessarily really being held down. It comes down to belief in ones own ability to improve oneself. If anyone is convinced that goal is insurmountable, then why even try. But it's not. This holds true for most poor people. belief in ones abilities, determines how far you are able to go. White and Black this is the common theme of the poor no belief in self.

Ok, now someone will infer I'm a racist or something. LOL. whatever. Or inform me that my life experiences are wrong on the subject. ok. Just reporting from the small pocket of the world I live in. I can't really tell you why it occurs in L.A. I don't live there, but I can tell you why it occurs in my backyard. A lack of emphasis on education in the black community(and white poor to a lesser degree) and that stems from a lack of belief that one can raise themselves up to a better life. It is not because the opportunities are being withheld though.

catize -> RE: Are WE racists? (7/8/2006 7:59:15 AM)

We all have our flaws, we all have thought patterns that are based not on reality but on what we have been told by others. 
When I recognize that I am thinking in negative generalities, I pull myself up short and try to figure out where it came from and examine the thought for truth or lies. 
A bigot, on the other hand, never questions the validity of their assumptions.  They hold fast to their belief system without scrutiny.  They look only at the things they perceive as proof of their superiority and refuse to acknowledge that which proves them wrong.    

NakisisaX -> RE: Are WE racists? (7/8/2006 8:14:06 AM)

You say you're of middle eastern decent, well, why would I expect you to understand when your ancestors were in the northern and eastern parts of Africa while your cousins were on the western and southern parts doing the exact same thing?
BET may have been founded by a brother but he still had to get his permission from those who own the rights to satellites...probably white, censor committees...probably white. Do I really need to go on?
You are right in saying that people should be responsible for themselves. That is very true considering this society (white owned and operated) is about individualism and "your evidence"  is incomplete in that regard in explaining that. A community based on community needs can't function well in a community based on individuals. If that is fiction, then maybe you can explain how it is that there was no prison system until whites came?
Let me explain it to you like this: an adult teaches a child how to ride a bike. The adult gets the child aware of safety and such and then runs along side him/her to help them learn balance while riding. Eventually, the kid is on their own and the next thing you know, they're riding their bikes off cliffs and bridges with parachutes. The kid dies as a result of that stupid act its his fault true, but someone had to teach him to ride and that's where the blacks can easily connect the dots to "whitey". We don't manufacture crack, guns or these diseases in our communities, they were brought in to systematically destroy any type of unification during the 50's and 60's. If your "evidence" were credible, all indigenous people worldwide would be high on crack, killing and raping each other at much higher rates than now. Tell me, what does your "evidence" say about all indigenous peoples of the world having the SAME EXACT STORY when it comes to the first contact with whites as well as the end result of having their system implemented on their socieites by force? Nice try.

mistoferin -> RE: Are WE racists? (7/8/2006 8:25:26 AM)

Racism knows no boundaries of color or ethnicity. So long as we continue to seperate ourselves by that criteria and blame our shortcomings in life on a particular group instead of taking ownership of our own destinies....there will always be racism...and that is what is happening on all sides of the coin.

feastie -> RE: Are WE racists? (7/8/2006 8:29:16 AM)

*fast reply*

I read an interesting line in a book just a while ago...

It reads, "No, it's about you, not your race."

I'm not going to determine your value as a person by your skin color, I'm going to determine it on your behavior.  I expect you to do the same.

ArtimisBlack -> RE: Are WE racists? (7/8/2006 8:49:21 AM)

Um, excuse me (ducks flying race comment) but for all those who are saying so-and-so is holding so-and-so down long as we continue to refer to people by race, and to separate them by race, there will be racism. When you say, this is for one race but not the other-or a variant of it, you encourage racism. It doesn’t matter if you say the person deserves something good or something bad, as long as you are making the judgment by the color of their skin, it’s racism. The only way to defeat this type of thinking is to stop making any type of judgment by skin color. You want those in need to have scholarships? Then those are the guidelines you need to set up and –surprise, surprise- this can be done without referring to race in any way. As long as you call it by race, it will be judged that way. Are people still being judged by their race? Yes, but those judgments are made about somebody of one race about someone of another (or in some cases the same) race regardless of which race they belong to. It is not a case of one race judges while the other(s) do not.
Now some may ask...what about the statistical significance of judging by race? How will we know if one is more/less then the other if we do not differentiate between them?
In this I can admit that dividing by race can be acceptable, however it should be done the same way you would divide between people who like vanilla ice cream from those who like chocolate-i.e. informational rather then judgmental. The only things your race can make you predisposed to are genetic issues (diabetes etc.), everything else is culture and environment. Race doesn’t entitle you to anything. It’s time we remember that the only way to truly eliminate racism is by judging people based on their own merits-rather then by the color of their skin.

