i need advice (Full Version)

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tendermercies17 -> i need advice (3/15/2014 5:44:03 PM)

hey i was wondering what i should do i havent really talked to my master in 2 days and im new. do i assume its over or do i continue to wait?

Blonderfluff -> RE: i need advice (3/15/2014 5:45:53 PM)

Is this a real life relationship? Or an online only? Different answer depending on which you are in.

tendermercies17 -> RE: i need advice (3/15/2014 5:47:13 PM)

it was online leading to real

Blonderfluff -> RE: i need advice (3/15/2014 5:50:41 PM)

Ok. How long have you been interacting? And how often did you speak every day?
We need some more background into your regular interaction with your D to see if this 2 day silence seems out of place or not m

ExiledTyrant -> RE: i need advice (3/15/2014 5:51:12 PM)

Um... how long has it been "online"?

tendermercies17 -> RE: i need advice (3/15/2014 5:53:33 PM)

thats the thing it was thursday night we spoke online and then talked about meeting friday. then last night he emails me and tells me that he is feeling under the weather might be the cold might be the flu.

Blonderfluff -> RE: i need advice (3/15/2014 5:55:13 PM)

So you had one conversation and made plans to meet. He then cancelled because he is sick.
You had not entered into any dynamic yet, and he hasn't called you in 2 days?
Did I get it right ?

ExiledTyrant -> RE: i need advice (3/15/2014 5:55:41 PM)

So it all started on Thursday... as in, two days ago?

tendermercies17 -> RE: i need advice (3/15/2014 5:56:01 PM)

thats right

Blonderfluff -> RE: i need advice (3/15/2014 5:57:33 PM)

Well. First. He is NOT your Master. Not even close.
He is just someone you made plans to meet.
Second. If he is sick, he will call you when he is well again. If he is NOT really sick, and just changed his mind, he won't call.


tendermercies17 -> RE: i need advice (3/15/2014 6:00:53 PM)

do i need to change that im unowned because he told me to put i was owned by him and he put he owns me on his profile

ExiledTyrant -> RE: i need advice (3/15/2014 6:02:02 PM)

Again, this all started two days ago, right?

tendermercies17 -> RE: i need advice (3/15/2014 6:05:19 PM)

yes exiled

ExiledTyrant -> RE: i need advice (3/15/2014 6:09:12 PM)

Okay, I need you to click on this thread http://www.collarchat.com/m_4659153/mpage_1/key_/tm.htm#4659248

Go read that thread, and you will see how a very serious D looks for and courts his /s. After you read that thread, you will know if you are owned or not.

Jus sayin

Blonderfluff -> RE: i need advice (3/15/2014 6:09:51 PM)

You. Are. Not. Owned. Just because HE said so.
Listen. You are a grown woman. No one can "own" you after one conversation. Why would you want someone that would take something that is a huge responsibility and make it a one day pseudo game of " me master, you slave"?

I am of the mindset that anything online is not real. Some here will disagree, and that's great. But for me, until you see him, talk with him, watch how he treats you and others, the you really have no idea who is he.

UllrsIshtar -> RE: i need advice (3/15/2014 6:13:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: Blonderfluff

You. Are. Not. Owned. Just because HE said so.

Fixed the emphasis.... cause I think the OP needs it...

tendermercies17 -> RE: i need advice (3/15/2014 6:15:34 PM)

im more confused than i was when i started. from what i read i guess im unowned

SeekingTrinity -> RE: i need advice (3/15/2014 6:15:41 PM)

Honest question here. Why would you allow someone you have never met to own you? Let alone own you after only two days? You have to be way more valuable than that. You said you are new. Unfortunately you are on the fresh meat...err, new users list. This brings every Tom, Dick, and Harry out of the woodwork coming at you. You get some who think submissive means easy piece of ass. You get some who claim to be über dominant masters, yet a kitten could out Dom them. You get some good quality people. And you get some dangerous creeps in sheep clothing. It takes time to sort the shit from the jewels. Give yourself that time.

My advice is to chill, be selective, and to value yourself higher than giving yourself over to someone you don't honestly know very well at all. Just my honest opinion

P.S. He was just on here 2 hours ago according to his last time online...yet you haven't heard from him for 2 days? What does that honestly say to you in your heart of hearts?

Kinkypupper -> RE: i need advice (3/15/2014 6:20:35 PM)

Married... Or lives in a fantasy world.
Many " online " Are that way. Sorry. Start over and learn from your mistakes

ExiledTyrant -> RE: i need advice (3/15/2014 6:22:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: tendermercies17

im more confused than i was when i started. from what i read i guess im unowned


You aren't going to be owned just because some asshole tells you that you are. You wouldn't marry any jerk off the street just because he told you to.

Your D, and you will find him or he will find you, will court you, meet you, date you, and do all those wonderful things that people do when they want a good relationship. So, make yourself "Unowned" and continue shopping.


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