Abigale’s Education chapter two (Full Version)

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UKDiscipline4you -> Abigale’s Education chapter two (3/8/2014 8:09:55 AM)

The study room was very quiet that evening as Mr Sheppard was sitting in for the sick Mrs Jones, he was an evil man that would punish the pupils for no other reason than that he could, Abigale wanted so badly to talk to Rebecca and Sarah about next week’s midnight feast they had been planning for her birthday but as Rebecca had already been punished today and Mr Sheppard had a thing for Sarah this was not the time or place, hopefully they would be able to talk at supper but as they had to keep the feast secret it might be unwise until they could be alone together on a free period. The bell went to signal the end of study just as Abigale finished the last of her homework, nobody moved as they waited for Mr Sheppard’s permission to leave “Jones see me after supper” he said without looking up from the desk, at that the pupils hurried out of the door just in case he chose to add a name for punishment, bugger thought Abigale as they headed to the dining room, no chance of the three of them talking before bed tonight now.

The dining room was unusually quiet when they got there, Abigale soon knew why when she caught sight of two very red bottoms bent over a table in the corner and Miss Eames stood next to them with a tawse in her hand. Abigale was glad she had only taken a small piece of fruit as every so often Miss Eames would use the tawse on one of the pupils bent over the table, Abigale waited for Rebecca to finish before putting her plate on the stack in the service hatch, as they were leaving Miss Eames said “Ward wait outside my room” Abigale’s heart sank for her friend who had already been punished that day and now she would be unable to talk to either of her friends about the feast. Everyone in the dorm was ready for bed except Rebecca Ward who was waiting by Miss Eames door and Sarah Jones who had not returned from seeing Mr Sheppard by the time their teacher arrived “In” Miss Eames ordered and followed Rebecca into her room, after a few minutes Abigale heard the order to strip and after a deathly silent pause the cries of pain, it wasn’t for long and Rebecca came running out of Miss Eames room clutching her uniform to her chest crying her eyes out, Abigale could see the bright red stripes left by the cane as the poor girl got into bed without even putting her nightie on. After about five minutes Miss Eames called out “Mitchell” and Abigale reluctantly got out of bed and went to the teachers room, Miss Eames looked her up and down before reading a folder, she finished reading looked up and said “Dismissed” as Abigale was leaving her teacher called out “Johnson” Abigale was just climbing into bed as Amy Johnson entered Miss Eames room, the teacher briefly came out of the room and said “I don’t expect to hear a thing before going back into the room and closing the door behind her.

Abigale so wanted to go and comfort her friend Rebecca who was still crying and sobbing in her bed but knew she would get caught as Amy would soon be returning from getting punished and Sarah Jones could return at any time with or without Mr Sheppard, Rebecca’s sobbing eventually quietened down and at some point Abigale must have fallen asleep as the morning bell went off waking her, she grabbed her towel and noticed that Sarah’s bed was empty and untouched from yesterday as she made her way to the bathroom for her shower. Abigale noticed the welts on Rebecca’s backside as they showered in the open wash area, she had been soundly caned by an expert and Abigale knew that she did not want to be on the receiving end

Miss Eames came out of her room with Amy Johnston following her bowlegged as Mr Sheppard arrived with Sarah Jones walking very much in the same fashion “Class attention” miss Eames ordered as Mr Sheppard took Amy and Sarah to the bathroom “Just not good enough” she said after inspecting the room, she said nothing further until Mr Sheppard returned with Amy and Sarah who were still trying to dry themselves as they walked to their beds “You will all report back here on your free period without fail” Miss Eames said before turning to Mr Sheppard “I have things to prepare so if you don’t mind” “Not at all” he replied “Class, breakfast and then straight to the assembly hall” he then said to the pupils as Miss Eames returned to her room.

The morning passed by without further incident until the bell sounded for their free period, the whole class walked to their dorm with a sense of dread hanging in the air, when they arrived there was a new piece of furniture in the room, a wooden cabinet had been mounted on the far wall, it was about five foot wide and about four foot in height Abigale guessed but not very deep from what she could see of it as she stood in front of her bed, she was still wondering what the cabinet could be for when Miss Eames arrived with one the school porters, the porter placed a wooden trestle in front of the cabinet and once Miss Eames was happy with its position he left with a smile on his face, nobody needed telling what the padded trestle would be used for as several of the teachers owned one but this one stood out with a bright red leather covering and highly polished brass ornate rings on the glossy black wooden legs.

Miss Eames walked up to the first bed and looked Alison Holmes up and down “Soon to be twenty then Holmes” the teacher said with a sneer “Next month Miss” the terrified pupil stuttered in response “And still you make more mess than a baby” the teacher snapped “Sorry Miss” the now nearly crying girl responded “You will be, now get over the support” Miss Eames said as she pointed to the trestle. Once Alison Holmes was in position bent over the wooden trestle Miss Eames lifted her skirt and pulled her knickers down, she stood and admired the young girls bottom before opening the cabinet doors ‘Christ’ thought Abigale as a vast array of paddles, canes and whips were revealed, each having its own place being held in position by metal spring clips or hanging from a hook, Miss Eames let the class absorb the sight in front of them for a bit before selecting a cane, the teacher made several practice swings before taking position, she slowly raised the cane and in an instant brought it crashing down onto the young woman’s exposed behind, the cry of pain from Alison Holmes sent a shiver down Abigale, even though she had heard her cry out like that whilst being punished it had always been towards the end of the punishment and not from the start “Count” Miss Eames said coldly before raising the cane again “One” the sobbing girl said, no sooner than she finished speaking the cane landed again “Two” the now crying girl said as the second red line started to show on her backside “Three” the girl wailed as the third stroke landed, the teacher lifted the cane again and brought it home across Alison Holmes behind to leave a forth red line parallel with the other three, Miss Eames waited a little to allow the sobbing girl to settle again, once she was settled the teacher raised the cane and brought it down between where the first two strokes had landed, stroke six landed between two and three, stroke seven landed between three and four, stroke eight landed just below stroke four, strokes nine through to twelve each landed slightly lower across the bawling young woman’s bottom. Miss Eames waited letting her class take on-board what was awaiting them, Abigale had to admit that Miss Eames was an expect with the cane as she looked at the perfectly parallel and evenly spaced lines across her classmates bottom

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