edited to add:
Lol....dammit I hate it when I take so long to write that someone makes my point before I do....I wanna be first......[:(]

smilezz -> RE: Are WE racists? (7/8/2006 8:49:40 AM)

Coming from a family of racists, it's a wonder that i did not turn out that way also.  I did not.  I am not a racist.  My nanny told me about color when i was a wee one...she said the only difference is:  God kissed us different colors.
My child at the age of 4 had a sitter who i call a family member is of color....she never knew the difference until a little girl in that neighborhood asked her why some of the babies she was playing with were black and why the lady she was with was black?  my child at the age of 4 without hesitation said:  God kissed them that color.
When i went to pick her up after work and Aunt S. told me about that, i had no idea my child had heard me say that before.  They do pay attention! 


NeedToUseYou -> RE: Are WE racists? (7/8/2006 8:57:11 AM)



You say you're of middle eastern decent, well, why would I expect you to understand when your ancestors were in the northern and eastern parts of Africa while your cousins were on the western and southern parts doing the exact same thing?

Ummm, I never said I was middle eastern. I actually never mentioned my race, but the huge gawdy picture on the side should give a clue.


BET may have been founded by a brother but he still had to get his permission from those who own the rights to satellites...probably white, censor committees...probably white. Do I really need to go on?

You don't need to go on, because it's clear he got those rights used them and made well over a billion dollars for his effort.


You are right in saying that people should be responsible for themselves. That is very true considering this society (white owned and operated) is about individualism and "your evidence"  is incomplete in that regard in explaining that. A community based on community needs can't function well in a community based on individuals. If that is fiction, then maybe you can explain how it is that there was no prison system until whites came?

Well, there wasn't much of anything in terms of buildings, or permanent constructs here. So, yeah I guess white people brought prisons, they brought all kinds of things good and bad.  I don't think prison was created in order to punish minorities though, as they were used on whites before minorities.

Let me explain it to you like this: an adult teaches a child how to ride a bike. The adult gets the child aware of safety and such and then runs along side him/her to help them learn balance while riding. Eventually, the kid is on their own and the next thing you know, they're riding their bikes off cliffs and bridges with parachutes. The kid dies as a result of that stupid act its his fault true, but someone had to teach him to ride and that's where the blacks can easily connect the dots to "whitey".

I thought it was the parent that was supposed to teach the child, safety, values, etc....  But I understand you are using child as "black society" and adult as "white society" and since whites didn't teach the "child", not to ride it's bike over the cliff it's white societies fault. Hmmmm, not really seeing it as Asians don't seem to have this problem, and they were virtually slaves to(construction of railroads), and were discriminated against, however, they seem to have learned the one lesson that matters, "Educate yourself, or be poor". That is the only lesson of importance when it comes to issues of money.


We don't manufacture crack, guns or these diseases in our communities, they were brought in to systematically destroy any type of unification during the 50's and 60's. If your "evidence" were credible, all indigenous people worldwide would be high on crack, killing and raping each other at much higher rates than now. Tell me, what does your "evidence" say about all indigenous peoples of the world having the SAME EXACT STORY when it comes to the first contact with whites as well as the end result of having their system implemented on their socieites by force? Nice try.

So, is it your belief that whites make crack, guns and create diseases to destroy minorities. Ok, I'll go tell the whites that are on crack, white gang members, white soldiers that die in wars, and whites that get diseases that those bullets, drugs, and diseases aren't for them. That should help them out and prove your theory once and for all. Sounds like paranoia rather than any valid theory. Oh well.

Just replace Whitey with Jew, and this is the same argument we've heard time and time again.

Thanks, I feel so much better, abou the potential for harmony. I didn't know all of those "facts". Excuse me I have to go indulge in a gift from the indians "Tobacco" that must be a plot to I guess.

NakisisaX -> RE: Are WE racists? (7/8/2006 12:56:09 PM)

My apologies on the middle eastern suggestion, I read too fast.

There were pyramids, temples, cities, roads here but no prisons. Considering that in order to colonize areas, europe needed bodies, so they allowed the "dregs" of their society leave such as their own prisoners. During that time, there were no prisons anywhere else but europe..go figure.  Who better to rid the new world of human and animal savages then the serial killer/outdoorsman, because the duke of earl isn't trying to get attacked by ferocious wolves and bears. Did it ever occur to you that all of that "old west" violence was a bit much in a society of "civilized" people? In trying to colonize the human savages, where do you supposed they kept them? I'm sure the children and women were with the higher echelon of prisoners in their private rooms, but the men had to be housed in barns under armed guards until they could build something more permanent to house them. That comes from experience being that they came from prison.

Not everyone can do what johnson did with bet. I'm almost sure he didn't grow up in poverty and I'm even more sure that he didn't get to where he's at by himself. See that's the difference in the societies. It takes a village to raise a child, not just the individual parent. That includes teacher, neighbors, cops, firemen, mailmen, extended family etc. If these people are in an area of economic ruin an all of these influences are bad, it should be no surprise that he assimilates into that mode, but we celebrate when those few get themselves out and go back to help their communities. Asians don't have that problem because they have their own economic base. Power respects power and asians know that. Hell, one of their wrote "the art of war". They can defend themselves economically when they have to. I doubt  steven segal would just approach bruce lee and just smack him if he knew what he knew. You see bush not trying to invade korea because he know that az-whuppin will be worse than the one he's getting now in iraq.

I can give you 3 black-run towns that somehow got destroyed because we weren't smart enough to come up with defensive strategies. They weren't destroyed due to crack and guns. 2 were destroyed by whites from the neighboring towns because of nothing more than jealousy (Durham, N.C., Tulsa, OK), the 3rd was destroyed because a white woman lied and said she was raped by a black man so they came with the lynch mob. (Rosewood, Florida- look it up)

I can admit that as a people, we do act like deranged, abused children, its just these fools that keep saying "we're making strides" or "we've come so far" that I have a problem with.

You don't have to tell the white crackheads or any of the other degenerates anything because they already know. It wasn't until it creeped in the suburbs that "suddenly" there's a crime problem and it's from the ask yourself, where did the black community get it from? Did you know about aids before rock hudson or after?

Sammy Davis Jr was jewish. which should dispel the  mythical physical description of a "jew". 

It's not paranoia once you answer that question. Read these kids history book and those same facts are in there even that tobacco usage among the natives. Now once you got a hold of them, they're cancer sticks...wonder why that is.

BlkTallFullfig -> RE: Are WE racists? (7/8/2006 1:04:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: meatcleaver

ORIGINAL: Kidsphoenixx
Are WE racists

Sadly, yes. Which is why it is pointless to explain why you are.
I don't think it's pointless to explain Meatcleaver, and you would be among the few people on these boards who could successfully do it I think...  Oh wait, it would be pointless because anyone who spews that rant has already made up his mind beyond any evidence to the contrary. **Sigh*   M 

SCORPIOXXX -> RE: Are WE racists? (7/8/2006 1:42:03 PM)

I don't know what history books you have been reading, nakisa, but you have a chip on your shoulder the size of a mountain... Jails have been around since day two in each and every enclave of people, regardless of skin color... Africa being the cradle of civilization, it is also the place where the first black slave was sold by a black man to another black man -- remember the Egyptians and their slaves: where do you think other ancient people got the idea? And it's not like Babylonians, Mesopotamians and later the Greeks and Romans were exactly White... And how about the documented fact that right now today in the US light skinned Afro-Americans look down on their darker brothers and sisters??? How ridiculous is that, when none of them can get a cab in NYC?

Having said all of the above, it's also true I have never been arrested for living-or-driving-while-black...

Bottom line: there are assholes in every barrel!

NakisisaX -> RE: Are WE racists? (7/8/2006 5:59:49 PM)

Yes and we all have chips on our shoulders when we stand up for ourselves. That's cool, I'll take that to my grave and show it to the creator and ask him/her/it to explain why I have it.

Yes, yes we've all heard of Africa and the "cradle" thing, so if they were the first in everything, they were the first pedeophiles, drug lords and serial rapists too huh? Egyptian slaves weren't hardly treated like the ones here. Egypt's slaves were POW's from invading foreign lands....from the north. They worked their debts off and were given choices of staying or leaving, but they kept their language, culture, religions and families. If you are referring to the story of the hebrews, you're going to have to get a lot more evidence than the bible because it seems strange that a population the size of a city wanfering around a wilderness for 40 years would leave something behind. Humans are nasty and wasteful, even back then so there has to be evidence, otherwise its another myth that gives a people with nothing some religious or spiritual self-esteem.

Now the greeks, romans babylonians etc weren't "white" in the sense we speak of today, but they sure as hell couldn't be mistaken for African, according to their hieroglyphics, they were white. And that was thousands of years ago. 

There are no documents on why there's inner turmoil between light and dark Africans here, but there is constant reminders all over the media. Lets see: "whitening" your teeth, have "glowing" hair, most soaps are white, "angel" food cake? come on. There's an old saying that Africans didn't make up. It goes, "If you're white, you're alright, if you're brown, you can hang around, if you're black, get way back". Light skinned were treated better and allowed inthe house so when it was time for the "dark" ones to plan an escape, guess who told of the plans? Of course several hundred years of that abuse seems to be genetically fused in our system because we do it without even being told anymore.

Congrats on being arrested and living while black. Thats usually regulated to blacks with expensive cars, but its good to see our police expanding their profiling to anyone with a slight tan. Come back when you're shot 14 times for reaching for a wallet or gangraped by cops with  billy clubs.

NeedToUseYou -> RE: Are WE racists? (7/8/2006 8:04:00 PM)

Ummm, I'm not really getting your point. Here, I understand that you think it's whites doing most or all of crimes based on race. But what I'm not hearing is your solution? I don't really see a point to listing errors if one doesn't state their solution. I could list off a myriad of problems caused by any group of people. That's pointless, though, solutions can be worth something though.

So, you've clearly defined your views on whites, and there effect on other cultures/races/nations. So what's the solution? What would you want done?

BlkTallFullfig -> RE: Are WE racists? (7/9/2006 1:07:40 AM)


Ummm, I'm not really getting your point. Here, I understand that you think it's whites doing most or all of crimes based on race. But what I'm not hearing is your solution? I don't really see a point to listing errors if one doesn't state their solution. I could list off a myriad of problems caused by any group of people. That's pointless, though, solutions can be worth something though.

So, you've clearly defined your views on whites, and there effect on other cultures/races/nations. So what's the solution? What would you want done?
I'll propose decreasing ignorance as one of the solutions (Race Matters by Cornel West, and Killing Rage, Ending Racism by Bell Hooks will give you a good beginning.
The second: indeed do onto others as you'd have done onto you...  Treat everyone as dignified as you'd want yourself treated, and judje each on his own merits, not based on observable excess melanin.   M

Wolfmoon6 -> RE: Are WE racists? (7/9/2006 2:27:39 AM)

People say that Whites have all the money and power.  And to a large extent I have to agree.  Something that should be known though is that 70% of the wealth in this county is controlled by 5% of the people.  that leaves 30% to be divided by the other 95% of the people.  The majority of the the ones in power or the money were born into it goes back generations.  The bush's of today are direct line descendants of Washington.  For most of us we are just the peasants working on the masters field.  It doesn't matter if we are black, asian, white, or any other race.  We still don't have the options that the people in power have and except for the lucky few we never will. We need to realize that we are all part of the masses that have to small of a share.  That racism is just a tool being fostered and used against us.  So we don't realize how small our share really is.  We argue back and forth about you did this to us. No you did this to us first.  As long as we continue to do this bickering and attacks at each other we forget how little we really have.  So is the whites that have all the power and money?  More than likely but only a select few.  The rest of are just the same as every other race in this county servants to the class with the power.


doll -> RE: Are WE racists? (7/9/2006 2:36:49 AM)

Nakisi...there are lots of women and young girls being raped by their fellow black man in Africa...I watched it on Opera...I am not debating with you on whether whites are better or blacks...everyone has their own opinion.  I have dated black men, but personally prefer white men....nothing against black men, just my preference.

I grew up in a town where there were no black people, was that way when my mom was growing up...I can remember the few black males that were my age as a teenager coming there and they were all gang members coming to start trouble...not saying all gang members are black...I know several of several races.

You need to stop whining about the oppression of certain races.... IMO, oppression in more based on yourself and the way you were raised.  Most parents in poverty level living don't want their children to better themselves because then they look like failures. 
Grow up and stop blaming other people because they are white.  I didn't own slaves, but I am sure someone in my ancestory did....but that doesn't mean I condone it.

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